HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/21/2005 Blue Sheet Proposed Council Agenda Re-format TOWN COUNCIL MEETING INFORMATION MEETING DATE: June 21, 2005 TOWN OF MARANA AGENDA ITEM: IX. B. 5 TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL FROM: Jocelyn Bronson, Town Clerk SUBJECT: Direction/Action: Presentation of proposed Council agenda re- format DISCUSSION As part of an ongoing rcvicw of the Marana Town Code, staff reviewed agendas rrom several jurisdictions to design a re-formatted agenda that is more manageable and Council/public mendly. A few of the proposed agenda changes are itemized below: . Add the Town logo to present a more professional look . Compress the administrative items that are similar, i.e. Call to Order and Roll Call; and Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation; . Make Approval of Minutes part of the Consent agenda (Council attendance at a meeting is not required for approval of minutes); . Separate Presentations from the General Order of Business, but allow for action by Council; . Place the Council and Manager's Reports at the beginning of the agenda; . Add a notice and a permanent location on the agenda for Executive Sessions so that the Council may request legal advice on any item on the agenda. Suggested language would he "Exeeutivc Session pursuant to A.R.S. 938-431 (A)(3) for discussion or consultation lor legal advice with the Town Attorney conceming any malter listed on this agenda". ATTACHMENT Re-fonnatted draft agenda. RECOMMENDATION Any change to the current agenda will require an amendment to the Code pursuant to ordinance. If Council directs staff to proceed with the proposed changes, staff will bring an ordinance before Council at another meeting for approval. SUGGESTED MOTION Council's pleasure. COUNCIL MEETING NOTICE AND AGENDA 11555 W. Civic Center Drive, Marana, Arizona 85653 Jnne 21, 2005, at or after 7:00 p.m. Ed 1I0nea, Mayor Herb Kai, Vice Mayor Council Members Jim Blake Patti Comerford Tim Escobedo Carol McGorray Revisions to the ACTION MAY BE TAKEN BY THE COUNCIL ON ANY ITEM LIST agenda can occur up to 24 hours prior to the meeting. Revised agen~~;n~lt As a courtesy to others, please turn off or put in,;J.~~t ~~cde aU pagers ."'," ,J" Welcome to this Marana Council Meeting. Regular e8ilii2AtMeetin~~lj\re usually held '[st and third Tuesday o[ each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Marana Town JiT~~l~i\llt~'t.\1e date or tim. ay change, or Special Meetings may be called at other times and/or placcsHl~tact Town Hall or watch for posted agendas for other meetings. This agenda be revised up to {*~b;:tour hours prior to the meeting. In such a case a new agenda will be posted in p this agenda. To belte wheele spcci in Braille services are a meeting. ;....",. S and Conlllients, Public Hearings, or other Council Chambers) and deliver it ., If you are interested in speaking to the Councifi agenda items, you must fill out a speaker eard (I , ted a1t~ to the Town Clerk prior to thes;pllyening of the m~E~tP' All persons attending ,~iCounci observe the Councilll-ul~1W well a person intcrfering with th~l~ting meeting and will not be allowlQt<<~t; of M~ and others attending our meetings, the Cowlcil chamber is cessiBi~4;hAuY person who, by reason o[ any disability, is in need of .r disabltitf:' such as assistive listening devices, agenda materials printed [or thE! hearing impaired, etc., will be accommodated. Such special quest to the Town Clerk at least 10 working days prior to the Council ing, wheth~i; speaking to the CowIcil or not, are expected to e rules of polillwe~s, propriety, decorum and good conduct. Any '!fiy way, or a~llig rudely or loudly will be removed [rom the Copies of the ailable the day of the meeting in the Council chamber or online at www.marana.com.byli g to the Town Clerk page under Minutes and Agendas. For questions about the Council meetings, \~pecial services, or procedures, please contact the Town Clerk, at 382-1999, Monday tlrrough Friday horn 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Posted no later than JWle 17, 2005, 7:00 o'clock p.m., at the Marana Municipal Complex, the Marana Operations Center and at www.marana.comunderTownClerk, Minutes and Agendas. COUNCIL MEETTNG NOTTCE AND AGENDA 11555 W. Civic Center Drive, Marana, Arizona 85653 June 21, 2005, at or after 7:00 p.m. REGULAR MEETING A. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCA TTON/MOMENT OF SILENCE c. APPROVAL OF AGENDA D. CALL TO THE PUBLIC ,1I!i" " dIZl"1H(H /%~,' ',H At this time any member of the public is allow~o add' the Town Council on any issue not already on tonight's agenda. 1;1t~,sp~ker m ve up to three minutes to speak. Any persons wishing t,qiilladfess the Coun st complete a speaker card located at the rear of tho;~lIuncil chambers and it to the Town Clcrk prior to the commencem~l\llklf the rn'~ting. Pursuan e Arizona Open Meeting Law, at the conclllK,~"" of~!iIUo the Publi ndividual members of the council may respond to crHl\l!~Wi made by those who have addressed the Council, staff to revieW~ matter, or may ask that the matter be placed on a , " "iHf:> E. PRESENTATIONS a. ANNOUNCEMENTS b. TNTROD c. PROC d. UPD ]<'. 00, o'o::~1j;,,~VMMARY OF CURRENT EVENTS "'ffjjt-ryjggZ;J ARY OF CURRENT EVENTS ,...""'" ,,;mmiiJrif>. .,:m,W1i1;nnII1IL G. MANA'GER'SREt!' ,iTI1S7;i]1 .1imE:. H. stj{~:~EPORTS 'ii!H:t\V A TER DE b.::ilfm ICE DEP ~'l~f-:' c. P~S&R. ',,,/' "', GENERAL ORDER OF BUSINESS 1. CONSENT AGENDA The Consent agenda contains items requiring action by the Council which are generally routine items not requiring Council discussion. A single motion will approve all items on the Consent agenda, including any resolutions or ordinances. A Council Member may remove any issue from the Consent agenda, and that issnc will bc discussed and voted upon separately, immediately following the Consent agenda. :_.0,,; ~ -lRUOl'\J>. COUNCIL MEETING NOTICE AND AGENDA 11555 W. Civic Ccntcr Drive, Marana, Arizona 85653 Junc 21, 2005, at or after 7:00 p.m. 1. Resolution No. 2005-XX: 2. Rcsolution No. 2005-XX: 3. Resolution No. 2005-XX: 4. Approval of Minutes for the regular meetings of the on March 1,2005 and March 15,2005. and Council held 4. Resolution No. 2005-XX:' '" """ it itLL;., "1;;" ",;..;;;;;,,;. ....;H:;.:;, J. COUNCIL ACTION 1. Ordinance No. 2005.XX 2. Ordinance No. 2005.XX 3. Resolution No. 2005-XX: 5. Resolution No. 2005-XX: ';', 6. Resolution I> ifdiiVFif 3ft1'.; AiH-il ; K. BOARDS, COMM a. APPOINT b0"lR.~!?QRTS .djl1H;;;;;;<>;i'fnriil, L. '''UTIVE SESSt~n!S. d . n or consultlit/ilb for Ie matte 1&ted on this agiVaa. 'rinii, 1)11; M. FUTURE AGl1;NDA ITJflMS ',':;r;" ;ff' i;; D COMMITi'!JlES . Uliilj;;lP' .(0 A.R.S. !l38-431.03 (A)(3) Council may ask for advice with the Town Attorncy conccrning any N. ADJOURNMENT',:'