HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/04/1997 Special Council Meeting Minutes ·" .MINUTESOF SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING ' ..
'. ' MARANATOWN.COUNC~L ."' ...'. ' ·
· ' '..'NOVEMBER~,i997 ' "' '"
Marana Town Hall, November 4, 1997
By Mayor Ora Ham at 7:05 P.M.
Led by Mayor Ora Ham
Led by Mayor Ora Ham
Om Ham
Bobby Sutton, Jr.
Ed Honea
Herb Kai
Sherry Millner
Michael Reuwsaat
Roxanne Ziegler
Vice Mayor
Council Member
Council Member
Council Member
Council Member
Council Member
Hurvie Davis
Michael Hein
Dan Hochuli
Sandy Groseclose
Roy Cuaron
Jocelyn Entz
Dave Atler
Floyd Foster
Dan Groseclose
Town Manager
Assistant Town Manager
Town Attorney
Town Clerk
Finance Director
Executive Asst. to Town Manager
Public Works Director
Water Operations Manager
CDBG Administrator
A motion was made by Mike Reuwsaat, seconded by Bobby Sutton, to approve the agenda as
presented. The motion was carried 7/0.
Hurvie Bavis: On page 18, at the bottom of the page, of the October 21, 1997 minutes, where
Mayor Ham gives her report and she thanks the Council for going on with business to ailow her
to attend the ribbon cutting at Driver's Mart. Later on in the paragraph, a reference is made to
Auto Mart. I am sure she said Driver's Mart, so maybe that should be corrected.
A lnotion was made by Vice Mayor Sutton, seconded by Ed Honea, to accept the minutes from
October 7 and October 21, 1997, with said corrections from the Town Manager. Motion carries
Hurvie Davis: I would just like to introduce to the Council and community, some people in
the audience who provide a very valuable service to us in terms of protecting life and
NOVEMBER 4, '1997 .. · · .. ..
properS5 the members of the Northwest Fire District, station 36 on Grief Road. Capt. Jim
Hoffman, Firefighter Robert Corbell, Fir¢fighter Heath Evans, and Capt. Kevin Madden who
is a regalar liaison with our meetings. We are pleased to have them at oor meeting tonight
and hope they don't have to leave on an emergency.
No action taken.
1. Resolution No. 9%104; Appointment to the Board of Directors for the Red Hawk
Canyon Community Facilities District No. I and 2 - Steve Reyna of Southwest Gas
to Fill Vacated Position of Kenna Smith, General Manager of Jones Intercable
2. Resolution No. 9%108 - Appointment to the Town of Marana Business Advisory
3. Resolution No. 9%107 - Changing the Term Expiration Date of Board Members or
the Marana Municipal Property Corporation
4. Resolution No. 97-105; Continental Ranch Parcels 36-38 and 40 - Preliminary Plat
Continental Ranch Parcels 36 t 40 - Request for Approval of a 289 Lot Single
Family Detached Home Subdivision on 90.17 Acres in a Portion of thc South ¼ of
Section 21. Township 12 South, Range 12 East, Within the Continentul Ranch
Specific Plan Area. Applicant is Del Webb's Coventry Homes of Tucson, 1565 E.
Rancho Vistoso Boulevard, Tucson, AZ 85737
5. Cancellation of Council Meeting of Wednesda¥~ November 5, 1997
6. Resolution No. 97-115 - Request for Liquor License By Casa Molina Northwest,
A motion was made by Mike Reuwsaat, seconded by Bobby Sutton, to approve the consent
agenda. Motion carried 7/0.
PUBLIC HEARING; Ordinance No. 97.32; Red Hawk Specific Plan
Amendment - A Request to Amend the Red Hawk Specific Plan by Re-Adopting a
Portion to be Known as Dove Mountain Specific Plan I, Located North of Tangerine
Road in Sections 24, 25, 26, 35 and 36 Township 11 South, Range 12 East and Section
19, Township 11 South, Range 13 East. Property Owner/Applicant is Cottonwood
Properties, 3567 East Sunrise Drive, Suite 219, Tucson, AZ 85718
Hurvie Davis: This is a Public Hearing, under request, to amend the portion of the Red
Hawk Specific Plan known as the Dove Mountain Specific Plan I. This is the area that
contains the resort discussed with you. It has received prior approval and what we are
asking for tonight is to re-adopt that portion of the plan that deals with the resort.
Mike Reuwsaat: If possible, I would like to open the public hearing on both items, since
they are tied together.
Dan Hochuli: Although both items B and C are separate agenda items, separate resolutions
and can be adopted separately by motion, the public hearings can be combined if you would
like to hear comments on both issues at the same time.
Mayor Ham: We have public hearing on both Ordinance No. 97.32 and Ordinance No.
97.33. The Council is open for public hearing.
See Item C. for motions.
'. · '. '.."MARANA TOWN COUNCIL'".." .' · .. '. · · · ·
· · '. NOV. EMBER 4, '1997' "'.: "' '.
PUBLIC HEARING; Ordinance No. 97.33; Red Hawk Specific Plan
Amendment - A Request to Amend the Red Hawk Specific Plan by Re-Adopting a
Portion to be Known as Dove Mountain Specific Plan H, Located North of Tangerine
Road in Sections 14 and 23 Township 11 South, Range 12 East. Property
Owner/Applicant is Cottonwood Properties, 3567 East Sunrise Drive, Suite 219, Tucson,
AZ 85718
A motion was made by Roxanne Ziegler, seconded by Mike Reuwsaat, to close Public
Hearing. Motion carded 7/0.
A motion was made by Roxanne Ziegler, seconded by Mike Reuwsaat, to approve the
request to amend the Red Hawk Specific Plan by m-adopting a portion to be known as Dove
Munntain Specific Plan I. I move that the Council adopt Ordinance No. 97.32 approving the
amendment to the Red Hawk Specific Plan, pursuant to the staff's recommendation. Motion
carried 7/0.
A motion was made by Roxaune Ziegler, seconded by Ed Honea, for the Council to adopt
Ordinance No. 97.33 approving the amendment to Red Havek's Specific Plan, pursuant to
staff's recommendation. Motion carried 7/0.
Mike Reuwsaat: I would like to address the density issue, Does the motion we just made,
and that we are going to present, pull the densities off just the 250 acres, or does it include
the entire property?
David Mehl, 3567 East Sunrise Drive: The modification and amendment to this plan only
changes the density on that 250 acres. Our intention with this was to permanently reduce
that density. If someone would like to amend the motion so that that reduction from 532
homes to 140, a difference of 392 homes, is a permanent subtraction from the total homes
allowed in thc Red Hawk Specific Plan, we would certainly be amenable to that. This will be
a very low density development. Our intention is to have a very low density development
around a golf course already being developed.
A motion was made by Mike Reuwsaat, seconded by Roxanne Ziegler, to amend the motion
to add a condition to the zoning so the maximum density of the project will be reduced by
392 units. The motion carried 7/0.
Vice Mayor Sutton: Just to clarify, I think the concern was that the 300+ homes wouldn't
be moved to another section of the property, making something else more dense.
Ed Honea: As I understand it, it would be a reduction from the 13,000 maximum permitted
traits. The new maximtLm units permitted would be 13,000 less 392.
Dan Hochuli: In order to try and make this as clean as possible under our roles, I request
that the Council vote on the motion to amend the original motion which was to add a
condition to the zoning so that the maximxun density of the project would be reduced by 392.
If that motion passes, then the Council will have the amended motion before them to vote on.
Council voted on the motion to amend the original motion to add a condition to the zoning
so the maximum density of the project will be reduced by 392 units. The motion carried 7/0.
Council voted on the amended motion. The motion carried 7/0.
D. PUBLIC MEETING - 1998 Community DeveLopment Block Grant (CDBG) Process
and Projects
Hurvie Davis: This is the time of year, with our CDBG program, to have a public meeting
and receive input, from the public, on our 1998 Community Development Block Grant
progrmn. We have outlined a schedule for you in our report.
Dan Groseclose: Wc did conduct a public meeting on October 20, 1997 at Town Hall. One
citizen from the Town attended, which happened to be a Town employee at the Water
Departmant. Wc discussed various aspects of the CDBG program. This meeting tonight is
to continue the discussion and for you to receive input from the public and for you to provide
input un what type of programs you would like to see funded through the CDBG process. To
date, I have received five requests. One for a Marana Health Center Administration, funded
in 1997. Another for a Marana Health Center Teen Wellness Program. The Town of
Marana has actively worked in a drug prescription program for many years and thc Mara~m
Health Center would like to continue that program. This year the program changed a little
bit by removing thc age limitation which said it was for senior citizens only. Many youths in
the community were in need of these medications and their families did not qualify for
different types of insurance. I just came from a meeting at the Marana Vista Estates
Neighborhood Watch Group and they indicated that they would like to see thc Housing
Rehabilitation program continue, They discussed some various items they are finding
difficulty with in their neighborhood, such as leaky gas lines and other major problems. The
last thing is our discussion on the water system improvements for the Marana Municipal
Water System. This will be an ongoing process. The agenda for your review will come next
month. We have all been moved up a month, again, by Pima Comity so we are hastily trying
to put things together. I would eertaiuly want to hear from any cmmctl mcmbers or members
of thc public who have some ideas. I would like to briefly cover thc requiremcnts of
Community Development Block Grant program. Activities must meet one of thc three
national objectives of thc program: 1) It would benefit Iow and moderate income persons.
2) It would aid in thc preventiun of slums and blithe. (The Town of Marana has never
utilized any programs such as this because to aid in the provantiun of slums and blithe, the
Council would first have to declare that there is a problem with slum and blithe in the area.
That has never happened.) 3) Meet other cormnunity development needs posing a serious
immediate threat to the health and welfare of the community, where other financial resources
are not available to meet such needs. (Again, this would be a requirement of the Council to
declare that such an emergency does exist.) Our primary situation is to benefit low to
moderate income individuals. Any progran~ we come up with, we have to justify to Pima
County and HUD that at least 51% of people receiving benefit from the CDBG program are
low to moderate income.
Mayor Harn: Mr. Hochuli, since we are discussing CDBG, is it permissible to discuss a
program already under way?
Dan Hochuli: I think so, but I am not sure where you are going with this. Go ahead and I
will signal you if you should stop.
Mayor ltarn: I am just concerned about the housing we have already put up for the
portable housing project. How is that coming and if we are close to having people in that
Dan Hochuli: As long as this does not lead to a detailed discussion of that particular
project, tiffs question is O.K. to ask.
· · NOVEMBER 4,.·1997 · · '.
Dan Groseclose: The construction of those two houses is under a home program that is
different from the CDBG. However, I think it is appropriate to indicate to you that we do
have three homes that people are at the banks trying to get loans for. One of them definitely
has approval. I met with the title company yesterday and I feel that we will probably be
closing on that house by the first part of next week, The second individual may be qualified
for an RD loan, which is rural development under the Farmers' Home Administration
program. It looks very favorable for her to receive a substantial amount of financing to buy
one of these homes. The problem with this particular application is that it takes up 4-5
months to process the application through the RD program. We are still working out a few
bugs on the third person's financing. Hopefully, it is resolved and we won't have to look for
a new applicant.
Mayor Ham: The reason I brought this question up is I want to know ff we have funding
through this program for the landscaping on these houses, or should we do some CDBG
funding for that?
Dan Groseclose: For the two new houses, we do have $2,000 per house to do landscaping.
The staff has determined that we are not going to do that until the people that are actually
going to start moving into the houses. At that point, we will buy the materials and such and
they will do the actual work with, our assistance.
Mayor Harn: 1 think when you have low and moderate levels like this, people move into a
house with no preliminary landscaping and it never gets done and the house is left with a
Dan Groseclose: With the budget that we currently have, their participation and not having
to pay out for labor, we should be able to do a lot of decent landscaping at those houses.
Ed Honea: We told Mr. Hawkins, last year when he applied too late, that when it came time
to apply for CDBG with the school funding program we would let him know. Maybe we
should directly contact Don Hawkins for the Summer Youth program through the school.
Dan Groseclose: This is the appropriate ti~ne to discuss any of these issues.
Roy Cuaron: In the absence of any public input, what staff is really looking for is some
direction from Council as to what projects you would like to see funded with CDBG so we
can do the appropriate write up. It is very appropriate for you to suggest any programs you
would like to see funded.
Ed Honea: The project that I have tried to get built through CDBG for the last 3 or 4 years,
is the Senior Center. Mayor Ham and I have discussed some other moneys that the Town
collected and did not plan for. Also, we put up moneys this year for the engineering for the
Senior Center so next year we could be looking for some funding to coustmct the Center. It
is a much needed commodity in this community, there are a lot of seniors in tiffs town who
do not have any where to go where they feel secure. We have already made the commitment
and financed the design. Next year, we would like to be able to use some of the available
funds from these different programs to actually build this center. I would hope that Council
would support this.
A motion was made by Vice Mayor Sutton, and seconded by Herb Kal, that Council go into
Executive Session. Motion carried 7/0.
· 'MARANA' TOWN COUNCIL· ' .. · . . . ..
E. EXECUTIVE SESSION - Pursuant to A. ILS. 38-431.01 (A) (4) for Discussion and
Consultation with the Town Attorney to Consider the Town's Position and Instruct its
Attorney Regarding Threatened Litigation Sunward Materials and Trust #7610-T
Council went into Executive Session at 7:35 PM,
All Council members returned from Executive Session at 8:25 PM.
F. Marana Town Council Acting as the Floodplain Management Board - Discussion and
Action Regarding Permit of Sunward Materials for Mining Activity, and a Cease and
Desist Order
Wink Pearson: The Town has hired me to advise them on some of the issues related to the
topic on the agenda. 1 met with the Town on the 21~t of October and shortly after that 1 sent
a letter to Sunward Materials and to the Trust concerning issues involved with the Cease and
Desist Order. The position the Town has taken is that the materials that were to be
submitted by this time were not been fully submitted prior to the Cease and Desist Order
being effective. I wrote an extensive letter discussing the issues. 1 received a response from
the Trust indicating their position, along with some doctunents. As a result of that
information exchange, the staff and I were not satisfied that all of the information, in the
format in which we had expected it, had been submitted. The Trust and Sunward Materials
were so advised. The next matter that occurred was a meeting (today) with representatives
from the Trust to discuss what additional submittals they might make to address the issues
raised by the Board and the Town concerning the Cease and Desist Order. The Cease and
Desist Order, as it is set ap now, will become effective this Friday. The end result of the
meeting was the Trust was agreeable to submitting some additional information to staff and
myself for review. The tmderstanding would be that they would submit this information by
Thursday at 5:00. Briefly, those items were: 1) Additional information to be supplied
directly to the issue of the floodplain use permit. 2) Additional items related to some other
plans that the parties were interested in pnrsuing. 3) Specific concerns about the 404 permit
and the status of that permit, to what extent it would or would not be obtained. 4) Some
specific concerns expressed by the staff about being notified of things that were going on. As
a result of that meeting, it appears that the Trust would like to submit some additional
information. The Board must consider whether that is appropriate and determine if they
want to take any fufdier action in the future or the Cease and Desist Order should be
enforced on Friday. Those issues are before the Beard, now, for its consideration.
April Spross, 9018 North Whitfield: I speak for myself, my husband and maybe a few
others in the area who did not come in tonight but have expressed their opinions to us. Our
major concern is, of course, the environment and the appearance of our community. It is a
growing area and it is beautiful. One of the major problems is the dust. Even coming down
the interstate, with the sand and gravel pits already in prndnctian, you can see the dust
billowing into the sky and you know it comes through there. We have called the
Environmental Protection Agency and they bare sent people out who say the pits are
complying with the water trucks and the sprinkling of the conveyor belts, but the dust still
billows up and I can see it most every evening, That is not good for our health. People in
Tucson come here for breathing problems, this is supposed to be a good area. You see it on
the news and weather at night, they talk about the dust being high in the area causing a lot of
problems. We do not want this close to our homes. It also leaves scars on the landscape that
can not be repaired and never are. There are big gaping holes all over this area. I believe
there arc about five sand and gravel pits in the Marana area, now. We do not need more of
them. We do not want more of them. The moneys that the Town might get from these sand
and gravel pits is not going to make up for the awful eyesores they leave when they are
through. It is not fixed, it is just a big hole that you can not do anything with unless you
Or. S ECt COVN¢IL. · i.
· . .. "NOVEM'BER4;1997 · · · . . '..
spend a lot more money. Even though they say they will do it, there is nothing to make them
do the repairs or build lite lakes and plant the trees at the end of the 10 or 15 years of
digging 70 feet down and making a big hole. In that area, I think there is a lot of growth for
homeewncrs and a lot of businesses are going up with the new Fry's shopping center. I
think there is a high density area across from that corner where there maybe apartment
buildings at sonic point. I think the potential for other business along Silverbell between
Cortaro and Ina would be much more beneficial for thc Town, in the long run, than a big
hole in the ground. We feel the destruction of our area should be stopped completely. I
think they are nothing but an eye sore and a danger to the environment and people's health
in the area. We hope that yon won't approve this. But, if you do, we wonder ifyan really
care about the peeple in the area and the hioks of our area. Marana has great potential and is
a beautiful area, and we must think about what thc area will look like in thc future. We beg
yon to, please, not allow this to continne in our area, or start any new ones especially.
Al Taylor, 7561 Straw Hat Lane: 1 urge you to enforce or extend the Cease and Desist
Order. There is no good reason to continue such operations in our town. On the other hand,
there are compelling reasons for ridding our town of such operations. Our new general plan
calls for sorted davelopmant to enhance the image of Mama. I ask you to try to imagine
trying to impress potential citizens or businesses and industry by advertising our sand and
gravel operations. Those operations simply will not give our town the appearance of the best
place to live or do business. Beyond that, we should be committed to the highest and best
land uses. This involves assessing the cost benefit implications of any land use. Sand and
gravel operations simply do not pass that test. They provide absolutely nothing in revenues.
They cost us in the heavier uses imposed on streets and roads, in detracting from the town's
appearance and they detract from the tax bases, rather than add to it. Our new general plan
points out that beyond the appeal of its ~nountainous setting and arable land, Marana's
location advantage on the Interstate-10 corridor, connecting Arizona's two largest
metropolitan areas is Maraua's greatest economic asset. Locating sand and gravel
operations in this corridor simply squanders the Town's most valuable asset. The proximity
to 1-10 should attract the types of businesses and industry that would provide improved
employment in terms of both numbers and levels that would add greatly to the tax base in
order to finance the infrastructure of the Town and provide long term economic stability. In
place of these, we have operations that destroy our image, ruin our environment, contribute
nothing in revenues and discourage the type of development that we really need. In this way,
we are all called upon to subsidize these operations which do nothing for us except damage
us greatly. I would ask yon to do what ever is necessary to call a halt to this squandering of
our most valuable asset.
Sandy Grosedose: We did get some e-mail from an indMdual by the name of Fran
Zimmerman. I would like to pass that on to Council.
Allan and Fran Zimmcrman, <froggy~dakotacom. net>, 8919 North Palm Brook Drive:
This is to inform the town council my opinion of tonight's meeting. I feel that it was
undarhanded to have it on election night and not give enough notifieation of said meeting so
all concerned citizens of your cunununity can get involved. It does seem to be unethical-but
then again so do you also appear the same way. Concerning thc sand and gravel operation.
You are well aware that the traffic congestion is bad enough without this operation. A new
school is also being constructed on Silverbell that will also add to the congestion. We, also
are aware that there is no funds to upgrade the road and that is not your fault. But what
comes next is!!!!! If this sand and gravel does go in.....your names will bc remembered
come next election time. That is all I can do. I will publicly campaign for your opposition
and remind all that live within the sound of my voiea what you are doing touight. I do not
have a memory problem as 1 am sure you hope that we do. If you feel that your government
will profit.-think again. My property value will decline, my resale value will decline, very
few home will be sold once the prospective homeowner sees this eyesore and views traffic
· . NOVEMBER 4, 1997 ' '" ""
congestion. But all that won't matter to you because we, my neighbors and I, will make dam
sure that you-our city council members, will not be there!
Vice Mayor Sutton: I would like to do a little clarification from the e-mail that we
received. It was similar to Mrs. Spross's concerns. This agenda item is for a Cease and
Desist Order that we have in place for Friday to stop the operation. I know your concern,
which was one of my concerns, is that a while ago there were some agenda items talking
about moving it to thc comer. That is not being discussed fight now, and them is no way I
would ever look at any thing like that from that agenda item. This is for the Cease and
Desist Order Friday, and I feel real firmly about keeping the deadline on Friday.
Mike Reuwsaat: When I get a letter like this, it raises my blood pressure and 1 don't need
that. I hope that everybody is more clear and will go back to the community and tell them
what we are trying to do here and understand that the things in this letter does not apply to
wbat is occurring right now. I understand your motions and so fozth but we need to keep
very clear what thc objective is for this Council on Friday, and what it is not. These are two
entirely separate agenda items in consideration.
Mayor Harm This is our regular Council meeting night and I don't think that meeting on
our regular Council meeting night is underhanded, even if it is on election day.
Sherry Millner: These citizens live close to me, so I would like to go down and talk to her
one-on-one. I met some people in the voting area tonight and I see they are here and I think
I made it clear to them what we were here for tonight.
Mayor Harm The Cease and Desist Order has not been changed at tiffs time, but there is
some consideration by the Council to go ahead and meet on Thursday evening to see if
someone can meet with the information requested by our attorney.
A motion was made by Mike Reuwsaat, seconded by Ed Honea, that this item be continued
until Thursday night at 7:00. Motion carried 5/2. Roxunne Ziegler and Vice Mayor Sutton
voted no.
Roxanne Ziegler: 1 would like to explain my no vote. The Council sent a letter on August
4, 1997 to Sunward Materials and we were very clear on what we needed. We gave them 90
days to do so. That 90 days is up on Friday. Our counsel, Mr. Pearson, sent another letter
on October 22, 1997 and reiterated what the Council of the Town of Marana needs for them
to continue. As of tonight's Executive Session, we have not received those documents and
they have not acted in good faith. Therefore, I respectfully vote no.
G. Mayor and Council's Report
Sherry Millner: Mayor Ham, Herb Kal and myself had dinner with three members of the
Tucson Council last Thursday. I felt it was a rather productive dinner and had a good time.
Roxanne Ziegler: Last Friday, Dave Atler and 1 met at the intersection of Ina and
Thornydale at 8:00. We looked at some of what was going on them and what the County
wants to do with that road north of Ina. We then proceeded to a 9:00 meeting with the
County. We had representatives them from the Business Advisory Council to discuss not
putting in a median, but giving access to the businesses on both sides. Unfortunately, we did
not roach an agreement so it has been up to Mr. Huckleberry and the supervisors. We, here
at Council, will be seeing it one day. That afternoon, I met with Mr. Bing Sherwood with
Best and Company to discuss the Sahuam Springs development.
· .MARANATOWN COUNCIL.' ' '.' ' ' "' ' '
· EMBER 4,' 1997
NOV ' · ' ·
Vice Mayor Sutton: Herb Kal, Mike Reuwsaat and myself met with Bill and Peter Wiggins
from the nickel plating company out of California. They are very nice gentlemen with an
incredible business plan. The type of jobs and pay they would be bringing to Marana would
be very sought after and they have agreed to use all of their ability to hire people from
Marana and use the Chamber for different purposes. They are thc .type of people you want to
attract to your town. I think it could be a very promising venture for them and someone that
would be real nice to have in town for prospective businesses.
Mike Reuwsaat: Mr. Davis, with the lack of presentation on Dove Mountain today, I think
it would be important to contact Mr. Mehl. With the amount of time that has been spent
before this Council and the Planning Commission, the benefits of that resort to this
community, in terms of economic impact and jobs and so forth, I would like to have that
information forwarded on to Mr. and Mrs. Cook and any other appropriate parties, such as
the Northwest Explorer.
Ed Honea: Roxanne Ziegler, Sherry Millner and I also met with Mr. Wiggins and I was
impressed also. It appears that they run a pretty, good shop, they pay well and want to get
involved with the community. They also made a commitment to try to hire local people and
I really appreciate that. I also met with Mr. Sherwood. He seems very anxious to get their
project going, everything seems to be on track. I have had three meetings in the last two
weeks, with Don Brooks and one with Dave Doerken in regard to the La Mirage 508 units
over on the other side of the track by the Adonis subdivision. When I met with Mr. Brooks
the first time, I thought there were many, many unanswered questions about the subdivision.
We had our third meeting yesterday with all &the department heads, Mr. Davis, Mr. Hein,
Mr. Brooks, members of the Water department and mysell~ We told Mr. Brooks some of the
things they would need to provide in order to make their cunununity an asset to our
community. Mr. Brooks said he would contact someone from the Town today as to whether
or not they could meet some of those requests. It is my understanding that they did not do
so. I would encourage other council membars to meet with these individuals as well, and l
have a lot of information I can share with you. It could be a very nice addition to our
community, ff done properly. There are some serious problems with water and ingress and
egress is even worse than it will be anywhere else in the community because there is only one
access to the property and it is on the other side of the railroad tracks. Steve Jewett,
Governor Hall's representative for Southern Arizona, is a very intelligent man and very pro
Marana. 1 think good things are going to happen to us with this governor and Mr. Jewitt.
He is going to be the featured speaker at the Chamber dinner at TRICO Electric on
November 19, 1997 at noon. I would encourage as many of you ttmt possibly can to attend
that meeting.
Mayor Harm When developers come before us they should have their act together so when
they give a proposal to us we can work with it and act on it; it is not a time for negotiation
between the Council and the developer. They need to come to us with a reasonable request
that we can just say yeah or neigh on and not spend hours on end discussing what should
have been put together before hand. I also met with the Clayton people, the zinc plating
company. I was very impressed with Peter and Bill Wiggins and I think it is Bill that is the
Council member in Burbank, CA. The industry and the range of pay that they are thinkiug
about bringing to Marana are good for non-skilled workers (in the range of $14-$16 per
Sherry Millner: Dick Gear, from our Development Center, did a wonderful job on this.
Mayor Ham: Councilman Reuwsaat and I met with a group from the Casa Grande Bank
last week. They are interested in Marana and they do not need a huge anmunt of money as a
base for opening the bank in Marana. We have had a number of citizens from the
community say they would be interested in moving their account to this bank if it comes to
Marana. People in the community are concerned with the bank being closed and we find
ourselves in a very inconvenient process. I met with the people from the American Cancer
Society, they would like to come before us, again, with more information about the
ordinance. I told them the Council might be willing to talk about the vending machine
ordinance. It has been rather hectic these last couple of weeks, bnt the most interesting part
was meeting the people from California.
H. Manager's Report
Hurtle Davis: As you know, I was on vacation for the last two weeks, in Newport, Oregon
and I met with the building official for the City of Newport to get my house plans approved.
The gentleman was very helpful. He is the building official, the plans examiner and thc
building inspector. It is a town with a population of 8,500 but it does not have much growth.
One of the reasons comes from Governor McCall's days, "Come visit but don't stay." He
suggested that I not get my plans approved at this point because you have to begin
construction within 6 months after approval or go through the process again and I don't plan
on beginning construction until next Jane. He said send them up the first of May and lie
would approve them. I asked if he could give me an idea of how much the building permit
would cost. He thumbed through the plans and said about $5,000.00. I was appalled
because I cost it out based on our building fees and it came to about $2,100.00. I said I could
see why Oregon bas no growth. The reason I mention this is because the staff and I inet with
the zinc plating company last week. Mr. Hein and I were very concerned about the
hazardous waste aspect of the business when GTEC indicated that this company wanted to
come to Marana. We met with representatives from Northwest Fire District, Pima Coanty
Waste Water Department and Pima County Department of Environmental Quality. As a
result of that meeting and the information provided to us, I feel very conffortable about
having that business in our community. It is not a business that is going to provide any
concern or potential damage to our canununity. We have given them a clean bill of health,
they meet all Federal, State and County standards. It was very comforting to have this
outside expertise available for a meeting like this because we certainly do not have lhat on
our stal~ Mr. Hein and I inet with Mr. Hncklebeny regarding the Santa Cruz levy project
last week. We have received a draft of the IGA for the Santa Cruz and we have copies to
pass out to you this evening. It is a draft copy and if you have any canunents, get back to us,
we are still going to meet with staff and refine this thing. We believe we have made a lot of
progress and this document is, essentially, one we can live with. Parallel to that, I have just
received an IGA from the City of Tucson regarding the effluent issue disposition. Months
ago, we drafted an IGA and sent it to the City of Tucson and had not heard anything back on
it until now. We have not had an opportunity to review it yet. I think it is significant
progress we are making on both of these fronts. I made my first visit to the Heritage
Highland Clubhouse recently and 1 was very impressed. I met with US Homes and
Cottonsvood Properties regarding sign issues. They want some signing to promote their
development so that ama can grow. I think that is the kind of growth this commudity wants,
it is quality and good for the economic stability of this commanity. I think we are looking at
a signing that is very similar to the one we tried in Continental Ranch. It has "The Towu of
Marana" on it and the builders. I also met with the representatives from Pulte Homes, who
are interested in the North Pima Farms area, and they have a specific plan they are looking
at. I will meet with staff to deterntine ff some ntinor changes to that specific plan can be
made ad~ninistrafively, or ff they have to come back through the process. When we met with
the plating company at the Development Center, we had Mr. After, Mr. Flannery, Mr.
Svoboda, Mr. Hein, Mr. Gear and myself. I was evaluating our building official as he was
addressing these gentlemen and comparing him to the building official in Oregon, who *vas
very helpful to me. Our building official did an exceptionally good job at walking these
people, who are business people not developers, through the process. I have received many
letters complimenting us on our staff efforts. I received a letter today from Catalina
Coatings, in Continental Ranch, and I would like to read this into the record.
. · NOVEMBER 4, 1.997.' '
Dear Mr. Svoboda,
Now that I have had the time to reflect on the construction process that CCI went through in building
our engineering and manufacturing facility in Marana, I wanted to let you know how Mr. John Thomas
positively ~fl~cted our project. John was attentive, detailed, proficient and always willing to help.
Basically, John was there every step of the way and made the building process ~s painless as possible.
Dealing with most city/town governments, in my experience, is never eosy and frankly I expected to be
challenged every step of the way. John w0s like a member of our team. I am grateful for his insight and
ability to keep the project moving smoothly, sa'drag us valuable time and capital. Tha peoplo of Marana
are lucky to have someone in their employ that is so dedicated and knowledgeable.
It has been a ple0sure working with him. It is because of efforts like John's and other Marana officials
that CCI looks forward to growing here well into the future. Thank you.
Best Regards.
Brea Smith
Director of Business Development
This just points out the kind of public service we give to our community. Occasionally we do
make a mistake and we do hear about that. Most of the time we don't hear about the good
things we do, we hear about the bad things. We really appreciate Mr. Smith taking the time
to send this letter and we will respond to him.
Ed ltonea: This bas to do with all of the meetings I bad with Don Brooks and Mr. Doerken
on that piece of property over there. I would like to strongly suggest we set up a committee
of 2 or 3 council members and our department heads to draw up the guidelines/parameters
for new development in our community. For example, we need a school site per so many
houses, so much well capacity per so many homes, etc. I think if we draw up a set of
guidelines, when the development community submits a plan to us, they will include these
items and it will be a much simpler process than having to beat these things out every time.
It is going to be a fairly lengthy process, we could even get the development conununity
involved, so we should start something soon. I have spent about 15-20 hours on this project
and the staff has probably spent a few hundred hours on it. I don't think they should be so
stringent that they can't be adjusted per situation, but it should tell them about where we are
looking. If we put this on the agenda, maybe each council member could jot down a diagram
of some general things they feel are the responsibility of the development commumty.
Mayor Barn: I would put this on the agenda for discussion at the November 180' meeting
and then go from there on how we want to proceed with it.
Ed Honea: I would ask members of the Council to bring some suggestions with them.
Roxanne Ziegler: Mr. Hein brought a lady from Colonius, can we get an update on that?
tlurvie Davis: I would like to apolo~ze to Mr. Honea, he did bring the development
guidelines suggestion up at the last meeting and I only talked to Jocelyn today about getting
it on the agenda.
A motion was made by Bobby Sutton, seconded by Herb Kai, to adjourn. Motion was carried
7/0, Meeting adjanrned at 9:20 PM.
'. ' .. ' .MARANATOWN· COUNCIL. .' . '.
· NOVEMBER.4~ 1'997 ' . .
I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are the tree and correct minutes of the Marana Town
Council held on November 4, 1997. I further certify that a quonm~ was present.
/ /