HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/21/2005 Blue Sheet Town Meeting Facilities Usage Policy TOWN COUNCIL MEETING INFORMATION TOWN OF MARANA MEETING DATE: June 21,2005 AGENDA ITEM: IX.B.6 TO: MAYOR AND COUNCIL FROM: Frank Cassidy, Tuwn Attorney SUBJECT: Direction/Action: Presentation of a proposed Town Meeting Fa- cilities U sage Policy DISCUSSION 111e construction and opening of the new Marana Municipal Complex (MMC) has raised the need for a unilarm Town-wide policy for the use of Town meeting facilities. The Town Attor- ney's Office has collected municipal facilities usage policies from various municipalities throughout the State of Arizona and, in cunjunction with the Town Clerk and staff members from various departmcnts, has developed a proposed draft policy governing Town meeting facilities in the MMC and in the Marana Operations Center. The purpose for this item on tonight's agenda is to obtain Cuuncil feedback on the proposed pol- icy in anticipatiun of bringing the policy back to Council for adoption at a future date. ATTACHMENT Proposed Meeting Facilities Usagc Policy RECOMMENDATION For informational purposes. SUGGESTED MOTION Council's pleasure. {()()()()U891.DOC !) FJC!d,6/15/05 MARANA MUNICIPAL COMPLEX AND MARANA OPERATIONS CENTER MEETING FACILITIES USAGE POLICY A. Purpose. This usage policy is intended to provide guidelines and set procedures for use and reservation of available Town meeting facilities at the Marana Municipal Complex, 11555 West Civic Center Drive (the "MMC") and the Marana Operations Center, 5100 West Ina Road (thc "MaC"). Thc MMC and MaC meeting facilities addressed in this policy are collectively referred to as the "Facilities". B. Allowed Group.'i/User... Because the MMC and MaC are primarily designcd for municipal otllce purposes, the Facilities are not available for social events or to private businesses. However, the Facilities are available for meetings sponsored or hosted by: . The Town of Marana. . Federal, state, county, or tribal government agencies. . School districts. . Town of Marana civic organizations, non-profit organizations, fraternal organizations and community service organizations. Examples include the VFW, Girl and Boy Scouts, Lions Club, Marana Arts Council, and homeowners' associations. Any uses or groups not mentioned shall be approved by the Town Manager's Office through the Town Clerk's Office. C. Priority for Use of Facilities (in the following order). 1. Town Council meetings' 2. Town Board and Commission meetings' 3. Town staff and Town sponsored orhostcd meetings' 4. Town co-sponsoredmeetings* 5. Federal, state, county, tribl\1 govemment agency, and school district meetings 6. Meetings of Town of Marana civic organizations, non-prollt organizations, fraternal organizations and community service organizations *These categories are coll~ctivcly rcfcrred to in this Policy as "Town-Managed Meetings". D. Faeilit;y Availability. The Facilities are available for use during "Regular Business Hours" (defined for purposes of this Policy as 8:30 AM to 5 PM Monday through Friday, excluding Town-recognized holidays) and "Evenings, Weekends & Holidays" (defined for purposes of this Policy as 5 PM to 10 PM Monday through Friday and weekends and holidays 8:30 AM to 10 PM). Meetings shall conclude by 10 PM, and the Facility shall be vacated no later than 10:30 PM. Town-Managed Meetings are exempt from the requirements of this paragraph. Town-Managed Meetings shall be given preference at all times in scheduling use of the Facilities. Other meetings will be scheduled on a lirst-come, first-served hasis. Because of high demand for the Facilities for Town-Managed Meetings, availability of the Facilities during Regnlar Bnsiness Hours is extremely limited and subject to change. If an unforeseen {OOO0046R.DOC,' II} -1- 6/1/2005 4:04 PM circumstance requires the use of any Facilities to be needed for Town-Managed Meetings, a group or agency may he required to reschedule or relocate their meeting. E. Scheduling. The Town Clerk's Office shall be responsible for scheduling the Facilities located in the MMC, and the MOC Receptionist shall be responsible for scheduling the Facilities located in the MOC. TIle person responsible for each of the Facilities shall maintain a calendar of scheduled uses including the purpose of the meeting, the size of the group, time and date of meeting, any special setup, and the person responsible for the meeting. Town-Managed Meetings shall he scheduled as follows: . Town staff shall reserve the Facilities and receive confirmation of rcscrvlltioll by utilizing a calendaring system set up hy or on hehalf of the Town Clerk's Office or the MOC Receptionist. . ToWll staff must schedule technical assistallce for either the New Council Chambers or the Conference Center through the IT Help Desk. All other groups/meetings shall be scheduled as follows: . Contact the Town Clerk's Office at (520) 382-1999 for availability and schcdnling of the Facilities in the MMC, or contact the MOC Receptionist at (520) 382-2500 for availability and scheduling of the Facilities in the MOC. . The Town Clerk's Office, or a person designated by the Town Clerk, is responsible for scheduling requested technical assistance in the MMC. The MOC Receptionist is responsible for scheduling requested technical assistance in the MOC . The person scheduling and signing the use agreement must he at least 18 years of age. . Organizations or groups wanting to schedule use of the Facilities must schedule at least seven working days prior to the event or meeting unless waived by the Town Manager's Office. A use agreement must be completed and include the necessary information and a certificate of 1118urance. . Meetings may he scheduled up to three months in advance. . Tentative reservations can be taken over the telephone. Use agreements, deposits, and certificate of insurance must be submitted to the Town Clerk (for MMC Facilities) or the MOC Receptionist (tor MOC Facilities) no later than five days after the tentative reservation has been made. If the agreement, deposit, and certificate of insurance are not received, the tentative reservation will be cancelled. . Groups utilizing any of the Facilities must comply with the provisions in Title IIA of the Americans with Disabilities Act. F. Seating capacity. The approximate seating capacity in each of the Facilities is as follows: {OOO00468.DOC / I]} - 2- 611/20054:04 PM Municipal Complex New Council Chambe" - 172 Conference Center - lOa (capacity varies based on room arrangement; lower capacity when tables are used; may be divided into three rooms depending on the size of the group requesting its use.) Marana Operations Center Mesquite Room - 70 (capacity varies based on room arrangement; lower capacity when tables are used) Palo Verde Room - 12 Saguaro Room - 8 G. Fees and Site-Specific Rules for Facility Use. Except as otherwise provided in a formal written agreement entered into between the Town and a user. the use of the Facilities for purposes other than for Town-Managed Meetings shall be subject to the fees and provisions set forth in the following table and footnotes: Technical Security I Facility Davrrime Fce Assistance Deposit NEW COUNCIL Regular Business Hours $40/hr' Included $500 C1IAM RFRS1 Evenings, Weekends & Holidays $851hr' Included $500 Regular Business Hours $25/hr $30/hr) $200 CONFERENCE CENTER Evenings, Weekends & Holidays $35/hr3 $40/hr) $200 Regular Business Hours4 $25/hr N/A $500 ATRIUM Evenings, Weekends & Holidays5 $401hr' N/A $500 MOC' Regular Business IIours $25/hr N/A $50 Eveningsj.Weekends & Holidays $35/hr) N/A $50 --- H. Fee and Deposit Procedures. The following fee and deposit procedures apply to all meetings held in the Facilities except Town-Managed Meetings: . All fees shall be paid in full at the time the room is reserved, along with a completed use agreement including a certified check or money order. Fees must be paid to cover use in I Technical Assistants will not assist with non-Town equipment or activities. Technical Assistance service includes. operation of the Town's presentation and audio equipment. 2 As a general policy, the New Council Chambers will not bl;:: maue available if another Facility will accommodate the group requesting its usc. Professional technical assistance is required at all meetings held in the New Council Chambers. 3 A three-hour minimum charge applies to these uses. 4 Atrium use during Regular Business Hours is limited to events held in conjunction with meetings scheduled in the New Council Chambers or Conference Center. S The Atrium is not available on Evenings, Weekends & Holidays when the New Council Chambers are being used for an unrelated meeting or activity. 6 Including the Mesquite Room, the Palo Verde Room and the Saguaro Room. Charges are for each individual room. {OOO00468.DOC'/ II} - 3- 611/20054:04 PM hourly incrcments. No rental fee refunds without a five-day notice of cancellation. However, a processing fee of $15 will be assessed to any cancellations. . The sccurity dcposit set forth in the fee table (paragraph G above) is required for all Facilities payable by certified check or money order. The deposit will cover damage to the walls and furniture repair at contractor cost, and any damage to the audio/visual equipment. Carpet stains will require the entire room to be clcancd at an additional fee. Any excessive cleaning will be chargcd at an additional fee per hour. The security deposit may be increased if the Town believes a higher amount is warranted based on past experience with the applicant or the proposed activity. . If thcrc is no damage to the Facilities, the deposit will be retumed within fourteen working days after the completion of the meeting or event. If there is damage to the Facilities, the deposit will be returned within fourteen working days, minus the cost to repair the damage. . If room set-up is necessary, there will be a set-up fee of $25 payable by certified check or money order. . The user will pay an additional hourly fee if an activity goes over the reserved time. Said additional fee will be deducted from the deposit. . Thc Town will arrange for security personnel and assess the cost to the group using the Facility. Said cost will be deducted from the deposit. I. Visitor Parking and Entrance. Parking is available at the parking lots south and east of the MMC. Access to the New Council Chambers and the Atrium is through the front entrance of the MMC. The Conference Center is accessed either through thc front cntrance of the MMC (during regular business hours) or via thc clevator or outside staircase (after regular business hours). For thc MOC, parking is availahle south and west of the main MOC entrance. J. Rules of Conduct The following rules apply to all meetings in the Facilities (rules marked with an asterisk [*] do not apply to Town-Managed Meetings): . Any group \Ising the Facilities shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability. . Any group using the Facilitics shall conduct their meetings and themselves in a professional and courteous manner. . All activities must be under adult supervision, eighteen years of age or older. . The responsible party must restore the Facilities to their original condition. No custodial services are provided with the use of thc Facilities. The user will be responsible for cleaning up the room and removing any trash. . Thc Town will not be responsible for any furniture or equipment hrought by the user, and such equipment must be removed at the conclusion of the event. . Town furniture shall not be moved between rooms. * {OOO00468.DOC i II} -4- 611/20054,04 PM . The Town will not store equipment, supplies, materials, etc., for organizations using the room~. * . Signs or notices shall not be posted upon the premises. Nothing that may injure, mar, or in any way deface the premises shall be used. Nails, hooks, adhesive fasteners, scotch tape, tacks or screws are prohibited on any part of the huilding or premises. * . Open l1ames are prohibited in the facilities. . No animals shall be allowed upon the premises except dogs assisting disabled individuals. . Firearms and weapons of any kind are prohibited. . Smoking is prohibited. . The total number of people shall not excccd the posted capacity of any of the meeting rooms. . The event shall be confined to the reserved area and shall not interfere with the general public or any other ongoing activitics within the Facilitie~. * . The use of the Town of Marana name is strictly prohibited by any organization or person for any purpose in connection with the usc of the meeting rooms for publicity or otherwise except to identify the location of the event. Unapproved uSe of the Town of Marana name or logo shall be grounds for termination ofthe use agreement and may be subject to other legal action. * . The permitted usc of the Facilities hy a group does not, in any way, constitute an cndorsement by the Town of Marana ofthe user's policies or beliefs. . A certificate ofinsurancc in thc amount of not less than $1,000,000 with the Town of Marana namcd as an additional insured and a signed and notarized "Release, Hold Harmless, and Indemnity Agreement" form provided by the Town are required to use the Facilities. The certificate of insurance is not required for self-insured governmental cntitics. * . Food and beverages are prohibited in the New Council Chambers. . With the exception of the New Conncil Chambers, food and beverages are permitted in the Facilities. The meeting organizer is responsible for providing all food and beverages and any necessary equipment and supplies. No coffee service equipment or supplies are available. Red punch is prohibited. Any damage due to food or beverages will bc asscssed and billed to the sponsoring department or organization. . Alcoholic beverages are prohibited. {OOOOO468.DOC Ill} - 5- 6/1/20054:04 PM