HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/29/1991 Special Council Meeting MinutesMINUTES OF SPEC1AL COUNCIL MEETING~ MARANA TOWN COUNCIL, STUDY SESSION, O~TOBER 29, 1991 DATE October 29. 1991 PLACE Marana Town Hall I. CALL TO ORDER At 7:03 P.M. , by Mayor Ora Ham ~I._~. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Mayor Ora Ham Ill. INVOCATION Delivered by Elwin Clifton IV. ROLL CALL Ora Harn Mayor Eddie Honea Council Member Helen Key Council Member Jo Rex Council Member Bill Schisler Council Member Staff Roy Laos Town Manager Sandra L. Groseclose Town Clerk Kirk S. Cookson Town Attorney Public Leilani Schisler, Doug Mostyn~ and Elwin Clifton Vice Mayor Doug Mostyn and Council Member Elwin Clifton elected not to participate in lhe Study Session. V__~. APPROVAL OF AGENDA A motion was made by Bill Schisler, seconded by Jo Rex and tied unanimously to approve the Agenda as presented. cai'- VI. PETITIONS AND COMMENTS Doug Mostyn, 13497 Warfield Circle, Marana. Mr. Mostyn formally invited the Council to Founders Day Parade November 9. 1991. ride in the Marana VII. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. The Community Christian Churcb is having a Fall Festival this weekend. 2. The City of Tucson and Pima County Joint Landfill Public Hearing November 12, 1991. 3. The Matt McGorray fund raiser has been rescheduled lo this Sunday due to rain. 4. Red Rock Elementary School is having its Carnival November 1, 1991. MINUTES OF SPECIAL COUNCIl, MEETING, MARANA TOWN COUNCIL, STUDY SESSION, OCTOBER 29~ 1991 5. A Vielnam memorial "The Wall" will be on display November 2, and 37 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Sunday at noon lhere will be the Massing of Color's. The address is 5401 S. Park, Tucson. VIII. TOWN COUNCIL DISCUSSION - HOST COMMUNITY AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TQ~N O~F MARANA ~N.D WASTE MANAGEMENT OF TUCSON FOR THE IRON- WOOD - CONTINUED FROM OCTOBER 15, 1991. Roy Laos, the Town Manager, gave a review of what had transpired at the last Study Session on October 15, 1991 with some added comments from the Council. Frank Milam? of Waste Management of Tucson was present 1o answer any questions from the Council. A motion was made by Bill Schisler, seconded by Eddie Honea and carried unanimously to use the National CPI, figured on an ad- justed annual basis and the CPI being a 100% of the National CPI. A motion was made by Eddie ltonea, seconded by Helen Key and carried unanimously to approve changes made on pages i and 2 of lhe Host Agreement. (To include the following: A. through D. A. Item number 2. to call WMA its appropriate name "Ironwood" B. Paragraph 3. page two for it to read as follows: WMA shall not knowingly dispose of any waste material upon the remises that originated outside of the Geographic Limits of Pima Couniy and Pina] County. C. (Consumer Price Index) CPI will be applied to the weigh~ tonnage, a. through d., orr a monthly basis under paragraph 4.1. D. Paragraph 4.1 e. change Host Fee from $80,000 to $100,000. E. The word agreement will be henceforth change to "contracl" A motion was made by Jo Rex, seconded by Bill Schisler and car- ried unanimously to add the words "not to exceed five days at the end of paragraph 5.1. A motion was made by Bill Schisler, seconded by Helen Key and carried unanimously to delete the sentence in paragraph 5.1 "The Town has the right, no more often than every month, to enter the scale facility during normal working hours to inspect and to test the accuracy of lhe scales." A motion was made by Bill Schisler, seconded by Eddie Honea and carried unanimously to delete in paragraph 5.2, second sentence, "30 days" and make it 90 days" MINUTES OF SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING, MARANA TOWN COUNCIL. STUDy SESSION, OCTOBER 29, 1991 A molion was made by Bill Schisler, seconded by 30 Rex and carried unanimously to relocate the following: on page four paragraph 5.7 "ACCEPTABLE WASTES - A.THROUGH H. AND UNACCEPTABLE WASTES A. THROUGh E.", and adding "E.' to read "Liquid Waste" and the following paragraph starting with "WMA and ending with hearing" to paragraph 5.3. A motion was unanimously request". made by Eddie Honea, seconded by Jo Rex and carried to strike, in paragraph 5.4 the following: "at Town's .\ molion was made by Eddie ttonea, seconded by Bill Schisler and carried unanimously to change paragraph 5.5 to read, "WMA will during the operational life of the Sanilary Landfill be solely responsible to the Town for the collection and disposal of litter deposited on Tangerine Road within Town Limits and its adjacent frontage areas from 1-10 East to the Town Limits and West to Sandario Road." There was a great deal of discussion regarding paragraph 5.6 concerning the (3000) three thousand annual peralits to he dis- trihuted and administered by the Town allowing residents to have the right to free disposal of Waste Material. Helen Key felt lhere should be some fee imposed on lhe citizens. Eddie Honea feels most citizens will have trash pick up service and not haul their own trash and feels 3000 is OK. Bill Sehisler thinks it's a nice gesture on the part of Waste Management and thinks we should set a limit of a percentage of residents in the Town not a number of 3000 and thinks we may have trouble with it. Kirk Cookson, the Town Attorney, feels il should be carefully thought out before we accept it. Kirk Cookson also asked if the 3000 permits are per home, family, or individua] and is it firsi come first serve. A motion was made by Bill Schisler. seconded by Eddie Honea and carried unanimously to set aside paragraph 5.6 until additional verbiage can be provided by the Town Manager and Town Attorney. A motion was made by Bill Schisler, seconded by Jo Rex and car- ried unanimously to move, on page four the last paragraph under Unacceptable Wasted, beginning with the word "WMA" and ending with "hearing" to paragraph 5.3. A motion was made by Jo Rex~ seconded by Eddie Honea and carried unanimously to change "10 days" to" 15 days" in paragraph 6.2 sentence two. Kirk Cookson was asked lo pa! together verbiage regarding aban- donment and decide if it is another number or whether it is a parJ of determination. RECESS Time : 8:45 P.M. MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, MARANA TOWN COUNCIL, STEDY SESSION. OCTOBER 29, 1,c) gl BACK IN SESSION Time: 9:02 P.M. Under 9.1 some discussion was made regarding a Trusl Fund Io cover future unforeseen problems. Bill Scbisler suggested slaff come up with some verbiage and work with Waste Management on a possible Trust Fund. Ora Ham asked Roy and Kirk to bring this back to the Council as a proposal. Kirk Cookson suggested once the Contract is ready to be signed to have a Lawyer Specializing in this area to review the Contract prior to signing. A mol ion was made ltel en Key, seconded by Eddie l{onea and carried unanimously, paragraph 9.2, that The Town of Marana be listed as an in~crested party in Waste Management's communica- tions, regarding permits, licences and any documentation from the ADEQ office with the Town Manager being the recipient. A motion was made by Jo Rex, seconded by Eddie Honea and carried unanimously to have our Town Attorney research the meaning of "affiliated" in paragraph 9.7. A motion was made by Eddie Honea, seconded by unanimously to delete in paragraph 9.7, first consenl shall not be imreasonably wilbheld." Jo Rex and carried sentence, "which In paragraph 9.8 first sentence change "Paragraph 9.8" tr~ "Paragraph 9.7". Paragraph 9.9 change the Allorney to Kirk Higgins, Jr. and change address to 13251 AZ 85653. Cookson from ltarold Lon Adams Rd, Marana, Ora Ham asked Roy Laos to gel out a letter to interested parlics informing them of our change in staff. ( Attoruey, Town Manag'er, Town Clerk, Chief of Police and Town Accountant) 4 5ll-x, UTES OF SPECIAL MEETI:NG. MARANA T()*;~N COUNCIL, STUDY SESSIO3:2. OCTOBER 2!), I9[)l IX. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS X. ADJOURNMENT Time: 9:42 P.M. CERTIFICATION I hereby certify tha! lhe foregoing minulcs are a true and cor- rect cop3: of ~he minutes of the Regular Council Meeting' for the \!a~:ana Town Council held on October 29, 1991. 1 ft~rther {~ertil'y I ,t)91 . 5