HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/07/1992 Study Session MinutesPLA E AND DATE: Marana Town Hall, July 7, 1992. I. CALL TO ORDER By Mayor Ora M. Ham. Time: 5:35 P.M. IL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Mayor Ora M. Ham. lI~I. DNVQCAT!ON/MOMENT OF SILENCE Invocation led by Council Member Elwin Clffion. I~V. ROLL CALL Council Ora M. Ham Mayor Doug Mostyn Vice Mayor Elwin Clilton Council Member Ed Honea Council Member Bill Schisler Council Member Sharon Price Council Member Helen Key Council Member STAFF: Roy Laos Sandra L. Groseclose David Smith Chuck Dinancr Bob Kern Kirk S. Cookson Vick Chm'nis Roy Cum'on 6 members of the public. Town Manager Town Clerk Police Chief Planning Administrator Public Works Superintendent Town Attorney Building Official Accounting __V. APPROVAL OF AGENDA A motion was made by EIwin Clifton, seconded by Ed Honea and carried unanimously to approve the agenda. VI. ORDER OF BUSINESS ~A. Town Council. Staff And Department Heads. Discussion And Action - Town Financial Position And Options To Reduce Expenditures Bill Schisler stated that he did not want to go through the options line by line, but rather he wanted the Council to get any necessary information and have budget manager Roy Cuaron and Sandra Groseclose to get together with Department Heads to come up with acceptable expenditures. Roy Cuaron stated that the purpose of this meeting is to inform the Council of the Town's financial condition, how the Town operates financially and to recommend possible courses of action. He spoke of his £mancial report and explaimed certain important points. Personnel is the area where savings could be best realized. He explained the cost reduction possibilities and answered questions. Bill Schisler opposed the option of pay cuts, suggested that personnel be furloughed. Closing recreational areas would be mom preferable. Ed Honea agreed. Mayor Harn noted that the swimming pool cannot be kept without water. Ed Honea suggested that notice to close the pool with the water should be given, the old police truck should be liquidated instead of reducing the police staffin order to replenish RICO funds. Doug Mostyn asked if Ed Honea would make his MINUTES OF SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING STUDY SESSION MARINA TOWN COUNCIL JULY 7, 1992 statement into a motion. Mayor Harn suggested that the Council meet with Depamnent Heads and about two months later re-address this issue. Doug Mostyn suggested that if Ed Honea makes his motion, he should include that park persolmel work less hours in the park and that they be shifired to work on roads. The Town Attorney suggested that a legal notice be given to close the pool. A motion was made by Ed Honea, seconded by Doug Mostyn and carried unanimously to pursue debt service reduction with GLHN, give one week's legal notice to the people at the pool to close the swimming pool with the water in it, refinance existing leases, reduce park hours, direct the Police Chief to prepare the four-wheel drive track for sale, use $50,000 due fi.om Pima County on August 1, 1992, to pay outstanding debts and set aside the remainder as money for an emergency fund. VII. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Held until the following Council Meeting. VIII. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Doug Mostyn, seconded by Ed Honea and carried unanimously to adjourn. Time: 6:30 P.M. AUDIO TAPES OF THE MEETING ARE AVAILABLE AT THE MARANA TOWN HALL CLERK'S OFFICE CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are the tree and correct minutes of the Special Council Meeting Study Session of the Marana Town Council held on July 7, 1992. I fm'ther certify that a quorum was present. ~'(~-(~-'-~/~t~,~i ~R~OSi~'CLOSE, TO~ CLERK G:clm ~TES~CO~CILX 1992.~07-07-92.SPE Prepmed by Colin L. Miller, 6/7/94 Meeting len~: 1:00