HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2006.16 Amending chapter 7 of the town code by adopting the state plumbing code I iSMARA TOWN OF MARANA ATTN: TOWN CLERK 11555 W CIVIC CENTER DR MARANA AZ 85653 ORDIN 12822 1139 6 20061110306 06/09/2006 15:35 F. ANN RODRIGUEZ, RECORDER RECORDED BY: C_D DEPUTY RECORDER 0224 PE2 DOCKET: PAGE: NO. OF PAGES: SEQUENCE: MAIL AMOUNT PAID $ 8.50 ~ MARANA ORDINANCE NO. 2006.16 RELATING TO BUILDING; ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE ARIZONA STATE PLUMBING CODE, THE 1997 UNIFORM FIRE CODE, WITH AMENDMENTS, AND THE 2003 MARANA OUTDOOR LIGHTING CODE; REMOVING REFERENCE TO CERTAIN NO LONGER APPLICABLE CODES; CLARIFYING BUILDING CODE APPLICATION, ENFORCEMENT AND APPEALS PROCEDURES; READOPTING THE SOLAR ENERGY UTILIZATION AND WATER CONSERVATION CREDIT PROGRAM; ADDING SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION SITE REQUIREMENTS RELATING TO SEWER WASTE DISPOSAL, SANITATION AND TRASH; MAKING CONFORMING CORRECTIONS; AMENDING MARANA TOWN CODE TITLE 7 BY REVISING SECTIONS 7-1-2, 7-1-4, 7-1-5, 7-1-6, 7-2-1 AND 7-5-2; READOPTING AND REVISING CHAPTER 7-4; DELETING SECTION 7-5-1 RELATING TO LOCATION OF GASOLINE PUMPS; ADDING SECTION 7-5-2; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS the Town is authorized by A.R.S. ~ 9-467 to require building permits; and WHEREAS the Town is authorized by A.R.S. ~ 9-802 to adopt codes and public records by reference; and WHEREAS the Town Council finds that the building code regulations established by this ordinance are necessary for the public health, safety and general welfare ofthe Town of Marana. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF MARANA, as follows: SECTION 1. Section 7-1-2 of the Marana Town Code is hereby revised as follows (with deletions shown with strikeouts and additions shown with double underlinim!): Section 7-1-2 Building codes adopted A. The Marana building code, codified in this title, adopts by reference the 2000 International Building Code as amended, of the International Code Council, together with the following code documents: 1. The 1997 Uniform Administrative Code, '.\lith amendments; 2,- The Arizona state 1994 Uniform plumbing code, with amendments; 2..~ The 2000 international residential code, with amendments; .3.,4,. The 2000 international mechanical code, with amendments; 4..a,. The 2000 international property maintenance code, with amendments; .5...e,. The 1999 national electric code, with amendments;....a.n.d "~i ~!b ;~::;~ ,2 ''"~~ ,~~:~ II~~;~ t :1, '~~:i' 'h~a' S:~ {00001921.DOC /3} - I - 5/3/2006 10:41 AM FJe / I U fi..~ The 1997 uniform fire code, with amendments,!,~ 8. The /\pril 2000 building valuation data ::is compiled and published by the in ternational Conf-orence of Building Officbls as the bacis for the permit foe schodule. B. The Marana building code adopts by reference the following local ordinances and codes by reference: 1. I.b.e..-1996 Tucson/Pima Countv spa/pool code; 2. The 2003 Marana 499&-0utdoor lighting code. SECTION 2. Section 7-1-4 of the Marana Town Code is hereby revised as follows (with deletions shown with strikeouts and additions shown with double underlinin2:): Section 7.1.4 Building official designated The building official, or his or her duly authorized representative, is the authority charged with the administration and enforcement of the Marana building code. The building official may appoint an assistant buildina officiaL insoection team leaders 0 chief plans oxaminer, 0 chief building inspector, 0 chief electrical in spector, a chief mechanical inspector, a chief plumbing inspector, and other re lated technical officers and im:pectors and other employees as shall be author- ized from time to time. SECTION 3. Section 7-1-5 of the Marana Town Code is hereby revised as follows (with deletions shown with strikeouts and additions shown with double underlinin2:): Section 7.1.5 Violation a civil infraction It shall be a civil infraction for any person, firm or corporation to violate any of the provisions of this title. Civil infractions shall be enforced as orovided in chao- ter 5-7 of this codethrough the hearing officer procedure provided by ,^..R.S. S 9 <162.08. Penalties for civil infractions shall not exceed the amount of the maximum fine for 0 class 2 misdemeanor. Each day a violation continues shall be considered a separate offense. SECTION 4. Section 7-1-6 of the Marana Town Code is hereby revised as follows (with deletions shown with strikeouts and additions shown with double underlinin2:): Section 7.1.6 Administrative appeal process A. Whenever a violation of this building code is determined, whether during con- struction or at the plan review stage, and the applicant wishes to appeal the decision of the staff because of code interpretation, unreasonable hardship or other acceptable reasons, the applicant may appeal to the building official~ hearing committee as follows: 1. The applicant shall file a written appeal on the forms provided by the build- ing official, on or before Friday of the week of the violation, no later than <1:30 p.m. If the buildina official rules in favor of the aoolicant. the issue is closed. 2. The appeal will be hoard by the hearing committee within seven days, at a specified time. 1 ,)'" ~!i ,Iii;'. :~;::1 ;;11 ,~" wl~!i rlj.~, 1111 ~t 'I ~:~ ~:~I {00001921.00c 13} - 2 - 5/3/2006 10:41 AM FJe 3. The hearing committee sh::lll consist of the building official, an inspection eupervisor, and the appropri::lte plans examiner. I\t the discretion of the building official, additional inspectore or othor technical persons may be added for a particubr appe::ll. 4. /\dequate information ehall bo provided by the applic::lnt to fully deecribe the conditions in queetion. 5. The applicant may, but is not required to, person::llly attend the hearing committee meeting. &,-If an appeal is denied by the buildina officialhearing committee, the appli- cant shall either comply with the decision or appeal to the board of aooeals in accordance with the buildina codeadvisory board of the town. SECTION 5. Section 7-2-1 is hereby revised as follows (with deletions shown with strikeouts and additions shown with double underlininQ:): Section 7-2-1 Application requirements A. Any person, partnership, firm or corporation desiring to construct, erec~ enlarae. substantiallv modifv or move any residential building or mobile home or associated outbuilding ':lhore the building or mobile home contains more than one hundred w/onty square foet and unattached to any mbeLstructure, or desiring to enlarge or eubstantially modify any residential building or mobile home ':.'here the work 'f.-ill involve an ::lrea of more than one hundred t\venty square foet and unattached to any structure, shall first make application for a building permit to the building department and shall not commence that con- struction without first obtaining a building permit from the town. B. !'.ny person, firm or corpor::ltion desiring to conetruct any additions to an exist ing structuro regardless of the size of the.addition or etructure shall firet make application to the building department for a building permit and ehall not un dertake that construction, enlargement or movement without firet obtaining a building permit from the town. G,-Any person, oartnershio. firm or corporation desiring to erect, construct, enlarge, move or substantially modify any commercial, industrial, quasi-public or public building or structure shall first make application to the building de- partment for a separate building permit for each building or structure and shall not undertake that construction, enlargement", ef-movement or modificatipn without first obtaining a building permit from the town. eD. All applications for a building permit shall be accompanied by plans which have been drawn to scale and which show the actual dimensions of the lot to be built upon, the size and location of existing buildings, if any, the building to be erocted, enlargod, modified or movod, tho location and layout of the struc Wfes with respect to front, rear and side property lines, and the location and layout of proposed off-street parking areas. 12-1-. Plans submitted for ne..... conetruction or enlargoment shall provide sufficient details of proposed structural features, and electrical, plumbing, and me- chanical installations for review by the town plans examiner to permit evalua- tion of their adequacy by the town building inspector. E. The term, "substantially modify" means the installation or removal of any inte- rior or exterior wall or the addition or replacement of an amount of electrical j :~1~; il'::li ~;~!: I:i:ij t t i~~r :i {OOOOI921.DOC 13} - 3 - 5/3/2006 10:41 AM FJe wiring or plumbing equal to 25% or mom ef the installation in the modified building or structumanv element of a olumbina. mechanical or electrical svs- tem. F. When a building permit is issued for 3 structure on a lot that is not on a dedi oated streot or whioh is not served by a se'Ner system operated by Pima County or the to'.\'n, a statement to that effect '.viII be pia oed on the building permit before issuanoe. SECTION 6. The December 18, 2004 sunset date of Chapter 7-4 adopted by Ordinance No 2001.23 is hereby retroactively extended through May 1, 2008 or until the cumulative credits provided by the Town under Chapter 7-4 total $300,000, and Chapter 7-4 is hereby revised as follows (with deletions shown with strikeouts and additions shown with double underlininl!): SOLAR ENERGY UTILIZATION & \A.'ATER CONSERVATION CREDIT Section 7-4-1 Purpose The purpose of this chapter is to encourage the use of solar energy utilization and "'later oonservation within the town by reducing the permit fee for permits in accordance with the currently adopted permit fee schedule. Section 7-4-2 Credit program A. All single family residences within the town are eligible to apply for solar en- ergy utilization and water oonservation credits. Approval by the building official will be based on the nature of the technologies to be used and if appropriate for the site. Chapter 7-4 B. Solar utilization for new construction will include photo voltaic generation, whole house water heating and active solar heating. Passive solar heating will be considered when designed and certified by a professional engineer. C. Water oonserv-ation measures for new oonstruotion will inolude whole house gray water irrigation systems. I*-Existing single family residences may add single source gray 'Nater systems, solar heating systems, .an.clphoto voltaic systems, intermittent reoiroulators for hot water and water harvosting systems. .D...I;. Other systems not mentioned above may be evaluated by the building offi- cial to receive credit. Decisions regarding credits may be appealed to the town manager. E..F-,. The installations shall be reviewed and inspected per the building codes. If the applicant fails to install the system, the credits given shall be paid to the town. The system shall be considered not installed if at the time of intermedi- ate inspections the system is not roughed in or at final inspections the system is not operational. Final utility installation shall not be approved until the fee is paid or the system is installed and approved. SECTION 7. Chapter 7-5 is hereby revised as follows (with deletions shown with strike eats and additions shown with double underlininl!): 1 ~;j:: {"'l :~2: ~:;i~ ij:)!i j :1. lJ '''l' ,t" {OOO0192 I. DOC 13} - 4 - 5/3/200610:41 AM FJC Chapter 7-5 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION SITE ADDITIONAL BUILDING REQUIREMENTS Section 7 5 1 location of gasoline pumps Gasoline pump islands and similar boilities for the dispensing of flammable ma terials, inoluding dieGel fuel, propane, and bukme, shall be set baok not less than eighteen foet from any street right of ':lay line to whioh the pump island is per pendioular and not leGs than twelve feet from any street right of way line to whioh the pump island is parallel, and not less than tv:elve foet from the property line of any residential lot. If the pump island is set at an angle on its lot, it shall be so looated that motorvQhioles stopped for servioe shall not extend over the property line of the lot. In no case shall pumps be set oloser than twelve foet to any side or rear lot line. Lots from whioh gasoline or similar flammable fluids arc dis pensed to oustomers at retail or wholesale shall be not leGS than seventy five foet in width or less than one hundrod foet in length. /\11 approaohes to gasoline pumps or similar faoilities shall be paved to a distanoe of no less than eighteen foet from tho pumps or to the nearest proporty line, ':,hiohever distanoe is smaller. Section 7-5-~ Sewaae Waste disposal A....:Seworage systems and/or sSeptic tank systems shall be constructed in ac- cordance with the standards of the Arizona department of health services and the Pima County health department, with compliance with those standards to be certified by the appropriate state or county agency or the town engineer. B. Sewer systems shall be reviewed under the adooted olumbina code. Pima County wastewater manaaement deoartment. and Pima County deoartment of environmental aualitv in accordance with local and state reaulations. All connections to any sewer system must be aooroved in writina bv Pima County wastewater manaaement deoartment crior to a buildina oermit beina issued. Pima County may waive this reauirement when reauested bv the buildina offi- cial. Section 7-5-2 Sanitation and trash A. Each construction site shall be orovided with one oortable toilet oer site or one for everv 15 workers in a commercial site or subdivision. Work oerformed on a residence bv or under contract with the owner is exemot. B. Construction debris shall be contained and controlled on each construction site. A roll-off or similar container shall be orovided at each site. The oermit holder shall collect debris that has blown off the construction site. Debris shall not be buried on site and shall be removed to a solid waste landfill reaistered with the Arizona deoartment of environmental aualitv oursuant to A.R.S. & 49-747. SECTION 8. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are repealed as of the effective date of this ordinance. :1 :~;~~ f'::~ ~;:~ ,~~:" '1":11 ~t, SECTION 9. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this ordi- nance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, the decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. ~!JI t ::1 "I~l "'~1' ')".1, {OOOOI92 1. DOC 13} - 5 - 5/3/2006 10:41 AM FJe SECTION 10. This ordinance shall become effective on the ih day of July, 2006. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF MARANA, ARIZONA, this 6th day of June, 2006. f1~ M'ayor Ed Honea ATTEST: ,?~..l<;~~f1e~'.i". ?"^,, '~" ~I; rill }. 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