HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2001-006 assignment of lease for community park in continental ranchMARANA RESOLUTION NO. 2001-06 A RESOLLrrION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF MARANA, ARIZONA, ACCEPTING AND AUTHORIZING THE APPROVAL OF AN ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF THE LEASE OF REAL PROPERTY IN CONTINENTAL RANCH BETWEEN THE TOWN OF MARANA, AN ARIZONA MUNICIPAL CORPORATION AND CONTINENTAL RANCH COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, AN ARIZONA NON-PROFIT CORPORATION, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ESTABLISHING A COMMUNITY PARK WHEREAS, Ranch Holdings, L.L.C., an Arizona limited liability company, as landlord, entered into a Lease of Real Property effective March 30, 2000, with the Continental Ranch Community Association, an Arizona non-profit corporation, as tenant, for 16.5 acres (.parcels 13 and 14) of real property located southeast of the Continental Ranch Community Center; and WHEREAS, the Continental Ranch Community Association desires to enter into an Assignment and Assumption of Lease of Real Property (Continental Ranch), attached hereto as Exhibit "1," with the Town of Marana for the remainder of those 16.5 acres in order for the Town to facilitate the development of that certain Property within Continental Ranch between the Town of Marana and Continental Ranch Community Association; and WHEREAS, Ranch Holdings, L.L.C. and the Continental Ranch Homeowners' Association have approved the Assignment of Lease of Real Property (Continental Ranch) so that the Property's development of additional facilities to meet the recreational and leisure needs of the citizens in the northwest area of Marana by the Town of Marana can commence, pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Agreement; and WHEREAS, Ranch Holdings, L.L.C. intends to quit claim the parcel of land more specifically described in Exhibit "1" in fee simple to the Town of Marana for a public park site; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council find that the terms and conditions of the Agreement are in the best interest of the Town. Marana, Arizona Resolution No. 2001-06 Page 1 of 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Marana, Arizona, as follows: Section 1: That the Assignment and Assumption of the Lease of Real Property in Continental Ranch between the Town of Marana, an Arizona mumc~pal corporation, and the Continental Ranch Community Association, an Arizona non-profit corporation, for the purpose of establishing a community park, be accepted and approved. Section 2: The Mayor of the Town of Marana is hereby authorized and directed to execute all documents and perform all acts necessary or desirable to give effect to this Resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Marana, Arizona, this 9th day of January, 2001. ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: As Town Attorney and not personally Marana, Arizona Resolution No. 2001-06 Page 2 of 2 F. ANN RODRIGUEZ, RECORDER RECORDED BY: 't",""" l.. OTY RECORDER 7995 ROOC DOCKET: 11511 P~E: 1747 1 OF PAGES: 2 SEQUENCE: 20010560460 03/22/2001 AS LEAS 14:49 SMARA TOWN OF MARANA ATTN: TOWN CLERK 13251 N LON ADAMS RD MARANA AZ 85653 MAIL AMOUNT PAID ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF LEASE OF REAL PROPERTY (Continental Ranch) $ 8.00 This Assignment and Assumption of Lease of Real Property ("Agreement") is made effective as of December 31, 2000, by and between TOWN OF MARANA, an Arizona municipal corporation ("Assignee"), and CONTINENTAL RANCH COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, an Arizona non-profit corporation ("Assignor"), in recognition of the following facts and intentions: A. Ranch Holdings, L.L.C., an Arizona limited liability company ("Landlord"), as the landlord, and Assignor, as the tenant, entered into that certain Lease of Real Property dated effective as of March 30, 2000 ("Leaseli), concerning the lease of certain real property located in Pima County, Arizona. B. Pursuant to Section 20 of the Lease, Assignor and Assignee desire that Assignor assign its right, title or interest in and to the Lease and related liabilities to Assignee ("Assignment Ii) , and that Assignee assume such rights and obligations of Assignor, as the tenant, under the Lease and agrees .... to be bound by aIILof,J1Ja~ terms, conditions and provisions thereof .M ) ("Assumption"). S~[r~s consent to the Assignment and/or r(V~ ~/ Assumption is required, and by its signature below, is hereby granted. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree: 1. Subj ect to the terms of this Agreement, (a) Assignor assigns to Assignee its right, title and interest in and to the Lease and related liabilities to Assignee, and (b) Assignee accepts the Assignment and assumes such rights and obligations of Assignor, as the tenant, under the Lease, and agrees to be bound by all of the terms, conditions and provisions thereof. By its signature below, Landlord hereby grants its consent to the Assignment and Assumption, and agrees to release completely Assignee from all further liability under the Lease. i 1 2. Assignor, Assignee and Landlord each represent and warrant to each other that it is qualified and has full power and authority to execute this Agreement, and that the person signing this Agreement on its behalf is authorized to do so. ... = ? 3. For purposes of notices under the Lease, Assignee's address is: w Town of Marana 13251 North Lon Adams Marana, Arizona 85653 Attention: Town Manager 4. Upon the execution of this Agreement by Assignor and Assignee, Assignee represents and warrants that it has received a copy of, read and understands the Lease. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement effective as of the day and year written above. ASSIGNEEg TOWN OF MARANA, an Arizona mu icipal corporation ATTEST: ,,~ ~'~ wn Cl k ~ APPROVED AS TO FOR~ ~\ ~Q Town At torney ?./ , ~,\\"""~ ~~OF~ I:~ '~rt" i SEAL il.!! " .II I~ ~-r''',Z. '\ ...~ ~/I',u,~ .~ ASSIGNORg CONTINENTAL RANCH COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, :: A~~92:::ation Paula Meade, President APPROVED BY LANDLORDg RANCH HOLDINGS, L.L.C., an Arizona limited l~ability company By" /~&/~~, Its /W;t;;e //W.J~~~ I i 1 1 .u:l 2 ~ ~-' ","'... .._...__.....'.,'_....~ ..._,. " 08'07/2000 15:48 528-744-0749 MCEVOY,DANIE.LSi-DRRCY ID:15203265938 SVP TUCSON PAGE 132 MAR 31"'''0 15:1c No.024 P.02 '-.., LEASE OJ' REAL PROPERTY . (Continental Raile") This Least; is entered into effective tbe 30th day ofMarcb. 2000, betweon CONTiNENT A L RANCH COMI\i1UNITY ASSOCIATION, an Aljzona nOI'l~profit corporation. as "Tenant", and RANCH HOLDINGS, LLC. an Arizona limited liability company. as i'Landlord". 1. PREMISES. LWUord lcues to TlmUl~ and Tenut loales from Landlold, the land ~nd improvements thereon (collectively, "Premis~") situated at Parcell J and 14 ItS desl~naled in the Contil1entm Ranch Specific Plan, Maran., Arizona 85153. 2. TERM. The term of this Lease shall be for a period of one (1) year commencing as of Aplill, 2000 ("Commencement Date"), and Ilhdll be automaticaH)' renewed on an ann"al ballis thereafter (coUccti\l(;ly 1 <IT ClflU"). unless either Landlord or Tenant shall not.i1jt the other pllrty in writing within sixty (60) days bcf'?te tho oxpiration of the initial one (1) year term o.r any renewal one (l) yea.r term thereafter of ita election to terminate this Lease upon the expiration of the initial one (1) year term or any renewal one,(l) year term ther~after. Notwith.tanding the foregoittg. Landlord ~hal1 have die right, at its sole discretion, to terminate this LOlUJe at any time by giving Tenant wl'ilten noti~ of termination at least thirty (30) daYi before the effective date of such telTl'lination. :3, RENT, Tenant ahaIl pay to Ll\l'ldlord fta Rent for the Premises for the Term at tl1e rate ofTEN DOLLARS ($ J 0,00) per month in advance (prorated, ifneccs.lUY. for lhe first month oithis f.case jftna! month shall be a Partial mon.th). Payments required for allY m"lnth shall be due on the first day ofthnt month (or, for the tirat montht on the Commoncem=.t Date). All ~t due hereunder sllall be paid by Tenant to Landlord at 8215 North Corraro Road, Cor taro. AJ'~oJU\. 85743, or at such other place as LlIlldlQrd may from t1me 1.0 time duignate. 4. RENTAL TAX. In addition to the Rent which Tenant ill required to pay Landlord herein, Tenant llhafl pay Landlord all tram.otion privilege, .ales, rental and/or other taxes or licenses (but excluding income or estate taxes charg.d agaJnst Landlord) levied upon or assessed against Landlord by any govemment.tt1 authority having jurisdiction, which are measured by the R.ent in iUly fomi paid by Tenant to Landlord hercuAder. The amount required to be paid by Tenant to Landlord pu r:mnnt to lhe immediately pteceding sentence Bhall b~paid at the time the applicable rent. is due aud shalf be con,idcrcd as payment of taxes or licenses, as the cale Jllly he, and not for the payment t)f Renr. s. SECURITY DEPOSIT. Tenant shaJ11mve no obJigatlon to wake any security deposit with Landl.ord in connection with this Lease. 6. REPAI'RS AND MAlNTENANCE. (n addition to the Rent, Tenll.l1t shall be rcaponsible for tJJe upkeep, maintcmance and repair of the Premises, inc.ludinS walkWAYs. driveways and plLI:'k.ing areas. 7, Ul'lLlTlES. Telt4Dt 8haJJ arrange for the supply and pay for all hea~ air conditioning, electricity, water 4l'ld BIl!. if InY. CO.Dsumed by TelWlt upon the Premises. . f .._"'-_............... 08/07/7000 15:48 520-744-0749 MllVOY,DANIELS+DARCY ~D:1S20326S938 SIjP TUC30H MAR 3(,<!/:'IO PA3E 0L_. 15:17 No,024 P.03 $. REAL PROPERTY TAXES, ASSESSMENTS AND PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES, Landlord shall pay all real property taxes and aSle3lInents with respect to the Premises. Tenant shan pay'an personal property taxes with rcspel;'t to any property of Tenant in or upon fhe Premises. 9. !NSURANCE, Tenant, at ita ~le COlt and expense, abail provide and keep in force, with responsible iniuranco companies reasonably acceptabJe to Landlord (a) cOJnprehcnsive general, public liability, inaurance with re.pect to the Premises. and (b) casualty il1BUrance ""!.iring Tenant 19ainst lOlls or damage to the structures. equipment and other personal property in thc PI'eJntltll by fire and all other '-'asualties uS\Wly covered under an "aU risktl policy of casualty itlsurllllce. The amount.~ of such insurance Coverage .hall be sufficiant to covltr the risks and eXpO$UTe to 10909 Of damag.e associated with Tenant's use of the Premises, and otherwise reasonably acceptable to Landlord. Tho policies described in this Section 9 shall name Landiol'd and its members and affiliates all an additional insureds. Tel\.nt may aausfy itll obligations under this Section 9 by using blanket insurance policies that also provide Lnsurance coverage to other properties and/or activiticll ofTcilI\nt. Tt:nant shan furnish Landlord with proof of all /luchin8urance at learn iinnuwly and upon demand of Landlord. ' J O. PURPOSE. Tenant IlhalJ use and occupy the Premises far any lawful purpo~ consistent WJth Tenant's purpOlie IS a residential community associatioD. Tanant intend$ to use th;JJ Premises initially for rec'"tional and reJated purposes 11. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. TeIWlt, at its sole CO$t lnd expense. shall promptly ohserve and comply with all pteaent and fUture Jaws. orders. rejUlatiol'ls. rules, ordinances and rcquiremetlts of any govel'MlfmtaJ agel'lC)' with respect to the Use, c;are and control of the Prcm.iBes; provided. bowev... that Tenl\.l1l. shalt lot be required to mako any structural ch~nge:l or additions to the Premises in order to comply therewith, unless such chMles ate caused by alternations to the Premi~til ma.de by Tenant. Landlord represents and warrants to Tenant that 11! oftlte Coml1lcnccmetll Dates the Promiseg are (a) in compliance witb alt federal. etate and tocal Jaws, regulations and directives for Tenant's intended \ISe orthe Premises, including without limitat.i()n the AmeriCllnli With Disabilities Act and the Environmental Law., and (b) frG~ from and of all Jmz..udous matedab. including without limitation asbestos, lead paint and polychlorinated biphenyl. "Envlronmental LIl:WS" shall include, but Ilotbe limited, to. the RelOurce. Con8eNation.nd Recovery Act of 19']6, 42 U.S,C. Section 690 J, 01 seq.; the Comprehensive Enviroomental Rc:aponse, Compensation 8Dd Liability Act or 1980,42 US.C. Section 9601, el,ref{,; the ClelUl Water A~t, 33 V.S.C. Section 125], et s,q.; the Toxic S'-lbstancc Control.Act 1S l;,S.c. Section 260J, f!! !ttlq.; the: Sate Drinking Water Act, 42 U.S.C, Seclion201,300ftoj..9and any and all environmental laws of'the State ofAnzona and any and e.Jl amendmcnls to such Dnvironmental Laws. In no event shall Tonaut be required to indemnify or hold harmle.cl!l Landlord with f'lplct to -.nyvi nJations or alleged violation. ofEnvironmtmtal Laws. or any othtr federal, state wtd lOON Jaw$. regulations BDd directives which shaJJ have pre. existed Tenant's taking pOllSession of the Prcmisw. Further, Tenant smut have no obligation whatsoever to jndemni~ or hold harmloss Landlord for allY ncsliaent or wilful act of Landlord. or its agenb, represcntativell Of 8B8ignees with respect to any matter. 2 nRfn7/2008 15:48 520-744-8749 I1CeVOY. DANIELS-l DR~CY ~~r D: 15203265938 S\P TUC;O~1 FAC,E 04 MAR 30 ""0 15:17 No.024 P.04 1 Z. CAREFREELEASB. Except only as specifically provided otherwise in this Lease, this Lea.~e i., II carefroo lease, and Tenant llgrees that it wiD pay all expemcs in connection with the operation of the Premises by Tenant. 13. RETURN OF PREMISES. Upon tho expiration of the term ofthia Lease or upon itt> termination fQT any cauSfII, Tenant shall surrender thep..emiscl& in as good order and condition aa when received, reasonable wear, damage from the elements, are and acts of GodeKCcpted. 14. ACCESS BY LANDLORD. Landlord, or it. representatives end agents, Mall hllve free uccess to the Premis~s atrcBSOnabJe times for the purpOSllS ofGOmining or eJChibiting the StUDe to prospective purchuc.tl.lendere Oft_ts; provided thatL8t1dlord shall give l'enant at least three (3) bu~ino8s days notice In. advmce or Iud! examination or cxhibil.ion, unless it would be impracticable to do so due to an emergoocy CQnecrning the Premisell. . 15, ,AL TERA. TIONS AND MODIFICATIONS, All alterations and Modificatiunll to tbe Premises that Tenant may desire sbalI be done at the expense of TelllUlt, and shall become the property of Landlotd and remain on the Premisl!$ except fOr TMlU1t'a trade flxtures and equipment. AU damage 01 injury done to the Premises by Tenant or any peraon who may be in or on th~ Premises with the couaent of Tenant shllll be paid for by Tenant. 16. LffiNS AND ENCUMBRANCES. Tenant shall ke~p the Premises free and clear of any liens or encumbrances imposed O!l the Promisos by reuon of any contract, act or omistsion of Tenant. Prior to the Commencement date, LlWdlord, at 11.0 oxpense to TenaYlt, shall cause the beneficiary(ies) of MY and all deed(s) of tNrt alldlor Itndlord(s) of mast~ lcase(s) affecting the Premises to execute Md deliver to Tenant a non-disturbance agreement in funn and substance reasonably acceptable to Tenant. 17 DEFAULTS AND REMEDIES. 1 7. f Pcf~~, Tho occurrence of anyone or more oCthe following events !~ll constitute a material detaull and breach oftbil1 Lease by Tonant: 11.1. J The taSlute by Tenant to make' any payment ofRont or any Of .her J)GyII1ent required to be made by .Tenant hereunder wjthin e;even (7) calendar days after receiving written notice of defiwlt from Landlord. 17.1.2 The failure by Tenant to observo or perform any of the COVemLntll, conditions, or provi.ions ofthia Lease to be obllcrved or performed by Tenant. other than described in Scc:tion 11. J . J, where 8u~b failure 5haJl continuo for a period of thirty (30) days aftoc written notice thereofftom Landlord to Tenant; provided, however. that if the na'tUr~ of Tenant'l'J default is sueh thIt more than thin)' (30) days arC! 3 88/07/2808 15:G8 E20-]J4-0749 ;KEVOY . DAN I Et3+ DRRCY "T) : 152:03265938 S\iP TUCSDrl Ft'tGE 0': MAR 3('"'~O 15:18 No.024 P.05 .,,-~ reaSQllaoty required for its eure, then Tenwu sball not be doomed to , be in d~ult if'Tenant commenced such cure within said 30-day period lU'ld thereafter dilijentJy proSeCUtOB such cure to completiot1, 17,1.3 (a> The mAki11j by Tenant orand iet16l'tU assignment, or seneraI arrangement for the benefit of credJtofB; (b) the filing by or against Tenant of a petition to have Tenant adjudged A bankrupt or a petition for reorauUzation or arrangement uDder any law relating to bankruptcy (unJeIJI, in the ~ase of a petition filed &pinat Tenant, the lIame is diSmissed within sixty (ISO) daya); (c) the appointment of a tru8t~c or receiver to take pOlleJsion of substantially all ofTemmt's alleU looated at the PremilMls or of Tenant', interest In this Lease, whoro possession i.Tlot restored to Tenant within thirty (30) days; or (d) the attachment, execution, or other judiciallel.zure or substantildJy aJl of Tenant', ulets located at the Premiae. or ofTeaant's.inrorEllit in this Lease. where such seizure is not discbarg-.d within thirty (10) days. 17.2 Remedies. In the event of any such material default or breach by Tenant, Landlord may at any time thereafter, with or without notice Of demand and without limiting I.andlord on theexera.e of any fisht or remedy wI1ich Landlord may have by rClason Of8uch default or breach: 17.2.1 Terminate Tenant'srlshttop088C8$ionoftite l~emitletl by any lawful means in which CUo this leaso ahall terminate and tenant shall immediately .urrender possession of tho Premises to lAudlord. In such evont. Landlord shall be cmtitled to recover from Tenant the difference between the amount of the Rent received by Landlord and the Rent to be paid under this LMse. 17.2,2 Malntlin Tenam'uipt to pouessionln which cast'lthi~ LcatJc shall continue in efFect whether or not Tenant shall have abandoned the Premj!l~s. [n such event. Landlord shall be entitled to enforce all of Landlord'lJ rights and remedies under this Lel1se, including the risht to reoover the Rent 18 It becOtnl:l1J due hereunder. 17.2.3 Pursue any otbcsr remedy not inool1!istent with the foregoinS now or hCfeafter available to Landlord under the Jaws or judicial decisions of the State of Arizona. 17.3 I2P.filult t,y LlIDdl~rcl. Landlord shal1 not be in default unless Landlord tails to perform obHgationa required by Landlord within . reaaooabte timt:l, but in no event later than thirty (30) day. after written notice by Ten.m to l..$dlord sp~cjtYjng 4 ".. t 0R!A712008 15:48 520.744-8749 t'f(EVDY,DANIELS"'DARCY tD: 15203265938 S\lP TUCSOti MAR 30,L:l0 PAGE Of:, 15:18 NO.024 P.C6 "'-'-- wheroin Landlord has &i1ed to perform such obligations; provided however, that if the nature ofLand:ord's obligation is such that more than thirty (30) days arc required for perfor111W1c~ then Landlord shall not be in dctault if Landlord commences perfoManoo within Aucb 30-day period and thereafter diligently prosecutc:8 the 8ame to completion. . 18. DESTRUCTION OR CASUALTY. In the event that the Premises are Jnjured, damUgcd or destroyed by II.Ct of God, by fire or other cuuldty. and Landlord in its Bole dillcn:tion decides not to repair or restore the Premises, TeIUU1t or Landlord sball have an option t.o tcnnimtLe lhi:; Lease as of the da~ of such injury, damage or destruction. This option shall be e'fcrcised upon lh~ !!living of written notioe to Landlord 01 Tetlant, as the call.' may be, within thirty (30) days following the destruction. injury or damage. .In the event that Landlord determines to repair and restol'e the Premises, Landlord shall JO advise TOlUUlt in writinS within thirty (30) days following the destruction, injury or dzunage. and shall proceed with due dilisence to effeQt repairs Or n.~COll1l1 T'uction, Durina the period of repwr or reconstruction. this Lease uhall continue in full force and effect, provided, however, that Tenant ehall be entitled to a redlJcuon of rent trom the date of~uch destruction, injury or damage until the r~air8 or rl:gonstruction are completed in an amount propol1.ionllte to the extent to which such damage. i~ufY or destruction and the making of repairs or reconatruction interfere, Wilh tbe occupancy by or butlines. operatiol1ll (]fTenant with respect to the P'rl.lmi~es. 19, QUIET ENJOYMENT. Tenant, OD performing the covenants fl.D.d observing the conditions of this Lease, at all times during th~ term shaD have the peaceable enjoyment of Lhe Premises without hindrance or disturbance by LlUldlord OJ' any person claiming through or under it Of any person having cor claimlns paramount tille, 20. ASSIGNMENT, No 118signment or sublease oftha Premi!les shall be binding ~lplJn Landlord or confer any righu on the proposed B.ulgnee or subtenant without tbe written conl;ent of T~ndlOld. which Landlord may not unreasonably withhold, condition or dday. 21. NOTICES. Any and aU notices, comentlJ or other communications pro....ided for herein shitJl be given if1 writing ~md delivered by band or regl8tero~ I>r certified mail addressed to the Teuflnt at S881 North Coach line Blvd.. Marana, AZ 85743, Attention: Kim DiStefano, CotTummiry Manage!, and to tbe Landlord at 82H North CortdloRoad. Cottam, Arll;ona85743, Otto such other address liS 'hm\nl or Landlord may desig!ltlte bynotlc:eto the other. Etlch such notice shall be deemed given on the date it i& personally delivered., or ifmaJled, cn the date ofmaiIins. 22. PRIOR AGREBMENTS. This Lease constitutes the entire agreement between the partics and supersedes and cancel. IIny and .11 prior agreements between the panies reiatil13 to the subject motter hereof. 23. BENEFITS. rbi8 Lease shAl.I bind and inure to the benefit of tho parties hereto and their respective administrators, legal representatives, successors and assign". but neither this Lea!le 5 pO:8"?0~n 1~:d8 520-744-0743 fVlI:::t\v'-JY~b>ANIELStDARCY TO: 15203265938 S\''P TU':::::;Ot-j MAR 3(':l.J.i)O FAGE 07___ 15:19 No.024 P.O? '--/ nor an)' right or obligation hereunder shall be assigned by any Pwty wjthout the ex:pJ'eSIl writtf;n consent of the other party hereto, 24. FURTHER ASSURANCES. Tho parties hereto ,hall ox:ecute and deliver aU such other instruments and take all su<ih other actions 39 ally party may rea.onably request from time to time: in order to effect the temu and conditions ofthi$ Leue. The parties shall cooperate whh each olhc:r and with their respective counsel and accountants in connection with any actiollB to be taken as a Part of their respective obl/satioDS under this Leaao. 2.5 GOVERNING LAW AND VENUE. This LeMo WIll be coultrued in Accorda.'lCe with the laws of the State of Arizona. In the event of ao~ dispute. venue shalt be the state court located in Pima County. Arizona. 26. WAIVER No failure or delay on the part of either party in exercising any right, power or privilege under th.W Lease &hall operate alii waiver thereof nor shall any single or partial (,-xercise of any risht, power or prlvil"ge bereunder preclude lU1y otherorn,rther exercise thereof: The r igbts and remedies oxpreslIly specified in this Lease are cumulative and llrc not exclusive of tiny other rights or remedies which tither party would otherwise bave. 27, CAPTIONS. Al1soction title. or captions cQntamed in this LeRsc are for cOf!venience only and shall not be deemed part of this Lease. 28. SEVERABTLITY. The provllliom of this Leese are geverable and the holding ofany one provision as invalid or unenfon:eable shall have no otfect on any other provision. 29. COUNTERPARTS. This Leasernay be executed simultaneously in two (2) or mote counterparts each ofwbich shall be doomed an orisinal, but all of which together ~ha11 c;onstitute one and the same instrument. It shall not be ne~essary in making proof of this Lel\se to produce Dr account for more than one such oounterpart, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set. their names as of the date above set forth. LltndJord: RANCH HOLDINGS, LLC, an Arizona limited liability company .. '~ ",;' ,v., l ~2k~a:h /~ir - lts,/~4p)',u~f~~\ //!:f/~.ji~.;. 6 gAin7/2008 15:48 520-744-2749 MCEVOY. DRNI E.LS+ DARCY, T D: 15203265938 ~--",-""",--;._.....-,."-"....--._.""..._",.,,,.,",~, S""P TUCSOH MAR 3(""'0 15:2C No.024 P.Os FAGE C18 Ten.mt: CONTINENTAL RANCH COMMUNITY ASSOCIA", an Arizona non-prout corporation By c:j~~~~, ~~SI/j~Nr Its 7 08/07/2000 15:48 520-744-0749 S\!P TUCSOH FAGE 09 ~MHD 34 . ----- . . . . \ 1Jl\ \J , . ~', \~\ .Y \ \ \ \ f~R,,)! \ \ '~~, . " '\ \ '. C1 \~ ~ MD 12 MD 9 . ." . . .., .. -- .r~;.. 7..':.\t~l:. .:,\~:t. ,.. . ....__..~. '~'.~~ :~::'~':"..."'. .';t:' PROPOSED REVISIONS . ~ {M51 o a: w . 08/07/2800 15:~B 526-744-13743 2VP TUCSOt'J PAGE 18 March 18, 1987 WlB No. 186031 Tn.\ ~OUP rn~, CONTINENTAL RANCH PARCEL 13 That portion of Section 21, Township 12 South, Range 12 East, G. & S.R.B. & M.) Pima County, Arizona, described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southeast corner of Section 21; THENCE N 00"39'50" W, along the East line of Section 21, a distance of 417.74 feet; THENCE ~ 26023150" W. 1,801,05 feet; THENCE S 63Q36110" W, 781.75 feet to a point of c~rvature of a tangent curve~ concave to the Southeast; THENCE SouthwesterlYt along the arc of said curve, to the left, having a radius of 1.900.00 feet and a centr'al angle of 07Q36'10" for an arc distance of 252.12 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S 34000'00" E, 526.00 feet; THENCE S 5Z013'05IJ W, 374.07 feet; THENCE N 49"27'45" W, 600.00 feet to a po'int on the arc of a non-tangent curve. concave to the Southeast. a radial line of said curve through said point having a b~aril1g of N 49027'45" W; THENCE Northeasterly, along the arc of said curve, to the right, having a l'adius of 2.000.00 feet and a central angle of 15"27'45" for an arc d'istance of 539.74 feet to a non-tangent line. THENCE S 34000'00" E, 100.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Conta'frling 6.50 acres, more or less. --- Prepared by: Tz:iE !,oJ B GROUP '-;f .c:.... I ,~.~~ Kenneth y ZfS~. FLL.S. 08!07/2Q00 15:48 520-744-8749 c:.vp TUCSJJt'l FN3Ed " . . . " \-MHD 34 . ,,---" " .. =' \U'\ \J ., . ")! '. \~\ ,Y . \ \ .. . ~;,,'..: . \ . .. '" \ "\~ MD 9 .. . .{~:~..~~5f~1;~: PROPOSED REVISIONS l ',' ..".......,-.-....._"..~........_~""'--..,...~,._<. 08/07/2008 15:48 5:"21)- ~,~4-87d9 S\lP TUCSON FA3E 12 " Ma rc h 18 , 1 987 WLS No. 186031 ~~~ GraUl? ~nc:, CONTINENTAL RANCH PARCEL 14 T"at portion of Section 21, Township 12 South. Range 12 East, G. & S.R.B. & M., Pima County, Arizona. described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southeast corner of Section 21; THENCE N ooa39'50~ W, along the East line of Section 21, a distance of 417.74 feet; THENCE N 26"23'50" W. 1,801.05 feet; THENCE S 63"36' TO" W. 781.75 feet to a point of curvdtw'e of a tangent curve. conCdve to the Southeast; THENCE Southwester'ly, along the arc of said cut've. to the left. having a radius of 1,900.00 feet and a central angle of 07036'1011 for an arc distance of 252.12 feet to a non-tangent line; THENCE N 34"'00' 00" W, 100.00 feet to a point on the arc of a non-tangent curve, concave to the Southeast. a r'adia'l line of said curve through said point having a bearir1g of N 34000'00" W; THENCE Southwesterly. along the arc of said curve, to the left, having a radius of 2,000.00 feet and a central angle of 15027145" for an arc distance of 539,74 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S 49')27'451' E, 600.00 feet; THENCE S 04002133" E, 410.40 feet; THENCE S 85<)05'29" W. 636.02 feet to a point on the drc of a non-tangent curve, concave to the West, a radial line of said curve through said point having a becdng of N 85059'33" E; THENCE Northerly. along the arc of said cu~ve, to the left. having a radius of 1,395.00 feet and a central angle of 20<>56'1911 for an arc distance of 509.80 ~eet to a non-tangent line; THENCE N 36037'02"[, 31B.87 feet to a point of curvature of a tangent curve, concave to the Southeast; ....__"-..,._""__"..~_n_"""~."'"'''''<~._.._.~.,,'.._" - 08/07/2000 15:48 520-744-0749 . ~ ,,_~~~d ge 2 /t-- Ma rch 18, '987 /' WLB No. 186031 Parcel j 4 ~;VP TU:::~OH PA(;E 13 T~\ ~OUQ l"le T~ENCE Northeasterly, along the arc of said curve, to the right, having a radius of 2,000.00 feet and a centrdl angle of 03055'13" for an arc distance of 136.84 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 10.05 acres, more or less. Prepa red by: THE ~LB GROUP ~& Kenneth ~; I R......S.