HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarana Council Meeting Minutes for 1977TOWN OF MARANA
9/21/197 ?
Mr. B. Sam Chu
l~s. E. Lorraine Price
Mr. Clifford R. Honea
Mr. Tad A. DeSpain
~. Gary D, Nesbitt
~. Eddie R. Hones
NmyOr Don Frew
Nesting was called to order.
Mr. Ray Hones made a motion to amend the agenda, by ~ncluding Mrs. Hinton's
~equest for a building permit, Mr. Bob Collin's request for a building
permit and to include an Executive Session. Motion was seconded and passed
,with a unanimous vote.
~arshal Senf presented the Council with a recommendation regarding the
posting of signs and regulations of traffic speeds (mph). The Marshal also
Submitted a report on the activities of the Marshal's Department, the report
,sorered twO~thirds of the month of September.
~a. Pat Bailey informed the Council of her intentions to relocate a house
purchased from the Marana School, to the premises of 13420 N. San Dario
R4. Ms. Baily also requested a permit, to relocate the house to the inte~4~
ed location. Mr. Ted DeSpain made a motion to issue to Ms. Baily the pe~-mit
~ ~elocate the house to the intended location, after Mr. Gary Nesbitt
wo~ld make a inspection on the cement footer, and find the footers suit-
able. Motion was seconded and passed with a unanimous vote. Mr. DeSpain
,also made a motion, to issue to Ms. Bally all permits requested, upon
~.~ ' ~eceiving written requests and finding such requests in compliance w!~h
o~inances and resolutions adopted by the Town of Marans. Motion was
· ?,~'aeconded and passed with a unanimous vote.
Richard Insalaco requested a permit to install a business sign for his
i~!~11- ~ ~lumbing shop, located at 12555 Moore Rd. Mr. Ray Honea made a motion to
approve th~ sign for Mr. Insalaco.s business, located at 12555 Moore Rd.
:~,~otion was seconded and passed with a unanimous vote.
Mr. Bob Collins requested information on requirements for building permits.
-Mr.. Collins was informed by the Council that any additions under 400 sq. ft.,
would not require a building permit.
~r, George Burgett, representative, Arizona Industrial Mabhinery Co., gave,
a presentation and price quotes on a road grader.
~ i",i"'", :~. Tom Luckm . surveyor, informed the Council of the completion of the
'.'' .gf~leial map ~or the Town of Marans. Mr. Luckow informed .the Oe~rA~'~$hat the
. ." ! ,'~ would be sobmitred to the Pisa County Board of Supervisors and the
'.',~ll Count2 Er~ineer,
f...~'.~':. .
..'~f',;.,..~i~Or Frew informed the Council that of the $65,000 requested for the
~.~:~ ~.~ad and ~ui~ent Hainten,es Progr,, the Liason Co~ittee reco~e~-
~'~,.~., .~ ~at ~e To~ cff Havana be considered fo~ only 50% of the requeat~
:.:~;, ~~.~o action on a'~esol~on, which provided health semiess
"~z'/'~f. ~-~ay ~onea made a motion ~ ~.:. ..: _: ,:.~, ..... '2:~,:
that the To~n of ~arana incur- all expen~e
'-..:, . ~ the request made by To~ Magistrate Hart2 A H~sen, to atte~ a APlz~l
' ..'¥'. ~ieial Confrerenee of Justice of the Peace ~d ~nici~l Judges. ~e
· ."..~ePence will be held in Sierra Vista on Oct. 21 ~2, 1977. ~otion
.;. ',.. ~ae seconded ~d passed with a un~imous vote.
adjourned into Executive Session.
Xng was adjourned.
7 P.M.
Town Hall
Mayor Don Frew
Mr. B. Sam Chu
Mr. Clifford R. Hones
Mr. Ted A. DeSpain
Mr. Gary D. Nesbitt
Mrs. E. Lorraine Price
Mr. Eddie R. Honea
Meeting was called to order.
Mr. Neebitt made a motion to amend the agenda, by including Mr. Sanford
B. Evans, representative, from Cella, Barr, Evans and Associates, under
Mew Business. Motion was seconded and passed with a unm~]mous vote.
Minutes from the previous meeting (8-1-77) and minutes f~ro~ the Special
meeting (8-29-77) w~re approved with a unanimous vote.
The Mayor informed the Council of the acquisition of a 1965, 1 ton Truck
and cargo trailor purchased from the Department of Administration,
Surplus Property Division.
Mr. Clyde Berry, o~er of Berry Acres, plat #2, requested authorization
to proceed with the development of recorded Plat Berry Acres }to. 2.
Mr. Clifford R. Hones made a motion to accept preliminary plans for Berry
Acres !io. 2, subject to Pima County and State regulations. Mr. Nesbitt
seconded the motion. Motion was passed wi~h a unanimous vote.
Dr. George Learning, was appointed Zoning Administrator by the Council.
Mr. Gary Neebit% made a motion to adopt Ordinance 77-8, mn Ordinance
providing for %he regulation of burning trash and other articles.
Motion was seconded and adopted with a unanimous vote.
Mr. Nesbitt made a motion to adopt Ordinance 77-9, an Ordinance pro-
viding for the licensing and regulation of massage parlors and bath-
houses. Motion was seconded and adopted with a unanimous vote.
Monthly report on financial status was reviewed by the Council.
Mr. Gary Wesbitt made a motion to recess the Regular Council meeting
and adjourn into Executive Session. Motion was seconded and passed
with unanimous vote.
Executive Session was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. and Regular Council meeti~
resumed. Council approved the salary increase of $1,2OO per year, for
the Town Clerk, effective September 1, 1977. Council discussed limiting
the use of the patrol cars outside the corporate limits of the Town of
Marans. Other items of discussion were: Town attorneys Zipf &
Henderson; P~tes of Tow truck services.
Meeting was adjourned.
7 P.M.
To~*n Hall
C. Ray Hones
~ex~y A. Hansen
Ted A. DeSpain
.,~A% ~x'2 D. Nesbitt
~,m. E. Lorraine Price
l~, B. Sam Chu
Mayor Don Frew
,Meeting was called to order.
· ~enda was amended to include Mr. Ra2 Gomez for consideration of emp3oy-
meat as deputy marshal and to include under section 7, item a. Nesignation
of councilmember. Agenda was approved as amended with a unanimous v,~te.
~./~e Council decided that effective Sept. 1, 1977, the Department of Public
$afst~ of the Town of Marana will assume total responsibilit2 for
providing of police coverage to the Town of Marsha.
'{~. Harry Hansen made a motion to amend the unified building code with
section 30~A as amemded. Mr. DeSpain secbnded the mo~ion. Motion Was
passed with a un~nimo~s vote.
Mr. ?ed DeSpain moved to accept the Zoning oridinance 77-6 a ordina~c,
providing for the zoning of the Town of Marsha. Mr. Nesb~tt se~nded the
motion. Motion was passed with a unanimous vote.
Mr. Hansen made a motion t~ adopt ordinance 77-7-~ crd~nance
for the subdivision, platting and improving ~f real property with the
Town of Marans. M~. DeSpaln seconded th~ mo~on. Motton w~s pas~ed w~th
a unanimous vote.
~% ~ouncil canvassed th~ votes for the ~rimary election held A~:g~st ?3,
1~77. Mr. DeSpain made a ~otion to declare the final res~Its of the
~ry election ss official. Mr. }{an~n seconded the moti. n.
"~assed with a unanimous voYe.
Council by a unanimous vote app~-oved the biting of Mr. Hay Gomez
daputy marshal. ?~,eotive dat~ of employment as oF August 31, iOTV.
Cou~lcil by ~ unanimous vote approve£~
dispatcher Y'~>r the De~t. .'~ Public
Council by a maJorlt.? vote approved tha L]r~.g o~'
aispateher fc.r the De,~,~. of Public Safety
Mr. Hansen',? recommer, datJun to app~o~nt
term on the interim C~ncil was takeu by tke
appoint Mr. Eddie R. ll:~nea to the t~te~m council.
passed with a unan!,~o~l~ vote,
,Hones. Nayo~ ~on, F~ev "
called to or~e~.
~e ~ n~: ~r· ap~v~ v · ..~
~d ~ ~.~tel of July 11, 1~.4..,~
seoaded ~d p~ssed with a ~n~imoue .~te, -
rep~mtative, fr~ ~evron AlpMir. ~.,
~,tnfomation Pega~l~ ~' ~in~en~oe of ~ dirt ~Oadnm.
¥'mt~eets in the T~ o~ Na~a.
the ~a~al ~a Offices
~ inf~ed ~e Oouacil that' ~ To~ of N~a h~'~ece~d
~t for the s~ off $~,~61~. ~ ~t ~'11 ~ u~ to ~, .
~d one ,~ty t~ainee. ~e ~gr~ ~tll be effeettve:~s
1977 ~d wtllte~a~e July 31, 1978.
, ~z Soto and I~So Pa~ Cr%~lee, represntatives ff~om PE~P-Practte-~l
~1 Ed~eational~~m;,~omae~ ~ O~0tl of the, services availa~[e
J. ~smow, p~emident of adoni~ ~o~a~m ~o~d
~ntion to establish a mObt~ home sales and ae~vtoe
,Ss'ow ~equested a confimation fP~ the Council~ o~
' ~Of a~roxtmately ~2 ac~ ,of'~at portion of t~e
-'~-~ '~= plying ~at the T~ ~ ~a has ests~lis~d. ~.
.~.~ ~ lack of a ae~oM. ~, ~n made a~t!on ~ the
:. ~$~ition's ~equest be t~e~ advis~en$ by the ~
"~~cil, ad that t~ ~e,~ no~ifl ~e ~1 ~oratton at the
, ~t ~eting of 0ouncll's d~, Kot!~;~,:~::'"~ed ~d p~sed.
~. Le~ing info~ed the Council of cheez ~n ~ zon~ ordin~oe,
Ocmncil decided to schedule a study session for ~he pupae of 4fsc~asing
' ~e zoming ,~n~ce, s~Abd[vfsion ordin~ce and uniffed buf ld~ng
'C~unSil was informed that the opening date for the Valley Naticaa~ Bm~ ~i...:
has been postponed to Oct. 1, 1077. .~ '~"'.~
Town Clerk provided the Oouncil wit'h information on t~ progress
Municipal Elections. Sample ballots were distributed t~ th% ca~didta~
f~)r the purpose of making any changes on the' printing of their ~tm~es.
M~. Tom Luckow, surveyor, infused the Council"of the prcg~eaaom the
o~fielal map fo~ the T~ ~' '~a. :
~ction was made to adopt ordinance 77-5 as amended. ~Ot~on
an~ p~seed wit~ a uae/%~noue vote.
Cot~cil specified, t~e places were all~ notices of public
poSted. N6tt~ea wall. be posted at 'the ~a ~ket, 1M~a
~ M~a Post Office.
Fln~iaY statements for the m~tha ~of J~e ~d Jul~ ~ere
~pecial meeting adJourned.
Council approve~ ~.hiring of Joseph R. Gardner a,a deity mamsh&l,
Effective date o~ e~lo~ment as of August 2, 1~??.
E~ecut~ve Seesiom adjourned.
~r. Sam ¢hu
9. Ted DeSpain
H~. Harry Hansen
;~r. Ray Hones
I~. Gary Nesbitt
Nrs. Lorraine Price
7 P.M.
Town Hall
Mayor Don Frew
Town Clerk-Olga B. Franco
Town Marshal-Donald W. ~enf
Meeting was called to order.
A~enda for the Council meeting of July 18, 1977, was amended to include
under Section 7, item e. Report from Magistrate court. Agenda was
approved as amended.
Minutes for the Council meeting of July 5, 1977 and Budget hearing meet-
ing-July 11, 1977 were reviewed and approved.
Ph-. Neebitt gave a report on the Unified Building Code. H~. Ted DeSpain
moved that any further action be postponed on the unified building code,
until at such a time that there is sufficient info~vaation on the code.
Motion was seconded and passed.
Dr. George Leaming informed the Council of an addition to the Zoning
Ordinance on page five-zone e. (Transportation corridors) shall be com-
prised of all land lying between the southwest right of way of 1-10 a~d
northeast of the Southern Pacific Railroad, which will be restricted to
business and industrial use only. Dr. Leaming informed Mr. Zipf (legal
representative for the Town of Marsha) of the addition to the zoning
Ordinance no. 77-~-An ordinance to provide a Jury system in the Town of'
Marsha, was adopted by the Council with a unanimous vote.
Ordinance no. 77-5-An ordinance for the establishment of a magistrate's
cou~t, was adopted by the Council with a unanimous vote.
Resol~tior no. 77-5-A resolution creating a Town Marshal's Office was
adopted by the Council 'with a unanimous vote.
Resolution no. 77-6-A resolution enumerating the duties of the Marshal's
Office was adopted by the Council with a unanimous vote.
Resolution no. 77-7-A resolution providing for the compensation of officers;
establishment of rules and regulations,' was adopted by the council with a
unanimous vote.
The Mayor informed the council of a intergovernmental ag~.eement between
Pima County and the Town of Marsha construction and maintenance of sewer
facilities, the Council agreed to postpone any action for a indefinate
length of time.
Hansen gave a report on the Magistrate's Court.
Mayor F~ew informed the oouncil that a check was received from State of
A~izona-Urban Sharing for the sum of $2,320.90.
Mr, Hansen moved that Mamana Messenger be paid a sum of $50.00 for
ing the municipal budget, and Mayor l~ew be reinbursed the eu~ of
for travel mileage. Motion was seconded and passed.
The Council appointed Mrs. Price to serve on the Chid~en and youth AD NOC
The Council agreed that E~( Garage should continue with the work on the
A/O unit on the town ca~.
Marshal Don $enf gave a report on the developments of the Public Safety
Depamtment for the Town of Marsha, informing the council of a .grant ~e-
quest su~aitted to PAG for reverted funds for equipment funding,
Meeting adjourned.
1. Dept. of Adm./Surplus. Property Div.
2. Aaro Enterprises, Inc.
3. United Fire Equipment Co.
4. Lathtop Shooters Supplies, Inc.
Reinbursement to Deputy Marshal Stonehouse
for the purchase of one Cl16 T Fitting for
1968 town car.
Reinbursement to Marshal Senf for the pur-
chase of one Gates Hose for town vehicle.
one" "~hermostate
one" "Gasket
one 14-235 GSL Paint
one 14-22~ GSL Paint
one 051N Dupont
7. Pima Uniforms
$ 29.50
8 .51
19<I, 3
006 !i ....
15 Olga B. Franco
19 Marana ~ess~ger
19 Don frew
22. K~K Garage_.
_L..~..,7_ . 25. ~Valley National. B.9.n_~ ~
.,.~._~_2_9~O_lga B_, ~-~ncq .......... O J8 i_.l_
_2~ ~Do_n. ald W. $enf ............. 029 .....
~_~_~7~ 29 Robert G._ Stonehouse ..... 030
1977 i+
. 6 ~k ~ar~na insurance Agan~ ........ 908
~ ' 0
;"~~ Ft~clal P~n~ ..... ~--.
~''~ ' 2~Me.~Snn Ina~ ........... 3%3 ..................
~, i,i . )1~'
I i2 Mo~[ain bell 021 ._
7 P.M.
Town Hall
Mr. Harry Hansen
Mr. Ted DeSpain
Mr. Ray Honea
Mr. Sam Chu
Mrs. Lorraine Price
Mr. Gary Nesbitt
Mayor Don Frew
Town Clerk-Olga B.
Meeting was called to order-7:lO p.m.
Mayor Frew asked if there was any contest to the 77/78 Municipal
Budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1978 for $161,700, response
was negative. Mr. Ted DeSpain made a motion to adopt the estimated
77/78/ ~unicipal Budget of $161,700. Mr. Hansen seconded the motion.
Motion was approved with a unanimous vote. The Council also adopted a
a target revenue and expenditure level of $104,300.
Mr. DeSpain gave a report on the building for the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints. Mr. Richard Wright, representative for the arch-
itect of LDS Church building, presented the Council with the plans for
the building. Mr. Hansen made a motion that a letter be sent to the
Church of LDS Head Office in Utah, stating that the building project was
approved unanimously for construction by the council. Motion was seconded
and passed.
Meeting was adjourned.
Amended on August 1, 1977.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the common Council of the Town of
Marana will meet for the purpose of hearing taxpayers relating
to the munieipal budget for. the'~iscal year ending June 30, 1978,
at the Marana Town Hall on July ll, 1977 at the hour of 7:00 P.M.
and that the estimates of expenditures for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 1978 are as follows:
Source of Revenue
Share of Arizona Privilege Excise (Sales) Tax
Share of Arizona Corporate Income Tax
Share of Auto Lien Tax
Federal Revenue Sharing
Fines and Miscellaneous Local Sources
Available for General Use:
$ 84,260
Share of Arizona Highway Users Fund
(Available for Streets)
Expenditure Category
Mayor and Council
Town Clerk
Magistrate Court and Public
Town Court
Public Safety
Streets and Engineering
Amount of Expenditure
7 P.M.
Town Hall
Mr. Harry Hansen
Mr. Ted DeSpain
Mr. Ray Hones
Mrs. Lorraine Price
Mr° Sam Chu
Mr. Pat Garrett
Mayor Don Frew
Town Clerk-Olga B. Franco
Meeting was called to order.
Minutes of the previous Town Council meeting were reviewed and accepted.
Agenda for the council meeting July 5, 1977, was amended to include under
Miscellaneous-item a. Business License, item b. Building Permits, and
item c. Executive ~ession. Agenda was adopted as amended. Motion was
made to accept agenda as presented. Motion was seconded and passed.
Council was informed that the Zoning Ordinance was re-typed and submitted
to the lawyer for legal drafting. The Council was also informed that the
Municipal Budget for 77/78 will be published in the Marana Messenger and
the hearing for the budget will be held on July ll, 1977, 7 P.M. at the
Marsha Town Hall.
Mayor Frew informed the Council that Mr. Leo Baker, representative for
Workmens Compensation fund informed him of a requirement-that all employees
must be covered under the Workmens Compensation Insurance. The Council
passed and approved the motion to pay a sum of $1,452 for such coverage
for all employees.
Mr. Tom Luckow, surveyor, gave a presentation of the work accomplished on
the official map of the Town of Marans. Mr. ~ansen made a motion to
continue with the drafting of the map and to finish the boundties. Motion
was seconded and passed.
Mr. Hansen made a motion to issue a letter to N~. Burton, architect for
LD8 ~hurch building or Head Office in Utah. The letter would state that,
the Aown of Marana accepts the structures of LDS Church, based upon the fact
that it meets UBC requirements or better, and that the Council requests a
copy of the blue prints for the files.
Mr. Hones made a motion that the Town car be equipped and made available
for service, also to have a CB radio installed on the car. Mr. DeSpain
seconded the motion.
Mr. Hones made a motion to pay all claims ($475.42). Motion was seconded
and passed.
~. W.H. "Pat" G~rrett informed the Council of his resignation as Vice-Mayor
and Councilmember for the Town of Marans. Mr. Hansen moved that a letter of
appreciation and gratitude be sent to Mr. GArrett for his services. Mr.
Hones seconded the motion adding that the letter include that Mr. Garrett
was one of the founders of the Town of Marans. Motion was ~passed.
M~s. Price made a motion to hire Mr. Henry Ziph as legal representative for
the Town of Marana. Motion was seconded and passed. Mr. Hansen amended the
~otion to state that the frim of Ziph & Henderson be hired as legal represent-
~ives for the Town of Marana. Motion was seconded and passed.
Amended on July 5, 1977.
7 P.M.
Town Hall
Mr. Harry Hansen
Mr. Ray Honea
Mr. Ted De§pain .
Mrs. Lorraine Price
Mr. Sam Chu
Mayor Don Frew
Town Clerk-01ga B.
Dr. George Leaming
Mr. Clyde Berry
Meeting was called to order.
Minutes of the p~evious Town Council meeting were reviewed and accepted.
Mr. Hansen moved that the agenda for the Council Meeting of June 27, 1977,
be amended to include under New Business-item i. Appointment of new
Council member and item j. Discussion and appointment of town magistrate.
Mr. Hansen made the motion to accept the agenda and Mrs. Price second the
motion. Motion accepted with a unanimous vote.
TWO changes on the Zoning Ordinance were made. One on section 4-A and
the other on Section t-C. Mr. Hansen made a motion to send to the attorney
~or the Town of Maran$ a copy of the Zoning Ordinance for legal drafting.
Mrs. Price second the'motion. Motion accepted with a unanimous vote.
Mr. Ray Honea made a motion to accept the Uniform Building Code. Mr.
nansen second the motion. Motion was accepted with a unanimous vote.
A study session will be set up to establish procedures for issuing permits
and the charge for permit fees.
Mr. Hansen made a motion to accept Mr. Waples resignation and also to
send a letter expressing the appreciation of the Council for his participation
and contributions to the Town of Mararia. Mr. Honea second the motion.
Motion was accepted unanimously.
Mayor Frew informed~the Council that we have received verification in
writing, regarding the official census for 1975. Official census count
for 1975 is 1,470. Council was also informed of a ~heck received from
James L. Kirk, Pima County Treasurer, for the amount of $948.02.
The Council approved that Pima County Election Bureau, conduct the
Primary Election (8/23/77) with a five man board and at the cost of
Mr. Hansen made a motion to accept Resolution 77-2 and Ordinance 77-3
regarding financial disclosure. Mr. Honea second the motion. Motion
was accepted unanimously.
Mr. Honea made a motion to pay Marana Insurance Agency the sum of
$30.00 for a premium of $2,000 on office personal property for the
Town Hall Office. Mr. Hansen second the motion. Motion accepted with
a unanimous vote.
'M~.0Hansen made a motion to appoint Mr. Ted DeSpain as a member of the
~Marana Interim Council. Mrs. Price second the motion. Motion was
accepted by the council with a unanimous vote. Mr. DeSpain took the
Oath required by law.
Mr. Hones made a motion to hire Mr. Hansen as Town Magistrate. Mr.
Ted DeSpain second the motion. Motion accepted with a unanimous vote.
Mayor Frew informed the council that the New Council will take effect
20 days after-the General election (Oct. 17, 1977).. If seven members
receive 51% or over of the votes cast in the Primary electio~ no General
.~lection will be needed. A list of certified candidates has to be
published. Certified candidates are:
Mr. Buck Sam Chu
Mr. Ted DeSpain
Mr. Don Frew
Mr. Eugene Garcia
Mr. Clifford R. Hones
Mr. Edward Hones
Mr. Gary Nesbitt
Mrs. Lorraine Price
Mr. J D Henley
Mr. DeSpain made a motion to set a hearing date for the 77/78 Municipal
Budget for July ll, 1977, at 7: P.M. in the Marana Town Hall. Mr.
Hansen second the motion. Motion was accepted with a unanimous vote.
Mayor Frew informed the Council of the resolution received from Marana
Publim Schools Board of Education. Council agreed that no action ~ill
be taken.
Mayor Frew read to the Council a letter received from Dr. Nels H. Havens,
welcoming the Town Council to the arena of public affairs, and to offer
his cooperation and assistance. Council agreed that letter be sent to
Dr. Haven~,~uperintendent of Marsha School District No. 6-106.
Mayor Frew informed the Council of the soft drink machine in the Town
Hall. No lease or rent is being charged for the machine. The only
charge is the purchase of the beverages.
Mr. Hansen made a motion to pass resolution 77-4, in which the Council
agreed that there is a need for a complete medical facility on the north-
west part of eatern Pima county. Mr. Hones second the motion. Motion
was accepted with a unanimous vote.
Mr. Hansen made a motion that the Town of Marana, hire Mr. Donald Senf as
Town Marshal and that he ~ill~ot be placed on contract. His salary will
be $1,000 a month, this wmllA~Tnclude hospitalization, until at such time
that the Town of Marana has enough employees to have a hospitalization
program, at which time it will deducted from his salary. Mr. Hones second
the motion. Motion was accepted unanimously.
7 P.M.
Town Hall
Mr. Olin Waples
Mr. Harry Hansen
Mr. Ray Honea
Mrs. Lorraine Price
Mr. Pat Garrett
Mr. Sam B. Chu
Mayor Don Frew
Town Clerk-Olga B. Franco
Dr. George Leaming
Mr. Ted DeSpain
Mr. Joseph McClure
Mr. Dwight Stenbakken
Mr. Tom Luckow
Mr. Henry Zipf
Meeting was called to order.
Minutes of the previous Town Council meeting were reviewed and accepted.
Mr. Tom Luckow, surveryor, gave his presentation for the official map of
the Town of Marana. Mr. Garrett moved that Mr. Luckow proceed with the
official map and begin his work at the bank of the Santa Cruz River.
'orion was accepted.
Mr. Henry Zipf, lawyer, proposed to the Council that he would act as
legal counselor for the Town of Marana. His fee would be five-hundred
dollars a month for a retainer of 20 hours. After the 20 hour limit
he would charge a fee of $35.00 a hour.
Mr. Dwight Stenbakken of League of Arizona Cities & Towns, and Mr. Joseph
McClure from Arizona Office of Economic Planning and Development attended
the Council meeting. They discussed the Basic Zoning Ordinance, proposed
by Dr. Leaming. A study session was scheduled for June 16, 1977, at 2:00
p.m., for further discussion on the Zoning Ordinance.
Mileage forms for official mileage were reviewed and accepted.
Motion was made to pay Marana Insurance Agency a sum of $315.00 for Bond
Coverage on the Council and Town Clerk. Motion was accepted.
Council agreed to amend Ordinance 77-1, changing t~e place of meeting
for the Council to Mararia Town Hall.
The Council recommended that recorded tapes for Council meetings be re-
tained a period of three months, after which time tapes will be erased.
Motion was made to pay Litton Financial Printing a sum of $53.00 for
The printing of warrants, and Marana Messenger a sum of $43.00. Motion
.~s accepted.
Refuse removal franchise, rural fire protection, day care center, Cottaro
Water Users Assoc.
Meeting adjourned.
7 P.M.
Town Hall
Mr. ~. H. "Pat" Garrett
Mr. Olin F. Waples
Mr. Sam B. Chu
Mr. Harry Hansen
Mrs. Loraine Price
Mr. Ray Honea
Mayor Don Frew
Town Clerk-01ga B. Franco
Mr. Gene Garcia
Mr. Clyde Berry
Dr. George Leaming
Mr. Werner Goering
Mr. Stan Schuman
Meeting was called to order.
Minutes of the last Town Council Meeting were reviewed. Mr. Harry
H~sen moved that the minutes be accepted as presented. Mr. 01in Waples
second the motion. No discussion, minutes were accepted with a unanimous
Mr. Stan Schuman-RonGresham Assoc.
Mr. Schuman presented the final plans for the construction of the Valley
National Bank in the Town of Marana. Mr. Schuman stated, that he would
investigate any specific electrical or sewer requirements. Mr. Hansen
moved that a letter be given to Mr. Schuman stating, that the final plans
for the V.N.B. met the Marana Town Council requirements. Mr. Garrett
second the motion. Motion was passed to accept the final plans for the
Dr. George Leaming presented his planning and zoning proposals. See
attached. Mr. Ray Honea moved that the council accept the Interim
Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Marana on a preliminary meeting. Motion
was second by Mr. Hansen. Proposals were accepted with a unanimous vote.
Mr. Werner Goering gave his discussion on the annexation of property located
near 1-10 and Tangerine Rd. The Council decided that no immediate action
be taken until at such time after the elections.
Mr. Clyde Berry discussed the development of his 20 acres of land. No
action was taken until further information can be obtained. Mr. Berry
was asked to return on June 13, 1977, for the Special Council Meeting,
at which time the Council felt that a valid decision could be made.
Further pursuance will be made on the official map of the Town of Marana.
Mr. Ray Honea stated, that he would talk to Mr. Tom Lockow, surveyor, and
will keep the Council informed.
Mr. Garrett gave his report on the county wide sewer authority. Mr. Garrett
will keep the Council posted on any further development.
M~otion was made to accept the firm of Riordon, Crouse & Schiever as the
CPA firm for the setting up o£ the.bookkeeping system and yearly auditing
T~r the Town of Marana at a cost fmgure of $30.00 per hour. Motion was
second and passed with a unanimous vote.
Motion was made that the Council accept the insurance for the Town of Marana
from Western Casualty Surety co., and that the Council issue a warrant for
the sum of $2,196.00 for a one year premium. Motion was second and passed.
Motion was made to pay the sum of $2,049.23 to Whitehill, Be~er, Karp
& West, P.C., for representing the Town of Marana through it's incorporation.
Motion was second and passed.
Discussion on Social Services Plan (Title XX), Town Meeting of Arizona,
Pima Alcholism Consortium.
Motion was made that the Town Council would not hire any additional
personnel from W.I.N. or C.E.T.A. at the present time.
Motion was made any member of the Council or Mayor acting behalf on the
Town of Marana be reinbursed at a rate of 15~ a mile for travel. Mr.
Honea second the motion. Motion was passed.
Motion was made to pay all pending bills (Whitehill, Berger, Karp & West,
P.C., Marana Maintenance, Canyon state Chemical Sales, and Triple H Lock
& Key). Motion was passed.
Meeting adjourned.
MAY 16, 1977
All members were present with the exception of Sam B. Chu.
Interim budget-No one appeared contest.
Motion made by Ray Hones to accept 0rd. 77-2 as warrant system
with V.N.B. and second by Harry Hansen. Accepted with a unanimous
Authorize Mayor Frew to purchase office furniture. Motion made
by Ray Hones and second by Harry Hansen. It was moved and second
that M, yor Frew proceed with the purchase of office furniture.
Unanimous vote.
Motion was made by Mayor Frew to pay outstanding stationery bill,
second by Ray Hones.
Ray Hones asked to be excused early.
Discussion opened by Mr. Garrett on streets and roads.
Report by Mr. DeSpain made on Marana Day.
Discussion on Law enforcement, motion made by 01in Waples and
second by Pat Garrett. Moved and second that ad be placed in
Marana Messenger accepting applications for Town Marshall. Ad
will run four consecutive weeks.
Revision to proposed interim budget budget of $9,000, making the
interim budget a total of $49,000 instead of the proposed $~0,000.
Motion to adjourn made by Harry Hansen and second by Olin Waples.
A Special Council Meeting of the Town Council of Marana met May 9, 1977 in the
Recreation Hall of St. Christopher's Church.
I. Mayor Frew called meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
II. All Council Members present:
Mayor Frew
Pat Garrett
Harry Hansen
Ray Honea
Olin Waples
Sam Chu
Gary Nesbitt
Ted DeSpain - Parliamentarian
Lorraine Price - Clerk
The minutes of the Regular Council Meeting and Executive Session for May 2,
1977 were read by Mrs. Price, Acting Clerk. Harry Hansen moved that the
minutes be approved as read. Motion seconded by Ray Honea. The motion to
approve the May 2, 1977 Regular and Executive Minutes as read was unanimous.
IV. Mayor Don Frew reported on his meeting with Valley National Bank.
The setting of regular meeting dates was discussed. Pat Garrett moved that the
Regular Meeting would held on the first Monday of each month at 7:00 P.M. and
be posted and published in Spanish and English at least twenty-four (24) hours in
advance. Harry Hansen seconded the motion. The motion was approved
This motion will be adopted as Ordinance 77-1.
Ray Honea asked that Special Meetings be called at the convenience of Council
Resolution 77-1: We must set up an Interim Budget and post it publicly on
Friday, May 13, 1977. Discussion followed regarding Interim Budget. The
Interim Budget must be ready to send to the State of Arizona by July 3, 1977.
Harry Hansen moved we establish an Interim Budget for the Town of Marana.
Motion was seconded by Olin Waples. The motion was approved unanimously.
The breakdown for the Interim Budget was discussed. It has been moved and
seconded by Olin Waples to accept an Interim Budget of $40,000.00. The
motion was approved unanimously.
VII. The Clerk will proceed to set the following elections:
Primary Election on August 27, 1977
General Election on September 27, 1977
Mayor Frew read Proclamation in and for the Town of Marana Election. The
above dates will be put in this proclamation. The Election was proclaimed by
Mayor Frew.
Council recessed at 8:00 P.M. while the Interview Committee interviewed applicants for
Town Clerk.
Council went into Executive Session at 10:00 P.M. A report was given by the Interview
Committee on the Town Clerk applicants. They recommended that Olga B. Franco be
the Town Clerk of Marana.
Council reconvened the Regular Session at 10:15 P.M.
Pat Garrett moved that Olga B. Franco be appointed the Town Clerk of Marana.
Ray Honea seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
Discussion followed on using the former Sheriff's Office as a temporary Town
Hall. Olin Waples moved to accept Sam Chu's generous offer for use until July 1,
1977. Ray Honea seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
Harry Hansen moved to adjourn the Council Meeting with Olin Waples seconding the
motion. The motion was approved. The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 P.M.
Mararia Town Council met May 2, 1977 at 7 P.M.
Rec. Hall- St Christophers Church
All members in attendance:
Mayor Frew
Pat Garrett
Harry Hansen
Ray Honea
Lorraine Price
Olin Waples
Sam Chu
Parlimentarian Ted DeSpain
Mayor Frew called meeting to order. with first report from Harry
Hansen and Ray Honea regarding their meeting with PAG.
Marana was 7th on program, the 1 to 1 vote be removed. Votes
given County 6, City 5, S. Tucson, minor 1. Bud Walker made motion
that Mararia be accepted into PAG- 2nd by Dan Eckstrom. Marana will
have equal vote.
Mayor Frew and Ray Honea will represent Marana at PAG mtgs. & Criminal
Advisor Comm. Questions from floor, Mike S asked for further info.
on PAG.
Action needed-
Marana will ~ply in writing.
Motion by Harry Hansen-Ray Honea be app't. to represent Mararia on
Criminal Justice Advisory Comm. Second by M~. G,rrett.
Pete Rizzo-volunteered the services of the Mararia Lion Club to actively
participate in Dedication Ceremonies. Disc. & Sugg. followed:
Inagural type celebration. Mr. Chu questioned money availability .
Ted DeSpain-Diff. organizations could pick up w/ concessiens.
Ray Honea
Pat Garrett
H. Hansen
to ~honor
Hock Committee-P. Rizzo T. DeSpain
Mike Searle-Lic. Contr.
Fire service exp.
Rpt. Mayor F~ew-V.N.B. concerning warrants .
Discussion: H. Hansen (Mot.)-Mayor Frew & Vice-Mayor Garrett to to V.N.B.
for necessary forms. (2nd) by 01in Waples. H. Hansen amended lat mot. to
read will act upon mtg. without further approval.vote on amend.
~'Hansen made a motion to appoint Mr. Gary Nesbitt to the Mararia Town
Council, Mr. DeSpain seconded the motion. Motion was passed.
'r. Ted DeSpain by acclimation of the council was appointed Vice-Mayor
of the Town of Marana.
Mr. Honea informed-that Council , that he would like to apply for a license
to. franchise with the Town of Mararia for the Honea Water Co.
The Council agreed that the issuing of building permits will be taken on
a individual basis. To acquire a building permit individual will present
a rough-draft of the structure and a written description.
In the Executive Session the Council agreed to hire Mr. Robert Stonehouse
as Deputy Marshall.
Meeting adjourned.
The Town Council of the Town of Marsha met for a work ~hop, Aoril
l, 1977 at 7 P.M. in the home of Ray Hones.
Members present were:
Hayor Don Frew
Sam Chu
Harry Hansen
Ray Hones
Lorraine Price
Olin Waples
Ted DeSpain also attended, Ted was appointed Parlimentarian
following the suggestion of H. Hansen. Mayor Frew and all members
An 6pen discussion followed on several subjects.
Mr. Hansen gave a report on police, qualifications for applicants.
Applicants required certification, training and salary. Pros & Cons of
certification. State Law requires 320 hrs. training for certification,
a cert. officer could demand a higher salary.
It was suggested Mayor Frew write a letter to PAG applying for member-
ship for Marsha, which will cost approx. $1800 per annum, which could
be paid from Fed. Rev. Sharing funds.
Bonding and Insurance is Still being investigated by Gene Manzer.
The clerk is to write a letter to atty. David West asking for an
itemized legal statement.
The Marana Messenger is to be recongnized as our Legal Newspaper.
Until further arrangements can be made for aTown Hall, the Council
meetings will be held in the Recreation Hall at St. Christophers Church.
At this time Town Council meetings will be first Monday each month.
The meeting was adjourned at 9 P.M.
Minutes by
MAd'ch ~29, 1977-4: P.M.-Cortaro Water Users Office
Six (6) Interim Council members were eworn in by Pat Garrett,
se~rve until proper Election is held.
1. Olin Waples
2. Don Frew
3. Sam Chu
k. Ray Hones
5. Harry Hansen
6. Lorraine Price
First official Community Council meeting was calledto order at
7 P.M. March 29, 1977 by Pat Garrett, chairman, at the office
of Cottaro Water Users Assoc.
Those in attendance were:
1. Olin Waples
2. Don Frew
3. Sam Chu
4. Hay Hones
5. Harry Hansen
6. Pat Garrett
Lorraine Price
visitors and interested citizens present were:
1. Mr. Nett-Territora~l news.
2. Bill McBean- Daily Star
3. Dr,. George Leaming-Marana Messenger
4. Mrs. Pat Garrett
5. Mrs. Doris Deidrick
6. Mrs. Hones
7. Ted DeSpain
Questions were voiced by Harry Hansen concerning electing council
members who intend to run for office later. Also that we elect
a Vice Msyor to serve during interim period. Vote for mayor to
be written ballot was unanimous.
Ray Honer nominated Don Frew for Mayor, second by Olin Wap]es.
Mr. G~rrett-2
Mr, Frew-5
Harry Hansen nominated Mr. G~rrett for Vice-Mayor.
Second by Olin Waples.
Mr. Garrett told the Council not to consider him for office later
as he is retired and will be available for further help. But no
permanent office.
Ray H~nea nominated Lorraine Price for Clerk and Secr.-Treas.
harry Hansen second the motion. Motion passed with a unanimous
It was mentioned that two signature will be necessary on all
finsncial matter, warrants & etc.
Meeting opened by Pat Garrett saying our first order of business
wae to elect an Interim Mayor and appoint committees.
Harry Hansen asked to be excused early as he had another meeting.
Mrs. Deidrick was introduced by Mr. Hansen as an interested citizen
with imput into the future plans of Marans. Mrs. Deidrick brought
up the subject of our long awaited banking services.
Questions-Zoning & when.
Discussion followed with Sam Chu saying V.N.B. has had an agreement
with him for location two & half (2~) years. Two (2) months remain.
Don Frew and Pat Garrett will contact Alex Garcia this week, concerning
our present status.
Mayor Frew is to begin ground work for our Census, immediately.
Mr. Garrett mentioned warrants as method of securing funds until
other money is available.
Sho$ discussion again on location for City Hall. Sam suggested having
professional survey made for location of Town Center.
Ray agreed with Sam on except to put on agenda in future.
Don suggested leaving as is for present time.
Don has been in contact with Trailer firms concaring a trailer to
be used as town Hall. Ted Walker offered best deal.
Producers Cotton has offered corner lot location across street from
Circle K (temporary basis or lease) Don will contact Jack at
Producers as to when and where. Don has also been in contact with
Marmna Ins. as to bonding and Ins. converage for our Town. Ray asked
if there were applications in for Town Clerk, Mr. Garrett said,"Yes,
one (1). The suggestion was made and discussed concerning placing
an, ad asking for applicants. Ray made the motion we advertise,
it was voted upon and vote was unanimous. Dr. Leaming will write
ad and suggested thirty (30) day limit on adv. to receive resumes
from applicants, ending April 29, 1977.
Suggestion was made to rent large.. P.O. Box immed. Discussions
1. Agenda:
Ray Hones made motion to accept General Guidelines, Don Frew
Second motion.
2. Committees selected.
A. H. Hansen-Legal and Emergency Service, Equipment purchase.
B. Don Frew-Oensus, Insurance, Library.
C. Pat Garrett-Public works (street & water lines)
D. L. Price-Operational-Posting & election.
E. Ray Hones-Planning & Development
F. Sam Chu-Planning & Development.
F. L. Price-Community Services.
Olin Waples-Community Services.
Sam Chu offered 1 acre of land belonging to him, any in Marsha, any
permanent location for Town Hall.
Don Frew and Pat Garrett will call for an appt. to meet with P.C.
Planning & Zoning. First act of Mayor to secure map of Marsha and
begin census. The suggestion was made by Hay Hones that compensa-
tion be available to interim secretary on auto.
Next Council meeting Friday, April 1, at hom of Ray Hones-7 P.M.
A meeting was held at the Pat Garrett ho_~e on Jg. nuary -8,~.~7
at 7130 P.M. Those in attendance werel
1. Pat Garrett
2. Mrs. Garrett
3. Olin Waples
2. Ray Honea
5. Don Frew
o, Jose 3a~chez
7. Eddie Honea
8. Gus Castillo
9. Lorraine Price
10, ~ry Nansen
Pat told what the usual procedure is.
The main purpose of this meeting was to select a fly ~member
Interlm Com~unity Council to represent the Town of Marana. This
follows a Petition to Incorporate the To~ of ~arana sent to the
Pima County Board of Supervisors this wee~.
The following pe'~ple were selected to the Interim Council
to represent the three areas of the Town.
East slde~ - 693 people
Pat Garrett-Harry Hansen
Honea Heightsl - 519 people
Don Frew-Ray Honea
Berry Acres & Price Addltion~
Lorraine Price
349 people
These council ~embers will serve until the ~rd Tuesday in
May, when an ~lectlo~ will be held a~d the ~eg. Voters of Harau~,
will elect five (5) council ~ember$
Pat G~rrett and ~arry Hansen have 9sPed tb?t ~-beir n~mes
be deleted, but will be-~v~l]sble for help wlt'~ prcbl~,~s or
questions that may arise.
The official duties would comue~ce Ju!y 1,19~.
Harry will chee~ o~ a~ai!abl!ty o~ a trailer to be used as
a Tow~ [~all, Olin has offered parking space.
Th~was considerable discussion on Federal funds and Grsnts,
which will be available, Harry will be giving us further data on
this At a"l~te~_'meeting.
More discus~ior f~llowed concerning Sewage, our weak point,
Police ~ Fire prot~ction, Streets,~onlng, Garbage, & ~Taxes.
~ Pat spoke of the potential 'of having a beautiful garden
spot town & community where people will want t~ live with pride.
Our next meeting is scheduled to be held ~l$h our attorney
Ra~ Hones made~he motion and seconded it in~one breath
that Lorraine Price will also Serve as the interim secretary.