HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/05/1996 Regular Council Meeting MinutesMINqYFES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MARANA TOWN COUNCH~ MARCH 5, 1996 PLACE A-ND DATE Marana Town Hail March 5, 1996 I. CALL TO ORDER By Mayor Honea at 7:08 p.m. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Mayor Honea III. INVOCATION Led by Mayor Honea IV. ROLL CALL COUNCIL Ed Honea Sharon Price Tom Clark Ora Mae Harn Sherry Millner Herb Kal Bobby Sutton Jr. Mayor Vice-Mayor Council Member Council Member, excused Council Member Council Member Council Member STAFF Hurv/e Davis Sandra Groseclose Jerry Flannery Roy Cuaron Dave Atlar Doug Maples Brad DeSpain Dave Smith Cindy Ruiz Russeil Dillow Town Manager Town Clerk Planning Administrator Finance Director Town Engineer Building Official Utilities Advisor Chief of Police Planner II Magistrate 27 Members of the Public V. APPROVAL OF AGENDA A motion was made by Bobby Sutton, Jr., seconded by Sharon Price and carried unanimously to approve the Agenda as presented. VI. ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES A motion was made by Sherry Miilner, seconded by Tom Clark and carried unanimously to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of February 8, 1996 and the Special Council Meeting of February 20, 1996. VII. CALL TO THE PUBLIC/ANNOUNCEMENTS Alan Lathrem, 1750 W. Tangerine Rd.: He is here in reference to the abandonment of Cortaro Road from Silverbeil southwest to the existing road. What the Town did in that action is land locked at least seven properties. The developer has not been responsive, they wiil not answer calls. He wants Council to over turn their decision and start over from scratch. MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MARANA TOWN COUNCIL MARCH 5, 1996 Dan Hochuli: Mr. Hochuli has someone looking into this matter. Blake Hughes, 3995 Pinto Ln.: He wanted to talk to Council about mandated curbside recycling in Pima County. This program has a direct effect on him, he operates a private trash hauling business in the County. Lonnie Sharp, 5294 W. Hematite Pl.: He is the Scout Master of Troop 229 and they are here tonight to help them earn a badge. VIII. STAFF REPORTS NO questions IX. GENERAL ORDER OF BUSINESS A. Public Hearing - PCM 95-06 Development Code Amendment~ Title 16: Am~n~ the Town of Marana Development Code, Title 16, Sign Code. Hurvie Davis: When we were in the Ina/Thornydale Road area attempting to annex, many of the businesses in the area indicated that they had a problem with the Sign Code of Pima County. We agreed to revisit the Sign Code of the Town to see if it would meet their needs. In doing so we established a Business Advisory Committee. One of the first tasks of the Committee was to under take the review of the Sign Code Ordinance. It has been going on for almost two years, to review and re-do the Town's Sign Code. Jerry Flannery: The Business Advisory Committee came up with a matrix of what signs were allowed and where. After Mr. Flannery received that information they put together what he felt was a reflection of that matrix as well as the direction that the Committee gave. The final draft is being presented to Council tonight for approval, this is draft #8. In the last few months some real progress has been made. It was presented to the Planning Commission whereby they recommended approval with some slight changes. We have spent a number of hours with Pima County on their Sign Code, they had lot of good input. Hurvie Davis: The reason for a Sign Code Ordinance are two primary purposes. One is for identification for businesses, and secondarily for us is for the motoring public. The Business Advisory Committee has spent many many hours on this and did a fantastic job. Have the concerns of the Committee been addressed. Jerry Flannery: Yes, we received the concerns of the Business Advisory Committee. He would like to move the matrix up so it would be right after the definitions. When you go to definitions you would go right into the matrix of what is allowed in what zone, this is the only change he would recommend. Herb Kai: Were any changes made in regards to billboards. Jerry Flannery: In the previous Code billboards were prohibited and in this proposal the Business Advisory Committee as well as the Staff held that to be the same. The one change that is in regards to billboard signs is an annual maintenance fee. A motion was made by Bobby Sutton Jr., seconded by Tom Clark and carried unanimously to approve Resolution No. 96-19 and Ordinance No. 96.12, declaring as a public record and adopting Title 16 with the change of moving the matrix to go behind definitions, of the Marana Development Code, revising the Sign Code regulations and incorporating the revised regnlations in the Development. B. Career Achievement Program for Employees - Presentation by Klm Sipsma a representative for O. C. Tanner. Hurvie Davis: Over the last year or so there has been discussion regarding recognizing Town employees for their service to the Community. Last year we had a picnic and passed out pins and so forth, Staff has been working on this. Sandy Groseclose: Mrs. Groseclose along with Jane Johnson met with Kim Sipsma a representative from O. C. Tanner, we gave her a variety of ideas that we felt the Council might be interested in. MINUTES OF REGU1,AR COUNCIl, MEETING MARANA TOWN COUNCIl, MARCH 5, 1996 Kim Bipsma, O. C. Tanner: Locally we work with Bank One, Golden Eagle Distributors, St. Mary's Hospital and Tucson Electric and Power. We looked at what the Town wanted, how they wanted to recognize their employees. Awards would be given at one, three, five, ten and then every five years. We have different lifestyle selections available for each year level, this is for different personal tastes and gender. Hurvie Davis: Our best resource is our human resource, anything we can do to motivate our employees to perform is to the advantage of the Town. In his opinion this program is money well spent. Bobby Sutton, Jr.: Why did Staff Hke Program B as opposed to Program A, they seem similar. Sandy Groseclose: The reason we looked at that is it had recognition of the stone at various levels. The initial moneys out would be $4377.58 for Program B, this would be for catch up, then it would be approx/mately $1900.00 each year. Mayor Honea: On the logo itself, aH the logos are white, can they be colored coded to fit the logo colors. Klm Sipsma: We don't have an enamel color that matches the Town's teal color. Mayor Honea: Would it be an annual contract situation with the company. Klm Sipsma: We don't normaBy sign contracts unless the Town specified that. Sharon Price: Are there any other options, or is there just this one company. Sandy Groseclose: We didn't find any one who was able to do this type of program. Herb Kal: On Program B it says that the initial award investment is $4,377.00, is that correct. Sandy Groseclose: Yes. Herb Kai: Every year after that would be $1,900.00, would that vary if we have more employees. Sandy C-roseclose: It could increase or decrease, it depends on the number of people. Herb/iai: He feels an award program is a very good thing to have. Bobby Sutton, Jr.: The reason for the large initial investment is because everyone with more than a year of service with the Town would get some type of award, correct. Kim Sipsma: That is correct as long as they are not a three year award recipient. Sharon Price: She feels that the employees need some sort of recognition, but she would like to take more time and research this a little bit more. Bobby Sutton, Jr.: The initial investment he has some concern with. Do we recognize our employees now at certain periods. Hurvie Davis: The Town has had no recognition program before this point. Mayor Honea: This item was continued until a future Council meeting. C. Marana to Marana - Marana Chamber of Commerce is requesting that Council discuss the possibility of adding the "tilde" to Marana. Hurvie Davis: This is request from the Marana Chamber of Commerce to consider changing Marana to Marana by phcing the tilde over the n in Marana. Jan Lawson, Marana Chamber of Commerce: She travels throughout the State going to meetings. She is constantly asked when the Town is going to do something about the name. By changing it it would clarify the meaning of the word. MINUTEs OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MARANA TOWN COUNCIL MARCH 5, 1996 Herb Kal: He has reservations about the pronunciation of the word, it makes it tougher to Bobby Sutton, Jr.: He has trouble with this symbol on his computer. Tom Clark: He did an informal survey of some of his Spanish speaking friends and it has always been Marana. He feels it is better left alone. D. Discussion - Having the Department of Public Safety write it's citations into the Marana Court. Hurvie Davis: We reported to Council previously on this issue. Judge DiHow has been working with the Department of Public Safety as well as Superior and Justice Courts. We were prepared to come to Council this evening with what we thought was a program to cite in Marana Court for aH DPS citations in the Interstate. There have been some recent developments this afternoon, Judge DiHow will update the Council on these matters. Judge Russell DiHow: Over the past couple of months we have been continuing our efforts to improve the Court and to provide services to the Community. He approached DPS on this issue and they agreed, they said they would write tickets into Marana from the Pinal County line down to Orange Grove Road if we could satisfy the jurisdiction issues and get Judge Brown's approval. We did that as well as appearing before the Justice Court where they gave their approval. Everything was moving around fine until we discovered that in that 18 mile strip of the Interstate, DPS writes 1S,000 tickets. We tried to estimate how much revenue that would create and according to Justice Court 2,000 tickets equals approx/mately $100,000.00 in revenue. Friday when Judge Dillow met with Judge Brown and he informed Judge DiHow that he had met with Lt. Gillette of DPS and several members of the Pima County Administration. They have decided that DPS would not write tickets into Marana until the pockets of Pima County were annexed by the Town. The reason for their decision is they felt that the police officers would constantly be checking to see where they were. We thought that issue had been resolved, but they were not satisfied with that. Hurvie Davis: This issues will be brought back before Council when those five areas are E. Update and Presentation on the Internet - As a marketing and economic development tool for the Town of Marana. Hurvie Davis: We've been working on this issue and there are people in the audience to make a presentation to Council this evening. Roy Cuaron: We've done a lot of research on this subject. The focus of Stafi's efforts on the Internet have mainly been from an economic development marketing point of view. There are a significant number of uses that the Internet can provide to the Town. We were approached by some companies regarding providing service to the Town on the Internet. Tonight we are here looking for further direction on where the Council wants to go. John Kohler, Virtual Showcase: Mr. Kohler's company provides Internet services and he made a presentation to the Council on the services he has to offer. He offered to provide the Town of Marana with a free Home Page at no cost. Mr. Kohler went over the information that was provided to Council on the cost of other services to link with Internet. The only cost that the Town would have is for the Internet connection, which provides an E Mail address. We have done home pages for Red Rock, Tombstone, Sedona and Jerome. Our ultimate goal is to find advertising. Bobby Sutton, Jr.: Would Virtual Showcase approach the advertisers. John Kohler: That is correct, we do all of that. Bobby Sutton, Jr.: Would we want to have some type of oversee as far as what type of advertising would be going in on the Home Page. John Kohler: There is some language in the agreements which says we can't do anything that is illegal or off color. MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MARANA TOWN COUNCIL MARCH 5, 1996 Bobby Sutton, Jr.: Council Member Sutton feels that the Town needs the right to remove advertisers if they are connected to our Home Page and they are not conducting business in a manner that the Town reel's is not right. Is that usually given to the "owner" of the Home Page. John Kohler: It hasn't come up before but we can certainly accommodate the Town on that. Hurvie Davis: One of our primary purposes to get on the Internet was for economic development. Last week he had a call from a firm in Irvine California. They indicated they would be bringing clients in from Ft. Lauderdale to look at putting a business in Marana. If we use this as an economic development tool, how do developers find Marana when they are looking at developing in Arizona. John Kohler: We are creating an Arizona Page, under that there will be sections possibly by different areas of the State. Under each section there will be each town listed within that area. Hurvia Davis: If somebody did a search for Tucson, would Marana show up at that time. John Kohler: We would put some words in there about how close Marana is to Tucson, the word Tucson would bring up Marana with a word search. Roy Cuaron: Does Council want Staff to formulate a Home Page and bring it back. Mayor Honea: Yes and Council would also like Staff to look at the advantages of each of the companies. RECESS F. Resolution I~o. 96-22 - Supporting Marana Unified School District Bond override election- Hurvie Davis: When we had our joint meeting with the Marana Unified School District Board there was some discussion at that time relative to the Town officially supporting the Bond Override. if Council so desires to adopt the Resolution to encourage people to vote positively on this issue. Sharon Price: She personally supports the override. Hurvie Davis: Perhaps each Council Member could individually support it when they feel it is appropriate. Bobby Sutton, Jr.: He wants to publicly support the Bond Override. Sharon Price: Perhaps Staff could drai~ a letter of support and each Council Member could sign it instead of passing a Resolution. No action was taken on this item. G. Town Motto Contest - Marketing of the Motto Contest and request for f~na~g. Bobby Sutton, Jr.: We have formed a Motto Committee which is setting criteria on how we will go about letting people know what the contest is. We decided to award a very nice prize to the winner of the contest. The prize will be a trip for four to Disneyiand, three days, two nights, with air fare. We are before Council tonight for approval of the funds for the prize. All suggestions that have already been received will be included in this contest. Sharon Price: She believes this is a great idea. Maybe the Committee could get donations to cover the cost of the prize. Mayor Honea: If we would get a sponsor and bring them in, it may supersede the Town and the motto. Tom Clark: What about receiving in-kind donations. MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MARANA TOWN COUNCIL MARCH 5, 1996 Bobby Sutton, Jr.: We could get a letter out to all the businesses and see if we could raise the money. Mayor Honea: What we could do is approve the $1,500.00 and if Council Member Sutton and his Committee are able to raise the money it won't be needed. And if they can't raise the amount the Town could incur the expense. A motion was made by Sharon Price, seconded by Tom Clark and carried unanimously to approve the Motto Contest and funding of the grand prize not to exceed $1,500.00 and let the Committee proceed with the Contest. H. Park and Town Hall parking update. Dave Atler: We are proceeding with the work on the parking problem. We will be putting together some concepts for Council to look at for the Park and also Town Hall. Mr. Atler met with the Little League president yesterday, they talked about a number of issues, including parking. We continue to look at the parking issue. I. Resolution No. 96-20 and Ordinance No. 96.13 - Adoption of Town Code Chapter 2: Municipal Organization. Hurvie Davis: This is before Council this evening as a result of numerous meetings. Dan Hochuli: Chapter 2 deals with a municipal organization and incorporates the Council's Policies and Procedures which we adopted a year ago. We did create a few areas of regulation that we did not have before to clarify some issues. We came up with the procedure where we would advertise the seat and then the Mayor and Council would deal with it in a meeting. The significant difference there is that it will not be done by nomination. We added a provision for removal of the Mayor, he can be removed but it requires a minimum of four votes. The other big change was the appointment of committees. Bobby Sutton, Jr.: If a motion is made and it's not seconded and dies or if the majority is not received, could another motion be made directly after that. Dan Hochull: Yes. The way it is written there can be another motion. On appointment of Commissioners, that is significantly different then what the present procedure is. A motion was made by Bobby Sutton, Jr., seconded by Herb Kal and carried unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 96-20 and Ordinance No. 96.13, declaring as a public record and adopting Chapter 2 of the Marana Town Code. J. Resolution 1~o. 96-21 and Ordinance No. 96.14 - Adoption of Town Code Chapter 3: Administration. Hurvie Davis: This comes back to Council in the form of an organizational structure for senior staff. Mayor Honea: In reference to requiring the Town Manager to live within the Marana School District, he feels that is unnecessary. We should look for the best person to fill a position, with this in there it limits the selection. Dan Hochuli: This change could be included in the motion if Council wishes. Sharon Price: The Town Clerk, Town Marshall and Town Engineer, aren't they generally pol/tical appointments. Dan Hochuli: Those three by State law must be appointed to a two year term and must be appointed at the first Council meeting following the election. Hurvie Davis: If you are looking for a professional manager, personally he would not have taken this job with those conditions, living in the School District and the 90 days notice prior to leaving. Dan Hochuli: Under the present Code the Town Attorney has a two year appointment. And under the new Code the Town Attorney works at the pleasure of the Council. MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIl, MEETING MARANA TOWN COUNCIL MARCH 5, 19~)6 A motion was made by Bobby Sutton, Jr., seconded by Tom Clark and carried unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 9(5-21 and Ordinance No. 96.14, with the change to remove the condition on the Town Manager living with the Marana School District, declaring as a public record and adopting Chapter 3 of the Marana Town Code. K. Update on Potential Purchase - Purchase of water companies for the benefit of the Town. Hurvie Davis: We are making progress on this issue. Brad DeSpain: There is good progress being made, the Committee will meet and discuss the proposal that Cortaro Marana presented to us. Lynn Lee also wants to talk with the Town further if we can get everything consummated with Cortaro Marana. L. Update - Intergovernmental Agreement with Pima County Flood Control District for the Replenishment Program Feasibility Study. Brad DeSpain: A portion of the IGA with Pima County so that we can be co-applicants for the pilot recharge projects was included in Council's packet. There has been some concern from Mr. Hochuli's office and Mr. Holub's. Some of those concerns are what the specific in kind contributions are. There may be a point in time where we will need to come up with some cash to help do a study for recreation. There were six or seven areas of concern from the attorneys, Mr. DeSpain went over these concerns. We will take these comments back to the County and they can look them over to see if they agree or not. It's not the most simple thing in the world but it can certainly be worked out, and it will be very beneficial to the Town. We may end up an entity that can do our own recharging. M. Mayor's Report Mayor Honea: Mayor Honea met with Mr. Davis over the last couple weeks in reference to something's that were going on at the Planning Center. Now that we do have professional staff and are enable to enforce or laws and ordinances we will get more complaints. He also met with Mr. DeSpain and discussed water issues, including purchasing more water companies in the next fiscal year. Mayor Honea also worked with Sandy C-~oseclose regarding the upcoming Council Retreat. Council will be holding their retreat in Blsbee at the Copper Queen Hotel. N. Town Manager's Report Hurvie Davis: He had a recent discussion with ADOT senior officials in Phoenix regarding the 1-10/Cortaro improvements. They are looking at scheduling a $4.0 million project where all of the improvements would be made at once. Their best estimate on construction would be to commence in 1998. Yesterday he received a call from the Chairman of the ADOT Board of Pima County, she may have some additional information for him. He was contacted by a firm in Irvine California, they have clients coming in from Florida visiting the area tomorrow. They are interested in some property at Grange C-rove and 1-10, to locate a retail facility that would do approximately $100 million in business a year. We've held interviews for the Human Resource position, he is currently negotiating a deal with the top candidate. Staff is also working on the IGA with the Northwest Fire District, we are still hoping for an April 1, 1996 start up date. Last week we sent out letters to all businesses in the Community in reference to business licenses. We asked them to obtain a business license from the Town in 45 days. We're also work with the Yoem Pueblo to clean up that area, it's getting done slowly. X. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS None XI. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Bobby Sutton Jr., seconded by Tom Clark and carried unanimously to adjourn. TIME: 9:59 p.m. AUDIO TAPES OF THE MEETING ARE AVAILABLE AT THE MARANA TOWN HALL CLERK'S OFFICE. MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIl, MEETING MARANA TOWN COUNCIL MARCH 5, 1996 CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are the true and correct minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of the Marana Town Council held on March 5, 1996. I further certify that a quorum was --~O~, TOwN CLERK