HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97-109 adopting policies for an adopt a roadway programMARANA RF~OLUTION NO. 97-109
WHEREAS, the Town of Mararia has a direct interest in reducing litter on Town
roadways; and
WHEREAS, an Adopt-A-Roadway Program encourages nonprofit, nonpolitical
organizations to pickup litter on a specific length of roadway at a minimal cost to the Town; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the Town of Marana have determined that it is in
the best interest of the Town and nonprofit, nonpolitical organizations that an Adopt-A-Roadway
Program be put in place for the Town.
NOW, T/-~REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and Council of the Town of
Marana that the "Policies and Procedures for The Town of Mararia Adopt-A-Roadway Program"
attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference are hereby approved and
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Marana, Arizona,
this 18th day of November, 1997.
Town) . Ty
Mayor ORA MAE ~-IARN ~
Marana, Arizona Re~olufion No. 97-109 Page 1 of 1
David Atler, P.E., Director of Public. W, or, own Engineer
Myrlene Francis, Engineering Aide ~
November 6, 1997
Adopt-a-Roadway Cost Estimate (#1)
John C. Siath, P.E., P.L.S., Collins/Pifia Consultant Engineer
Dennis_Dolan?~O~pera_tio~ns &~M~?inteffa?5_e S~up_e~rvJsor _ _ _
, 24,,.x30~'6:C. olOr:';:. ;." < :""'. · $Sg90cacl~s~Lm .. ~ .......... . .~.7.780~ .
, 2=s~,,ns per group . .. ...... .. · .
~ Adopt-.a-Roadw:ay Si n, ~,.. =...
100 Garbage Bags· · . . . $36~70perc"ise '" ~. · .'" $3&70
Safety. Training using Pima County Safely $64.80 per training session ' $64.80
Training Video or New Town Video one per group per year
· Li'.abilil3::!nsurance . ,::',. ,.' .: ' · ': '. · = "-:.. ',::. i .... :....~,' ~,':.:. .'-:,
Engserver/DatalMyrlcne/Memo/Pro}ect/Adop -a-Roadway4
24" x30" 6-Color $88.90 each sign $177.80
AdoptTa~RoadwaySign: . ~ ..~., .2-sign~ ?_r ~UP .'. ..... ]' -' .
7 ~' Heavy-Du'ty U~Cha'ni/el Posts '$17.34 each '. "$34~68
· ':~'" '" ' 2-posts per group ':
The numbers for Supplies are based on groups completing clean-ups at different times and days. No simultaneous
clean-ups will be able to be completed due to the necessary use of Safety Vests, Shoulder Work Ahead signs, and
Type II Barricades for each group. It is not recommended we purchase enough supplies to support more than one
group conducting an event at the same time.
At this time we have three O) organizations that have expressed an interest in participating in an Adopt-a-
Roadway Program once the Town has the program implemented. The start-up cost to be paid by the Town for the
remainder of the 1997-98 Fiscal year to allow these three groups to begin participating in this program is
(($695.45*3) +$617.39)=$2,703.74. This cost includes the purchase of the safety equipment needed for
participation, the sponsor sign, garbage bags, training sessions for each group and the trash collection cost for the
two (2) clean-up events each group must participate in within the remainder of our 1997-98 Fiscal year. A total of
six (6) clean-up events will be completed within the remainder of the 1997-98 fiscal year by the three (3) groups,
two (2) clean-ups each group. This is providing the Town chooses to utilize the Pima County Adopt-a-Roadway
Safety Training video we have received on loan.
If we were to generate interest that would produce five (5) groups participating in the Adopt-a-Roadway Pro,am
within the Town for the remainder of the 1997-98 Fiscal year, the cost to maintain this program would be
((695.45'5)+$617.39)=$4,094.64. I recommend we request $4,500.00 from Mayor and Council to implement this
It is an option for the Town to have a specialized seven (7) minute safety video produced as a training tool. If the
Town decided to contract the production or' a new video for the Town of Marana the cost for video production
would be approximately $7,800.00 in addition to supplies and materials costs.
MMF/mmf 2
Application is hereby made for a perm/t to enter in upon and use a portion of the Towns Roadway and to participate in the TOWN OF
(Please print or ~e)
Name of Organization:
Address of Organization:
City: State:
Name of Applicaut:
Mailing Address (if different from above):
City: State:
Signature of Applicant:
Roadway: From:
For Departmental Use Only
's application to pick up litter at least four (4) times a year on
,arreeO, Section(s) Township Range is granted to
(the above listed applicant) subject to the following provisions:
Permittee shall on each work occasion obtain approval by notifying the authorized Town representative at telephone number
(520) 6824166 a minimum of five (5) working days prior to sum of any work authorized by this permit. Town furnished litter
bags and orange safety vests shall be obtained at the Town Operations and Maintenance Office, 12775 N. Sanders Road during
normal business hours by appointment.
2. The Town reserves the right to approve, disapprove and/or edit names or acronyms being placed on the credit signs.
3. Work shall be conducted fluting daylight hours. Work shall not be conducted on holiday weekends, or with/n twenty-four (24)
hours preceding a holiday weekend unless specifically authorized as an amendment to this permit
4. Litter pickup shall not be performed within six (6) feet of the travel way, upon bridges, culverts, medians, or structures of any
kdnd unless specifically authorized in this perre/t.
5. Workers shall not cross the travel way of access controlled roadways.
6. If weather or other adverse circumstances cause a public hazard, work shall be immediately discont/nued.
Volunteers performing work under this permit shall wear personal protective clothing, including, orange vests, while on Towns'
roadway r/ght-of-way. The Town furnished protective equipment shall be returned within seven (7) days of complefian of the
scheduled pick up date.
Work shall not be initiated prior to safety procedures training by a Town representative.
Permittee shall designate a coordinator who shall represent the group. In addit/on, one adult supervisor shall be assigned by the
volunteer organization for each ten (10) children between the ages of fourteen (14) to eighteen (lg) years of age. No child less
~un fourteen yearn of age shall be allowed to participate or to remain in the r/ght-of-way assigned to the permittee.
Rev. 10/23/97 8: I 8 AN[
I0. P~a'~icipants' per~unal vehicles shall not be parked within the Hght-of-way of aa access controlled madway, and on ~dl other madways.
Vehicles shall be legally loc~ted off the ~ravei way so ar not to inter&re with the free flow o£ t~c or pede~'~ans; except approved vabicJe(s)
used to transport pardcipmts or materials to and from the work site the vehinie(s) may be parked off the roadway on access coon'oiled
i 1. This permit is valid for one (1) calendar year from date of issue and may be renewed with the Towns approval. Permittee must conduct clean-
up once every three (3) months, Permits may be revoked any time at the Town~ ~tinn for failure to comply with the Rules and Conditions.
12. A representative fi'om each group shal. l attend a safety orientation conducted by the Towas-trained group leader prior to entering the Towns
roadway right-of-way, The orientation shall inclode a diseas$ion and explanation of the attached safety requlrements. Individuals must
participate in a safety orientation at least once during each calendar year.
13. Each participant (or parent or guardian of a miner panic/pant) shall s/go a waiver form for each pickup event. The permittee has volunteered to
pick up litter in the right-of-way at its own risk. The Town and its officers and employees shall not be liable for any death, injmT or proper~y
damage claims and all the costs associated therewith which arise. If any claim arises out of the foregoing, the permittee shall defend, indemnify
and hold harmless the Town and its officers and employees from same. Permittce' oblig~on under thi~ Section shall not extend to any liability
caused by the sole negligence of the Town or its employees.
14. Each participant shall comply with "Policies and Procedures for Adopt-A-Roadway Progreta".
15, The Town stuall provide safety training, safety signage, litter bags, and safety vest~ Permittee is reapousible for checking eta and returning
these items. If item(s) are lost or stolen, permittee will be required ~o pay for the raplacearent of the item(s).
16. The Town shall pick up and dispose of filled ll~r bags. However, garbage bags will al~o be on the checkout list. It has been a problem with
garbage bags being taken and used for personal use. Bags will be Iraeked by the amount pickup at cleanup site and number returned to the
Operadon~ and Mahatenance office. A~I damage bag~ ~ould also I~ returned. Permittee will be rarpoeaibin for paying for the difference in the
number of bags returned and picked np fi'om the number ~
After the e~mp[etinn of each clean-up ~vant the Adopt-a-Roadway supervisor will be required to complete and rerum a "Town of Marann,
Adopt-a-Roadway Clann-up Report".
The Town shall erect signs showing the panicipatinn of the asmed ergan/antion in the Adopt-A-Roadway Pro.am. The work order for the sign
shall be processed as soon as the applicant has participated in the safety erinoration, and completed the fit~t scheduled pick up. Once the sign is
ordered, it shall be installed in approximately night ($) weeks.
Permit No.
A permit and license is hereby issued to the foregoing licensec for the purpose contained in the application and upon the expressed
condition that every agreement and any special provision contained herein is fakhfully performed. Work is authorized only for the
period indicated below.
Town of Mararia Representative
2 Rev. 10/23/97 8: I 8 AM
/l'x AVOer- - OA WA¥
I. Policy
Town of Marana, Public Works Department has a direct interest in reducing litter on Town
roadways. This can be accomplished by litter cleanup and by encouraging motorists to
dispose of litter properly. The Town's Adopt-a-Roadway Program ,assists in both ways.
This program encourages nonopmfit, non-political organizations to pick up litter .on a
specific length of roadway. Appropriate signs calling motorist attention to the litter conlxol
effort and crediting the non-profit organization for its work are erected by the Town of
IL Elieibilitv
A. Non-profit org'aniTatinns will be allowed to pick up litter on designated sections of roadway
under an encroachment permit subject to the Rules a~d Conditions specified in Item IlL
Profit organizations and political organizations will not be granted permits under this
program. The Town is concerned that the signs erected under this program would be
construed as advertising if theso organizations were allowed to participate.
C. Non-profit organizations affiliated with for-profrt organizations are welcome in this
program. Examples of such non-profit organizations (all fictitious) are:
Phelps-Dodge Recreation Club
APS Volunteers
Bill's GHII Litter Pickup Club
The name of the volunteer organization will be used on the signs even if it includes the name
of a for-profit organization.
IlL Rules and Conditions
The length of roadway section should be approximately two (2) miles. Shorter lengths may
be permitted in heavy litter areas, but not less than one (1) mile. Only roadway sections
which Mararia considers suitable shall be designated. Safety of Adopt-a-Roadway
volunteers is a prime consideration.
B. No permits shall be granted when site conditions are unsuitable for your group's age level.
No pickup on the medians or roadways are allowed due to safety concerns unless specifically
authorized by the Town.
Rev. 11/4/97/9:09 AM
No Children younger than fourteen (14) years of age may participate or be perraitted in the
right-of-way for any reason. The group shall provide an adequate supervisor--at least one
adult twenty-one (21) years of age or older for every ten (10) members under the age of
eighteen (18)years of age.
D. Mararia shall erect the recognition signs; if it becomes necessary to replace a sign, Marana
may require the organizations to pay the Town in advance for the replacement sign. The
Town reserves the fight to approve, disapprove and/or edit names or acronyms to go on the
E. The Town shall supply litter bags, remove and dispose of filled bags. All filled litter bags
shall be placed off the roadside (approximately ten feet) so as not to obstruct traffic or
emergency use of roadside shoulders. Unused bags shall be remme~t to the Town.
The Town shall provide safety vests to be worn by all Adopt-a-Roadway volunteers when
working on the roadway right-of-way. Vests belonging to the Town are to be returned to the
Town within seven (7) days after each use.
G. The participating organization shall appoint an Adopt-a-Roadway supervisor form its
membership to oversee its work in the right-of-way.
All Adopt-a-Roadways supervisors MUST complete a one-hour safety course giving by the
Towns Operations and Maintenance Supervisor before they supervise litter pickup. All other
Adopt-a-Roadway volunteers shall be encouraged to attend the one-hour safety course
provided by the Town.
Prior to each litter pickup, all Adopt-a-Roadway .volunteers shall be instructed in safety
precautions by their Adopt-a-Roadway supervisor.
All Adopt-a-Roadway volunteers shall at all times adhere to the safety requirements listed in
the brochure entitled "Adopt-a-Roadway, Safety Requirements".
K. The participating organization shall be required to pickup roadside litter a minimum of four
(4) times per year, once every three (3) months or more frequently as necessary to keep ks
area relatively clean based on evaluation by the Town.
L. Participating organizations MUST coordinate their pickup schedules with the Town to
prevent conflicts over the use of the roadway right-of-way.
M. Each participant (or the parent or guardian era minor) shall be required to sign a waiver for
each pickup event before work commences in the right-of-way. See the handout entitled
"Special Event Waiver Form".
N. The permit shall be issued for a minimum of one (1) year, Permits may be revoked at any
time at the Town's discretion for failure to comply with these Rules and Conditions. It is
renewable if the organization has maintained its segment of right-of-way.
O. The Town may impose additional conditions as needed.
Rev. l I/4/97/9:09 AaM
IV. procedures
A. Interested organizations should contact the Public Works Department/Engineering Division.
The department staff member will explain and discuss the Tom's Adopt-a-Roadway
Program with a responsible representative of the interested organization, emphasizing the
program involves significant physical work which must be done safely on a reasonably
frequent basis for at least one (1) year.
A modified encroachment permit must be completed by the applicant and approved by the
Town. See the enclosed entitled "Application for Permit to Use the Town of Marana Right-
D. The permittee submits to the Town a single waiver form signed by all participants for each
pickup event - p/'evious to scheduled day of pickup.
E. Applicants arrange through the Towu to schedule the safety mining.
F. The Town will arrange for the fabrication and erection of two (2) signs after the safety
training and one scheduled pickup has b~n completed.
Applicants request issuance of safety vests and litter bags. A checkout sheet will be
completed for each cleanup event. All items must be rammed to the Town. The Permittee
will be responsible to replace item(s) not returned or accounted for after each event.
The Town will arrange for litter pickup dates and for pickup of filled litter bags.
The Adopt-a-Roadway Supervisor will be required to complete and retina to the Town of
Marana a cleanup report after each scheduled cleanup event.
Rev.l i/4/97 t9:09 Alvl
Town of Marana
Special Event Waiver Form
Application is made by the andersigued to participate in the Adopt-A-Roadway pickup event within the roadway
R/ghi-of-Way: Organization:
Date of Scheduled Pick up:
HOLD FIARMI.I~.$S CLAUSE: The permittee, and its pa..-ticipants, or where the participant is a mln~r his&er
parent or guardian shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Town of Mm'ana from any and a/l claims,
demands, suits, aeriere, proceedings, loss, cost. and damages of every kind and description, including attorneys'
fees and/or litigation expenses, which may be brought or made agah~ or incurred by the Town on account of loss
of or damage to any property or for injmi¢s or death of any person, caused by, arising our of, or enutr~uted to, in
while or in part, by reasons ofen¥ act, omission, fault, mistake, or negligence ofpermittee,/rs employees, agents, or
representatives, their employees, agents, or representative in connection with or incident to the performance of this
Agreement, or arising out workers' Compensation claims, Unemployment Compensation claims, or Unemployment
D/sabllity Compensation ela/ms of employees of petra/tree or claims under s/mllar such laws and obl/gutions.
Permittee' and all of its participants' obligation under the Section shall not extend to any liability caused by the sole
negligence of the Town or it~ employees.
WAIVER: The Permittee, all its participants, or where the permittee is a minor, hiker parent or guardian her*by
waive the right to any claim for any damages or injury of any kind accruing to the permittee or to any participant
arising out of or as a result of the use of this permit ex¢~pt said waiver does not extend to any such claim which is
caused by the sole negligence of the Town or its offices and employees.
Please use other side of form if additional space is required.
Rev. 08/01/97 3:27 PM
Cleanup Report
Group Supervisor:
Date of Cleanup:
· No. of Participants:
Total Hours Worked:
Condition of Area:
Bad Fait Good
percentage of litter items found:
Paper Glass Cans
Other Other
Other Other
Total No. of bags used:
Total No. of Vests borrowed:
Group Supervisor's Signature
Complete form and return to Town of Mararia, Public Works Department, Engineering Division, for yearly
record keeping at the Town of Mararia Development Center, 13555 N. Sanders Road, Mararia, Arizona 85653-