HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 99-092 pre-annexation development agreement with pima aviationMARANA RESOLUTION NO. 99-92 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF MARAIWA, ARIZONA, AUTHORIZING THE TOWN TO AMEND THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH PIMA COUNTY FOR THE JOINT PARTICIPATION IN A 208 AREAWIDE WATER QUALITY PLANNING STUDY. WHEREAS, the Town and Pima County have entered into an Intergovernmental Agreement that provides for public sanitary sewerage services to the area within Town boundaries by the County; and WHEREAS, the Town and Pima County desire to update prior planning studies related to cost sharing of infrastructure planning for the Town in conformance with the 208 planning guidelines; and WHEREAS, the Town's share of funding for the remaining work to be done under the Scope of Service attached to the latest amendment to the Intergovernmental has increased by $10,438; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Marana, Arizona that the Mayor is authorized to sign an Amendment to Intergovernmental Agreement with Pima County for the joint participation in a 208 areawide water quality planning study, obligating the Town to fund an additional $10,438 to complete the Scope of Work. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Marana, Arizona, this Td day of August, 1999. APPROVED AS TO FORM: As Town Attorney and not personally Page 1 of 1 Marana. Arizona Resolution No. 99-92 PV,IA COUNTY: Wastewater Management Department PROJECT NAME: Intermvernmental ALreement for Cost SharmLy AGENCY: Town of Marana 13555 N. Sanders Road Marana, AZ 85653 CONTRACT NO.: 01-03-M-123053-0697 CONTRACT AMENDMENT NO.: One (1) FUNDING: System Development Funds WORK ORDER NO.: N/A DISTRICT NO.: Tbree (STANIP HERE) ORIG. CONTRACT TERM: 6/27/97 to 5/l/98 (or completion date) ORIG. CONTRACT AMOUNT: $126,000.00 TERMINATION DATE PRIOR ANIENDS.: N/A PRIOR AMENDMENTS: $ -0- TERMINATION DATE THIS AMEND.: 5/1/2001 AMOUNT THIS AMENDMENT: $20,000.00 REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT: $146,000.00 AMENDMENT to INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT WHEREAS, County and Town of Marana entered into an Intergovernmental Agreement for cost sharing 4 C regarding the preparation of the 208 Areawide Water Quality Planning Study, as referenced above; and C, C? WHEREAS, the Intergovernmental Agreement was approved by Pima County on June 3', 1997, and recorded on June 27, 1997, and a' WHEREAS, County and Town have agreed that the Agreement be modified to add additional funds, and I I additional time, to the Acreement, in order to complete the Study, and WHEREAS, The County and Town agree to equally share the additional costs to complete the Study Z? NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows: Amend ARTICLE 6. Term to: "6.2 This Agreement shall terminate on May 1, 2001.1' C? Amend ARTICLE 2. Cost Sharinc, of Consultant Work to: "2.1 Town and County shall share the costs of the Consultant's work described in Appendix A based on mutual consent. County and Town shall share equally the total costs . ....... Total costs to County will not exceed ninety-one thousand dollars ($91,000.00). Total costs to Town will not exceed fifty-five thousand dollars ($55,000.00)." 3. Amend Appendix A Scope of Services to include amended Scope of Work elements by the firm of Malcolm Pirnie which amended Scope of Work proposal is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" to this amendment. The effective date of this amendment shall be January 5, 1999. All other provisions of the Acrreement, not specifically changed by this amendment, shall remain in effect C? - and be binding upon the parties. Nlarana208.Anil IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties have affixed their signatures to this amendment on the dates written below. PIMA COUNTY Chairman of the Board Date ATTEST: Clerk of the Board DIRE,OTOR 'k 4' George A/Atrins o TOWN OF MARANA: PUBL71C:0RKS ECT70RJTOWN ENGINEER Na'v iS A t I e r APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO Deputy County Attorney own Attorney Nlarana208.Aml Honorable Mayor Exhibit "A" Town of Marana 208 Areawide Water Quality Plan- Scope of Work Amendment SENT BY:KALC0[2Nf P I FN I E TUC 9-14-98 ; 9:01.kNI (6021620-6476- 602 6200133:'- 2/ 6 PIMA COUNTY WASTEWAIER MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT MAR-ANA 208 AR_EAWTDF, WATER QUALITY PLAN UPDATE CONTRACT NO. 16-03-M-123346-0797 CONTRACT AMENDMENT'NO. 1 BACKMRDiM The Town or Miarana is an incorporatcd conimunity located approximately 15 iniles northwest of downtown Tucson. Althoug located outsidc of the 1978 Pima Association of Governments Ih (PAG) Arcawidc Wastewater -Manageinctit Plan (208 Plan) planning area, Marana's wastewater managcment needs have historically been accomplished through joint efforts with the Pima County Wastcwater Managemcnt Department (PCWMD), the regional watcr quality managemcnt agency. 0 in ordcr to meet the wastewater st?rvlce needs of the curTent and Future residents of Marana, PCWMD has engaged Malcolm Piniie, Inc. to preparc a wastewater mankgement plan which can serve as the basis for an amendmcnt to the 208 Plan. The plan will he pr--sentcd in a report which will identify the wastewater managemcnt system needs for the Marana planning area (as defted in the Request for Proposals) and Will establish a methodology for implementing the recommended plan. Malcolm Pimle has prepared this proposal for Contract Amendment No. I following a verbal request from PCWNID to provide services ror the Maraila 208 Plan Update Prcjcct which arc not included in the Contract Scope of Work. Marana208.Anil SENT BY: MALCOLM F I RN I E TUC 9-14-98 : 9:02.101 : 1602)620-6476- 602 6200135:-, 3/ 6 SCOPE OF WORK The Scope of Work for Contract Amendment No. 1 is comprised of the following tasks. Amendment Task LA: Public Meetings The Engineer will attend six additional public ineetings. The Engineer will provide assistance with presentation of the findings and recommendations of the 209 Plan Arnendi-nmt to the public, rcpresentatives of the Pima Association of Goveniments (PAG), mid members of the Town of Marana Town Council. Scheduling andsponsorship of the meetings and recordation of meeting minutes will be performed by others. The Engineer will preparc appropriate visual aids to assist in the presentations. A mendment Task IX Responsiveness Summary The Engineer will prepare a responsiveness summary to address comments made by menihers of the public on the recommended plan as received at a PAG-sponsored public meeting. Recordation of public comments will be performed by others. The Engineer will prepare a draft Responsiveness Sutnmary for review by representatives of PCWN4-D and the Town of Marana. Review comments will be incorporated into the final Responsiveness Summary. Four copies of the draft and final documents will he provided to FCWNM. Amendment Task I.C Growth Guidance Demonstration Area Analysis The Engineer shall perform aii analysis to detei-mine the wastcwaWr inariagemcrit system needs of the Marana Growth Guidance Demonstration Area (MGGDA). The Engineer shall establish the population and associated average and peak wastewater flows for the MGGDA, detcrininc it preliminary conveyance system to convey wastewater flows 1rom the MGGDA to the existing Marana wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), determine improvemcnts required to accornodate the MGGDA wastcwatcr flows at the Marana WW'FP, and devclup a preliminary opinion of probable cost associated with implementing the conveyance system and WWTP improvements to serve the NIGGDA. The results of the analysis will be presented In a letter report to PCWNM. SENT BY: MALCOLM P i R-N I E TUC 9-14-98 : 9:021M (602)620-6476? 602 6200135:?- 4/ 6 FEES The proposcd fee for the Scopc of Work for Contract Amendriacnt No. I is $20,000. The work will be performed on a time and matenals not-to-exceed basis. A summary of the contract compensation is presented on the following pages. SENT BY:MALCOLM PIKNIE TUC : 9-14-98 : 9:02AM : (602)620-6476? 602 6200133:;? 31, 6 COMPENSXrION SCHEDULE Original Contract Revise d Contract Task Title Amoun Amount 1.0 Prepare Executive S3,000 S3,000- Summary ').0 Data Collection $10,000 S10,000 and Review 3.0 Develop Planning $26,000 S26,0U0 Area Characteristics 4.0 Describe Existing S3,000 $3,000 Wastewater 'Freat- ment Facilities 5.0 Describe Existing S3,000 $3,000 Wastewater Conveyance Facilities 6.0 Summarize S3,000 $3,000 Private Disposal Systems 7.0 Develop Waste- $17,000 S17,000 water Planning Criteria 8.0 Develop Waste- $17,000 S17.,000 water 1'reatnient AlternuLivus 9.0 Develop Waste- S20,000 $20,000 water Conveyance System Alternatives 10.0 Prepare Cost S7..000 S7,000 Evaluation 11.0 Estimate Funding 310,0()() $10,000 and Rate Impacts SENT BY:.NLALCOLM P I RN I E TUC : 9-14-98 : 9:02AM : (602)620-6476- 602 6200135:± 6/ 6 COMPENSATION SCHEDULE Original Contract Reviscd Contract Task iitk Amount Amolan 12.0 Develop S7,000 $7,000 Recommendations Amendment Meetings $-0- $20,000 No. 1 Responqiveness Summary GGDA Analysis TOTAL $126,000 S146,000