HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2006.31 Adopting the speed zone map and table F. ANN RODRIGUEZ, RECORDER RECORDED BY: DG DEPUTY RECORDER 9999 PE4 DOCKET: PAGE: NO. OF PAGES: SEQUENCE: 12928 2020 9 20062170583 11/09/2006 15:30 SMARA TOWN OF MARANA ATTN: TOWN CLERK 11555 W CIVIC CENTER DR MARANA AZ 85653 ORDIN MAIL AMOUNT PAID $ 10.00 MARANA ORDINANCE NO. 2006.31 RELATING TO TRAFFIC; REMOVING SPECIFIC ROADWAY SPEED LIMITS FROM THE TOWN CODE AND ADOPTING THE TOWN OF MARANA SPEED ZONE MAP AND TABLE; PROHIBITING VEHICLE PARKING ON PUBLIC LAND OR WITHIN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR CERTAIN PURPOSES; PROHIBITING VEHICLE STOPPING, STANDING OR PARKING IN CERTAIN INSTANCES; MOVING TOWN CODE TITLE 12 PENALTY SECTIONS TO THE CHAPTER TO WHICH THEY APPLY; ADDING DEFINITIONS; AND MAKING CERTAIN OTHER CLARIFICATIONS; AFFECTING TOWN CODE SECTION 12-2-11, SECTION 12-2-14, CHAPTER 12-3, SECTION 12-4-6, SECTION 12-6-2 AND CHAPTER 12-7; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS the Town Council finds that revision of traffic and parking regulations as set forth in this ordinance is in the best interests of the Town and its residents. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF MARANA, as follows: SECTION 1. Section 12-2-11 ("Speed limits") of the Marana Town Code is hereby re- vised as follows (with deletions shown with strikeouts and additions shown with double under- linin!!) : Section 12-2-11 Speed limits A. Reasonable and orudent maximum soeed limits on roadways located within the town limits are set forth on the town soeed zone mao and accomoanvina table. adooted and amended from time to time bv resolution of the council. uoon recommendation bv the town enaineer and based on nationallv- acceoted traffic enaineerina standards. The following shall be the reasonable ::md prudent maximum speed limit on the following roadways which are 10 eated within the town limits: 1. 15 miles per hour on Marana Road; 2. 35 miles per hour on Sandario Road from Marana Road to the Santa Cruz RiveF, 3.15 miles per hour on Sanders Road from Marana Road to Moore Road; 1. 35 miles per hour on Sanders Road from Moore Road to the south end of the Santa Cruz River Bridge; 5. 50 miles per hour on Sanders Road from tho south end of tho Santa Cruz River Bridge to N:ra Valley Road; 6. 25 miles per hour on Grier Road from the Interstate 10 Frontage Road to Sandario Road; :~, ,!o;;~1 011:,,, ~:l' ~J' ~r:f ~.~ ~:,;l Il~ ~ uI~", fil ,"~ ,~'" f~ {00001923.DOC / 5.1} - 1 - 11/2/200612:01 PM FJC ~' 7.35 miles per hour on Grier Road from S~mdario Road to Wentz Road; 8. 25 miles per hour on Grier Road from Adonis Road to the easterly limits of the town; 9. 35 miles per hour on Adonis Road from Interstate 10 to Grier Road; 10. 35 miles per hour on Moore Road from Interstate 10 Frontage Road to Sanders Road; 11. 35 miles per hour on Wentz Road; 12. 25 miles per hour for all residential streets in the following areas: a. Berry Acres; b. Honea Heights; c. Marana Estates; d. Marana Vista; e. Adonis Subdivision; 13. 25 miles per hour on Lon Adams Road from Grier Road to Barnett Road; 11. 35 miles per hour on Barnett Road and Postvale Road; 15. 55 miles per hour on .^Nra Valley Road; 16. 55 miles per hour on Sandario Road from Avra Valley Road to southerly limits of the town; 17.35 miles per hour on Twin Peaks Road; 18. 35 miles per hour on Tangerine Road from the Interstate 10 Frontage Road to the westerly town limits, 35 miles per hour from the Interstate 10 Frontage Road to one half mile east, then 50 miles per hour to the easterly town limits; 19. 25 miles per hour on McDuff Road; 20. 35 miles per hour on Silverbell Road from Sanders Road to the easterly town limits; 21. 15 miles per hour on Luckett Road from Marana Road north to the town ~ 22. 35 miles per hour on Kirby Hughes Road; 23. 15 miles per hour on Silverbell Road from the southerly town limits to T'Nin Peaks Road; 21. 35 miles per hour on Cortaro Road from the southerly town limits to Silverbell Road; 15 miles per hour on Cortaro Road from Silverbell Road to the Interstate 10 Frontage Road; 25. 5 miles per hour on T",..in Peaks Road from Silverbell Road to the Santa Cruz River; 26. 35 miles per hour on Coachline Boulevard from Silverbell Road to the northerly town limits; 27. 25 miles per hour on all local residential streets within the Continental Ranch annexations; 28. 15 miles per hour on Pima Farms Road from Sil'/erbell Road to Sconic 9Rvei ~" ~" ,~"' t~ '';1'. If" ,l/lr~, l~l: ~:~ If'~~1 ,1II;i" ~i ,.r." f {00001923.DOC / 5.1} - 2 - 11/2/2006 12:01 PM FJC 29. 30 miles per hour on Soenic Dri'.'e from Sil'.'erbell Road to Pima Farms RaaGi 30. 30 miles per hour on Artesiano Road from Sil'/eroell Road to the southerly to...m limits; 31. 30 miles per hour on VVade Road from Silverbell Road to the southerly to'lm limits; 32. 50 miles per hour on Ina Road from the Santa Cruz River Bridge to the easterly town limits; 33. 35 miles per hour on SiI'Ierbell Road from Twin Peaks Road to the north ern town limits. B. Any peace officer or duly authorized agent of the town may stop and detain a person as is necessary to investigate an actual or suspected violation of ti- tle 28, Arizona Revised Statutes, or this section, and to serve a copy of the traffic complaint for any alleged civil or criminal violation of this title. SECTION 2. Chapter 12-2 is modified by adding Section 12-2-14 as follows: Section 12-2-14 Violations - chapter 12-2; penalty A. Any violation of chapter 12-2 shall be a civil traffic violation except for an ex- cessive speed violation punishable as a class 3 misdemeanor under A.R.S. S 701.02 or a violation of section 12-2-13 punishable as a class 1 misde- meanor under paragraph C of this section. B. Any person found responsible for a civil violation of chapter 12-2 shall be fined not more than $250 for each violation. C. A person convicted of violating section 12-2-13 is guilty of a class 1 misde- meanor. SECTION 3. Chapter 12-3 ("Parking") of the Marana Town Code is hereby revised as follows (with deletions shown with strikeouts and additions shown with double underlinin2:): Chapter 12-3 PARKING Section 12-3-1 Definitions. The followina definitions shall aoolv throuahout this chaoter: A. "Handicao oarkina soace" means anv soeciallv desianated and marked oark- ina soace orovided in accordance with section 12-3-6 for ohvsicallv disabled oersons. B. "Parkina" means the standina of a vehicle. whether occuoied or not. Parkina does not include a temoorarv stoo for the ouroose of and while actuallv en- aaaed in loadina or unloadina. C. "Riaht-of-wav" means the entire width between boundarv lines of everv wav set aoart for oublic travel when anv Dart of it is ooen to the use of the oublic for ourooses of vehicular travel. D. "Sale" means anv transfer of title or oossession or both. for consideration. Sale includes anv exchanae. or barter. conditional or otherwise. in anv man- ner or bv anv means whatsoever. includina consianment transaction and auc- tions of orooertv E. "Vehicle" means everv device bv which anv oerson or orooertv is or mav be transoorted or drawn on a street or hiahwav. 1 ,"" ,~"' ,~~~ IF' .aU,,, ftl ~:) ~r"~i ,~"' t;l '"I >Illl"1 ~~ {00001923.DOC / 5.1} - 3 - 11/2/200612:01 PM FJC Section 12-3-~4 Method of parking A.....Except as otherwise authorized bv oosted reaulatorv sians provided by resolu tion of the council, every vehicle stopped or parked upon a roadway where there are adjacent curbs shall be se-stopped or parked with the right hand wheels of the vehicle parallel to and within 18 inches of the right hand curb. B. Where authorized bv oosted reaulatorv sians. vehicles mav be oarked with the left-hand wheels adiacent to and within eiahteen inches of the left-hand curb of a one-wav roadwav. C. Where authorized bv oosted reaulatorv sians. anale oarkina is oermitted on anv roadwav. This oaraaraoh shall not aoolv on anv federal aid hiahwav or state hiahwav unless the director of the Arizona deoartment of transoortation has determined bv resolution or order that the roadwav is of sufficient width to oermit anale oarkina without interferina with the free movement of traffic. Section 12-3-~ Blocking traffic A. It shall be a civil infraction is unlmwul for any person to stop, stand or park any motor vehicle, or other vehicle, upon a street in the tm"n on the oaved or main traveled Dart of a oublic roadwav so as to leave available less than ten tweAty feet of the width of the oublic tAe-roadway for the free movement of tAe-ve- hicular traffic"" B. On a oublic roadwav with vellow centerline markinas it shall be a civil infrac- tion for anv oerson to stoo. stand or Dark anv motor vehicle or other vehicle on the oaved or main traveled Dart of a oublic roadwav so as to leave available less than ten feet of the width of roadwav between the vellow centerline mark- inas and the curb on the same side of the centerline markinas as the oarked vehicle for the free movement of vehicular traffic. c.. It shall be a civil infraction for anv oerson to stoo. stand or Dark anv motor ve- hicle or other vehicle on the oaved or main traveled Dart of a oublic roadwav outside of a business or residence district unless the vehicle is c1earlv visible from a distance of 200 feet in each direction on the roadwav. D. This section does not aoolv to: 1. The driver of a vehicle that is except that a person may stop~ temporarily whe.n..:, in the actual loading or unloading ef-passengers, or when neces safy;-in the observance of traffic signs or signals of a police officer instruc- tions. 2. The driver of a vehicle that is disabled while on the oaved or main traveled oortion of a hiahwav in a manner and to an extent that it is imoossible to avoid stoooina and temoorarilv leavina the disabled vehicle in that oosition. 3. A vehicle or the driver of a vehicle enaaaed in the official deliverv of the United States mail that stoos on the riaht-hand side of the hiahwav for the ouroose of oickina uo or deliverina mail if the followina conditions are met: a. A clear view of the vehicle is available from a distance of 300 feet in each direction on the roadwav or a f1ashina amber liaht at least four inches in diameter with the letters "stoo" orinted on the liaht is attached to the rear of the vehicle. b. The vehicle has a uniform sian that: i. Is at least fourteen inches in diameter. t :~r.: ~~;~ "") '1lll1:' ~~l ~~~ ~"1 ~I 1,..$ ~:' J {OOOOI 923.DOC / 5.1} - 4- 11/2/200612:01 PM FJC ii. Is aooroved bv the Arizona deoartment of transoortation. iii. Has the words "U SMail" orinted on the sian. iv. Is attached to the rear of the vehicle. B. It is unla'.vful for any person to park a motor vehicle, or other vehicle, within an alley or entrance to a private drivew3Y except for the loading or unloading of materials, and not then unless the loading or unloading of materials can be accomplished without blocking the alley to the free movement of vehicular tfaffkT. Section 12-3-4 Stoooina. standina or oarkina orohibitions Exceot if necessarv to avoid conflict with other traffic or if in comoUance with law or the directions of a oolice officer or traffic control device. it shall be a civil infrac- tion for anv oerson to stoo. stand or Dark a vehicle in anv of the followina olaces: A. On a sidewalk. B. In front of a DubUc or orivate drivewav. exceot that this oaraaraoh does not aoolv to a vehicle or the driver of a vehicle in the followina situations: 1. When loadina or unloadina materials in a wav that does not block the drivewav to the free movement of vehicular traffic. 2. When enaaaed in the official deliverv of the United States mail if both of the followina aoolv: a. The driver does not leave the vehicle. b. The vehicle is stoooed onlv momentarilv. C. Within an intersection. D. Within fifteen feet of a fire hvdrant. E. On or within 20 feet of a crosswalk. F. Within 30 feet on the aooroach to anv flashina beacon. stoo sian. vield sian or traffic control sianallocated at the side of a roadwav. G. Between a safetv zone and the adiacent curb or within 30 feet of ooints on the curb immediatelv oooosite the ends of a safetv zone. unless otherwise author- ized bv oosted reaulatorv sians. H. Within 50 feet of the nearest rail or a railroad crossina or within eiaht feet six inches of the center of anv railroad track exceot while a motor vehicle with motive Dower attached is loadina or unloadina railroad cars. I. Within 20 feet of the drivewav entrance to a fire station. J. Alonaside or oooosite a street excavation or obstruction when stoooina. stand- ina or oarkina would obstruct traffic K. On the roadwav side of a vehicle stoooed or oarked at the edae or curb of a street. L. On a bridae or other elevated structure on a oublic road or within a tunnel. M. At anv olace where official sians orohibit oarkina standina or stoooina N. On a controlled access hiahwav exceot for emeroencv reasons or exceot in areas soecificallv desianated for oarkina such as rest areas. l ~~: ~:~ "l:~ ,~.,~; ~~::a ~:ll ~lll "I~' f: I';' ,"" Ilf::t (00001923.DOC / 5.1} - 5 - 11/2/200612:01 PM FJC o. Within an allev exceot when loadina or unloadina materials in a wav that does not block the allev to the free movement of vehicular traffic P. Within 50 feet of a oubHc transit bus stoo. Section 12-3-~3 Authority to erect signs restricting parking The town engineer, upon approval by the oounoil, may erect signs requiring park- ing at an angle to the curb, allowing parking on the left hand curb on one-way streets, notifying drivers that parking is prohibited and restricting parking in any way that may be necessary. No parking restrictions authorized bv this section shall become effective until the restrioted parking area is specifioally designated by resolution of the oouncil, and signs have been erected as authorized by this section; provided, that all signs restricting parking now in plaoe me hereby rati tied and approved as so plaoed. Sians need not be erected before enforcement of oarkina restrictions adooted bv other sections of this chaoter. It shall be a civil infraction is unla.....ful for any person to stop or park a vehicle in disobedience to the parking restrictions. Section 12 3 4 Parking 'lehicles on sidewalks It is unlawful for any person to park any vehiole, 'Nhether in usable oondition or not, or for an owner to permit his vehiole to be parked upon any sidewalk in the tewR-,. Section 12-3-~S Stopping, standing or parking in places r-eserved for handicapped Darkina SDace A. Except as provided in subsection D of this section, no person may stop, stand or park a motor vehicle within a handicao oarkina soace any speoially desig nated and marked parking spaoe provided in aooordanoe ...:ith this seotion for physioally disabled persons unless the motor vehicle is transporting a person eligible for the distinguishing insignia placard or number plates bearing the in- ternational wheelchair symbol, and either: 1. The motor vehicle displays the distinguishing insignia placard; or 2. The motor vehicle displays number plates bearing the international wheel- chair symbol. B. In any prosecution charging a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter governing the standing or parking of a vehicle, the person in whose name the vehicle is registered shall be prima facie responsible for the violation and sub- ject to the penalty for it. C. If a law enforcement officer employed by the town finds a motor vehicle in vio- lation of this section, the officer shall issue a complaint which shall be at- tached or placed upon the vehicle which is unlawfully parked. D. Any person who is chauffeuring a physically disabled person shall be allowed, without a distinguishing insignia placard or number plates bearing the interna- tional wheelchair symbol, to park momentarily in aAj' handicao s\:iGA-parking space for the purpose of loading or unloading the physically disabled person. No complaint shall be issued to the driver for that S\:I6h-momentary parking. E. Handicao P,Q,arking spaces reserved for handioapped persons shall be desig- nated on privately owned property as provided by the town land development code. Each handicao s\:iGA-parking space shall be prominently outlined with paint and posted with a permanent sign located not less than three feet or l~~! ~:~'" "',,1 :ri.: ,'~', ~"'~ ~:l "~ ~~,',. *'~ ~re ,.:) {00001923.DOC / 5.1} - 6- 11/2/2006 12:01 PM FJC more than six feet above the grade and of a color and design approved by the Arizona department of transportation bearing the internationally accepted wheelchair symbol and the caption "reserved parking". The designation of handicao S\:J6A.-parking spaces as provided in this chapter or as required pur- suant to the town land development code shall authorize police officers, and other duly authorized agents, to enforce the provisions of this section and shall constitute a waiver of any objection by the owner or person in posses- sion of the property to the enforcement of this section, and the owner or per- son in possession shall be deemed to have consented by S\:J6A.-that designa- tion. F. The chief of police ~'NiII have the authorizedty to institute a volunteer handi- capped parking enforcement specialist program in which . The chief of police may authorize special volunteers are authorized to issue citations only to per- sons who violate this section of this title. Section 12-3-7 Law enforcement exceDtion The stoooina. standina or oarkina restrictions orovided in this chaoter do not ao- olv to a oolice or oeace officer when the stoooina. standina or oarkina is for the ouroose of actual oerformance of a law enforcement dutv. Section 12-3-~i Unarmed police Darkina enforcement aides Unarmed police aides may be employed by tIhe police department mav emolov unarmed oolice oarkina enforcement aides and shall be empowered to com- mence an action or proceeding oursuant to chaoter 5-7 of the town code before a court or judge for any violation of town ordinances or this code regulating the Y.fZ. hicle standing or parking reaulationsof vehicles. The authority of the unarmed police oarkina enforcement aide shall be strictly limited to the enforcement of the ordinances regulating the vehicle standing or parking reaulationsof vehicles",,.-aRG such aides Thev are not granted any other powers or benefits to which peace officers of the town are entitled. Section 12-3-9 Parkina within riaht-of-wav to disDlav vehicle or aoods for sale It shall be a civil infraction to Dark a vehicle within anv Town of Marana riaht-of- wav for the ouroose of: A. Disolavina the vehicle for sale: or B. Disolavina advertisina: or C. Disolavina aoods for sale. Section 12-3-10 Parkina on Dublic land to disDlav vehicle for sale It shall be a civil infraction to Dark a vehicle uoon land owned bv the town or bv anv other aovernment aaencv for the ouroose of disolavina the vehicle for sale. Section 12-3-11 PresumDtion of Iiabilitv A The disolav of anv sians or other markinas indicatina that a vehicle is for sale shall be orima facie evidence that the vehicle has been oarked for the ouroose of sale. B. Whenever a vehicle is oarked in violation of this chaoter. the reaistered owner of the vehicle and the oerson who oarked the vehicle where the violation oc- curred are iointlv and severallv resoonsible for the violation. 'l :~:~ ~:~. ;J1"~ ;!~I' ~i'I;'il i~;l ""'I ~~ ~~ E:~ {00001923.DOC / 5.1} - 7 - 11/2/200612:01 PM FJC Section 12-3-12 Truck. trailer and recreational vehicle oarkina restrictions A. Commercial trucks and oversized vehicles shall not be Darked on a residen- tial-area Dublic street at anv time. exceDt while activelv carrvina on the activitv for which the truck or vehicle is desianed. includina bv wav of examDle and not limitation: 1. A movina truck while loadina or unloadina. 2. A tradesman's work truck while the trade is beina undertaken. 3. Construction vehicles durina construction. B. The followina shall not be Darked on a residential-area Dublic street for more than 72 consecutive hours: 1. Vehicles with a trailer attached. 2. Trailers unattached from vehicles. 3. Recreational vehicles 20 feet or more in lenath. C. For Durooses of this section. the term "residential-area Dublic street" shall mean anv street within or contiauous to land zoned or used Drimarilv for sinale familv or multi-familv residential uses. SECTION 4. Existing Section 12-7-1 is renumbered as Section 12-3-13 and modified as follows (with deletions shown with strikeouts and additions shown with double underlininl!): Section 12-3-1374 Violations - chapter 12-3: oenaltv &...Any violation of chapter 12-3 shall be a civil traffic violation. B. Anv Derson found resDonsible for violatina anv Drovision of chaDter 12-3 shall be fined not more than $250 for each violation. Upon a finding that an owner or operator is responsible for a violation of this ohaptor, tho oourt shall imposo a oivil sanotion of not loss than $50 or greator than $250 for tho ':iolation. No porson shall park in a parking spaoo that is proporly markod for handioappod parking only unloss thoy moot tho requiromonts of ^.RS. S 28 8~~. Chap tor 12 ;3 shall bo onforooablo on any publio or privato proporty v:ithin tho town #mit&.- SECTION 5. Existing Section 12-7-2 is renumbered as Section 12-4-6 and modified as follows (with deletions shown with strikeouts and additions shown with double underlininl!): Section 12-4=.6.+-2 Violations - chapter 12-4: oenaltv &...Any violation of chapter 12-4 shall be a civil traffic violation. B. Anv Derson found resDonsible for violatina anv Drovision of chaDter 12-4 shall be fined not more than $250 for each violation. Upon a finding that an ownor or oporator is rosponsiblo for a ':iolation of this ohaptor, tho Court shall impose a oi,..i1 sanGtion of not loss than $50 or greator than $250, '...-hioh shall not bo suspondod, shall bo imposod on any porson found responsiblo for a '/iolation of sootion 12 ~ 2. SECTION 6. Existing Section 12-7-4 is renumbered as Section 12-6-2 and modified as follows (with deletions shown with strikeouts and additions shown with double underlininl!): t "~i ;~~'"' ~. ~,~, l.~~ t:;~ '''I ,j~ lI":~ '~i' {OOOO1 923.DOC / 5.I} - 8- 11/2/200612:01 PM FJC Section 12-6=2.7-4 Violations - ef-chapter 12-6: Denaltv A. Anv violation of chaoter 12-6 shall be a civil traffic violation. a. Any person found resoonsible for violatina anv orovision in violation of chap- ter 12-6 shall bo found guilty of a oi'/il infraction and bo required to pay a maximum minimum fine of $~50 v.-hioh oannot bo suspondod oxoopt pursuant to sootion 12 7 4(8). c..g..,. The penalties providod in this soction for a violation of section 12-6-1 (A) may be waived if the afH)ffender presents suitable proof that an approved helmet has been purchased or otherwise obtained since the time of the viola- tion and that the minor uses or intends to use the helmet whenever required to do so by this soction. SECTION 7. In addition to the other modifications to Chapter 12-7 set forth in Sec- tions 3, 4 and 5 of this Ordinance, Chapter 12-7 is further modified by revising its title from "PENALTIES" to "OTHER PENALTIES," deleting Section 12-7-3 and Section 12-7-5 (the sub- ject matter of which are contained in the modifications addressed in Sections 1 and 2, respec- tively, of this Ordinance), and renumbering existing Section 12-7-6 as Section 12-7-1 and modi- fying it as follows (with deletions shown with strikeouts and additions shown with double under- linin!!) : Section 12-7-,16 Other violations A--It is a civil traffic violation for any person to do any act forbidden or fail to per- form any act required by this title, unless otherwise designated in this title see- tiaR-or under state law. B.. A civil sanction of not loss than $50 and not more than $250 shall be imposed on any person found in violation of any other provision of this title unless oth- erwise designated in this title sootion or under state law. SECTION 8. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are repealed as of the effective date of this ordinance. SECTION 9. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this ordi- nance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, the decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. SECTION 10. This ordinance shall become effective on the 7th day of December, 2006. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF MARANA, ARIZONA, this 7!h day of November, 2006. fLo~ 'II '~l' "", I~~ :~~i '~~~', 4,::~ t:J ;~H!lI Ii:, N j~i~ ,',l~:: ~::~I; ATTEST: 11/2/2006 12:01 PM FJe