HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/01/1992 Regular Council Meeting Minutes CALL FO
85 7:0} F'.N. bY Had/or Ora
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lnte~ Jar Town }qansger/lown,~C/er,x
Qhie{ Ii i' ?oiioe
C:i ;:;ver~ rilembers o f the Pubi ,4 .
~dc i d
made by [}ill Schisler~ seconded by ~ ~:
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a ,n~ Retterer 7qa4 4J. ~)a.[~n 8rook [1.[ .... o], ,
co',]cer!qed about {:h&; intersectior~ of Silveibell and Cottage
.c~h¢,,~.~ LoPeR , s4=~' ~'" N. Camino C,e Juan,
caYidhJall.<~ i,::, Oi~5'i;/ LC:!:. L] ·
Duu9 Hostyn, COUF~OL! PJenlbel
A motion sas made by, Doug ?bst¥'n, seconded oy Eddiec}
,,e Time:
O-tniel, Hochuii 3275 ~. Ina Fqd. ':ue~ons=, ~ AX.
f)ari~l HochuIl~ add] eased the ' ;
.... (dn3.~, stating t,~h7
Hork for Harana aridsn~t' ~ ne could do for Harar~a.
Kel. iy Schmab, of Dan~eX .5. Hochulx arid Associate{3
Ne] iy Schb~ab also addressed the Council reiteTating ~ghat [)an!e~
Hochulz had raze1 and added that th~s Nould give hhem an OPPO}tL'
'~it'/ to iearr~ arld expar~d.
motion i, gas made by Bill Schisler.
rieo Nll,~FIAIflOLiSiy to hire Da/qiei S.
seconded by Eddie Honea
Hochuli and asrsoc2, ate.~s
A n~otion e~as made by Sill SeLls!er, ,.seconded by Eddie Honea an,2
Cart Led ,Jnanimously ho approve the Intergovernnrenta! ~greernent
~{t t.h t he SLate of Ar izona Gover nor's Of{ice and apDoi 1'~]3 Bet ~y
A mobion k~as made by 8i1~ SchLsler, seconded by Edo:e Honea ar~<a
ca: :ied U:~dnimouely that F:ay Hor,,ea, ~c:,hn Paddec;k and the lnL<e: Lin
f-*, rnotJor~ ~as made by Bill $chisler~ seconded by Bddie Honea and
c~ ] f Lee unanimousi¥ Lo approve the Parcel 7 and Parcel 8. Conti-
n~rnal Ranch P~alimina'ry Plats sub.jeer to comments of ~he Tc, Mn
B~gl/lee~ . Codes and OrdlriaDce,:~ and Uti.L~y requirements,
:z Oisc:ussicn Of The F'iilini! 0'? The F'lannln~ And Zor, iD~
t_,cftik%?.L..i_~ ~o~Lj c, 8
A motion ~as made by 9iii Schisler, secor~cJed by OoL~q Nosty/i ko
appoint ',/~ck Cha}~ie as an il~terirn Planning and Zoning Adminis---
trato~ and delegate Engineerine as needed te GhHN.
DOLJc NostYn Chairper~l;on o{ Founders Day rePerted that
5kydivels ,~ill star t the Parade.
6 . Diecussic~n of Flood Nemo¥ial Sec'vices
Car[ ]ieQ UIIaNIrllOUS~Y to alioN Leilani Schisler to add/es:5
:20u~'~eil ~
I_ei iani 5ch:~s!er, Marana
Lei lani Schisler stated that some peepie ~¢ho lost loved ones
th~ {:food have
they ~4ould prefer to {of'get tiaat tragic kJrne,
~i: Governor's Office Of ~gh;4D.Z 5afet% ~i.6!:t~
F motien ~as made by Bill $chisler, seconded h>y [)oug h':<:sty:: ant!
,~ith the 3overno/ *s Office of Highway Safety.
,o ruction tsas made by Doug MoahYn, seconded by Sharol'~ P~ice al-id
ca~ f led LJrld]~ifl~ouslY tO e~}nd a [ette'r L~P er~cJelsement to ¢~[)~O
3. Co~ ts're and 5'LLverbe[~
A motJor: sgas made Ex ~)oucl Nostyn, seconded b~ Eddie Hc)nea
car r/Led ollallirl/ousi y toa'''a,) )t ;' r~ , Time: 9:34 P.M ,
i hereby certi?y that thc for{~goirlg minutes are a true
ret:/ copy of the minutes o~ the Regula~ Council Meeting
{ember !, 1992. ! ~urther c:erti~y that a quorum mae
Dated this llth day of September, 1992