HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2006-045 IGA for marana regional airport sewer connection MARANA RESOLUTION NO. 2006-45 RELATING TO THE AIRPORT; APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXE- CUTE AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH PIMA COUNTY FOR THE MA- RANA REGIONAL AIRPORT SEWER CONNECTION PROJECT. WHEREAS, the Town of Marana and Pima County desire to use a portion of the County bond funding authorized in May 2004 to construct a sewer connection from the Marana Regional Airport to a connection point in the existing sewer system at Sanders Road and the Santa Cruz River; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council ofthe Town of Maran a feel it is in the best interests of the public to enter into this agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF MARANA, that the intergovernmental agreement between the Town of Marana and Pima County in substantially the form attached to and incorporated by this reference in this resolu- tion as Exhibit A is hereby approved, and the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute it or a substan- tially similar document for and on behalf ofthe Town of Marana. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town's Manager and staff are hereby directed and au- thorized to undertake all other and further tasks required or beneficial to carry out the terms, obliga- tions, and objectives ofthe intergovernmental agreement. PASSED, ADOPTED, and APPROVED by the Mayor and Council ofthe Town of Maran a, Arizona, this 21" day of March, 2006. ~ ~ V-- Mayor E Honea ATTEST: ~\\"'n',,,/~ ~_\.OF ~ ~ ~- ~'-;""""""l ~~ s~~* ~ ~ is E/cORPORATf\ ~ - :: ~ = - - -8 -- - 'i EALs ~ ~ ~ ill ~ ~ ~~ ., ~ ~ '1 ~lllIm"\~ ~ ~ f;'I"? ~YJI'~ ~111.ul\\\~ AS TO FORM: FJC:cds 3/14/06 / /~ ~..,.. ,I:.. .8..1:'II.l"'A rt u 1).it.!. ~ IJ.I:S J::. J H.,IS, (,..: lHW ~ .H. RECORDED 8Y: NMB DEPTJTY RECORDER 1134 AS2 " ,,----......... ~- -, , "\,.~o~~~ '" "QJ,~~"~"",'~~"' '~,6' .\~~ . ~ I~~" '~"I\ c:. ~ , ~r:1 ~ "'", (iZ ~ >~;;PyJ \~.~O~~ ~--~~ D OCKET' : l?AGE~ NO... OF' PA.G,ES ~ S EQuENCE .~ 1,2 3 0 8 3060 11- ;:.. 200iSOS-70616 05/19/2"0:06 15:58 .PQ230 .J. P.IM:...~, Co CLERK OF THE BOJ!..,RD ~:rC'KU.P RES PICKUP lWiOUNT P,A,!'D $ o~oo RESOL U'TIONN'O.. 200(j_11 0 RESQ'.LUTION OF PI]\L~, COUNTY BOlUm Olr S,UPER'\71S(lRS "J~'PR"OVJN(~ AND, J.4.UTHOIUZIN'G TlI:E E.XEC;UTION OF A-N INTE.RGOVElti"lME.N'r['AL A,GREE~[E~NT BET\VEEN PIMA C()U1\liI'YAND 'l~llE l'LO\VN' 'OF rvl_A~Ri\Nil, ':VrIIC~H AGRE.EMENT PRO\7IDES FO:R r-1'I-IE C'ONSTR,UC1~ION AN'i) MAll\~'TENANCE OF .A.. SA.NITAR\r SE\VER CON\'EYANCE, S'YS.'TfErVI r'l'"lO SElt'IE T,HE rvIAR~~N.A. _~\]RPO.r(T i.\ND VI CINlp"r--r'" WI-m.,RE.~~\ S ~ [)iJ.l1 a CO'ullty (C oun!)') is eln,pov.~cred. "b:rl .J:~.R..;S _ 9- 11-'264 h) O]lera.:te f.Uld Inaint...:'l1n a :pu.blic sanitary seVtreragc. systern and is tbe ,designate.d public seT~:ver syste]n .pro'vid.eT ff)r the resid,ents (Jf Pinla iCo.unty;. an.d ~lI.IER.E;.\.S~ PimaCollllty and tIle 'T'o."\,vn of 1\1. aran a (T{r\~ln) d,esiTe to use a :poliion of the Cot'u.nty bond fUJlding authorized in M:ay 20,04, to COllstruct a se\'ver ,c.onn,ection fronl th,e 1\<1 arana Regiollsl .l\lllJ01t to a c.01ID.ection POillt in the existing, se\;ver S~lstexn at Sal1ders 11..oa d and tIle. Sa]lta Crnz T{j'ver; an.d WI-JERh}\.S~ Tov.rn \7!,fill advertise,~. a'vlarct e.xecute and adnliTliSler the desi.gn and cons1rl1ction co'ntracts for the~ se\ver extension.; and. \VHERE.1~ S~. C Olln ty :shall} 'upon GOn:}l~] etioll 0 f cO[lstructiioll~ OVlll aIle! main tal 11 th.e s e\.ver e).rtensi O!l~ a.n.d '\\THEREi\S~ l)inla Countyr "be.lieves that it is i:11 tlle 'best jnterest of the ,public to enter inlO tIllS ageenl ellt; and :1 '..... .1. ~:> (.i' W ~~ \VHEREl\S~ Pinla 'COtlnty and the T O'vVIl of Maralla 'msl1 to enter into an intergove.nuneIltal agree.ment for th.e, pU.I]Jose of establls]ling tlle respOllSibil]lies of the parties ,:vitIl r.egard se'\tver exten,s lo.n:l N'O,"\\ ~rlIEREFORE., L-:PON M:OTIO:ND'LIL Y I\.iADE, S,ECO~Nr)EI) .t\NI) C~'14wRTtIE.D, BE TTRESO'LVE.D' THAT: r~~ ~~ . ..:~ J~ cl ~ 1 ~ l~b.e Lntergo"renllllenta.l agreeJnentb.et\~feen ~Pi[na COllnty and th.e ~r'cnfl11 of 1vfara11a for the purpo se of de si g:nil) g~ c on stTuctin,g~ o])eratin g and .111 aLntaining tile sev'!e.r e.x tcns.io:n to the Marana .J~irport frOf)] the exisIlng sev..rer S)fsten) al Sand.ers [{oad 311d the Santa Cruz River is here'by appro\red. j ~~1 \ 2. Toe Chair oftl1is Board is hereby auJhorized alnd directed to sign -tile foregOlllg inter govemm en tal agre1elnent I 3. The various p]]Jla ICo'lilnry officers and emplo')rees are hereby .authorized and directed to perfonn all acts lle:cessary and. desirable to give effect 10 tllis ,Resolution. Pl\S.SED", ADOPTED .~1"1lrD' A1~P!R,O'VED 1]lis16th da)l of ~1,a.y' ~ 2 006 ~ PIMA C'OllN"T''1' 'B.OARD ()~F SUPP.;RV1SQR.S MAY 1 6 f006 }\ 'rorEST: 1 2 ;~3 m I~~ u m ':s [g 'Ei ,. :L\lA.RA.NA RESO.LUTION NO~ 20016~45 REL..~ TIN'G '"ra 1~HE ,AIR1~Ol~1~; APPROVINIG AJ\fDAUT'HORJZ,ING. THE MAYOR T'O' E.XE.. CUTE AN INTER!Go~\rER]\fMEN'T AL i\:GREElvlEN'~r~ \VITH PIJv[A COUNTY FOR TH'E lvfA- ,ElA'NA REGIO'NAL AIRPOR'T" SE\VER, CONNECTION PROJECT. \VHEREAS, the To\\"n of Marana and :Pima IC~.ounty d,esire to use aportiol1 0,[ the Co.urlty b,ond funding au.tllorized in, May ,2004 to co.nstruct a se"~ler conn,ectionfi",om the. Mara[lfl Regional, l\.irport to. a COIl~nection po.int in, the existing SeWE.T systeln at Sanders Road and tlle Sa11ta C'nlZ River; ,atld \\7HERE~4,S~ tile Mayer 00,.0, COllncil of the T"o\vn .ofMar'arla feel it is in, th,e 'best interests. of the public to enter into tbj.s a.greenlent N'O\V, THEREFO'RE~BE IT RES.OLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUN'CIL O'F THE TOV{t..J' OF Iv11\RAN'A~. that the intergovern~mental a.greelllent bet\~leen tIle TOWIl of M~arana .and Pima Count)r 111 sl1bstantially the form ,attaclled t:o and incorporated by this reference 111 this regolu~ tiOll as E"xllibit .~, is Jlereby appro.ved,~and. th.e May,or is he~f'~by' a'uthorized to e.xecute it or a substan- 'lially sirnilar d,OCUillCntfo,r and on, behalf of the Town of Maran a" IT IS FUR T<HER RESOL \rED that tlleT own's Manager aJld staffarje 11ereb~:l directed and au,~ tllorized to undertake. .all other and :furtller tasks recluired or beneJicia] {.o carry Ollt the terms, obliga.- tions, EtIld objectives of the intergovenlnl'ental a greenlcnt. PltSSED, ,ADop~rEl), an.d. AI'PTtO\lE,Db::lt11eM.ay:or and 'Council of the ifo\vn.oflvlarana, Arizona" tllis .215~ day of Marc}l, 21006..."., ,.~.,.~.,.:,..,~~..:..:.. ,~~"...,... ~~.,...~. " . ~. .~~. . ' . , .~ -I, '.' .. : ' , .. t;/ Mayor E - Hon.lea A l"TES'T: , ~\\"II~JI',~ ~." O~ . '.' 4f~ .~- ..:.\. ~,,'\'UIJlli' . ~ s .~~ ,. . ...~~,.~ :::(2~CORPD~r€'~ - ~ =='::. oco = '::: ...e SEAL' ~ IiiiiiiI! - ~.., ..;::. ...... .. -;;..~. ... '.~ ~ ~. If~. ..~~ .~' ~ . -1 ?I.rl~n"k-\'~ ..~ ~~, ~ "rl~ ~ :g; I "~ ~Jlli'~i"\\\~ 1 /'. ..,l. " lq Et ~ ~ L.l t:;l A- J~PPRO\' ~ I i~S TO FO'Rfvf: FJC:cJS J/]..:f/{}6 If II q NO, o;.1J3.//f. /3777":;. ,,50(. I . AM.EN DMENT NCl I I ! t r -,."- I, , . , C o~~ i :;: ;.: C T Th'iS t. J IT :f: ~ -" _" ~ ~ f:: ~ ~ = - ~nYoice~. ~:J"'.~5.:':.r :~_.:~ .d 0 : u me l'H!$ : -zr ~ ~ r ...:: ~ c con t rat c ~ C~, all tine thh: INrrERGO"-'ERNT\~[EN1~AL i\GRE.E1V[E,NT' BE.l",,'E.EN PIl\1,,~ CO'UN'~f\r ,.t\~ND THE rT-t)".TN OF l\!lU~L\NA. FOR I"II.E ~~'Lt\NA REGION,A~L AIRPOiR..T SE"','ER CONNE.CTI.ON' P'R.OJECT {OQOO j 6G I, DOC! 6} Exllibit _A. to. 1v1ar'ana :Resolutioll No. 20:0:6-45 :~ f; e":; :1 (~ 8 (li ~ rn r$ rl "'- IN']]~:RGO ','ERN!vlE1'\,T AL AGREEA1"EI\Yf BE.T"{E,EN' PE\iA COIJN1';-'Y _J-\N'D ~T:RE TO\~VN OF ivL\R:8LN}-\ FOR 'THE! 1\fAR~~NARE~GTONA~J.1 L4..IRPORT SE\~r:ER 'CONNECT~ION' PRO.,illCT 'Tills A.greeiTI,en,t is en tiered. into by' and bet\veen PDvl:'\, COUN-rv, a bod:{ politic and COlpO- rate of tile State of .i\rizol18 (I!;r;.Countv~~) and the To \VN OF l\.1.ARl\NA C:~T'o.~ln ~~) pursuant to i\.nzona Re\,rised, Statutes (l\ I rz. S.) S,ecti 0,11 1] ~9 52. RE.ClTAiL')' i\.." The Pa.rties are authorized byt ArizOIl.a Revised Statutes sectio'n C"'"A.'R.SL ~n) 11-952; et seq~] to enter into ahrreem,ents for joint and :cQOlJerat]\le actio,n. B. 'The Count)t o\\rns and op'erates a se\yage sy~stem pursuant. to" .'1..~R~S~ 9 11-2~6-4L 'C~i The TO'r~~n is authorized by A.,R.S. ~ 9-240{B)(5)(a) tD COtlstruct and malllta.m se\vers. D. Con:Jltyand T01N'n vilish to cooperate in the, design and constnlction .oftbe M.arana R:e- 1~{}]l.alAj]l)ort ,Se'\ver Co,:nne.ctio'R Project (the ~~Pro'i;e.ct')" E~ l\. Special Bond Election \v.as ]leld in Pima Count~y on Ma.y '18, 2004 in \vhich the citi- zen.s of I}1l11a Count)t lloted .to appro.'ve th,e iss.uance of Pima Courlt~l General Obligation Bonds to fund \fan QUS pliblic. proj eets L F. Pinl.a (,aunt)' IOr,din,a'nce No. 2004--18 as suhsequenti"i re,.rised by O'rdinance 1\"0. 2005-92 (tlJe "Bon~d Ordi.11at10e") lis'[s the ProJect as 311 approved 2004 bond-fu11ded p'roject (see secti,()o 'TIT (F)(l )(b)(6.6) desc.rib,ing the PT:oject). fIne Bond OTdina:nce ,allocates $2~800~OOO in, bond, 'proceeds fbt the Project. This arrl-onnt1 less 2,% ,,'ruch, sha]] 'be retail1ed by the ICotml-:t' to re<:::ove.r a portion of~ tll'e Count~l3.s ad,minlstratlve oosts associated with tlus 'pr~ject, shall be :re... :ferred tob erel]] as the ~'~] oc.ated J\.faxi,rollrrl .IA.n1rn.lIl t ].j Oi, The' Project is currentl)1 ,est]mated to cost approximat,ely S2,800,~OOOj~ I-I. Projects oOD,strocted in ,vho]e or in part \~i{h bon.d proceeds are s'abje.ct to the hrul,ide- lines for bO-l1dillg disclosure] accQun.tabilit)l a.nd, IJ.nplemen,tation of Coun~y bond proje<:;ts m ot11er jUl.i.sdictiollS, COlltained ill PilTla C-OUIlty Code C~apte.r 3..06 and in the B,o'nd Ordinance;. I. To\vn shall ad,vertise, av~rard, execu,r.e and ,admini:st,er 'me des:ih!fl and constrtlction COn- tracts for tIle Project, an.d turn it o'ver to tIle CO'UDty for o\\fnersb.ip aIld operatio'n. J,.. Co.unt)' \viII reimb'U,rse T01~tn, in an an10unt not t.o: exceed the p\laocated Maxi.mun] i\jnOtlnt~ fa,r actJJal~ do curnented Proj ect~ rel ated expen ses (oth el" than T,o\hin:' S administrative costs) 110t r,eiu1b.ursed fT'om other fuu. din, g, sources_. K_ Design of the .P'roject is anticipated to 'begin hillllediat:ely, all(i -construction of the Pro- ject is currentlJ, scheduled to C0111mel1JCe -on or befof,e August 1 ~ 2006~ subje-ct lO' aoqu.isition of all necessary pennits~ easen]ents and environm,ental clearances~ and is cl~rr'e71tly antic.ipated tOI be C01l11J)]eted a !J!lrOX inlalel:l six months after t11e start of COilstruct] on. A G,RE.EftilfElVT :1. 2 ~) .~ 6 (V: ~) ~~, 8 ~j l\10\V THEFEF.Q'RE, Count)' ,and To\vn; p'UTsuant 10 the abo\re, and in cotlsideratioTl of 'the l)]atters aIJd things herein,after se't forth~ do murna.11'l:l ag'ree as fol10\vs: (OOOOl(104) 1 ,])OC 16} ;ill 0.:"2006 2;,51 PNl .Page 1: of] 1 1. I~JlI]20.,se,. T"he pllrpose ofth.is .A.gre,elnent i.s to set fortIl th.e respoJlsibllities of the }1artiJ€s for the desi~rnF co'~n.structi'on) nlainte~nallce and o'peration of the Project and to address lega] and, ad- mirustrali'le m.atlers al11011,g th,e }Jalties.. 2~ Proiect. Tile Project consists of tlle design and conslnu:.tiOll of dle Project as desc.ribed in the Bond OTdinan.ce.: 6 ~ 6 ~ ;aJl~ sma Reg'ion a r A.I rlO 0 Irt Slew er , C onne{~.t;ion, Loca1~on;, TO\flln of ~lian:1na from the 8Jrport I,ocate'd on Avra VaHey RO.ad to Sand,ers Road and the Santa 'Cruz River. Scope.:: Design and construct a san'itary se~verage conveyanc'e syste'n1 to serve the ,M,arana A:irport ,an.d vicinity. Th,e: conveyance system. is GOlrH.::eptwal:~y plannec.1 to consqs.t 01 a g:ravity outfall sewer from the Mar.ana 13trpo'rt west to Sanders Road r then north to a pump statilon on th,e south bank: of the Santa ,Cruz Rh.ler. SeV1lSige ~Jvou Id be pumped from the~re( through a pressure line to ~;ln exis!ilng gravlty :se'Yver s.ervingl the 'Honea H:eig~hts. Area.< Be,nelits:: Win assist the econo:m,:ic developn1!8nt program planned fo.r the airport and its e djl~ (; ent Blrc'a ~ C;os1: $2raoO~.OOOF with AdminIstration being $56,OO'O~ Plannilng being $lOO~OOOlr Desigln being $'444~OOO I and ,C,onstruction being $ 2~ 200) 000. Bond Funding: $21'8;OOrOOO Oth,er Funding: None identilied at thlis tilme' IP:roj'ect o UIlratj on':, Designal 1,2 to 18 m,onths and Constr-uction at 1 5 to 30 months. I mpl ern entation Peria d: 1 r 2. 3 PrnJect M.anaglemlent: :PiiFr.a County V\lastewater Management Departmentr in clos.e consu:ltat~on. vvith the TO\lvn of Marana~ FutilJre O'iP1erating and Maintien,ance Costs: In the firs.t year after co nstructiO:I'J the line IS str u ct u r.a lil}f un die r \IV a rlia n ty , T hie 0 p erati ng ,fII:n d 1m a.i n t,en.a nee G osts t hie F'ea fte rare approx.irnately $ 2rOOO per mile per year t or $ 6rOOO for .the entire 3-mi~e reach .rl'le co~rts are, paid 'from ~~\'asltewater'~~anagemen1,1 S bud~lge:tJ \tJ/hio'M is funded bV us,er "flees. 3, Desi:;!J:l and Consh-uctioJ1 R,esl}OllSibilit.jes~ ~[b.e ~rO\J\fll shalJ desigll an,d COJ.1Struct tbe Project ill accord.allCe \vitb. l)]~ms and. spec:ificati:ons co.operativel)' re\11e\ved and apjJro\red ]JY the :paIties~ as described beloT~~l r a..Stalldards- "r'01-\'11 sh,!.ll design an,d construct th,e Prnject in COD1IJliallce ,~6th all alJiJlica- ble b"uildil1,g standards and codesj iu con1lJliance with. ArizonaJ~qlllfer ProtectiolJ.Pe,nl1.it sta'ndards as 'pro\,ided at. .~~,.R.S, SS 49'-241 thro:llg;h 4,9-252 and A./A~C~ R.l g.~9.--1 01 thro"u.gh R18,-9--4Q3~ ]n ,compliaIlce \vlth Title 34 of the ,.L'uizona Re,\ljsed Statutes~ aIld in a good and \;vorkman~ike III8Il11er, b . ,Public Art.~ The P iUla COUll ty B 0 al'd of S.upervisors~. 'b)" ra ti fi catiofl of t11i S.i.~g,reel11ent, ,exempts tile Project fralll the 1 % ])u.blic all 1)rogra.11l set-aside l)rO\fided for in Board of S,u- l)er\lisors 1'0 Ii C)J C3. 3 and Pima County }-\dnli n.i strati~ve Proced'ure 3 -16. This 'proj ectq ualifi es. {OO<JO 160 1 "DOC I 6} ~!l {I/2 00 6 2 :.51 P~~1 l'age 2 of 1 "] ~L ~Z e (~ t~f ~ ~~ Sj "'::,j for said ex errlpti o'n Ullder E.xenlptioll Cti te,.rioll 2 of Procedure 3 -.] 6 in that. it ] S Hn under- gro'ulld in~stallatioll and~ as a result~ d.oes 110t 11a~le lugll visibility :or imp'act.. Ca 'En'~:lJ~O:;llmentaICJO]~~l,rial1,ce. T'own sllall prepa.re a'nd lllcoll1orate iJJ.to tlle planning, d.e- s:i.&l"fl] andcol1structloD, of the Proj ect3 resllonses to all apIJli cab] e local ~ s.tate and fe{),eral cnVl = rOlunental requ.iTenlents, includillg lJu.t not IiIDited to 11)'drologicaJld gieoteclmical il1vestiga= tions, cOlnpli allce. '~ljtl1 the l'inla COltnry N a ti've Plant Preserilatiol1 Ora il1['l11Ce~. ljrotection of species iderltifiea 'bj! tile Mzona Ganlc & Fish De:partlnent: and tIle U.S. Depal1rnent ofFish ,alld\\/ildlife SeI~'ice; as beuilg f~11dallgered" tl1re.atened~ or of ooncern (such as the c.ac,ms fet..., lUgjtlOUS pygtnj1.-ov"l)5 aIld compliallce ',vitll the N.atiol1aIPol1u.ti.on Discllarge Elimitlation S.ystelll (including 'prepara.tio'l1 of a StarIn \\l ater P'ollution Prev,entioll Plall)m d. Cl.11tural R escHlrces. T O'\\rD. shall cons i der }Jotenti al in1.l)acts to eu 1 ttlTal ~Llld histori cal re- SOllrc"es in tlle Projecl planning and ,design Ill-Lases thro'ugh iD,'lento,ry.~ e,'a1uatio,n an,d iI11.}Jact assessnlent, C1.11d. see;k to 3\/Ol,d imjJacts to these resources in a.ccordance; ~vith appllc:~ab'le loca~., state, an,d federal 111,s'toric preser;latlon. la\~fS 3Ild re~FlllatlOI1S.~ If imp,acts are 'u,nav'oidable~ a ulitigati<lIl treatOlent pla11 'v.rill be l?repared in, C<J:]lsullat~on ',vith Pi'm.a COllilry, the Stale His- toric Preser,.rali on OfI1ce, .and otl1er agenci es as appropri ate~ and idnplenle.n,'ted. plior to. .cOll- stl.Llctlon~ 4.~ D'esLen~ a~ Con.sultants. The TO'1;~~n will 6nlplo:y consultants to desi&'ll the Project) and the TO\Vll .s'ball 'p'Tepare the contracts for design and choclse the co:nslllt811tS. The TQ'~~'n sllaU lla\.re the 'usualri,gllts of tIle o'v.,.'n.er ,of a ptlblic des.-]&TJl contract; in-eluding tl11e atl.tl1o'rity .to appro've changes and Inake payrneI.l.ls, .subJect to coor.dination \,Nith th,e COUl1t]!} as d.esclibed belo'\v. b. D1esi'gJ] Starlldards .and Featur,es: Coo}2eratiQn. County aJld TO\;JIlIJ, sba]J 'Ineet to c.oordi- 'nated,es ign st3.1lda.rd s (~,neanin,g thee a]?plicab.] e codes and i11d ustr)t S talld,ards lh atallpl)' to Lill,e PToject) and d.e.si.&.TJ.l features (111eaDilJ:g tJJe elel11e.nts tQ be i,[],clnd,ed in the Project) pri('~r tc:l tb,e ])reparation of flnallJ'lan,s and SIJecificati()ns., The parties sh,c:tlI lj,;;,.rork c.ooperatively to agrt'te ll}JOll th,e Projeet desl&i1.1. Count~y design and. field pe:rsonnel shan v~lork \:\lit11 th!eir counterpart.) i11 the TQ'v,..ln fOT eoordinati,on purposes. Coordination shal~ inclu,de meetil1g.s an,d info11nation. exchanges 'bet\~'een correspond]ng' perso'nnel at all ]e\'els for the Project. 5. R,e\/l e"'~ elf Bi d s: T ennina tion To \:vn b.as soli cited statell" en ts 0 f quali fi cali ons ltsing a GO 11 = stn:uctioo manager at rislc form of corltrae-t for the Project as an e]clTIie.nt 0'[ tile TO\~ll1' s Mal"ana. Regio'oal .f\:irpor1 T'e.mr'1il1al 311d Re.stalu';al1t project, and" upon con1pleti.oIl of tbe design docu.. 111enl~~ \v'ilJ negotiate ,8: gllar'anteed nlaJximllm price cO!lstruction contract for tlle ProJect a.s a se!Jarate element of t]1e overa.ll Reglol1al Airport 'T f.mrulal and R.estaura..nt l)r.oject in COlllplia:nce vlltb Title 34 of tile i\.riz,ona. Revised Statutes. If tile guaIallteeo Inaxill1u.nl price is unacceptable to the To\vn or the COU11ty', tIle TO\l/11 and COUJlt~{ sh,all111utl1ally decide \vbetller 10 bid tile Pro- ject separa.tely as a stalldard. design-'bidp-build p,roject OIl" to choose not to l?rOceed in accorda,llce \vitll paragraplJ 5.c.~ belo,^,r. a~ COll.Tlty Revle\~f" TO\.VJl shaH IJfovide C()unty t]le. ,o})portanitjf to re'vie''Vl and comment on 311)' future so'lic.itations for all cQ:nstrnction e,ontracts for tl1E= Projoct~ il1.cJuding rele"vant scopes of '~"vork,~ plio-r 10 tl1e issuance of SU.Cl1 s,ob citations b::l TO\Vll, ITlle TO\.VI1 "",'ill pro\1ide allY dOCl.lll1elltation tIle COllilt)' desires 'to see concenling tIle already cOlnp.leted construction Il1anagerat risk solicitatioll. {OOOOl601.DOC 16} ~/lIlf1{1()(r 2: 51 P~~1' P'age 3 of 11 1 ~ ~~~ I. ~~ I" ~" [~ .J i~ t.1 I:'~. c;, b. Bids ill .E.xcess of A \Iailable 'Funds.. If the loVltrest rcspo'Dsible bid e:(ceeds the a\-,"a.jlable fund,s for the .PTojeC't~ tl1e parties sl1all con.duct a joint re\,ie\v -of th.ebids inlffiediate]:y follo,^J- ing opening and consult upo'n a c.(Jurse o,f action4 Th.e parties. Ina:v te;nninate. t:h.is a&rreen1ent b)! ,])lutual COIlS en t, If tb,e parties a&~ee to continue \:vith the Proj:ect 31 t11e. higher eost~ the Bnnd Ord.llla.llc.e a:nd this .i\gre1enlent '\'vill need to be alllellcled as pr,ovid.ed in Seetioll 21 'belo\J\I. c.Divisio.l~ o.f'C:os~. If~ u,polljoint 1-e1t.ie\v ,of the bids, the parties ,elect to Ilot proceed '~7ith tlleP'toject .alld this i\greenlc11t is t.enninated by' nlutua.] :consel1t (wllether pursuant to :para- S'iaph S. b above or otb er\,tise)) d,es1 g11 costs. 11lCU rred atld an).' right -of-'lva)' costs .as of that date s11all be paid from bond funds, as app,ropriate. All othe,f non-ad.milustrativc cost.s i11- c.urred p:ri or "~O suell tennination sUla]] be~ .allocated eqllally to TO\l..,rn arld COlJn t~{. 6. 'Co.nstructi on. T O.\;ljlll shall adulinj ster tIle COIlStructioll contracts for th,e P roj.ect in accor~ dallce \vith the requirenlents of ,wfit~'e 34 a.nd ill accordance vilit]l tIle Constructioll Schedule (as defined 'belovil), rrrO\vn sllalll1fl.Ve the u.su.al rigllts 'oft:be O'\Vller of a pul)l:i:c 'coIJ:s1Tu.ct9.Oll contract. a.Constru,ction Sclledule. T'o\vn shall b,e respoll:.s:ible for pr,ep,aring fb constructioil1 sched- ule (the; uCo.nstructiol1 Scbredule:)7) Sl10\vin.g th,e anticipated tiInillg andd,uratioIl of each stag'e of constnlc-tion, A .lJreliIni11.ary COllstructio'll SCllodule shall be :pro\rided b){ To,;vn to County \vit1Iin tl1irt)' da'ys ufter recordatio.ll oJfthis i~..gTe-'elllen.t. l~' fin,aJ(:OJ1SlTuctiOrt Scl.l.edul,e shaH be establis'l1.ed and. IJrClv:ided to Count)l \~vitbjn tllili}/d.ays. afrer award of tlle co.nstruction '00]]- tract(s) 'b'y TO\3~I'rrL This ConSl,-ucti.o'[1 Schedule. may be cOlub.ined ",dtI1 the ReimbtlTsement Sch,edu]e d.escribed" later in tbis Ab'TeemeJ.1t b. Cllal~g~_ OTders all,l AJ]1endnlents~ 'TO\ovilsllal1 ,COIlsult Vilith COllnty (In all re(llle.sts for ell an ge orders and, contract alllen,dnle.nts \v ith. an estll1Jatedl. cost of 1l.10re than $1 OJ 00 0 Jpri or 1:0 approving or signing theJD~ c. ,Contract Clainls. rr'O\Vl1 snaIl afford C'OU~lty tbe o PI) 0 rtu J]j t)' 'to :J,.,e\,i,evi/ an,d .COD)]11ent on al] contract clailns prior to res.oluti.Ol1 thereofr. d. Si(!11age. COUllty sballllave the rigllt to ulstall signage at the construction site III a ~oca- tion, ,of i IS c'hoo sing~ pro:vi ded ttlat tIle Sigll does fJlot illterfere \\'ith, tile COllstructiou) allDOllllC- ing tl1a.t th,e Project is a Cou,nty bOlld,- fLU.1.ded ])roj ect~ and. ] isting tbl'e ]J anles a,f llle OJ en1 beg). of tIle Board of S.upervisors,. 7. Utilit v Relocati9n~1I r-rO\\rn shall coordl11ate aJ1 utility re~.ocations for tlIe ~Prloject. 8~ Right~ of \'Ta\? and Constnlction, Easell1ents, T'o\vn 5113.1] acquire:~ eitllcr bi' purchase or 'nlroiugh its po\\.'er of elninent domain, a}] rights of Viray alld CO!lstructiol1 easenlellts necessary for the Projeet.~ 9. RiQ'ht of E,ntry.Execu,ti,o]l of this ..lA.greement 'b)' t.Ile 'parties grants T.ovvu tile rigl1t to. ellter UpO'11 COllnt)' o\\rned-property for the plH:Fose of constructulg the Project. 10. Pr,oieet Pc:nmits. To\vn sllall obtai11 allY a.p:proval~. 1Jernussion or 1)ernlit5 I1.ec.ess.ax~i for the Proj ect Eacl1 party s'h,al1 cooperate ,vitli tf1e otrler to olltain all perlllits necessary for cQuJ.I)letio-Jl o:f t'he Proj ec.t and shall \vadi,'e all fees ass.ociated. 1vitb sai d pell11i ts. 1.1 ~Ptlblic: Particinatioll. CoUllt)' ai"1d TIO\Vl1 shall c-oopera.ti1lel)f nla.n,age~ tlh.e p'ubJic participa~ tiOl1 processes for tile Ptqject Tile r-[ OV/l1 silall coordilJate a111Jubl.icit.)1 QT p~ulJlic ]jaI-ticD,patgOri ac- ti\tities vi/itll COUllt)' and sbaU C(~ordin.ate all 'p.ub]ic n.iee'tings on the Project ili corrlpliance \~rith tile Pinla C:ou.nty Board o:fSu.pervisors Po]ic)' 3..5, NotificatioIl to Board ofSuJ)e!\.risors of PU.'blic {OOOO 160t.DOC I 6 } ;,1'] 0/2006 ~:5] f'l....t Page 4 of 11 ~I. ;t., d ~ ~ ~ ~::;i '7 Iv) ee tin gs to be H ej d in their DistIl ct ,ao.d Pima COUllt)r- ~\dllrinis.trati ,re ~Pr'ocedure 3. 8 ~ hnple:lnen-- taticn of f) Una Coullty r'o'lic)' 3.5) cOllies of\vlricll are attached llereto as Exhibit A-. 12. Coun t\' 'C 0 ntrib uti 011. l-:'O'~lIl s}lall acJ:no\v led,ge, the Count}!) s con.triblltr on toil, e P'roj ect at any public participation event in a :for]n. ap,pr,o've.db.), 'COU11ty~ Exarrtpl1es of acc"eptable fomls :()f rec.o&rnition in.clude,b1.1t are not limited tOi signs, permanent plaqu.es~ openin,g c"erem.Olll-es a.nd IJress releases ~ 13. Pro~ect Manager and It~presel1tati.:,"'es. To\vn sllall furn.isll a Project tvlal1ager for the Pro.. ject and C,0U11t)' shall designate a representati"\le, (the r.mCo~uIltv Liaison'==) to be a liaison ',"vitil the Project Manager durulg COllstiuction of t.he P roj.e ct.. 14rDispute..r;" If tbe Project Managet aU.d Courlt}' L.lalSOtldisagree on. an)' aspect of the ~Pro- ject~ the issue ill displlt.e sha.ll he su'blnitted to th,e C(funr-y .AdminIstrat.or ,and the' TO'Vln's Man,ageT for reSQ.}utJ.OD,. 15" 1:jnan.cin2 "Of the Project. COU1J.ty slla]] reUlll)UfSe l"ovnl ~or Project e^J~e,nserS (\VI1icll shalJ, 110t .iJlclud.e "rOVln~ s adnJillistrativ1e costs)) iJl th,e Daanuer s.et forth 11 ere in} 'up, to tb,e l\1axil])'U,m .AJ- lioca.ted "AJllOllOl:p and acoording: totb1e eXIJe]lse allocatf.on in the Bond Ordinance~ 1\10 County lJo']Jd :fuo,ds, in. excess of tbe arno'unt set fortb ]lerein an.d in the Bond Qrdinance IDaj' be expe:nded for the Project ,,;.:vith.Ollt tb,e. prior a111end1uent of the Bond Ordinance al1d this J,~~rre.ell1ent b)1' the Board of SUIJerv]Sor~t If there are all)' Ullfbreseen cirClunstances (suetl as excess costs incurred to a.d.dress biol,ogt.cal, archaeological.orright of ,:va.j' fssues)~ ,or if the COllstru.ction cost of the pro-- Ject ex.ceeds 'thee bond arrlOU.nt tlle Parries \-vill need to lTI.ntl.Jt\lly deiicid,e on l}o~r} or if, to proce,ed ,-,vith tb.e C(u.1strnc.tfon 0 f the seVler If11e. 16. J{ epQ{t]11 g and ~a.;rrrn,eJrlt J~espQ.nsibi H 'tie:~" a. ReblJbursem,el),t ~ScllecluJe. TO\A.rn s11a1I~ v,ilthln 30 days .after recordation of tIlis Agree= lDent, submit to COUllt)' a pTelhnin,aTY. $chedtlle (tlle '~'.r\.eilnburs.ell1el1t ~Sc]1edulen) sh.o\ving the anticipated dates and an10unts of requ,ests fr01TI the tTo\~n for reun'bllfselnent of project eX.D IJenses iocun.ed and plaid by the To\'vn (~'.R.e.jnl'bursement Requests~'). A fu1al re.imblJrsement schedule s]Ial1 be esta.blislled and sL1b]l1it~ed vltiitllin 3iQ daJ,rs after a\vard o.f tIle; constructio.n oontrast(s), Th.e Reilnbursenlent S.chedule nla)1 be c01nbined "I~vit}1. tIle C011stru.ction Sched,ule. b,. R.eilllbursell1ent R,equests. 'Vitlrin tell da)'s of lhe e:nd of each n-.o 11 t.h.. starting on the date llldicated iu th.e Reim,bQTS,en]ent Schedule~ To'\~'U shall subnlit to COU11~Y a ReiJnbu.rse- nle11 t f{.e~lllest; together \~vi it SUPIJorting docun1en.ta.tiol1) ifl a ccordallce \vi th tIle lleilnburse- lTIE..1If1t SChOOltlc, fo:r Project expenses paid, 'b'jl To~;;vn since the la.st Reinlburs'elTI.en.t Request As Pr~ject 1'V1arlagcr~ T,o"r11 shall be responsible :Cor 'verif),rillg the accuraC)l of all in\fOices su.b.mit~ red by contra ctors~ all,d sbaJl~ as part of its Rei 111'bUl~s:eJl1. ent R eq uestsj cel=tlfy tl1.at sai d fn'vol CBS .ha\~e b eell pa:id b)t T O,",,'D (less an,y retentiol1 lleld b)f T",o \VJ1)prj ,or to requ.estin g reDJ]]bUtSeln1ent from the CO'Ul1t~{,. c. Egf\'lllent of R~il1ibursemet!t Refju,ests. Co~ur.rt~l shall re'lievil eac'b. l.uontl1J)t" J~,eimbllrse- m.ent R.equest al1d~ if COUUt]l does 110t appro\'e tIle request;t County shall n,otif~{ TO\~in a,f its disap'pro'val, and tile TeasOll for it~ \vitlll.n se\.ren da.)'$, after Tecei'p.t ,of the Reinlburset11ent' Re-- qtlest. If CouDty does not: disapprO\le t]l,e R,elll1'burs'ement :Request, CO,tUlt)' sflal] pay tlle' Re- inib1..1rsel:ne.nt l{.equ1est \v-ithio, 2] da)/s after receipt alf the Rellnbu,rsCffi,ent Requ'est (except as set fortIl belo,1./- \vith respect t.o the final aCCOllnting a11d l)ayll1 en t). {Oooo ~ 60 l.DOC I :6} 3/100006 "2;51 'P}.~ Page .5 of II :1. i ~ ..I. ~~J f'~1 ~~ tJ m :~ t~ 1':1'" r;r e d. Mo.nth.l'v' Pro,m;ess R,enorts.. E,acl1 nlonth, at the saine tiIne the T O'Jil.ll s1..1blmts its Reirn- bursement r{;eque:st~ it sh,.all also SUblllit a 'progress report (the !~Prolgress Rep'orC~) itl the for- Blat sh,Q'\\rJ.1 on Ex11ibit B attaclled llrf;.~reto" TO\Vll 511311 SU.blUit a Progress R'eport ,eacll tnonth of tIle Project elilell ifTo\Vtl is not se.eklllg reim'bl1rsement for the pre-ceding month. e~ S,ubmittal of Renorts., All ReimbuT.sel1],e-nt Requests ,and Progress R,eports shall be submitted to: PimaC01Jl1ty \^l aste~'\~vater Ivfanage:ment Atrentio'n: k1arana AirpOir[ - Project Liais,OIl 201 N., S.tone~ 8'~b Floor Tucson, Ari.z,ona 8570il t: Dela.'vs- T(JV;ln sb,alJ IJr.onlptl:Yllotif){ the County' at au.)' tLm.e th,a.t To,;vn beco':fines a\~lare Q,f a potential Project dela3' tb;at n]ay' cause a deviatiQn froJ:n tlle Reirnbu.rsenle.nt Sch.edule and/or tl1e Cou.stru.ction Sched,ule. J.D. tb.e e"ven.t of au)' d,eviation :fron1 the f{e]JDbufseJ]JeDt Schedule~. COllUt)1 and Tovln, sb.alI establisb. a D,e\\1' Reimbllrse'nlent ScheduJe) consis.tent 'v"ritll Fed,eral TreaSUT)' R,egulat:iJ>us as p.rovided. in_ Paragraph 22 belo\\l. UpO'o notificati()n b)l T()\v)) tllat work (}n_ I:he Project can re.s'um,e at a m.utll,a11y a,greed '"upon time and in acoordanc.e Vilit], the amen.ded R.el1ilblrr.seln.e111 Sc.h,edlde apIJrC-rved b~l (he~ parties~ the: COllnty ,viII reSlun.e re- i.n1buTSii1.g TO'l;rn for 'Project .costs. g~Fillal R..elJort & A.c.cou:ntin.fl. \~'it]lin 90 (lays afte;[ cODlpletioi'n and finaJacceptan,ce o,f tbe Proj.ect 1)), Tovvn, TO\\iD sh.all submit to COUIJtyT: (1) a final report describlD,g t.he Project as COllSblJcted an.d SU1]1.1]]arizin.g its JlistOl]f (i ~e.." wb.o .design,ed, constTuc-ted; provided JJublic a~i., fundiJlg sources) de..e.criptioll of public parti.cip,a.tiO"llj purpose and p"llblic benefl'k of th,e Proj.ectJ etc.)., a~ong v~~ith phot()graphs a]]d fina.l as b'uilt dra'~rings; (2) ,a detailed fillal aCCOltnt]ng sta.'teme,n,t of the funds ex,pen,ded (nl the Project; along '~litll a tinal Reim'bursement Req,uest if n,eeded. COlIIlty sha.ll have 15 da.~ys after rcceip,t of tlus fIlIal a.CCoul1ting to dis~approve th,e Re- imb1ursement Requ.est If 'Conn!).r does not disapprove 'tIle Relllbu.rsemel1t Reql1est~ it shall P,8!'j' thercqllest vlithin 45 days: ,of teceill.l. 17. Re.gl.lJation ~Qi~ the Proj~ct d.uling Constrtl(~tion~ To,vn shall ha\'e rcsponsibilit~l for an,d contro1 Q'ver the 'Project d'luing c,onstruction. 18~ 1l1SlJoction" 'COl1!!li)' nlay illS,pect. allY portion of :the Project construction for substantial COml)]ianoe \r\rj.th dra'\;Ji/iJ1g& and specificatio'os. TO\~l]1 s.hall al1o'~\,r- official C.nufl(Y representatives .reasOl1able access to fh.e Projec1. site during cOnSITUJclion. The P.rojiect ~1ana.ger and Count)' in- s})ectors \\till cooperate and cons.u.li V"\r](h eAch other dl.lring Project c~onstruction= 19 _ :O'Arnersllio of Im~ro~vement.s.. O,".!ners'hip: 311d title to .aU lDaterial:i~ equipment and appllr- ten,a.o ces ins. tall ed IlLl.rSU anI to thi s ....l\.gr.eerll el'lt sh.all atltomaticall)' ~vest ill CO.1Ull t:y., 210,., 'ODeratlon.. The Pima COllnty Board .of S,tlpervisors~ b)r r.atificatioIl of this Agree,mc,nt, \vai\"es tbe Pima CO'Gnty :Cod,e Secti(nl 3.06.0'90{.l\.)(1) requirel11ellt th~at 'TO"'.ll o'pe:rate atld majn- tail.l tb.e IJroJect for a I:H~riod of not less, tIlan t\-~rent);-fl\l'e (25) ):'ears~ 21. A1Jlendll1f:n.t of the B.ond 'Ord.inance. Tb,e TO\JlIl shall notif)f" tIle ,COU11t)1 of all)i'e'vent.s t]lat \~lo1J]d Tequire ,3.11 &-nendment olf the, Bond 'OTdillat1ce.~ a:nd. Slla1,1 fOTJ11ally reqtl.est th.e County Board of Supei-visors tllat tile)' ho],d a public llearing on the requested a1]lendlll1ent. ~rl1e pa11jes sllall follo\v tlle !JrOCedUTes for .3.111.enclUlent of th.e' B(Jnd Ordi.n&lc.e set forth in. Chapter 3.06 ,of tIle l?inla C.Otlnty Code, .as it ma,Y be arn611d.e-d or renulnb'ered frOl.D tmle to tinJJe~ and Section {OOOO 160 1. DOC I 6} 3/1 0:1006 1:51 Pfv] Ijage 6 of 11 1 ~r- ...::.. ~, ml fl h: fi ~ f"-- o 9 I\r(B) of tll,e Bond Orrdil1ance. In th.e e,'en,t the Board. lof SUIJen.Fisors d.oes not approve the T~ovln ' s r,equest for a Bond Or,di.1J.ance anlendll1 ent~ th:e T OVill1 shall conlp] ete th,e Project as ,de... fU1ed b)7 the Bon,d OrdiU,ance and tbis i\,greeolellt. 228 r:ed~r~~ .-r'rea.surv R~Ul,llatiollS. T!o\~tn ackJloV\'le,dgcs that Pima County manages the ,ex,... J)enditut"es 0'[ bOlld. proceeds 111 order 10 quaJf.f}' for a spending: exce.pti.on. to th,e arbitrage reb,ate rcqltiret11ents of S.ections ] 48 thIOU,gb. 150 Q.f t]le Intel11al Re\I'en.ue 'Code o.f 1986 al1.d tIle re~ate,d. re.g"u]atto,ns fo'un,d in 216 CPR. P:an: 1., ~91.,] 48 througb 1..150 as may. be DlOdifi.ed frOll1 time to; til11e (sucb, statutes and regulations llerelllafter refel1~ed to as the '[[Tax Exenlpt Bond, Rulesj'). T()V..rll ,aCk]lO'~/ledges tllwt arbitrage re'bate is affected 'by 'botll the 'use o,fb'Olla. proceedB and 'bJ' the tinlin.g of bond related eX,penditures. 'Not\vitllStarlding any otller pro\risiOI.l ,of this A gr.eemen t; Co'un:ty n.l a y., i1], Co'unty ~ s sole d.i screti 011,. lertl1er (i) l"ealloca t.e Project 'flUJld s to otller projllects fUl1cle,d 'J;,rith Cou:nty bonds] or (ii) terll1ll1ate tIlis Ag~re.ell}el1 t as set fOlth ill I~ arag1"aph 23 "b. iii be- lo\~v if~ in COUDty'~S so1e delernllnatioll, suell reallocatio:n alf ten11inatjion is :necessal~Y or .advanta- ge(),us to the C.ou,nty under tIle Tax Exelnpt 'BOlld Rules eitller (a) to qualify for a spcndin.g eX.a ceptiOJ1 to. the arbjtrage I'"le1Jate requipell1ents~ or (b) to reduce thealll0Ul.lt of an)' 'p,ote11tial arbi... trage relJate or pe.naltjl, or (c) to lllanage the COUllty~S bo.nd proceeds~ 23 r T,ern1 and T'el,ninat~on. a, T enn, Tl1e term of t11is Agreelnent sllal] begin 011 tile date tIns A.greelne.llt is recorded "ill tl1 tIle .PIll} a County Recorder, and s'b,al1 end on 'the date tll31t is OD.e year after completiOJl and acc'eptance of the Project.. ~rlle telnl of this Agree111ellt ilia)' 'bee,xtended 'by' action ,a:f th,e ]) alii e~.s: . lb. T~~~in_~tion" TI1i.s Agreemen't may be earlier tenrrinated und,er tl1C follov.tlil,g C'1rCllm- stances: i, For Cause:. A.party lna)r' teITllinate this. A,&'1"eenlent for In.aterial breach of the l~greeme-nt b'y tile other :party. Prior to an)' tenrninatiorl under this par.a&rraph,: the part)f al.- legedly in d,efault silall be ,given \vritten notioeb), the ali1er party of the nature of th.e al- leged default. The 'party sai.d to be in defalllt shallha've 45 daj's to Cllre the dcfau.lt. If the defaIll! is. not cured \Vit}lin that tune; the other 'part~y mal' tet1nitla.te thisAgree-me-nt~ __An')! SU,Cll tenl1ulat:io,n shallll.ot relie\'e either p81ty frorn Liab.ilitic.s or costs already incurred under tills A.,greenleJlt ii8 C011t1ict of Interest -'This i\gree,mel1t can h,e te:L"lrunated for a C011flict of interest as. set fo[1h in AB-R.S. 9 38....51], tbe releV8.l1t Jl'orti.o.ns of 'i,:Vllich are hereby llllCorporated 'byr referenoe8 iii. Arbitrage R..ebate Itequirelnents. "rhe Count)' reserves the r-igllu to cease paYlllC.l1ts to T'O'~lll and uluLaterallji tcn11inate tillS Agr'e.~mellt if COUJlt)1 deterlnines~ ill COU.11ty~S sole, dis.cretio"l~ that a11)i" acti OIl or 111a.ction on the p art of T O"i'Jl is likcl~l to OCCll r that \vouJd ad'versely affect tIle election 'il1a.de b)r the COU,]]t}, under tbe Tax Exelllpt BOlld R.llles relalillg to exceptiOons for a.rl)itrage rebate~ G. I~e~a) 1~~~JJ.1ori tv. N either part)! \~ra:lraDts to tIle otb,eri ts legal autl:101;.ty to ent.er into t]lis .J~greement. If a court, at the reques.t of a. tllird person" sho.uld d.eclare tl1at either palty '~acks autl1,ority 10 e.nter 11ltO this i\.greelncn.t; or any part of it~ tJ1etltlle Agree:mcn.t} Or 'parts of it af- fected b:,>, sue.}) ordcr~ s]la.1l be null and 'void, and no reco,,~er)r ma), b'e ]:lad by either party against tl.e other for lack ofperforn1ance or other\\'ise. {OOClO 160 l.DOC I 6} 3 '10'2006 251 pr\.f PaQre 7 of II ...., I~ ,I ~I ~. Gl ~, [~ ""' ~,;:, fa "r ~ d,. o \VD,erS'JJip: of ProlectuDon TeImmat,i_qn.. .i\ny tenninatioll o,f this ~A...greeJ.ne.ni shall not relieve all)'" p,art;' frOill liabiliti,es or co.sts alr,eadjf lllCU1T'ed u:nder this i\.gr'eem{'11t~ nor a.ffect an); OW11ersmp of the ProJect co,nstl1Jcte-d plU~llant to tIlls ,~.I\greemel1t 24.. Indelnnification. 110 th,e fullest extent permitted b'y la.,:\'] .eacll IJart)f to this Agreement sllall i.D.denmify) d.efend arLdbolld tIle ,otherp.ali)i: its gO'i.erning board or bod)') office.rs~ d,tpart- n1ellts~ eOllllo.:vees and agel1ts~ llarniless fro!lland, a-gaulSt a>n~l and all sUlts~, actio'llS~, legal or ad- llli.t1.istrati~le 'proceedil1gs ~ cl aims~. delnands~ liel1s = loss es,~ fines or pella1ties~ ,d(l1nag'csj~ liabili ty .. int,erest} a ttonle}' ':' s~ consul tal1t ~ s atld. aCCoUlltant" sfees or OJ.sts and ex.pells-es of ,~, lla tsoeverkin,d and 'nature~ resulting fr'om :or arising :out of any act or ol.nission. of the :indemnifYingparty~ its .agents} employ.eesor anyol1e acting under its directio~n or COlltrol~ vihether intentional, n,egligent~. gTOssl)~ negligerrt" o,r arrlOul1ting to a 'breach of contract, itl conllection with or incide.tlt to the per- fonnffilce o,fthis Agr,eement:. ,a. PrlE:ex i still e: eondi to,cns. T:o the full est. extent penllitted b)' ] a\v:il TO'\~jl1 s'b.aJl ind1eJllnity t defend ,a,nd 110ld C(}UJlty~ lts boards) officers1 del).artrl1errts.i em:ployees and agents~h.aI].nJ,e.ss fi.Oill and against any claims alld, da.ma.g,eS'J' as -fully set -out abO\7e~ resulting from or arisiftg out of th,e e:xist.ence of any substanceJ material or \:vaste,. regulated, ptltSllan.t to federal, state .or ].0-' caI eU'lironm,ental la1~lS, Tegulation.s or ordinan.ces~ that is present on) ill or below or origi- n,ated from propert~{ o'w'ned or COlltrol.led b)r tile:: 'T!o\\r.itl 'prior to the execution of tllis Agree- ment. b. Notice, E:ach party sllall 'D.o~ti{1' the other in\l\'1i.ting \~lithitl 30 d,ays a,f the receipt of an,y cl~lirn, dematld, SlJit or ju.dglnent against the recei"ring.palty for ,~ihicI1 the reCei\'lllg party in- tend.s t.o in,'oke tIle. provisions of thi.s S.ection. Each part), sAlal~ k;eep tile other p,art~y 111forlned on ,a GlIIT'en1. basIS of its d.efc11Sc. of at"J~l claims, detnands, suits, 'or j.tldgn1ents u,nder this Se.c- tj on,~ Co.. Ne~dj gence of i'n(len]nl 'i1 ed, pali.~l. The ob-ligatlons llrld.er this ..A.rticl.c shall not exte11d to tile negligeu,ce of the indemnified. part)'] its agents air employees. d~ ,S UT\lJ ,raI of telTIl in ati on,. This ",Arti cle shall SllOti v'e the tenniua.tl on.~ cauoel:latiOlll ex.pira-, tl'OD. or re\rocation., '\vbether in \vbole o[~,n partJ of" this ..A.&FTeemellt. 25- lnsuranoe. \~1l1le1n req ues'ted) apart)' shaU prO'vi de tIle other pa.-ty \:\'i {h, l)rioo fof its work,er~'s c.ODl}Jensation) aul.onl4.)bl]e) ~lccjde~nt, property damage, and, liabilitjr c.overage Or pro- ,gran] of self~i]lSUTancle. 26. Books and Records.. To,;vn s11ali keep and l11aintain IJr01Jer ac,d cQ,mlJ]ete 'books~ record.s and accounts or the Project FOI bOD.d p'u.rposes) the Prioject b,ooks and re.oords must corlunue to be ]]laLl1Jained for a })f:riod Qlf t11re.e ~{eaTS after final}Ja)tn1.ent of the b.O'nds issued for tbe Project. The 'bOl1ds fu11dlllg the Pr,oject are expected to be fully p,aid b'y JUJle 30J 2020) 'but 111 a)' be subject to refuD_dUlg. ~ro-\V]'l s:halll1ave tIle opti-on. of Dlain'lainin,g eith.er; (1) the P~ject books and records for the req'uisite .n.rnnber of ,ye.a.rsr lor (ii) convey'il1g the .P'rojcct bo,oks -and records to County at aIljl tilne after the Project is completed, Th.e books!! records and accou.tlts of tllep:roject shall be a\'ailable for ~pectioIl and audit 'by dlll~i authorized re:presel1tati\',es of County at all reasollable tlInes during the period in \vmch said boo'ks~ rec.ords and aCCQUD,lS aTe Tllainta.ll100 by' the TOl~im. 'Urlless TJOVlIl COI1V"eys alll)roject bOOKS and records to CO;'UlltJ'; TO'\vn shall indemnif)r and hold the Cou,nt)' l1anll]ess fronl and against allY anlount required io b,e paid to the Inlenl,al R,€venue Se~rvice ()T anygovernJnental entity Or agenc),! ariSil1g our of th.e failllre by TO\lln to mai'ntam such records.. {OOOO I fit) '1 . DOC'" 6} 3.' I 0,2006:2:.5 1 P ~1 Page 8 o,f 11 5. ..r, '1 ~': 1!J 8 ~ "~I '1~ l~ ~., :~ 27. Ipsoection. and !4.udit TIle: ,County may pCl=form an. inspection of tb,e 'Project or an audit of T,o,~lnis 'books and records at an;' time, in ()rdeT to verify that IDon5es SIJellt ,on the Project ""rere dc)ne so inaccordanc.e \7J,fim this Agre:ement. 28.. COl1stru.ctiol1 of ~\ID"'eemenL a. Elltire Agreer.n~I1t ThIs l1lstI"Umellt cQn:stjtutes the entire agreeln,el1t between the p.alti.es pertairdng !co the subjecl n1att.er hereof, and. all prior (Jf c(J'nrenlpO!TaneOU$ agreem1ellts alld un,' derstandings, oral or \~fritt'en, are hereby superseded and nl1erged h.erein. b. t\.1nenruneIlt. This agreelnent Sllalll10t 'be lTIodified! all1ellded, altered Q:r cllanged ex,.. cel,t: 'bj' "ivritte;n agr'ee:ment signedbj' tlle; IJarties. c'. .Const1:,uction,-,and Interpretation. i\Jl pr'QvisioflS of this Agreelnent shall be .construed to. 'beCOD.siste.nt with tb,e intlention of'tlle parties as e'xpressed in the recitals her,eof ,d. Ca.'lJtiolls and fleadio2sr The headings used ill tIns Agr-eem'e'nl are for cQ'Dvenience OIU)! and, are notintend.ed to affect tIle llleaning .of.allY Jlrovision of this A.greenlent. e. SC'lera'hilitv. III the e"C.l1l: that Ell') Y' provision of tllis A,greeJll.e,nt or tile applicatioll tb.ereof is d.e,cl:al"ed 111'''a1i d or void IJ)' statute or ju.di.ci al decisioll, sllch. ~lcti Oll. sbal111a\fe no ef... feet '011otller l)]"'o,rision,s an,d th.e~ir apIJlicatiOJl ,\?llich can, be given effect \,~..ith.out the invalid or ,r,oid 'pro\,i sion or 31l1Jlica tl 0:]1, a11d. to tbj s exteut the 1)[0'\/isl0D,S olf tile ..A. &rreenlell.'t are sever- .ubI Ie , In" fh e ,evellt tllat ,any' !Jro'vi.sion of th.i s A.gre~enlent is d.ec.l aredin 'Valid Or vO'ld" H.1e~ parrti e.~, agree to nleet prornptJy upon requlest of the: oiller l'arty in all atlelnpt to reacll. an 3.hrreement OIl a s'ubstitu.te provision~ 2'9" Le!!a.l JUlisdiction. Notlling in tllis Agreement shal] be. con.strued as elther lioJitntD,g or ex- te.11djl1g tIle legal jlllrisdjctionof COUllt)' or T O\VLl. 30~ No Jo.inlt V.el1'ture" It is llot illten,ded 'b)' flus AJogreel11ellt to~ and notbiJl,g contained 1031 tllis futergovermncntal A,gl~leenl.e:nt shall b.e co'l1sb=ued, to~ create an,)' partners]lip, join:t ,renture or enJ- ploymel1t relationslrip 'bet"\veen tile IJw1ies or create an)' eUlployer-e111ployee relationshjp betvlleen COllllry a:nd ftUY TO\Vll el11.1J~loyeesJ or betvi/e.en, T o'\~/n alld an)' COtlI1ty e11111loJiees. No par~y s.hall be liable for (].ny de'bts, accollnls~ obligatiol1S or ()ther liabi]ities vvhatsoever of the olther, incIu,c]- illg (\;lfli tbo,u t U.Jl1itati on) the ot]ler part)" sob] j gation LOI ,~vithho~d. S OCI al S ecuri t)r and ltlCOlne [axes for itself or an.)' of 1 ts ,en1IJ!<J.yees. 31" ,No Tlrird Pal1'.\1 Ben,efici,ari.es. No'ihirtg in thisA"greelnent is inlend(~d 10 c.reate duties or o'bligarioils to 'Or rights in tl]';rd parties Q,ot iJa.rties to this Agreen1ent, or affect the legalliabilitJ' of 811)7' party' to 'flus P1..g;reelllellt) b)l 1'n1])0 si n g any standard of .care ;~~j tll resp eel to the lllain tenallce of publi,c facilities different from tIle standard of care inlposed bj' la:\v. 32. .Conlo1ia,Llce ,vitll I~a'rvs. T~he IJ3Jties: shall coml)I)' '\l.f]th a~l ap.plica'blc fcderal~ slate al1d lo- cal la.\vs, rules, re,gul atlons, standards alld exec-llti",e orders, \V"]tll0Ut liinjtatio.ll to those desig- nate(l "rithi n this }.\gree.rnent ~ a". Al1ti- D'iscn..nT! nation. The~ pro'visioll s of i.\a R. S. ~ ,41-1463 and Executi,re Order 75 - 5~, as all1ended b::l E:xecuti,...e Order 99..4~i iss'ued bJ~ tile GO\renl0r of t'lle ;State of o!~rizon,a, are in.cor- llorated b)r th.is r,efe:rence as a paI1 of t11is ItltergoverD.ll1eIltal .A.gree[11en.'t as if set fortb, ill full herein. 1 11'11 cr, iij E~ ~I a,) (~ ~7 2 (OOODI60I.DOC J 6} 3.J {I 2006 2:51 P)''{ Page 9 .of 11 b. Mnerical1S\vit11 'Disabilities. l\ct. TIns AgreeUlent is su~ject to all ap.plica'ble provisions of tIle. Alneri callS \vitb Disallilities .L.:\ct (Public La,~r 10'1-33 6} 42 U ~ S .,Ie. S 12 i 011... 122 I 3) and all appli ca.b le fed eral regulations Ullder tIle i\ct~, including 28 CPR P ailE 3 5 and 36, c. COll1pJjanLc~ ,~vitll_'B(~'n.d R.~llirenlents. 'To\vn agrees to -COlllply 'wjt'I.l all alJplicable pro- vision,s .of l?ima Cou,nty u:)de Chapler 3 -106, '~Bo:ndiIig Dis,closure" J~c.coulltabilitY1 a.11d Inl= p]elllelltat]'on'~'~ aJld of the Bond Ordil]aJJ.Qe~, as t])ey n,o'l;V exist or '1l1ay herea.fter be anlellded.. Any reports to 11e Su'hlllitted, b)f TOVll1 to Co'u,nty i.n C(JJJ1Ill.iallce V\litb, Pinla. C~O'Ullty Code Cllapter 3.i06 or the' Bond Ordinance sllall be provide'd in a forInat alld scl1edou.le detennined bjJ COtLnry. 33.i W ai \ler~ \".\T ai \~'eT b)1' an )tp arty of any breac11 of an)' term5! CO\/enan.t o.r con,d 1 tion h,erejll COIlta.i.J.1e.d sllalA ll0't be deeulecl a \;llaiver of any' ot.her lerm~ co'venant .or C.OllditlOI1) ()f an}' subse- Iqu'e.nt breacll of the same or an:)' othe..r tero1~ covenal1t~ or condit]IOln llerein cOlltained~ 34. l:::orce Mai eure, ..~ l'art)l s]lal111ot h,e ill default UIlder t11is i\,greelllellt if it does DIOt fulfill .an)' of i.ts oblig,atio'llsun,der tbjs A.greeolen.t IJecause it is prevented or de}ayed in' doill,g :so b'y rea- son of uJlcontrolla'ble forces. The terni "'uncontrollable forces3' shal] meai1; for the purpose of fh,is ..~green.1el1t~ all)' cause be,yond, th.e control of the part)! affectt:xl, iilClu.diilg bllt not limited to: fail- u,re of facili ties~ lJreakage. or ace] dent 10 fila ch inel~Y or trans1nission faciliti es~ \~'ca ther condi ti(;:os" flood~ eartllquak.e, ligh tnjng, f1.re,E]?id er'nic, \var.~ riot~ ci .viI disul1'banc.e, sabiotagc, stril{e~1 locl{out; labor dis}:lute) 'bo.ycott:; ~nate]i.al,Qr en;ergy Sh{lrtage~ casu,alt~y loss, acts of Go.d, or action or nOll- a.ctioll b,y go'vernmenta] bod~es in. approvi.ng or failing to. act tlpOn ap'plications for appro,'als or pennits wlrich are not d.lLe to tb,e l1eglig-enc.e or \viUful action of the parties~ order .of any go'vern- Dl1ellt officer or court (e.xcludin.g orderspronll~lgated boy t}lC palties tlleJnsel'les)~ and declared 1'0- cat state ,or n::ation.ai emergenc)f; w'hich~ 'by exercise of du.c diHgence flIld forcsig'11t~ such party could 110t reasoin.ably have been expected to 8'void. EitherpaJTY re.ndered u.na'bIe to- fu.lfill all)' ob- ligati ()llS b)l reaSOll 0 f u:n contro llable forces shal.l exercise d.u e cHI igellce to relJ1QVe such inability \~,rith all reas()nabl e" dispatcll~ 35. N allA cath:tn"- AlljiotiGe~s or delnands llpon fti..D jf :party to tll1 s a.greenlen.t shall be in \1j,"ri tll1g, unJess otl1er ffJD.DS are. deslgnated cl:s.e\~r11ere-", and shall be delivered in perSOll or sellt boy filail ad- dresse(jas foll 0 \:vs ~ Pirna Count)! .I.L\dmi nistra tor 130 Vles't Con.grc.s8 TUCSOI1" ;..\Z. 8570: 1 TO'\1llo Manager; TOV-lO of M'a1"ana 11555 \Vest Civic Center Drive Ivlarana, l\Z 85653 36. R~elll.edies. ~A..ny party m,aypllfsue an"']f re]tledies p.rovided by 13\V' for tllebreacl1 of this Agreell1ellt No light or remedy is il1te~11ded to, be eXCftlSlve 0.f.f.111)1 o.dIer right or rel,ned)' and eacl1 sJlall be cum'tll ati ve and in addition to an)i' other ~ight.or relllooy exi stillg at 1 a YV or in, eq'uity or by v:i rtu e of tb.i s _A..greem en t, :t ~? 8 ~ ~l i9 '"1 ! {,OCIOD} (,0 1.:OOC / 6} 'Jf 10.12006 :2: 5 I p~\"l Page 1. 0 of 11 IN \.VI~'ESS "'HEli.E,OF, Count)r has cau:sed thlS Agrleemen't to be exec;uted b~" th.e IChair of it.s Board of Super\,isors, upon resolution of the Board, and attested to b,~{ tIl.e Clerk of (he. Board~ and the To,;vn has ca.used this .L~greelnen.t to be exe,crJt,ed 'b,yp tlle May:or llpon resol11tion of the I\lf.a~lor and ,C.ouncil an.d attested, to bj'ilS C]erkm TOWN:iJ dw~ I I Ed Honea] 1\1ayqr Cl1ainllan 0'[ the Bo;ard 0 f S U.p ervl sors :MAyl 6 12.0'06 FOR l~01J,,'N:. APPRO"ED AS 'T'Q C.ONTENT: FOR, PTIv1A COlJ]\JTY '\' ASTE\V A'TERMANAGElvfENT: :,~ FOR PIMI-\ COlJf\1TY FlJ\IANC.E D'EPt:\RTMENT'~ ~~ 1--1%~(i6 TIlomas E. Burk.e', Director ThITERG.Q \'ERN1\iENTjJ\J_, i\"GREE1't:[ENT DET'E,RJ\.fiN .~rrI.ON "'fh,e foregoin,g Inte.rgove:romelltalA.srree.m:ent bet~ve~en Pilna COUJlty and the ~f'O"/ll has been re- 'vi evved p'urs l!.1a.nt to l~,~ R. S ~ 9- 11- 9 5-2 b'~l111e lUlders.igned= e.a ch of \v horn lla.S ,deterllli:noo that] t is in proper fOln1 arId is ","jtltin tIle po\vers atld alJthority grant:edu-I1der the la'~l.softlle State of Axi- Z011a to tIle party repreSe-Jlted by the'rullllher. "1 21 ~ DR te: f/h at1 1 m t~ Q :J ~ J '- (OOOO'I6{) 1 ~])OC l 6} 3.' 10'"2006 .2; 5] P},,'1 Page 11 ()f 11