HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/26/1991 Special Council Meeting MinutesNovember 2!6, 1991 ifiarana To~n Hall l&...= 6i/%LL~ ~0 ORDER At 6;:3.5 P.M. by Vice Idayor Doug Most. yn !l!. PLEDGE OF I I I ~ INk ,)CAT~ C)N z e ,-.d by E],~i.n Clif(:,on Vice Mayer Counoii Member Council Member Council Member Council Member E XCL .=,ed l ...... O}.a M, Ham ,ele Council Hember Kirk *~ ,co k,,or, Sandra L. Groeeclose TOWN Manager Town Attorney Town Clerk Nine members of Lhe Public. V. APPROVAL OF AGENDA A motion was made by Eh~in Clifton, seconded by Eddie Honea, carried unanimously to approve the Agenda a8 presented. a n J The}-e ~del~e qor$e. V ~' ~' ANNOUNCEMENTS V~'[I ORDER OF BUSINESS Joint Disc:ussi__.p!- Znterfiovel}lmen~al SPECIAL COUNCZL ~,IE._ ETIN_G~. biARANA ]O~4N COU_ N.C~ Roy Laos stated that this is a Joint Special Meet. i. ng of the Pla~ana Town CeLnci} and Members, Staff and Lega] Representat:ive of the Cortaro Marana !rrigatien DJstr'ict and Water Users Assaci ~x'LJ. on. It ~s an atLempt thi, s evening to bring togethe~ a),] the parties reJative to the issue about the "'o~n of Marana taking oval' the JlunicipaJ.~ Industrial and Residential Water System ct the Cortaro operation. Considering the ~e have had some major c:hanges, three new Council. ~embers and at the Admt~L[sLr tlr ]avel~ it Ls desirable for both sides on this agreement dome back together aga~.n a~d start, some initial and philosophical and conceptual discussions about, Hhere ~e are today ~ith chang~hg r'egulat~ons, changing la~s, changing conditions. Rex introduced Hugh Holub as the Token's Specialized Water ~..e~l Cc uno i. 1 . A motion was made by Jo Rex., seconded by Eddie Honea ta Yepresentative of: Cortaro Hater to speak to the Council. Nas taken ~ Eortare was not prepared to speak at this time, No vote Mr. Hugh Holub ~as then asked to speak to the Council. h~' . Hugh Holub gave a brief abridged history as ta the purpose of the Town of Ha}ana getting into the gate~ [}usiness. (Audio lape e{ the meeting is available for review) The Tewn has a number of options: 1, Sell to Tucson 2. Buy Cortaro 3~ Sell to Cortaro 4. Let it, set and do nothing. Ptr. Hugh HoJ. ub suggect:ed ~,~e Inave a ~orkshop and really go eve1 the options and have Cortaro~ Star{ and Council Mr. Holub st, rong~y recommended againsL adopting the Zntergovern-, mental ~greement. He need to start over again and Hhat, does the Tosn want to E,]l .chxsae¥ sa.id for the future of Marana we Hit:h some sort of agreement Nith Cortaro Water foTr, our o~4n destiny, shoulLd go ahead District and ta PI} ,. 14club said ta be sure to get tlne folloHing infc, rmatioN: i kdhat does Cortaro want For ,.h~ wate~ system. 2. What, other costs .are needed ta up-grade the system. '[0~1 HLII~I - Cortaro Water Board Member kdhat is; the consensus of the Council? Does (orta'ro proceed Or what:? ~}i',1 S, chi, s.ler~ E]~n Clifton, Eddie Honea and Joe ~ex all stated t, he To~,m should So fo}wa~d arid would like a joint ~golkshop, MINUTES C)f: SPE'IZAL COLJNCZL HEEYiN~a_~ IV'ARANA TOWN C_OUNC/iL NOVEHgER 2~6.~ 1991 Susan Ooodwin - legal council for' C;ortaro Hanana Irrigation Dis[riot addressed the oeancil regarding the wa[er reeouTcee ~n lhe}e was a 9rear deaJ of discussion regarding ILlectrica/ Power ,~egreements (please ',~efer to the audio tape for details} rom Clark -- Chairman o{ tSe Soard - Cortaro Water Users 'Fora Cls~-k gave a persona], view ef the history of the negotiations between Certaro and the Town Harana and his concerns about MaY'aha not havinsy the dollar' base te handle a large ~i, ne or la~ suit. l'ohn John Kai gould li. ke a consensus from Iflarana lown Council, ~4ould also hike to have a workshop and ~ould like ta tak~; :~ lack a'! hbo population projections. /: motion was made by Bill Schisler seconded by we as Couiqcil work with Cortaro ill acqoiring ~Oatel- System. ElHin Clifton that Cortaro h~un ~,cipa I motion ~as by Bill $chisler, seconded by Elwin Clifton and oaYried unanimously to withdraw the main motion. r,S motion was made by Bill $chisler~ seconded by Eddie Hone~ ar, d carried unarlimousl¥ te direct staff to hr'lng back te the Ha¥or aqd Council, a~l agreement for final decision~ that will accomplish ~he takeover' e'F Lhe Certare ~dater Nears Hunioipa]. Water Systems~ f'or the benefit el' the To~n ef ~larana. ~ motion ~as made by Bill Schislex, seconded by 5o Rex and car-~ tied i,t!~animousiy to direct staff to set up a .loi, nt ~orkshop ~ith Cc,/nw il and Cortar-e ~Jater Users ~sseciatien to wof-k detail s and chanejes that might be necessary in acqu, ii'ing tile Water' Sys[em l-hJgh Holub information Workshop. and Cortaro will ~rovide to so the Counci], can get up the Council, up front, to speed prior to the ,irehn Kai said we need to get, the projections of the estimated ru~mber of people ~-~ho b~i].i be l~.'v'ing {.n this area. Hugh Holub asked for a copy of the ,~ssured Hater Supp]y study f:'¥'o(n t:he Cortaro Ma~ana lrrigat{on District. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS I, E?arnett Road Speed Lhnit ,:y,,, ..... AD2OURNHENT ,~:~ mol,ion was made by Bill Schislef ,, ~ ~rr ec! nnan{,mousl>, to adjourn. T ~,ale': 8:~5 P,PI seconded by Eddie Honea and .......... ~£~-'.~._.__,H_~L HEE'"ING MAF<AN~ TOWB COUNCIL, FHE AUDIO T~PE IS /~V~Ii..ANLE FOR ,~E~=~ ~T THE TO~N ~ ' ,'IALL .) hereby certify that the foregoing minutea are a true and co~ rect copy of the rn~nutea of the Special Council Heetin9 for the Mara Fla Town 1991 I f ~' =~' n,.~ a quorum was - u, ther certify held on November