HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/25/1992 Special Council Meeting MinutesMINUTES O~F SPECIAL ~OUNCIL MEETING, MARANA TOWN COUNCIL, FEBRUARY 25, 1992 DATE February pLACE Marana Town Hall I._&. CALL ]rQ ORDER ~ Mayor Ora ltarn 6: 3 5 P. M. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led i')3 Mayor Ora Ham I I I. INVOCATION The invocation was delivered I)~ Council Member Elwin Cliflon IV. ROLL CALL Ora M. Havn ?dayor Doaa Most,yn Vice Mayor Elwin Clifton Court(il Membe~ Eddie Ilonea Council Member Helen Kes' Council Member Jo Rex Counci] Member [~i I 1 Schisler Council Member Staff Ro5 Lao:; Sandra L, Groseclose Kirk S. Cookson Ro.v Cuaron Town Clerk Town .\1 tornea: ']7own Accountant Planning and Zoning' ~dminislrator Tw(~ Inembers of Ibc Puhl i c V_.~.. APPROVAL OF AGENDA motion was made by Elwin Clifion, seconded by t~ill ,cn~sier (avried unanimou?;la' to accept the agenda as presented. VI. PETITIONS AND COMMENTS V I I. ANNOUNCEMENTS '<ONE VIII. ORDER OF BUSINESS A. 1992 Community Develooment Block Grant (C.D.B.G) Ranking Proposals V,~L~oc Ora Ilara turned thc Gavel over to Vice Mascot Doug ,~{ostyn i ~(?Ni~; hein;; discussed al-id ranked that the,'c may be MINUTES OF SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING~ MARANA TOWN COUNCIL~ FEBRUARY 25, 1992 make a brief statemeitt and ~[ten ~o do~vn eaeh project i! and ih(m prioritize lhem. \ motion was made b3 Elwin Cliflon, secollded by ,Io Rex and eal- ried unanimously to follow Bill Sebisler's sugg'eslio~ of a brier di:;eussion ami uoinX do~,r~ each project for discussion and lhen prioritizing' Ihem. Laos staled the Town bas been receiving' CDBG appliealio~s all day a~d lhe slaff' ha,~ not been able to ~o throuah them adequa[~- ly. Roy ],aos brief'l,~ hiffhli~hted each reqtie:¢l al}d asked thai [dministratio~ Funds not be ranked this is for the Town's work, the Chamber has included administrative dollars in all of lbeir t'equests, Eddie Honea asked if these would be admini:;lered b~ the Town and or the Chamber of Commerce. Roy Laos slated the Town would still adminisler f~mds on >;cme lhe CDBGs and Ill( Chamber would administer others assigned t~ 5toff performed pertaining- to CDBG:;. used, ~'ho administers them and how are the administcalion eost~ documented and collected. Eddic llonea asked what happened to Moore Rd. Roy Laos said the Reg'ional Transportation Plan for the Town of Marana cal}~; for a realignment and interchange at Moore Rd. am! I'.e mrm~.3 is ~ml available at this lime. Ora Horn stated there is another fund available lhroag'h ,~Iceef U~.\ and we should apply fo~' thai.. Bill Scbisler the Town of Marana doc~ lloi }lave the molles' lt, rio i~ ~a~t of the pro~ects othel' lots'er cities; do. /'bis i:~ vor,F henefi<:ial to ~s and we wahl to do what is good for the low and moderale inoomo people for creatin~ jobs arid maintaining Ibc jobs;. Tlte projcclg that be~xcfits II~< majoril~ af Ibc people in lhose categories should have priority. The Street proj~'c~s should be kept on top and not place on lhe bottom. The Sox Counseling program in Ibc, schools should be left on lhe mill ~e g'et a formal request to drop Helen Key ::laled she agree~; Iv/th Bill Schisler and that ~:;c our best judgment in selectin~ our priorities. The Chamber has prioritized IbJn~z for us a a'real deal by seeing' the needs of the communi~3 and writing lip g'rant proposals that addre:;s those Eddie tlonea :~lated "l personally be]iew~ thai the tx~o it~a,! .r~'ojec!. ~hould be o~e and iv, o in priority". MINUTES OF SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING, MARANA TOWN COUNCIL, FEBRUARY ~5,, 1992 O~a !lal'~. 11~71 W. Crier Rd.. )daraoa. Ora flarn stated she has discussed with Pima Coun~ th~ pr'opo: upon Marana mOl'C? favorable than in thr pam4t. T~a. ng er int Rd. ~75.000 llousinff Rehabilila~ion f;35~000 (Towu) $75~000 (Ch;imbCr) Bill Schisler suggested th~' Town and Chamber amotH~S sho~]d lumped log'ether gS0~000.O0 and fl~,000.00 for administration. '(~'lson Sabbe, 13:}18 N. Sandario. Chamber ,)~ Commerce. Nelson Sabb~ ~tate,:l this would take the most adminislralix, Eddie Honea agreed w/ih B 1l Schisler and leave it al ~50.000.00 and $6~000.00 administration Pot a total of S56,000.00 Bu:4ine::;s Loans 2_ Revolving') .~;50~000 Bill Schisler sta~d we should continue with this program~ Park Improvemenls (To up-grad( the recreation center) S20.00P [!ill Schisler stated thi:~ would also benefit a lot of' people. Senior Ceater Areh/teclura] Plans gl0.000 Eddie Ilonea asked if this put lhe Town in competition with our- a'elf. Ora ltarn stated Ibis requesl is a two year in the fu~ure and theu it mig'ht be to the advantag'e to move it away as the presenl b~ilding is no~ adeq~alely equipped rot thc- needs of lhe seniors. Ova Ham also stated lhat the sit~ for the Senior Center would be located o. the same propert3 as the Marana Food Bank and the Ct~.~nty he~s assured her that whal ever happens lo lh6 Ccntt;.? Business: Distric£ !lnprovemen~ (Phase l)_ ~do:,lyu stated he was in favor of this and ~iIl support ';,:hisler a~k,~d about ~hc: eng'inc, erinE costs and arehit2clara! Pot' lhe project. '7. 1:;o~ Sabb~ stated the engineering' cost is 98,000. .\ffordable Itousing' (Chamber of Commerce) ¢I20,00. Q Doug' Mostbn stated we should consider thi~ aad mayl:m negotiat~ I ~ll ~ehislor a~;ked abou{ pa~e five thc amount for lam] aequ]:;{. xc.],;o~ Sabbc slated for it 1o come out to 5120~0()0 the land aeq. is~ r :~n has t,:~ }~ 590.000.00. MINUTES O~F SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING~ MARANA TOWN COUNCIL~ FEBRUARY ~5, 1992 8:45 P.M. >; ~;~ lltc audience. Bill Sch4sler :;tared the f;2000 for adndnistralion 1,1al'alta Vol/llllcel' Pii'p Departtl{~r . 1rio. Ora Ham ,tl~Tt ~'. {5rier Rd.. Marana Ibc& are pr(sently using' is a fire hazard, it':; too small and ~, . ehisler slated that thi:; wo~ld serves a lot o~ people. '.~'l:on Sabbe staled lhe presenl building is nol ~orlh building. "1 ~: building co~ld 5.: but I t fey ~4P,O00 without the b~ng cou/ple[ed bul il would ine]ude water, electrJcil3:, and handi capped bathFoom::; . Ro~ Laos sug'g'ested to change the lille ?FOlll Cult~rral Celll{~l' , ( ~ il I1 ~ ty (Tent er. Yo¢m Pueblo Housinx _$41,5t2 ~:¢].~;on Sabbe stated this includes the demolition of two home.~;. .\£fordable Rcnlal Duplex Construction $120,000 .qchJ::le~' ask wbal the rental rate be. ?~c, lsoa Sabbe stated can riot go al)ove 0300 of $350 per cn Kc) d,;~ed' '' ,;~ Ihe Fluvial aa~Ollr~t woltJd Iii? iD(lus~v;:' :electricity. [,ao asked how the [aHtl ;~aa t'~l~ded . ~:~on Sabbe /;aid lhey WOll/d l'iol [)[II'C}i~iSe ]arid but ]c.a.~( il. Lao~ said the budget sheet should c(flcct the 1¢ilI gehisler state, d the he wan~(d to be sure ';hould be used as a back can not be u!Jed az a back ~lp. lhat thc Fir,.' MINUTES O__F SPECIAL ~OUNCIL MEETING~ MARANA TOWN COUNCIL, FEBRUARY 25, 1992 .q~]val ion Army - Emerg'eucy Assistance $18~473 l.>,i]] SchJ~;l{:r fo, els lhis is a ~;ood cause and if' Iht Co~n~,. ~:; a'oing to help out xtc should do OUF part. ,)fa II. Harn 11971 W. C~'ier Rd,, Marana Ora Ham stated she tho.ah~ that Bill Schi~:Ic: h:~d a aool ide~ Mar'a,~ tlcaltl: Cente~ Elderly Prescription:s $10.0~/0 \l,~;an~ ~-chools Sexual Ab~i~;v Counseling $I ,200 1;i',I 5;(hisler stated he still liked the idea and aske¢~ ,iovcd we would remove it at that li~ne. )Jayor Doug Moslyn asked !he Council to take five !':!nk the 1992 C.D.B.C. .( PI ~,,f., Proposals alld ttlFll ] ,,,ti Clerk. Ti~uc: 9:00 Bac,k in Session ['ii,l~: ,0:25 ~layor ()fa l{arY~ ]ins reli~rncd returned. }!el,n Kc> ha~ l'OJlll'llcd 9: ,>; P. M. 7. 9. I4 lhe ranking of ape a ['o!l ;~vs: ~a:~,~er s Road Tang~ tin, Road Ce~xtral Business-; District Pha:;e l Fire Department Equipment (turnout gear) Affordable ltou~.;in~: (Chamber) Fire Supprezsion (h3dranls Yoem Pueblo Center Salval [oa ..krm5 Health Center Senior Presc.ipt[ons Fire Deparlment Mini- Pumper ~;~io: Center Archi ~c{Llr~l Plail ,kPfcr~Ld;]c Rental Duplex Consll'~c~!on Sav~ the MACK B._~. Discussion -- Janua,ry 1992 Financial Statement and Budget 3 MINUTES OF SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING, MARANA TOWN COUNCIL, FEBRUARY 25, 1992 D~'.;, :~e~' v.,~ iFy thc cxp< ~ditur'es on the bills subluill~d h,5' A~g l~t and September. RICO fund.. ~j. l_~,~s stated ll~e~, are and thy Puhlic Works aalaries ave coming o{~t of th> I, ATF ['l/lld~. the Volunteer Fire Department, Police Dispatching, and do }(;x agked abou~ lhe catalog'ing' of our assc{~. Jo J{(:~x l:ddie llonea asked if lhe additional reporl of acluaI (a?;JJ bal~L )uld bc provided along with the Financial repfi I. IX. MAYOR'S REPORT '.. Ora llarn wen( with lhe Chamber of Commerce and me! wi lb Eur;.qu~ Serna am~ t~vited Mr. Serna to visit our community. 7. Ora Uar2; .'.,1)or/~d on !he dinner al tlc Yo~t. Pneb]o and t ~:c[:<;t [)~()ple we['e {'eg'i~ter(d to vote. TOWN MANAGERS REPORT ,Lao~ ~'~.~porle(] on his XI. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS X I I. ADJOURNMENT adjourn. Ti.m: 10:30 P.~,~, ~ZDiO T ',PSI; OF \I tRAY ~ TOW': MINUTES OF SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING~ MARANA TOWN COUNCIL~ FEBRUARY 25, 1992 CERTIFICATION