HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/18/1996 Regular Council Meeting MinutesPLACE AND DATE Marana Town Hall June 18, 1996 I. CALL TO ORDER By Mayor Honea at 7:11 p.m. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Mayor Honea III. INVOCATION Led by Mayor Honea IV. ROLL CALL COUNCIL Ed Honea Sharon Price Tom Clark Ora Mae Ham Sherry Millner Herb Kal Bobby Sutton Jr. Mayor Vice-Mayor Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member, excused STAFF Hurvie Davis Dan Hochuli Sandra Groseclose Jerry Flannery Dave Atler Brad DeSpain Jane Johnson Jocelyn Entz Doug Maples Dave Smith Roy Cuaron Town Manager Town Attorney Town Clerk Planning Administrator Town Engineer Utilities Advisor Human Resources Director Administrative Assistant Chief Building Official Chief of Police Finance Director 13 Members of the Public V. APPROVAL OF AGENDA A motion was made by Ora Harn, seconded by Sherry Millner and carried unanimously to approve the Agenda with Item F to follow Item B. VI. ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES A motion was made by Sherry Millner, seconded by Tom Clark and carried unanimously with Council Member Ora Ham abstaining from voting to approve the minutes of Regular Council Meetings of June 4, l!)~)6 and Special Council/Planning and Zoning Retreat of June 5, 1996. VII. CALL TO THE PUBLIC/ANNOUNCEMENTS Ora Harn: There is going to be a special event at the Chamber of Commerce Saturday night. They will be having an open house. VIII. STAFF REPORTS Staff reports are on file at Town Hall GENERAL ORDER OF BUSINESS A. Consent Agenda 1. Resolution No. 96-51 - Consideration of an Intergovernmental Agreement with Pima County Animal Control for animal control services within the Town limits. 2. Resolution No. 96-53; Continental Ranch Parcel 28 by Del Webb's Coventry Homes of Tucson - An application for review and approval of a Final Plat for a single family detached home subdivision. The proposed site is located in the N 1/2 of Section 21 T12S R12E, Continental Ranch Parcel 28. 3. Resolution No. 96-54; Continental Ranch Parcel 26 by Del Webb's Coventry Homes of Tucson - An application for review and approval of a Preliminary Plat for a single family detached home subdivision, the proposed site is located in the N 1/2 of Section 21 T12S R12E~ Continental Ranch Parcel 26. 4. Resolution No. 96-49 - Consideration and action on Resolution No. 96-49 fuli¥ releasing ail assurance agreements between the Town of Marana and Pulte Homes for Continental Ranch Parcel 27B and accepting the public improvements in Parcel 27B for maintenance. 5. Resolution No. 96-50 - Intergovernmental Agreement with P/ma County to provide incarceration of municipal prisoners. 6. Resolution No. 96-55 - Commitment to implement the 1996 Carbon Monoxide Limited Maintenance for the Tucson Air Planning Area. 7. Resolution No. 96-57 and Ordinance No. 96-28; Tuition Reimbursement - Consideration of a proposed amendment to the Marana Personnel Policies providing reimbursement for Town emploTees who are seeking additional education {second reading}. A motion was made by Sharon Price, seconded by Herb Kal and carried unanimously to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. B. Public Hearing; Ordinance No. 96.27, Casa Royale Rezone - Rezone request for a property located at the SW corner of Sliverbell Road and Linda Vista Blvd., NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 20, T12S R12E, Assessor*s Parcel Number 221-02-002, from Town Classification ~R- 144" {Single Family Residential, Minimum Lot Size 144,000 sq. ft.) to "R-36" (single Family Residential, Minimum Lot Size 36,000 sq. ft. Cluster Development} Hurvie Davis: This issue has been before Council prev/ously. The applicant wishes to rezone the property from "R-144' to "R-36', Staff supports this rezone. Jerry Flannery: This item was brought before the Town Planning Commission for rezone and annexation. The Town Council acted on it for annexation back in May of 1996. The property is a 37 acre parcel, the individual is dedicating approximately half of the property to the Archaeological Conservancy. At the annexation meeting there was some discussion about buffer yards and vegetation on hillsides and slopes. The applicant at that time addressed and presented some graphic representations that he wishes to incorporate in this project, he is here again tonight. The applicant requested that this item be clustered, given that he is dedicating a large portion of the property to the Conservancy. The average lot size is approx/mately 20,000 square feet, and fronts on Silverbell Rd just south ofwhat would be the Linda Vista Rd. alignment. Jim Yeager, Casa Royale Builders 3110 N. 1st Ave. Tucson, AZ: Mr. Yeager discussed the buffer areas on the west side of the property which borders the Tucson Mountains. On the north side there is a 30 foot boundary, the south side also has a thirty foot boundary. We have limited ourselves to no more than 8,000 square foot of the available land that's left to be disturbed for a house. Ora Harn: On these buffer areas, is the natural vegetation going to be left there. Jim Yeager: Yes, permanent no disturbed areas. We have to be sensitive to the terrain and the vegetation that is there. Mayor Honea: The buffers are in the CCR's, so there is no way to skirt those. Jim Yeager: Yes they are. Herb Kai: What would be the actual square footage of the homes on a 20,000 square foot lot size versus a 40,000 square foot lot size. Jim Yeager: Right now the concept is to start with a minimum square footage of approximately 1,500 square feet, plus the garage. You're looking at around 2,100 square feet up to 3,000 square foot minimum. Herb Kai: What is the water sewer situation going to be in that area. Jim Yeager: The water will Tucson Water and the sewer permanent substation will be the Continental Ranch substation. Mayor Honea declared Council out of Public Hearing. A motion was made by Ora Harn, seconded by Sharon Price and carried unanimously to approve Ordinance No. 96.27 to rezone property located at the SW corner of Silverbell Road and Linda Vista l~oulevard, more specifically the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 20, Township 12 South, Range 12 East, from Town Classification "R-144' (Single family residential, minimum lot size 144,000 square feet] to "R-36" (Single family residential, minimum lot size 36,000 square feet, Cluster Development). Subject to meeting all conditions. F. Acquisition of Water System - Encumbrance of Funds for Fiscal Year 1995-96 Budget for acquisition of Cortaro-Marana lrri[~ation Diztrict/Cortaro Water User's Association {CMID/CWUA] Municipal and Industrial Water System. Council Member Herb Kal declared a conflict of interest and was excused from the dais. Hurvie Davis: We have been negotiating with the Cortaro Marana Irrigation District for the M Ik I Water System a number of years. We have budgeted this current year $600,000 for possible acquisition of this system. We are very close to reaching an agreement with the District, we will meet later this week and hopefully progress will be made. We are asking Council that they approve the encumbrance of $600,000 that we have in the budget this current year for the next fiscal year. A motion was made by Sharon Price, seconded by Tom Clark and carried unanimously to authorize staff to encumber $600,00 from the Fiscal 1995-96 budget for the acquisition of Cortaro-Marana Irrigation District/Cortaro Water User's Association's municipal and industrial water system. Council Member Herb Kai returned to the dais. Ora Ham: In consideration for the people in the audience Council Member Harn would like to move Item D to be discussed before Item C. A motion was made by Ora Harn, seconded by Sharon Price and carried unanimously to move Item D before Item C. D. Resolution No. 96-58 - Consideration and action on an Intergovernmental Agreement with Arizona Department of Corrections {DOC} and Management and Training Corporation {MTCI providing for use of inmates on labor-intensive crews at minimal costs to the Town. Hurvie Davis: We worked over the last three years with the Department of Corrections and the Management Training Corporation for the establishment of the Marana Community Correctional Treatment Facility. Soon after the facility opened we were able to use the population there for town projects through the efforts of MTC and Town Staff. We have been working with both MTC and DOC for some time now to get a formalized agreement between the Town and those two parties for the use of the inmate population on a more formalized basis. There have been a number of IGA's bounced back and forth between the Town and DOC, we have reached an agreement here on the IGA. We would enter into the IGA for the use of the labor at the facility for road clean up, landscaping, maintenance and general labor projects. We would pay them a rate of .50 per hour, the money is budgeted for in the 1996-97 budget. Dan Hoohuli: We have worked on this off and on, he was not happy with the original draft and recommended a number of changes. The agreement as it stands now is essentially a good document for the Town. There are some hand written changes that have been agreed to by the State and will be inserted into the final draft. The Legal Department's recommendation is for adoption of Resolution No. 96-58. Tom Clark: Are we going to assign a specific supervisor or will it be depending on what they are doing. Dan Hochuli: In a practical sense he is not sure how it will work. Technically the IGA requires DOC to have approved each work site in advance. This could turn into a problem such as with road crews who are moving around a lot. Some of the practical issues on how we deal with it re just going to have to be worked out. Dave Atler: The way that we would do it, as we have been is it would depend on the assignment. IT would generally require more than one individual to be assigned. There are going to be some issues that we have to discuss. Bill Roady, Warden: We are going to provide training for the Town employees who are going to be supervising inmates in work situations. Tom Clark: He sees the inmates working around the Park and Town Hall. Could inmate crews then begin working around the Ina Road area. Bill Roady: They have been working down in that area. Hurvie Davis: We got a permit from the Department of Transportation to allow us to work on all the interchanges in the Town as well as the frontage road. A motion was made by Ora Ham, seconded by Sharon Price and carried unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 96-58, authorizing the Town to enter into an intergovernmental agreement providing for the use of the Marana Community Correctional Treatment Center inmates as labor on Town work crews. C. Public Hearing; Resolution No. 96-52 - Adoption of Town Budget for FY 1996-97. Hurvie Davis: On June 4, 1996 the Council adopted a tentative budget for the Town for fiscal year 1996-97 in the amount of $15,122,794. Since that time we've gotten a new estimate of state shared revenues from the League of Cities and Towns which estimates a reduction of $45,156 from the amount originally budgeted. As a result we would ask Council to approve the increase of the Reserve Account Revenues by $45,156 to offset the reduction. Mayor Honea: He has been talking to Mr. Davis and other Council Members, he feels it is necessitated by the tremendous amount of work that the Council does, it is time for us to have a full time assistant. The amount of meetings and research that needs to be done along with other duties have really become overwhelming. We need someone that can work with us all the time. Jane Johnson: In talking with the Mayor she feels this is a position that does need to be in place as soon as possible. This person could do research for the Council, set up meetings and coordinate schedules. Tom Clark: He does not feel that the salary of $21,000 would be enough for an assistant. Jane Johnson: The position would be equivalent to that the Town Manager's assistant. She is also in the process of evaluating all positions and reclassifying them where necessary. Herb Kal: It seems like there is a need for an assistant. But the first thing he looked at is the total position costs. Would there be any possib/lity that Staff might have somebody that could be assigned this duty temporarily to see what the work load is. Hurvie Davis: We have not researched internally for that possibility. However he would indicate that when he was going through the budget process that the budget before Council this evening and the requested number of personnel is reduced back from what the Departments had requested. Based on this experience with the budget process the Departments do not have the available personnel to do this on a regular basis. Mayor Honea: He has come into the office and there are messages waiting for him. People want a response and most of them could be answered by an assistant. Herb Kal: We need to watch the number of employees that we hire. Sherry Millner: It would help her out to have somebody to assist her in scheduling and other duties. As much as the Town is growing it's a very good idea. Sharon Price: Is it a possibility where we could get someone only part time. Mayor Honea: He does not feel a part time basis would not work. The reason being if someone calls in and this person isn't working you still have the same problems. We need a central person that handles just the Council. Tom Clark: The Town is growing so quickly. He agrees that this position is probably needed, but with what he has in front of him with the budget, we need to be more specific about what this person would do. Mayor Honea: Jane Johnson is in the process of writing job descriptions. Tom Clark: He is concerned that if some one calls and wants to speak to a Council Member he does not want this person speaking for him. Mayor Honea: That person would not speak for the Council. But if they call and couldn't get a hold of a Council Member then this assistant would make an effort to get a hold of the person needed. Tom Clark: He agrees that the position needs to be filled but he would like a little bit more time to find out some more specifics. Ora Harn: She urges the Council to think about this and consider it, there is a lot of work. If we do not put it in the budget tonight, can the position still be filled later on. Roy Cuaron: His preference is that if the Council has any inclination to go ahead with this that it be so designated. Tom Clark: He would go along with allocating the funds for this position, but he would like a more specific description of this position. Hurvie Davis: As a result of the action that Council took to encumber the funds this evening for the $600,000 of this year's water budget, he would ask that Council's moves to adopt the budget as the limit that's been set and decrease the water budget by $600,000 and increasing the Town's Contingency Fund by that amount. Also for the position if it is going to be taken out of the Contingency Fund we will need to increase the Mayor and Council's budget by $31,968. Mayor Honea declared Council out of Public Hearing. A motion was made by Ora Harn, seconded by Sherry Miliner and carried unanimously to approve Resolution No. 96-52 adopting the fiscal 1996-97 budget at $15,122,794. Also to decrease the water budget by $600,000, increase the Mayor and Council budget by $31,968 and increase the Town's Contingency Fund by $568,032. RECESS E. Resolution No. 96-56 - Continental Ranch Parcel 51 Assurance Agreement for Completion of Subdivision Improvements {Third Party Trust]. Hurvie Davis: Town Staff recommends that this Resolution be adopted. MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIl, MEETING MARANA TOWN COUNCIL A motion was made Sharon Price, seconded by Tom Clark and carried unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 96-56 accepting the Assurance agreement for Completion of Subdivision {Third Party Trust) Trust No. 10,784 for Continental Ranch G. Update - Marana Municipal Water System upgrade projects in progress. Hurvie Davis: Mr. DeSpain and his Staff continue to do an outstanding job for the Marana Municipal Water System. They are making tremendous improvements to the system. Mr. DeSpain has a short video tape to show Council this evening. Brad DeSpain: Mr. DeSpain went over the video tape that was viewed by Council showing the improvements being made to the Water System. Tom Clark: With all the stub outs that are going in, will that be able to cover all of the Honea Heights area in case of a fire. Brad DeSpain: His understanding is that we might have a little trouble of probably getting from the last plug to the west to the store that is on Sanders. They feel they have enough line they can lay it. We do have an eight inch that goes down Honea Street and up to Swanson, there are no stub outs there but we will get them as soon as we get time. Mayor Honea: When does Mr. DeSpain anticipate being done with the current phasing. Brad DeSpain: Probably the middle of August. We have had some difficulty with the engineers. We were suppose to be doing this in January, we finally got plan approval in May. Hurvie Davis: Since the time he has been with the Town and dealing with the Water System the reliability of the System has increased tremendously. Improvements will continue to be made and increase reliability even more. Ora Ham: She is not sure that the people who live in Honea Heights realize the extent that we have improved that system. Do we have somebody on Staff who could put something together that we could put in the paper with some pictures of the improvements. This would help to inform people of how much has been added to upgrade the system. Brad DeSpain: There will be a ribbon cutting ceremony and tours showing the improvements. Ora Ham: Do we have pictures of before the improvements were done so we could show people what changes have all taken place, what it looked like before and after. Brad DeSpain: We could put something together. Ora Ham: Council Member Ham wanted to thank Mr. DeSpain for the tremendous job he has done. H. Pima Association of Governments Regional Council Meeting Agenda - Review for discussion and direction. Hurvie Davis: There is one item on the Agenda that he would like to bring to Council's attention. Item #!) PAG membership for the Town of Sahuarita, they would like to obtain membership in the Agency. Historically PAG does not like to bring new members on, they currently have five members and a sixth would only cause problems with possible ties in voting. The City of Tucson voted against allowing them to join, if they were allowed to they wanted weighted voting. They ought to be allowed membership, his recommendation to Council is to instruct our delegate to vote for membership for the Town of Sahuarita. Mayor Honea: He agrees, we want to invoke a spirit of cooperation in the County. We should give a vote that Council Member Ham can represent the Council for allowing Sahuarita to become a member of PAG. Ora Harn: If Council would like her to vote for membership for the Town of Sahuarita, shoe would like to have a motion to that effect. A motion was made by Sharon Price, seconded by Herb Kai and carried unanimously to instruct Council Member Harn that Marana's position is to support the Town of Sahuarita to be allowed to join PAG. MINDTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MARANA TOWN COUNCIL JUNE 15, 1996 I. Mayor's Report Mayor Honea: Last Tuesday we had the retreat with the Department Heads, it was quite fruitful. On Wednesday he had three meetings with different organizations. On Thursday he had two meetings, an Agenda meeting and the Waste Management dedication on their new building on Ina Road. Monday Mr. DeSpain, Mr. Davis, Council Member Ham and the Mayor mat trying to work with Mr. Holub, trying to put some finishing touches on our water proposal for CMID. He has two very full weeks ahead of him with several scheduled meetings. J. Manager's Report Hurvie Davis: Mr. Davis and Mr. Atler met with an architect and a developer to discuss an approach to developing and financing a municipal complex for the Town. There are a number of different options that may be available to us. Mr. Davis and Council Member Mlllner met with two of the Council Members from the City of Tucson this past week. He has been meeting with Tucson Water to discuss various water issues. For several weeks now the Southern Pacific Railroad has been working with Mr. Atler and his staff in wanting to replace the track and the crossing at Ina Road and 1-10. When they first approached us they wanted to close Ina Road for approximately three days, 24 hours a day. We told them that could not be done. Mr. Davis suggested possibly closing it in the late evening hours. Mr. Atler gave him a letter today stating that they will be closing Ina Road from 6:00 a.m. June 25, 1996 until 4:00 p.m. June 27, 1996. Mayor Honea: If they are going to remove that track would they be able to put a temporary alternate area over it where people would still be able to cross the tracks. Dave Atler: The first word we gave them when they requested this was no. And then we gave them some working hours from 11:00 p.m. until §:00 a.m., but they still had to keep a lane open. This is the ftrst correspondence that we have gotten from them, they have not budged at all from their first request. They are using extra long rails and they can't lay them in sections. Mayor Honea: Is there anything we can do to keep them from closing that roadway. IF they close that road down for two days we're going to have massive problems. Herb Kai: Do we need to put our Police Department on notice. Hurvie Davis: We can do that and will do that. The crossing is actually in the County but effects the roadway which is in the Town. Dave Atler: We will be drafting a letter and making phone calls to see what we can do. X. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS None XI. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Sharon Price, seconded by Tom Clark and carried unanimously to adjourn. TIME: 9:37 p.m. AUDIO TAPES OF THE MEETING ARE AVAILABLE AT THE MARANA TOWN HALL CLERK'S OFFICE. CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are the true and correct minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of the Marana Town Council held on June 18, 1996. I further certify that a quorum was present. OWN CLERK 7