HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/06/1995 Regular Council Meeting MinutesPLACE AI~ID DATE
Marana Town Hall, June 6, 1995.
By Mayor Ora Harn. Time: 7:02 PM
Led by Mayor Ora Ham.
Led by Mayor Ora Harn.
Ora M. Harn
Sharon Price
Tom Clark
Ed Honea
Sherry Millner
Herb Kai
Bobby Sutton Jr.
Hur~ie Davis
Dan Hochuli
Sandra Groseclose
Marcia King
Jerry Flannery
Roy Cuaron
Brad DeSpain
Russell Dillow
Dave Smith
John Lynch
Mick Mathieu
18 Members of the Public.
Council Member
Council Member
Council Member
Council Member
Council Member
Town Manager
Town Attorney
Town Clerk
Assistant to Town Manager
Planning Administrator
Finance Director
Utilities Advisor
Town Magistrate
Chief of Police
GLHN Engineering
GLHN Engineering
A motion was made by Ed Honea, seconded by Herb Kai and carried unanimously to
approve the agenda with the exception of moving Items L. & I. following Item D.
None at this meetin§.
D._.. A. White~ 8311 N. Poudre Dr. Continental Ran~l. He made a suggestion to Council to
pass an Ordinance that would require pickets on public property to apply for a permit.
A. Oath of Office - New Council Members will be sworn in.
Town Clerk Saudra Groseclose swore in the newly elected Council Members. Each of the
newly elected Council Members also received a Certificate of Election.
B, Election of Mayor - Council Members will be electinl~ the Mayor to serve for the next
two years.
Council Member Herb Kal nominated Ora Harn for Mayor. Ora Ham stated she appreciated
the gesture and the opportunity, but she declined thc nomination.
A motion was made by Mayor Ora Ham, seconded by Herb Kal and carried unanimously to
elect Council Member Ed Honea as the new Town Mayor.
Council Member Ora Ham gave the chair and the gavel to Mayor Ed Honea.
C. Election of Vice Mayor - Council Members will be electing the Vice Mayor to serve
for the next two years.
A motion was made by Ora Ham, seconded by Bobby Sutton Jr. and carried unanimously to
elect Sharon Pr/ce as Vice Mayor.
D. Art Proiect - Presentation of an art project in the Town of Marana, funded bi,
Highway User Funds (HURry.
Hurvie Davis: There are funds available through this program throughout the metropolitan
area, There is a proposal before Council this evening for l0 young people to participate with
an artist for six weeks in construction of the project. The location of the project will be
determined some where in Town.
Paul Fisher, Arts Education Director of the Tucson Pima Arts Council, 722 W. Vanover
Rd. Tucson, AZ 8570~: In the last three years they have been doing a series of projects
connected to the JTPA Program, this program is for youth that fall below the federal
guidehnes for poverty are employed during the summer. We have created over 15 works of art
all over the area. The idea is that these projects be connected to somewhere that is a
transportation site, so it would have to be close to a roadway, The proposal is to find out what
the Council would like in terms of what type of work of art they would like.
Hurvie Davis: He feels this would be an asset to the Town. There will be a lot of interaction
with Council on this project, status reports and things of that sort. We need a place to house
the individuals that are working on the project, there is discussion going on with that.
Ora Harn: She had a discussion with the Marana School District, trying to get this project
put together. The start date of the project is June 19, 1995. She has had discussions with
several people who may be willing to give a room to the students. She talked with the School
District and the old gym may be available if the students are willing to use it.
Paul Fisher: The students will be from the Marana Community, they will be processed
through the Tucson Youth Development.
Ora Harn: The students are selected by teachers from the Marana School District.
Tom Clark: Would their work be open so people could see it in progress.
Paul Fisher: The idea is to involve the Community as much as possible in the project. He
would like direction on Council on how to proceed.
A motion was made by Ora Harn, seconded by Tom Clark and carried unanimously to direct
Staff to proceed with the project.
E. Appointments of Town Attorney~ Town Clerkt Town Magistrate, Town Engineert
Police Chief and Publ/c Works Superintendent.
Hurvie Davis: The appointments are for a two year period, except for the Town Magistrate
which is a three year term. When Mr. Lizardi left Mr. Davis looked around for someone to fill
in for the interim period, Mr. John Siath was selected. The issue of salary is also brought up
Ora Ham: Suggested dealing with the issue of appointments tonight and that the salaries be
discussed as it relates to the budget.
Ed Honea: He suggested that each appointee come before Council with a brief synopsis of
why they are seeking re-appointment.
Dan Hochuli, Town Attorney: Three and a half years ago he was asking to be employed by
the Town, he is interested more now in being the Town Attorney then he was back then, A lot
has been done and the next three years will be as equally challenging.
Tom Clark: What type of process is there regarding appointhmnt of these individuals.
Ed Honea: All of the individuals were recommended by the Town Manager. The new Council
Members received resumes on all of the appointees.
Tom Clark: Is there something Staff and Council could look at to evaluate a person's job
Hurvie Davis: These positions are essentially political appointments, it is up to the Council to
make the determinations. The reason behind the two year appointment goes back to State
law. The new Council has the opportunity to appoint the individuals they would like to
see serve.
Tom Clark: He stated he would like to see some type of recommendation from the Town
Manager, who works with these people on a daily basis on their job performances.
A motion was made by Herb Kal, seconded by Sharon Price to accept Mr. Davis' s
recommendations and appointments for Town Attorney, Town Clerk, Town Engineer, Town
Magistrate and Chief of Police.
John Stath: He gave an brief overview of his qualifications in engineering, He has been
practicing in Public Engineering for 27 years.
Hurvie Davis: Had a question for Mr. Siath. In terms of the .40 cents per mile charge, does
that apply on a day to day basis.
John Slath: That is only for trips outside the metropolitan Tucson area.
Russell Dlllow, Town Magistrate: His resume is included in the Council's packet and he
would be glad to answer any questions.
Hurvte Davis: Judge Dillow has been cooperative with Staff to the utmost on administrative
issues and so forth, he would like to thank the Judge,
Sandra Groseclose, Town Clerk: She stated to the Council that it has been a very exciting
four and a half years and looks forward to another two years.
Dave Smith, Chief of Police: Thanked the Council for his re-appointment. He has enjoyed
serving the Community for the last four years and looks forward to many more challenges.
F. Emergency Water Conservation Ordinance - Ordinance No. 95.13 Discussion/Action.
Brad DeSpaln, Utilities Director: There is a draft Ordinance in Council's packet tonight that
Mr. Hugh Holub put together and Mr. HochuIi reviewed. He introduced Mr, Kent McClain, the
Director of Tucson Water.
Kent McClain~ Director of Tucson Water: Be assumed duties as Director of Tucson Water
approximately nine months ago. Some months ago the City of Tucson went from direct
delivery of CAP water back to direct delivery of well water. That changed the readiness
situation and put Tucson Water in a situation where the water supply could be interrupted
by a catastrophic failure of a number of different systems. The upshot of that was a
presentation to Tucson's Mayor and Council of an Ordinance that would grant them the
authority upon recommendation of the City Manager to declare a water conservation
emergency which basically prohibits the use of potable water in outdoor applications,
Agricultural and industrial operators fall under a different set of statutes then home owners
or residences. Because the service area exceeds the municipal boundaries, he was directed to
solicit through the Manager's Office the assistance of other agencies. We approached the
Board of Supervisors for the unincorporated area and they adopted a similar ordinance, We
have corresponded also with the Town of Oro Valley, they have opted not to consider the
adoption ora similar ordinance. He would be glad to answer any questions that the Council
may have.
Ora Harn: She has a problem understanding Page 3, 08.07
Kent McClain: That provision basically states that it does not apply to swamp coolers for
instance that re-circulate the water. The older coolers which do not re-circulate the water
would not be exempt.
Dan Hoehuli: Some of the Council Members had raised the issue to Mr. Hochuli on
enforcement of this Ordinance. The City of Tucson passed their Ordinance which allows the
City to enforce their 1aw within their jurisdiction. The City of Tucson cannot enforce their
Ordinance against Marana residents. Although the City of Tucson Ordinance says they can
turn off the water and have a reconnection fee, those are not things they can enforce against
the Marana customers. What they may be able to do is shut offthe water for any Tucson
Water customer, forget about their Ordinance and the Town's Ordinance, they would decide,
it would be a contractual right. If Marana adopts the Ordinance tonight it gives the Town the
right to declare a water emergency in the Town. If the City of Tucson was to declare a water
emergency and the Town did not, then the water for the customers in the Town would not be
Brad DeSpain: He feels very comfortable with thc Ordinance after it was reviewed by Staff.
He also made reference to a letter addressed to Mr. Brown asking for a list of all the
customers of Tucson Water in the Town of Marana boundaries. Also requested a map of the
Tucson Water System, denoting fire hydrant locations, storage, isolated areas if any and main
shut off valves.
Kent McClain: Tucson Water is in the process of preparing that information in response to
the letter.
Herb Kai: Would like Mr. McClain to elaborate on Oro Valley's position on this issue.
Kent McClain: Oro Valley chose not to adopt a similar Ordinance. They did not want to
consider the potential for a water emergency and did not believe it was necessary to adopt
such an Ordinance. Tucson Water serves a very small section of customers in tho Town of
Oro Valley.
Herb Kal: What about Metro Water's position, has this issue been brought up to them.
Kent McClain: No it was not considered with Metro because there are no customers in their
Hugh Holub: This Ordinance is necessary since the Town has a water ut/lity. We have a
potential for a major problem with only two wells on the Town's system. If one of those wells
went down there would be a water emergency. He would very strongly recommend the
A motion was made by Ora Harn, seconded by Herb Kal and carried unanimously to
approve Ordinance No. 95.13.
G. Ret/rement System for Town general classified employees - Resolution No. 95-26
approving participation in the Arizona Retirement System or IICMA] International City
Management Association.
Hurvle Davis: This matter came before Council at the last meeting. At that time there was
representatives from both plans in attendance. Staff was directed to go and review this
further. A ten member Staff committee was set up to invest/gate this and get into the issues.
The majority of the employees have indicated they prefer the ICMA Plan.
Ora Ham: She would like to hear from some of the Committee members on this issue.
Roy Cuaron: Each department head selected an indiv/dual they thought would have an open
mind. Representatives from both plans came down and answered questions and explained
the programs more in depth to the Committee. After the meeting the employees were talked to
and an informal poll took place. The overwhelming majority of the employees wanted the 401
Judy Capen: She was a member of the Committee on this issue. Most of the employees felt
that the ICMA allowed a little more latitude in helping make decisions on what happened
with their money. It also gave those employees who have been with the Town a while an
opportunity for making a little more benefit from this program then from the State
Retirement. In the Police Department, of the eight employees eligible, all were in favor of the
Bob Kern, Public Works Superintendent: About 75% of his employees wanted the ICMA
Stacy Eull, Court Clerk: The Court employees also preferred the ICMA Plan.
Tom Clark: He talked with several of the Public Works employees and they all said they had
ample opportunity to go over both plans. Thanked the Committee for the work they
A motion was made by Ora Harn, seconded by Tom Clark and carried unanimously to
approve Resolution No. 95-26.
H. Request by Westinghouse Communities of Ar/zona to expand Water Service
Agreement with the City of Tucson to up size waterline expansion of the service area
for the future needs of Tortolita Mountain Property.
Brad DeSpain: In Council's packet was a letter addressed to Mr. Davis from Mr. Dillon
explaining the reasoning for the up sizing of the pipeline and the expansion of the service
area. Westinghouse in discussion with the City of Tucson and the Town of Marana decided it
was advantageous to their position to try and get as much water into their property area as
possible. This was discussed with other developers and land owners in the area as well as
the City of Tucson. They discussed the advantages of a larger pipeline through the area
with the land owners. Originally the pipeline was a 16 inch pipe, they want to upgrade that to
a 24 inch water line all the way up into the property. They would be responsible for the cost
of up sizing and the water lines would also give them the opportunity to have water available
to their entire project, not just phase 1. It also gives water to that area that has minimal
water in the aquifer underneath. The City of Tucson has agreed to up size the reclaimed
water pipe lines shown in the map, it will be upgraded to a 12 inch pipeline. This will create
an atmosphere where at such point in time as the Town will have an extension up
Tangerine Road, to tie in and create a loop. The other advantage of an up sized pipeline is the
additional storage that is available in the water line. He would be glad to answer any
questions Council may have.
Rou Dillon, WCA Communities: The construction of the off site water Iine to WCA's
community is planned to start sometime in July or early August. At this time it needs to be
decided what s/ze pipe will be used.
Hugh Holub: About a year ago the Town put the City of Tucson on notice that the Town
would not allow Tucson Water to expand in any way their water service within the Town
boundaries without permission of the Town. An interim agreement was worked out with
Tucson that while good faith negotiations are being pursued with Tucson Water on a
permanent Intergovernmental Agreement, this issue would be decided on a case by case
basis. His view on it is any time you have someone putting in a bunch of water facilities of the
right size for future needs of the Town, that is good for the Town.
Hurvie Davis: He feels it is an opportunity to put a facility in place and serve additional
capacity, he is comfortable with it.
Ron Dillon: There is a Specific Plan on the first phase, which is approximately 1900 acres.
That will accommodate 4600 dwelling units and 800 hotel rooms. The balance of the property
there is not a Specific Plan. They have not asked the Town to put zoning on that property.
There is a Development Agreement between WCA and the Town that says additional
properties can be developed basically along the same lines as the first phase.
Jerry Flannery: The Specific Plan will comply with the General Plan.
Ora Ham: She would like to ask Mr. DeSpain or Mr. Dillon, when they are putting this water
line to the property, is there any consideration for fair share with some other developers that
might be going in that area.
Ron Dillon: The existing water agreement is with the City of Tucson and the Town, any other
developer that would take advantage of that line would be obligated to pay their fair share.
They have talked to other property owners along the line who have expressed an interest in
perhaps participating, but he would like to go through with it either way.
Ora Ham: With the expansion of this line, will WCA be expanding the agreement for water
with the City of Tucson for the rest of the property.
Ron Dillon: Stated he will need to get some action from the City of Tucson to increase the
service area.
Mayor Honea: He was able to talk with Mr. Dillon this last weekend. He does not believe that
any other builder or developer has a right to tie into that line, WCA would have the option to
say no, is that correct.
Ron Dillon: That is correct.
Mayor Honea: So if someone chooses not to participate now, WCA would have the option of
saying no some where down the line if they wanted to hook on, If the Town of Marana
chooses to serve water to this property some where in the future, there is no contractual
agreement for the amount of water that WCA must take from the City of Tucson.
Ron Dillon: That is also his understanding. As he understands the agreement, WCA has
no obligation to buy any fixed amount of potable water in any given period of time. There is
an obligation as to how much reclaim water they have to buy for the golf courses annually.
Hugh Holub: The zoning decision no matter what the capacity of the pipe line is solely the
decision of the Town Council. He would recommend that at this point that Council have a
motion to direct Staff to address this matter with the City of Tucson consistent with the policy
of the Town.
Ora Ham: Since it is really important how this motion is put together she would appreciate it
if the attorneys could help put the motion together.
A motion was made by Ora Harn, seconded by Tom Clark and carried unanimously to allow
Westinghouse Water Service Agreement with the City of Tucson/Tucson Water, up sizing the
water lines expansion of the service area for future needs of Tortolita Mountain Property and
that the motion direct Staff to address this matter with the City of Tucson consistent with the
policy of the Town to preserve its right to the ultimate disposition of the water systems
pursuant to an IGA.
I, CAP Water Terminal Storage letter of support.
Hurvie Davis: Mr. Davis serves on the Southern Arizona Water Resource Association. They
have recently been discussing terminal storage for the Central Affmona Project. They have
been asked to support terminal storage for the CAP. Mr. DeSpain, Mr, Holub and Mr. Davis
have all discussed this issue and feel it is advantageous to do everything to get a supply of
water for the Metropolitan area. The Town of Oro Valley and Metro Water are supporting CAP
Terminal Storage. He would recommend that this letter be authorized and sent to the Bureau
of Reclamation.
Ora Ham: Since the City of Tucson made no contribution toward the up front funding for this
facility, will they need to make a contribution.
Hugh Holub: The Bureau originalIy wanted Tucson Water to carry the entire capability for
outages on the CAP with its own well system. He would like to add that besides the liability
features, this would be the largest body of water within 60 miles of Tucson. We really need a
recreational facility like that in the County. There is very intense opposition on this reservoir
from the environmental community over the Pima Pineapple Cactus. There is 67 of these
cactus that would have to be moved. They are also afraid that fish will escape from the
reservoir and displace the native species of fish. He is going to be speaking tomorrow night
at the Public Hearing and he would like to be able to include Marana as one of the parties he
is speaking for.
Hurvie Davis: He attended thc meeting where the fish and wildlife staff were speaking.
Brad DeSpain: We do need some type of recreational facility, although this may not be big
enough it is a start. The time is very critical on this issue.
Tom Clark: Would like Mr. DeSpain to elaborate on the reservoir.
Brad DeSpaln: It is to provide 15,000 acre feet of surface storage, approximately 25 feet deep
and there will be a portion of sandy beach.
Tom Clark: Is it's location due to the fact that it is up hill from the City of Tucson and that
water will be able to be gravity floated into Tucson's water system.
Hugh Holub: It can also gravity flow back down the canal, it works both ways.
Bobby Sutton Jr,: What types of recreation would be allowed at this reservoir.
Brad DeSpain: There have been some preliminary discussions, but not a lot of
concrete things put together yet. Boating, skiing and camping have been discussed. A
large portion of it will be controlled by the Indians since a big section is on the Reservation.
A motion was made by Ora Haru, seconded by Sharon Price and carried unanimously to
direct Staff to send a letter to the Chief of thc Environmental Division, Bureau of Reclamation
Phoen/x Office in support of the Central Arizona Project Terminal Storage and its current
construction schedule.
J. Marana Park Water Rights - Status~ Costs and Alternatives with Pima County Parks
and Recreation and Pima County Flood Control District.
Brad DeSpain: In the Council packet was a summary of the Marana Park water rights
situation. When the Marana School District quit claimed the Park to the Town, P/ma County
also agreed to provide 84 acre feet per year of type 2 water rights until January 31, I992. Mr.
Felix of Pima County Parks and Recreation wrote a letter to the Town this year and reminded
us that it is past 1992 and there has not been a whole lot of effort to purchase a type 2 non-
irrigation grandfather rights. Those rights cost any where from $1,400.00 to $2,500.00 per
acre foot. There are several alternatives which can be discussed. When Continental Ranch
had some bank protection done there was some irrigation grandfather rights, those
rights were given to the Town of Marana. The land was signed over to Pima County Flood
Control District. It is not lawful to have water rights separated from the land, so in that
process those water rights were convened to Pima County Flood Control District. There is
168.14 acre feet of irrigation grandfather rights that goes with the irrigation grandfather
rights that is in the Continental Ranch area. We only need about 80-84 acre feet a year to
carry the park. To convert those irrigation grandfather rights to a type 1 water right for
municipal and industrial usage it takes an agreement from the Department of Water
Resources if those water rights are not going to stay on the same parcel of land. We want to
take those water rights and bring them to the Park. Being that we are in the service area, we
have some other rights and abilities that an individual land owner would not have. Those
water rights can be converted, it is his understanding they could be converted at 3 acre feet
per acre until the new rules and regulations went in. The other alternatives are that we as the
Marana Municipal Service, have the service area and have the right to serve people within
the area. We could take the Park and serve it under our current water service, which is
Honea Heights. The only problem is that it would reflect upon the gallons per capita per day
consumption of those people in that area. We are limited to the total gallons that each person
can use each day, we are at that point now. There is also two or three other alternatives that
have come to the front since the materials were put together for this meeting. One was
suggested by Mayor Honea, who suggested that effluent only be used on the Park. The other
suggestion was that the School District has chosen to retire their agricultural production
land on the east side of the District along the frontage road. Those water rights belong to the
School District and through Cortaro there is a possibility that those water rights could be
transferred from the School District to the Town of Marana.
Hugh Holub: He has had occasions where the Department of Water Resources will reclassify
wells even though it is not connected to the other part of the service area. Technically the
Park is in the Cortaro Marana service area, so if they would relinquish the Park as their
territory and we went to them and said Pima County has taken away this type 2, since we are
the municipal provider can't we just have the well classified as a service area well. He
recommends that the Town work through the options, starting with the least costly option.
Herb Hal: One other option that could be explored is leasing type 2 water rights. What is the
County's motivation, is it revenue driven or can they put a token dollar amount on the water
Hugh Holub: They want to pick up the type 2 rights up somewhere else and start a park else
where. We might want to also talk to the Board of Supervisors and find out why they are
doing this to us.
Herb Kai: The School District owned the Park, didn't they have the water rights, how did the
County end up with them.
Hugh Holub: They ended up with the Park and water rights before 1980 so when they
created the type 2 rights the County ended up with the water rights.
Brad DeSpain: The well is registered to Pima County Parks and Recreation, whether they
legally own it or not he does not know. It is driven by two things, one they would like to
have this additional water started in the Park some where. Plus the fact that in the first letter
Mr. Felix sent to Mr. Davis it said he regrets to notify the Town of the change, but Pima
County cannot continue to expand County resources to provide water for the Town Park. Mr.
Felix also asked that the Town assume the monthly well testing requirements, we have not
done that to this point. They also use water off of that same well for the Sheriff's substation
and for the library. He would hope that Council would give Staff some direction as to how
they should proceed with this issue to bring it to a conclusion.
Herb Kal: There are several options that need to be explored. He thinks the suggestion of the
168 acre feet that was in the Pima County Flood Control District might work.
K. IGA with City of Tucson for purchase ot water within the Town of Marana - Update.
Hugh Holub: In the process of trying to negotiate with Tucson they were sent a letter saying
here is an issue we would like to talk about. The Town of Marana agreed to develop the first
draft of an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Tucson. That is what is before
Council this evening. Tucson is paying a lot money for the CAP, which they don't use. They
have an idea of how much of that CAP water would be allocated to the Town of Marana, it is
in the range of 12,000 acre feet. Basically the document is up for discussion, it is there to
promote negotiations on this issue. He would like Council to direct Staff to submit this to
the City of Tucson and ask to have a meeting to go over it, if the City is at all open to it. We
need to move this debate along.
A motion was made by Ora Harn, seconded by Tom Clark and carried unanimously to direct
Staff to begin negotiations with the City of Tucson using as a basis the draft agreement with
any suggestions or modifications recommended by Council.
L. Marana Municipal Water System Improvements - Update and video.
Brad DeSpatn: Mr. DeSpain had a short video for Council to view. The video dealt with the
new construction of the 25,000 gallon water tank at Honea Heights. The base was put in by
the Town's Public Works staff, The base is just a little to the east of the existing pressure
tank. The water tank is made of steel and will hold 25,000 gallons. By June 30, 1995 it will
pretty much be completed.
Tom Clark: What capacity does that have if a pump was to go out, how many days.
Brad DelSpain: He does not know exactly, approximately 3 days.
Hurvie Davis: There is an underground tank now that serves that system. It was old and
there was a lot of leakage, it became necessary to replace the tank.
Bobby Sutton ,Ir.: He would like to thank Mr. DeSpain for having a video, it was easier to
understand what was taking place.
Brad DeSpain: Mentioned that he did receive a draft of the Assured Water Supply Study last
Friday, he is starting to look through it.
M. Adoption of Tentative Budget for the Town of Marana for FY 95-96 and establishing
expenditure limitations.
Hurvie Day/s: Presented to Council tonight is the detailed tentative budget. Staff is proposing
at this time a budget of $10,697,165.00, representing a 16.7% increase over the current
year's budget. There is a 100% increase in the Town's insurance premium, an increase in the
contingency fund and also a large increase in the Public Works Department. It also provides
an increase for 5% wage adjustment and also for an internal equity adjustment in the pay
plan. They are also proposing an increase in the number of full time employees, an additional
seven employees. There is going to be a new census this year and he expects the revenue
adjustment to be reflected starting in July of 1996. Growth continues in the Community,
more and more businesses are moving in, which increases the tax base. The main objective
tonight is setting the upper expenditure limitation.
A motion was made by Ora Ham, seconded by Sharon Price and carried unanimously to
adopt the Fiscal Year 1995-1996 Tentative Budget and establish an expenditure limit of
Hurvie Davis: There are some issues that have come before the Town in the last four to
six months which may have an impact on the Town financially. Rather than putting in
undetermined figures at this time, Mr. Davis chose to put the money in the Contingency
N. Fee Schedule Amendment - Consideration of an amendment to the Town's Fee
Schedule to cover several administrative procedures that are categorized as Uno-cost
recovery" procedures and increases to the existing fees as recommended by the
Planning Commission Amendments to the Development Fee Schedules - Information
Jerry Flannery: Sometime ago the Planning Commission asked him to look into the Fee
Schedules. There were a number of areas in the Schedule where no fee existed, for example a
Significant Land Use Change. Staff spends many hours working on these projects and there
is no recuperation of the costs. After it was looked at, Mr. Flannery came before the Planning
Commission in March with a draft copy of the new Fee Schedule. A lot of discussion took
place at the meeting regarding this issue. On April 26, 1995, he came back to thc Planning
Commission with the Fee Schedule which is included in Council's packet and the
Commission recommended approval.Tonight this is being presented as an information item
only and he would like to come back before Council for the action to be taken at a later date.
Hurvie Davis: He would like to encourage the Council to voice and questions or concerns to
Staff regarding this Schedule.
O. Mayor's Report
Ora Harn: Stated she has been working with the Youth Art Project in getting it started in the
P. Town Manager's Report
Hurvie Davis: He thanked Council for the time off to visit his mother. The Town is getting
ready for the celebration on the Fourth of July, Marana Family Day at the Sportspark. There
are also a number of co-sponsors in the Community that are helping fund the event. Mr.
Davis and Council Member Ham attended a meeting in Ore Valley on Tanger/ne Road.
He notified Council that Vick Charnis, the Town's Building Official is in the hospital. A Plans
Examiner from Pima County is trying to keep up with the back log that is occurring on
building permits being approved. Mr. Davis has hired an executive assistant/secretary that
will be starting dune 12, 1995. She will be helping him with daily correspondence, setting up
meetings and doing some research.
Tom Clark: He would like the Director of Sportspark to come before Council with an update
on the Marana Fun Day scheduled for the Fourth of July.
A motion was made by Sharon Price, seconded by Bobby Sutton Jr, and carried
unanimously to adjourm TIME: 10:10 P.M.
I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are the true and correct minutes of the
Regular Council Meeting of the Marana Town Council held on June 6~ 1905. I
further certify that a quorum was present.