HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/21/1995 Regular Council Meeting MinutesPLACE AND DATE
Mar/ma Town 1-tall, February 2i, t995.
By Mayor Ora Ham. Time: 7:06 P.M.
Led by Mayor Ora Ham,
Led by Mayor Ora Ham.
Ora M. Ham
Shazon Price
Tom Clark
Ed Hones
Betty Horriglm
Herb Kai
Helen Key
Hume Da'ms
Dan Hochuti
Joe Lizardi
Roy Cuaron
S/malta Groseciose
Brad De Spain
15 Members of r_he Public.
Council Member, excused
Council Member
Council Member
Council Member
Council Member
To,an Clerk
WaTer UrJlity Advisor
A motion was made by Sharon Price. seconded by Ed Hones and ca,Tied
unanimousl_v to approve the agenda as x~zitten.
A motion was made by Ed Hones, seconded by Bet9' Horngan and carried unanimously to approve the
minutes of Regular Council Meeting of January 17, 1995 and Regular Council Meeting of Febr~a,'9.- 7, ! 995.
Dorothy Sharnetsky, 515i W. Tangerine Rd. Marana. AZ: Commented on zoning Ordinances and codes which
are to be abided by. ls veD. upset with the business area on Thornydale and Ina Rd., mainly because of the
sandwich signs. They have become a laughing stock in that business area. Other business areas have to
abide by the rules that the Council has set down and the Ordinances and certainly would like to see some
change on Ina amd Thornydale Rd. in the business area to bring it back to some form of professinnalism.
Leflani Schisler, 12561 N. White Rd. Marana, AZ: Here on behalf of Jesse McCrea, fmally got the dra~-ing
dckets, they are $5.00 a piece, with only 200 to be sold. Have about 30 items to raffle off, appreciate if you
could help out by buYing a few.
On file at the Marana Town Hall. No comments by Council.
A. Consent Agenda:
1. SilverbeH Road (~uit Claim Deed - Resolution No. 95-10 accepting a quit claim deed from Berlins V.
Stenfeld T/U/A and the Stedman T/U/A for portions of Silverbell Road.
2. Maxana Founders Day - Council Discussion/Action on turning over Founders Day and Rodeo Events
to the Marana Chamber.
3. Ordinance No. 95.03 Linde Vista - Hart. man Lane Rezone - Council approved this rezone in August 3.
1993 but without an Ordinance.
4. Special Events Permit - The Marana Chamber is requesting a Special Events Permit for a Circus on
March 16, 1995.
Hurvie Davi~, Town Manager: Commented that maybe Council could read off the items on the Consent
Agenda so people in the public are aware of what is on the Consent Agenda. The Mayor proceeded to read off
the items of the Consent Agenda.
Sharon Price, Vice-Mayor: Addressed a question to Dan Hochuli, Town Attorney on Consent Agenda item 2.
Can that sit on the Consent Agenda ~vith a discussion and action involved with it.
Dan HochuLi: That item can be listed as a discussion/action item, any item can be passed x~fithout discussion
at the discretion of the Council. It's listed as discussion and action as all items can be or need not be. Yon caw.
either discuss it or pass it as a consent agenda.
A motion was made by Betty Horrigan, seconded by Helen Key and carried unanimously to approve the
Consent Agenda as read.
l~. PubLic Hearing - Amendment to the Town of Marana Tax Code Resolution Nh. 95-11 and Ordinance
Ne. 95.04.
Hurvle Davis: This is sch_eduled for a Public Hearing, amending the Marana Tax Code. Comes To Council as a
result of various changes in legislature and in all to clean up the Tax Code. Believes it has been reviewed by
Mr. Hochuli's office and the tax attorney. They both recommend adoption of the Ordinance.
A motion was made by Helen Key, seconded by Ed Hones and carrded unanimously to go into Public Heanng
on Resolution Nc. 95-11 and Ordinance No. 95.04.
Bob McCrea, 13950 11~. Gr/er Rd. Marana, AZ: For the benefit of the people that took the me to come out
this evening, i/we could have just a htlle bit of discussion as to the clean up t~.-pe of thing, what the difference
is between what we are talking about now and what it was in the past.
Hurvie Davis: The information which was in the Council packet, is a surrnmary of the Tax Code changes.
Mr. Davis read through the SummaD, of Tam Code Changes for the Council and public.
~mu~, ?own c0m~Cl~
Mayor Harm Some words and phrases have been chan~ed m clarify.
A motion was made by Ed Hones. seconded by Betty Horrigan and carried unanimously to come out of
Public Hearing on Resolution No. 95~11 and Ordinance No. 95.04.
A motion was made by Helen Key, seconded by Betty Horrigan and carried unanimously to approve
Res~)lution No. 95-I1 and Ordinance No. 95.04.
C. Manufacture Housing[ Industry of Arizona - Presentation by Gub Mix, Executive Director
Mayor Ham introduced Mr. Mix, who ia the Executive Director of the Arizona Association for Manufactured
Gub Mix: }Icrc tonight to talk about the tremendous growth the industry has experienced over the past several
years. The faster growing segment of the shelter industry in Arizona and in the Country. Last year sales of new
manufactured homes in Arizona rose 35%, 6200 units. Last year 36% of all new single family homes sold in
the State of Arizona were HUD code manufacture homes. Nationally sales rose nearly 20% last year to more
t}mn 300,000 homes. 31% of all homes sold in the U.S. last year were HUD Code manufactured homes, the
highest percentage ever. What does this mean to Marana, if the zoning codes do not allow or severely restrict
residential placement of manufactured homes, you are denying many citizens the advantage of home
ownership. Sbowed some samples of residentially sided homes. More and more Arizona local governments are
amending their zoning ordinances to permit manufactured housing in most if not all residential areas. Present
Council with packets on manufactured housing, gives a synopsis of what is happening in the industry.
Dorothy Sharnetsky: You mention that they are affordable housing, could you mention what price they
~sically start from Had questions on tbe construction of the house and the insulation.
Gub Mix: Like in anything, there are a number of differences that are more esthetic to the buyer, which makes
a difference in price. Will pay about rifty cents on the dollars for the house alone that you would Pa5' for a site
built home, the same square footage and amenities. The government created a u factor instead of an r~factor
for insulation and they tell the manufacturers as long as you can meet this u-factor in the whole house, you
can do it in any manner you want.
Bill S¢hlsler: Address the problem the manufactured homes in a residential area mixed with better homes,
devaluates the property.
Gub Mix: That was addressed in the Maricopa County ordinance. They set an ordinance standard that
requires a multi-sectional home, with the same esthetic exterior features as is compatible to the neighborhood.
Mayor Ham; Brought up to Council that Mr. Mix showed her a manufactured home at the Super K, which a
young couple could get into for approximately $350 per month, 1198 square feet, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, vc~
attractive. Thc manufactured home show was absolutely wonderful.
Darrell Dodd, Frontier Homes, 7920 W. Avra Valley Rd: Stated hi~ business is actually in the County. One
comment he would like to make regarding the fire safety, of a manufactured home. Foremost Insurance does
independent studies on manufactured housing. Manufactm'ed homes have half the fire occurrences aa a site
built home. All they coukl determine from that was it was because the homes were built in a factor5,, where
throe was such tight control.
Hurvie Davis: ttada few questions and concerns. Thinks the present code allows for a mix in some of the
neighborhoods where there is a mix. How do we control quality. Is interested the Maricopa County ordinance
and anything that Pima County may do, so the Town can keep abreast of it.
FERRUAI~f 21, 1995
M~yor H~'e: La M~e is going to be a m-~ufac~ured home subdivision.
~d~b ~l'i~- Would be happy W provide the Town with a copy o£ the Maricopa County ordinance. Thanked the
Council for allowing him to rn~ke his presentation,
D. lima County Rural Transit - Public transportation service to the Mars,,~ area.
Hu.~'vla Davis: Mr. Goff is out this evening to get our support for annual request for funds to help operate this
program. Has brought up the idea of the Town of Mars_ua taking over the service and operating the service.
Ben Coif, Tr~-~ortation Systems Mo--ger for pi,n, CountT Depr~-..ent o£ Transportation: This is part
'[~'of ~_~e annual repgrt/We will be back again Thursday night for a pubhc meeting that has been posted, to
~-r{ ~..ome moi~ ~llt~-aciive with the Cornrmlnity. The Marana Route is a rural route which is funded under
S~don 18, the Federal Tran~k Authority Act, we get a portion of the funding from federal government. Showed
Council display,a; .showing the routes available with rural transit, 42 miles one way. Takes about 90 minutes to
go end to end. Connects up with routes in the northwest going to other areas of Tucson. Added this year, route
identification signs on the route. The signs will be awil~ble to the Town for inst~ll~ion in the Town, to ~nVe the
route more visib/lity. It is a very long route, times are approXUnate. Traflic, weather and other things that can
siow up the route. The vehicles are equipped with lifts, to provide transportation for the disabled, A summary
in the Council provides a budget and ridership figures. The County sees the ridership slowly increasing, 15 -
20 % each year for the last three years. Are not proposing to increase service this fiscal year. Carried over
8000 passengers in 1994. Total fares received was a hrde under $7,000.00. There is a two fare system, .75 for
travel within the Marana community as it existed a year and a half ago. And then to ina Road it is $1.00 for
travel from Marana/Green Acres all the way down to Ina Road area, about a thirty mile ride. The total program
~ost is about $90,000.00, the subsidy is about $83,000.00, of that thc federal government picks up just under
~0%. The County subsidy is about $48,000.00. The County subsidy consists of two parts, matching fund
obIigation under the grant rules, a 50/50 split in theory. As the program is administer in this State, have a
mandated fare recovery ratio. For fixed route transit it's about 22%. The State .expects that the fares will cover
22% of the operating costs, tn Morons, fares cover about 7%. The County makes up the difference in the
operating subsidy for the fare recovery, in addition to the County's match. Grants are due on March 27 of this
year. Would appreciate a letter of support from the Town, saying that you like having the service here, Eke
having the County give you the service and that you would Eke to see the service cenunued. A couple of issues
for this budget year. One is that a local concern is that we're in the third year of a service contract. This is a
private contractor providing service, they are in their third year of their bid, which is the final year. Will be
rebiddmg the service this spring, there is a potential that there may be a new contractor corem§ on. Thinks
the current contractor in general is doing a satisfactory job, does not receive very many complaints. Looking at
a potential for about a 7% increase in service rates starting with the new bid, maybe it will be hi~her maybe
lower. Another issue that is important is the discussions at congressional and administration level is about
what is going to happen teethe future of federal transit administration subsidies. Talking about a 30% cut in
transportation subsidies for the federal transit administration programs, including Section 18. That would
have to be made up. If we do in up with a cut, the County would be looking for additional parmers, in how the
service is paid for. The third item, the Powerbali Lottery, the proceeds were projected for this year for Pima
County to be approximately $1.1 million, to date the receipts have been zero. Right now there is no indication
that we will be slashing service, but that ~ be up to the Board to decide.
Hurvie Davis: Saw in the paper, on the PowerBall Lottery, that the State was taking the position that the5'
were going to put $45 million into the State fund and that there would be no moneys available for
transportation because of that. The revenues are not coming in sufficiently.
Ben Coif: There a~ several bills in thc State legislature that deal with redistribution of both the PowerBall
and the original lottery. Not sure what wili happen with any of those bills.
Hurvie Davis: In regards to public transportation in the community, get calls from time to time with growth in
FEBRUARY 21, 1995
the Community. Also have had a number of calls from the Continental Ranch. Will have to look at expansion
as the Community grows. Would like to compliment Mr. Goff and Pima County staff for undertaking this
program. If the is no objection from the Council, would like to prepare a letter of support for the Mayor's
signature, as has been done in the past. Will also work with Mr. Goff in putting up signs in the area, goes a
long way in letting people know there is transit service in the Community..
E. Community Development Block Grants - Pima County has asked the Town to take a look at their
zanking request as Pima County can not approve the Town's oldEthal request as submitted.
Dan ~rose~lose 14200 W. Imogene Pl., Marana, AZ: Referred to memo included in Council packet. Basically
in the County's desire to adhere to the wishes of the Council, they came up with three alternatives to the list
that we submitted to them, after the last vote for the CDBG funded projects. The first alternative, Mr. Cohen
indicated in a discussion Mr. Groseclose had with him, that the Town would bc receiving the same amount the
we received in the 1094 funded projects, which was $237,000.00. The way that the CDBO request was sent in,
the first four requests that were done by the Council. That totaled $318,000.00. The first project was the
Summer Youth Program, the second was the After School Program, the third was the Senior Citizens Drug
Program and the fourth project was the Community Center. And that project was for $275,000.00. The four
projects that were sent into Pima County. Mr. Cohen called and asked what the Town wanted to do. Fund the
first three projects, and be short on the fourth project. Mr. Cohen indicated that the County would be happy to
fund a portion of the Community Center if Mr. Groseclose received a guarantee from the Town that they would
put the balance of the needed funds on t_he table for completing the Community Center. Mr. Groseclose did
further research and found that a Community Center is being built in Sahuarita right now by CDBG fllnds.
That is estimated to cost $300,000.00 and it is for 2800 square feet. There was/mother Community Center
It in South Tucson last year that was completed, the low bid on that project was $530,000.00. Mr. Cohen
h~Ked Mr. Groseclose would come back before Council with the options, and get Council's wishes to go on. If
you decide to do alternative number three, which is to delete the Community Center, then the same list that
was submitted would be funded as it goes down in the projects.
Ed Honea; Our Community Center already has a modest kitchen and rest room facilities. The original idea
was to expand the existing center. Are we now talking about a separate building all together.
Dan Groseclose: Yes sir. Those were the instructions that I was given to work on. Sometime this week there
will be a ramada added to the back of that building.
Betty Hor~igan: The basic design that was discussed was a separate building that connected through a
breezeway, or connected in some fashion so that the access would be for both buildings.
Dan Groseclose: Has a solution. Recommended to Council, that since there are no del'mite plans as to the
type of building, that they delete the $275,000.00 community center building program. But install in it's place,
in fourth position, a $20,000.00 request for grant for architect and study to come to the Council with specific
plans and ideas of how buildings could be built there and possibly evvn built in sections so that as funding
comes available we could add to it.
Ed Hones: Thinks that a lot of the CDBG programs have not been very successful. There is so much red tape
and so much to go throughout, that it is really difficult to administer a lot of these projects. This Community
needs a Community Center. KJm Holloway was talking about sharing the facility as well, it would not be a
huge empty building. There are many people in the Community that have no where to meet. If we apply for
these funds, we are not going to get them until next year. It's gives us a year to design the project. Would hope
that the Town would designate the money for the design. Apply for the project, give them some sort of
assurance that we will fill in the money to complete the project. This is a service we need, we need this new
~ommunity Center. Still have more than adequate time to do an actual design of the building. We should have
,ough money in the contingency fund to design that now, if need be.
'I~,B'RUAI~ '~'1, 1995
~yor ~ It might be a project that one of the people that works for the Town would be willing to do the
design on that building for a very reasonable profit.
Rd Honea: We might be able to get it designed through MTC. Through all the services and professional people
that they are offering for m~ny different things that we need m the Communit5,. Sure there are draftsman and
engineers out there that would probably do this project for nottfm§. I think it should be kept like it is, it's time
to offer something's to the Community.
Shax~n Price, Vice-Mayor. Concerned about what happens to the Senior Prescription Program, the
Emergency Home Repair Program, etc., these are programs that are needed m the Community as well. These
are ~ervices that go out to people with a particular need. Don't know if the Town cam just over look that.
~d Honea: Those other projects help a very limited few. This Community building would help hterally
hundreds of people, It will affect many r~uy more people.
Helen Key: Here we have a building to which we have to add about $50,000.00 at least to build. But we have
no money for the After School Program, no money for the summer programs. It isn't just a few seniors that
they are serving there, at the present time, there are a lot of people being served even in this inadequate
Ed Honea: The senior program is not sponsored by the Town, but they do use the facility. The summer
program this year was paid for by the County. And Marana and Rillito kids use the building, but the Count5,
. pays. The after school program is done in conjunction with the school and with the County. So it's not
necessarily that the Town has funded the programs.
Dan Groseclose: The after school progra~m is funded by CDBG grants.
Rd Honea; We have programs, it's just having adequate facilities to do the programs.
Helen Key: Agrees that the building would be wonder, but thinks the mediate needs are here and now. And
these are the programs that block grants have been funding, including people whom we help. Is there not
some other way we could obtain a building, besides using up all our grants from block grants. Is there another
means of obtaining that kind of capital.
l~tyar ~n'n: Not aware of any programs that are out there, other than block grants for capita~ improvement
programs like this,
Daa C-roseclose: Would like to indicate that as the Town's stracture is changing the increase of the
community of Continental-Ranch and other areas in the Town. When Mr. Groseclose f~rst started working on
CDBG programs, he indicated to Pima County that 65-70% of the population were low to moderate income.
Now, because of the last census that was involved with discussions with Pima County, they had to do
additional research. They were indicating that 50.5% of the Town of Marana was low to moderate income.
Basically for any CDBG project, we have to identify the 51% of the total population receiving benefit from that
program is iow to moderate income. Honestly does not believe that you should fund the Community Center
with the CDBG funds at this particular time. But if you do this may be the last year or two that you will be
able to do that with CDBG funds anyway.
Beffcy Hot'rig-an: I/we go with what we have already stated, the Youth Program, the After School Program-n, the
Drag Program for the seniors and the Youth Center would go in that order.
Dan Groseolose: That is correct. Unless Council changes the vote.
FEBRUARY 2 1 1995
Betty Horrigan: So that means that we would still be funding those three projects.
Dan Groseclose: And a portion of the fourth project, and you're making up the difference with Town funds.
But, it's not $50,000.00, The best estimate for even a 2800 square foot, which is not very big. Estimate about
$75.00 a square foot for your building cost. You're not looking at $50,000.00, you're looking at a minimum of
$126,000.00 of Town funds, plus the administration costs of that building. You need to have somebody to
maintain and take care of the building. Your going to have other added expenses and operating costs.
Sharon Price: These first nine programs, minus the communi .t.t.ty building, they serve a large amount of the
Community. It's not restricted to a handful of people.
Dan Groseclose: There is over 35 members of the Community who arc receiving very needed assistance on
their drugs. That program has gone up. We asked for $10,000.00 this year and $5,000.00 last year.
Ed Honea: Those three programs are very needed programs, they will be funded whether we build a building
or not.
Hurvie Davis: We have three projects that we know we want funded. The real question is what are we going to
do with the remainder. Asked Mr. Grcseclose what about the possibility of taking the remainder of the money
from this year, after the first three programs and allocate that and then next year come back with the CDBG
program to make up the remainder. He said Pima County would not allow the Town to do that. We had to
commit the rest out of our own resources rather than come back and ask fro additional amounts next year.
Would suggest taking the three programs approved, for $43,000.00, allocate the rest to the Community Center
from the CDBG program and then direct staff when we prepare this coming year's budget to make that a
riority for the remainder of it, for the construction of the community center itsel£ Would say that the Town
does need to do some facility site plan, to determine what size is needed and preliminary design etc.
Mayor Ham: Do you have a copy of ~vhat funds are still available.
Dan Csroseclose: Stated that he gave Roy Cuaron a copy of that today, but did not have that with him.
Can pretty well tell Council. The Emergency Home Repair Program has $10,000.00 for 1994 funding. Has
approximately $3,000.00 from 1993 funding, but again that money is being spent this week. Has
approximately $55,000.00 in the Housing Rehabilitation Program. That is one program that would not be
funded this year.
Mayor Harn: How much is in 1995. We only have about $13,000.00 Emergency Home Repair Program.
Dan Groseelose: The goal is to not spend over $500.00 on one individual. If we're going to spend more than
the, it was then Housing Rehabilitation Program.
Sharon Price: Would still really like to see the Senior Prescription Program than Emergency Housing.
Mayor Harm The Senior Prescription Program is already the number three priority.
Dan Groseclose: The Senior Prescription Program came in third rather than the seventh or eighth shown.
There is two other things to look at as far as the Community Center, The park right now does not have
sufficient parking and the Community Center over there will create that. It would require additional parking
which would also have to be looked at. The parking lot addition came in number six this year. And the Marana
Parking Lot Rehabilitation came in number seven.
Mayor Harn: Asked when the decision has to be made.
Dmn C~r~se~lose: Mr. Cohen asks that we do it as soon as possible. He was not even going to allow Mr.
Oroseclose to come to the Council, after thc first discussion. They had to have it prepared and presented to the
Board of Directors. Another day or so is no problem, but after that it will be a problem.
Hurvle Davis: Informed Mr. Groseclose that it had to come before Council, because the Counc/l sets priorities.
Mayor Ham: Suggested taking a couple weeks and looking into this better. That is up to the Council.
Sha~on Price: Most of us have the information, it is just a question of a motion being made and taking a vote.
A motion was made by Ed Hones, seconded by Betty Horrigan and carried with Vice Mayor Sharon Price
and Council Member Helen Key voting no, to submit the first four projects and take what funding Pima
County will give the Town on the Community Center. Council directs staff to send a letter to the County stating
that we will make preparations to make t. his a priority project in next years fiscal budget, which will be after
July 1. Which would more then adequately miss this project_
Roy Cuaron: Recommends that due to the pending annexation, does not feel that it would be prudent to
burden the next budget with what is estmaated to be a cost of $126,000.00. There are many unknowns, we
might find the sum greater than $126,000.00. We could perhaps spend some of the money to get a study done
as to the costs and expenses.
Betty Herrigan: How much money does Marana have in reserve.
' Roy Cuaron: Right now approXn'nately $3.2 million in the investment pool.
Hurvie Davis: The motion is directing staff to pursue this akemative number two, which sets aside the
balance of CDBG funds towards the Community Center. Telling staff to include that as a prior-iD'. If for some
reason during the budget process, it is not the most feasible route to go, then you don't have to, you're not
locked into it. If we can't make the commimaent at that rime, when you do adopt the budget mud we can't
make the cornmiU-nent for the local share, that leaves the CDBG moneys that were allocated to that project for
whatever. We could go to Pirna Coun%, and possibly have those fund reallocated for some other project.
F. Mayor's Report
Mayor Ham gave a brief oral report. Made a cormment that funds from the Council for CDBG was donated
to the Ms. rana Health Center for a building on their propertSf in which to house the Department of Economic
Secarity. That building is up and looking good. Would like Council members to go by and take a look at it. It
is a manufactured building. It wiJd be an asset to the Marana Health Center, it is being leased to DES for
$1600.00 per month which brings money into the Marana Health Center. 50% plus of the people that are
seen at the Marana Health Center are on assistance or are under insured. It's a service to the cornmuni~
and the Council should be very proud of that contribution to the Community.. As far as the Founder's Day
Committee, as far as she understood it, the VIP brealdast will continue to stay with the To~m of Marana and
will be overseen by the Council.
G. Town Ma~aager's Report
Hur~ie Davis expanded on his written report. The item on meeting with Ore Valley relatfiug to the
annexation. Had received a request of support from the Marana School District to make the ultimate
boundaries, h' people chose to come huts the Tox~m of Marana or the Town of Ore Valley, to make the
ulUmate boundary Shannon Road as opposed to Thornydale, because Shannon is the dividing I/ne for the
Marmua School District. The officials of the school disu-ict took the to the School Board last week and the
School Board did vote to basically support Shannon Road as the dividing line. They are not t~king a
position on the annexation itself, but if we do they would support Shannon Road as being that ultimate
boundary. Attended the dedication of the Ore Valley Police Building Headquarters with the Mayor. it is a
f~rst class facility, had quite a turn out.
l MAP*~A TOwN CouNcIL:
A-Frame Signs
^ mot/on ~vas made by Ed Honea, seconded by Betty Horrtgan and carried
unanimously to adjourn. TIME: 9:00 P.M.
I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are the true and correct minutes of the
Regular Council Meeting of the Marana Town Council held on February 21, 1995, 1
further certify that a quorum was present.