HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/15/2013 Regular Council Meeting Minutes���� ��
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' 1155 w. Civic Center DRIUE, Marana, Arizona 85653
Cau��ci1 Chambers, October 15, 2013, at or after 7:OOPM '
Ecl Honea, Mayor
1on Post, Vice Mayor
David Bowen, Council Membe�
Patti Camerford, Council Member
Herb Kai, Council Member
Carol McGorray, Cauncil Member
Roxan�e Ziegler, Council Member
' CALI. TO ORDE12 AND ROLL ` CALL. Mayor IIonea 'called' the mee
p.rn: ecords AdminYStrator Hilary H. �-Iiser called roll. Vice ayot° Po;
start of the meeting, but arrived at 7:17 p.m. and sat at the dals at 7:20 p.m.
; APP VAL F A�EN A. ayar Honea entered inta the record � let
applicant for item A1, requesting the Council continue Ordinance 2013.02'4,;
Annexation to a future meeting. Council Membe�° Ziegler made a motion
as ��°esented, secor�d by Cour�cil'Me�zber Kai. T�ie motion pussed 5
` 1Vlember vwen volzng against and Vice Mayot° Post excusecl.
CAIJL T T� PCIBLIC. avid orales spake regarding the three type
Morales stated the Cduncil's duty is to set policy and approve the bud�
� Mana�er's duty is to implement the Council's deczsians. He cautioned t
� ` interfering in the administrative duties of town department heads.
� Meeting Minutes —10/15/2013 1
Membear Comerford reported the Marana Health Uision Center is now open, making the
Marana Health Complex a one-stop fac�lity for residents' heaith care needs. She indicate� the
` center is open Manday and Tuesday for eye appointments and curr�nt health center clients may
be eligible for free glasses. Also, Co�ncil Member Comerfo�d reported she and ayar onea
' attended the Governor's Conference on 10/O1/2013 regarding economic d�velopment. She was
extremely irnpressed with the development opportunities on the state's horizon. ' Council
e' ber cGorr�y also commented on the opening of the new Marana' Health Vision Center,
but indicated the'facilit� does not provide cont�ct lens, only glasses.
C NSENT A�EN A. Motzon to approve by Council Membe�° Kt�i, secvnd Counczl ember
McG�r�°ay. Passed d ta 0.
C 1: Resolution No. 2013-091: Relating to Development, approving a final plat for
Boulder Bridge Pass at Dove Mountain; Lots 1-8$, Block °°1" ancl Cammon Areas "A'°
and ��B��
C 2: Resolution No. 2413-092: Relating to real estate; authorizing the acquisition by
negotiation or condemnation of lands and property rights needed for the Santa Cruz River '
Shared Use Path Phase IrI, Town of Marana Project No. PKOOb (2009-153-016)
C 3; Appraval af 4ctober 1, 2013 meeting minutes
L 1: Relating to Liquor Licenses; recommendation to the Arizana Department of Liquor
Licenses and Control regarding a special event liquor license applicatian submitted by Shirley
Capley on' behalf of the Sunflower `Culinary Club for a Holiday Dinner to be held on December '
14, 2013. Hilary Hiser informed the Cauncil that staff properly re�iewed the application, did
not receive any protests, and recommended for approval. Motzon to ccppr°ove by Council '
Nfembe�° �omerford, secor�d by Cauncil Member Ziegler Passed 6 to 4. <
L 2: R.elatzng to Llquor Licenses; recommendation to the Arizona Department of Liquor
Licenses and Control ; regarding a speczal event liquor license application submitted by John
Cammarano on behalf of the Public Safety Charitable Foundation for the Poker Run event to be
heid on November 2, 2013. Presented by Hilary iser. She informed the Council again that
staff properly reviewed the application and did not receive any protests. She indieated staff
recommended approVal. Motion to app�°ove by Cauncil 1Vlernber Bowen, second by Counczl
MembeN McGorray. Passed 6 ta 0.
Meeting Minutas-10/15J2013 , 2
A 1: Ordinance Na. 2013.024: Relating to Annexation; annexit
` Town of Marana the territory known as Twin Peaks & C
containing approximately 36.79 acres of land, including the �d
Twin Peaks Road that runs along the western and northern sid€
the south side af the paxcel extending west. ' Presented by
' information before Council rel�tes only to the proposed annexa
area: s. oss' �ndicated staff has received letters af oppos
zoning of the property, but the re-zoning process is sti11 in pro�
annexation is fram suburban ranch to residential zoning. Howf
has met a11 the Arizona Revised Statute notification requirerr
signatures for the anne�at�on. < Staff recommends' the Council ac
Mayor onea opened the floor to publ�c comrnent rega
ordinance. David Marales exp�essed his doubts regarding ;
specifically related to tax revenue g�nerated versus the negati�
the p�roject. on Isaacson, represent�tiVe of the local opp�
proposed annexation area, implored the Cauncil to vote no o�
stated he �nd his neighbors were concerned not v�ith the actual i
of the property for high density residential developrnent. Mr. I
by requesting all audience members in opposition to stand. ML
that time.
ayor onea yielded the floor to Linda orales of the' P
representative. s. mrales acknowledged the choice! to run t�
re-zon�ng application has caused some issues with the public:
the strong oppositiol� encountered by residents the request ;
Council's consideration of Ordinance No.' 2013:024, was an at
of cancerned citizens. iMs. Morales ernphasized that her client
Marana and is cornmitted to addre�sing the needs of staff and re
ember Ziegi
continuance po:
officials and th
responded to Ct
with the Plann
challenges relat
his staff made �
�ouncil ' ern�
seated at the dai
Meeting Minutes —10/:
might be necess
ommented that` :
ity. She also ex
>plicant regardin€
il Member Ziegle
Center regardin�
o future re-zonln
�commendations t
's concerns, stating h€
the complexities of
discussions. Mr. :
� the applicant to`table
c by 7:20 p.m:
iJ2013 3
ayor onea called for a motion. Cot
was secon�led by Council Member ZiE
vote, with `Council Members Comerfo�°
voting no.
�ouncil ember Co erfard rnoved tc
l'ast seconded the motion. ayor H
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r � e B .
i 't r i, �
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assured thf
A 2: Ord�r
town� ame
Uses in 2
S�ction 08
with the Ts
M�T2ri2 1;
ll 9 .
ce No. 20 � 3.022 (Revise
Cade to prohibit medicr
ing Marana Land Deve�c
es A-E), Section 05:10:
, Section 05.12.02 (Ligh�
aI), Sect
:. ._. J� 1 � ...0 ___" __ .-.-_° J__�>� __�-r_____>_.d _�___.__ ____�_.°...
of Marana: Presented by Laine Sklar. She indicated this was a proc
the ordinance and resolution governing the sale of inedical rnar
jurisdiction which passed on September 3, 2013. Ms. Sklar explair.
the local dispensary owners, the wording to limit the sale of inedicatl
determinate ta the di�pensary's patients and business health; Ms. Sk
wording remoVes the condition of dispensaries" to sale anly the i
ichael Schmidt, owner of Nat�re Med, encouraged the Coun
reVisions allowing dispensaries to purchase medicine for resale from <
Motzon to adopt �rdinance 2D13.022 (Reyised) and Resolution 241.
Membe�° �owen, seconcl b� Counczl �fember C'omerfo�°tl. Passed un
A 3. Resolutran No. 2013-Q93: Relating to Personnel; approving an
philosaphy for compensation of Town of'Marana employees; author
implernent the compensation philosophy consistent with budget capac
Meeting Minutes —10/15/2013 4
Resalution No. 2013-094. Relating to Administration; appra�ving
budgeted expenditure authority fram the 'Genexal Fund general go�
line' item ` and the transfer of up to $9S,d00 in budgeted exp�
Development Services Admin budget to the wages and benefits lin
departments in the fiscal year 2013-2014 budgetfor wage adjustmer.
to the implementation of a new pay structure. Presented by Suzan
Town has worked with the Waters Consulting Group over the p;
unified compensation structure and overall compensation phzlosopl
that adoption af Resolution No. 2013-093, the compensation philasc
future classification administration. She also requested the Cauncil
094 to allacate the funds necessary to implement the compensal
Ruth Ann Eledge, Waters C�nsulting Group and Senior Consultani
oVerview the of the study's final results. She st�ted the key product
is the Compensation Philosoph�, whrch provides employees a set
compensation package and future funding options far compensat
stated the' study included extensive analysis of job classification
m�rket data, an� dlrect employee input. She stated the main study
point factor evaluation to determrne the internal relationship of
part�cular method proVided an understanding of the similarities and
' in a new revised�ob position hierarchy.
T�venty-six benchm�rk organizations, regionally based, created a'
' create th� necessary market salary cornparison scale and compensat�
noted that the study methodology 'included extensive employee ff
from this feedback loop and additional 'information obtained fro:
relationship of each jab and reflected in the new classification stru�
the firial philosophy document, submitted' for approval; provides ex
equ�ty, defines fiscal implementation capabilities, and gui�
s. E�edge disclosed that the final market comparisons reveal
structure is, an average, ;lower than similar organizatians �
competiveness. After reviewing the salary midpornts across the �
' Tawn's current position ranges for exernpt posrtions have a midpo
e�empt positions have' a midpoint pay range at '-5.4% and sworn p
when compared; to the market average. Ms. Eledge clarified th�
overall Iower pay ranges for town employees did not mean ever�
salary increase, it simply indicates'that current scales are below rs
remain campetitive.
s. Eledge's proposed recommendation is to adjust the incumbent j
the new salary scale ranges. The proposals costs an estim�ted $f
�ffecting 88 civilian employees an� an estimated cost of $262,0
' sworn �mplo�ees. ayor onea complemented Ms. Eledge on th�
M2eting Mmutes —10/15J2013 5
CounciI �mbe�° Zieiger also expressed admiration for the dE
comprehen�ive �`indings.
.Motian to adopt Resolution No. ZOl3-1i93 anrl esolutian �Va. 2413-
Comerford, second by Council 11�ember McGorray. I'assed unanimou:
A 4: Resolution No. 2013-095: Relating to Admini�tration; app�a�ving tl
budgeted expenditure authority from the General Fund contingency 1:
budget line items within various Town departments in the fiscal ye;
unantzcipated costs. Presented by Erik ontagute. Mr. Montague
preliminary results for the General Fund for the last fiscal year. H�
presented to the Council are subject to change, as the finance departmer
the 'audit adjustments and will have the final >audited opinian in DE
reviewed the current fiscal health of the Town's three ma�ar revenue '
' privilege tax accounts for 60 percent of the General Fund budget and i;
growth from retail sales. The state shared'revenue is 20 percent of the 1
for infrastructure maintenance. Mr. Montague noted this revenue strea�
is still manageable. In the lzcense permits, and fees revenue stream,
roughly 690 single farnily residential permits. (�verall, Mr. Monta;
collected about 6�ercent more than what`was budgeted and did not s�
reser�e fund. In fact, Mr. Montague re�orted the Tovvn is adding ap
back into the reserve fund. In his concluding remarks, Mr. Montague
Council was ta approve the reallocation of budget�d funds from i
departrnents that exceeded their budgets due to unforeseen events.
16�otion tm advpt Resolutzon No. 2013-095 by Cvuncil M'ember° Con
Cor�ncil Member Kai. Passed u�tanrmously,
A S: Resolution No. 2013-096, Relating to development; approv:
execution of a retail development tax incentiVe agreem�nt for the �
' Continental Ranch Parce160 located in the vicinity of the north intersec
North Casa Grande Highway. Presented by Frank 'Cassidy, wha i
Council is'a fol�ow-up to the notice`of intent presented'two weeks prior
the'agreement's madified language requires a more substantial waiver i
avoid the unauthorized release of tax payer information. The
reimbursement for public infrastructure that serves the Continental R�
Member Kai asked what type of infrastructure was �ligible for reim
anticipated only water infrastructure at the moment.
1V�otion to-, adopt Resolution 1Va. 2013-09b by Council 1Vlembe� McGc
Membe�° Bowen. Passed unanimously.
D lz Relating to Utilities; discussion, consideration and possible action
developing wastewater infrastructure from Sagu�ro Bloom deve]
MeetingMinutes-10/15/2013 ' b
Tangerine/Downtown alignment. Presented by John Kmiec, whc
; provided is a follaw-up ta previous presentations regarding the acquis
and'proactively building infrastructure from the` Saguaro Bloom deve:
corridor. r. Kmiec explained the financial information provided �
Tangerine/Downtown alignment costing $7.4 million. He reminded C`
of th�s route were to; (l) provide service to existing residents and (2) a
Mr. Kmiec Infarmed the Council the To�vvn currently collects three ty
' fee,; a$4,544 wastewater fee, �nd a$1,467 renewable resource c<
combined 'average service fee of $6,875. ' Using the ten year growth ]
the potential to generate $24.5 million with the water resource fee and t
fees: If the Tawn acquires the Saguaro Bloom Development, the n
$30.9 rnillion. Mr. Kmiec indicated these figures are based on growth r
r. Kmiec stated that staff is sti11 invest�gating the fundrng optio.
constraints rel�ted to the components associated with pro�iding sewer
that staff continues to investigate other development contributior
supporting capital. Mx. Kmiec cited ithe patential for additiona
wastewater on the Tawn's overall fnanclal and bond capabilities.
emphasized that if grawth does occur at its expected rate or more, t]
help Marana reach its goal of creating a fu11-service and self-sustainin�
stands currently, Mr. Kmiec acknowledged the waste�rater utility is
general fund, and if growth does not occur, the Town will continue tc
the utilities enterprise for a longer duratian.
r. miec returned to the topic of financing priorities. He did' acl
additional �unding to the wastewater enterprise might temporarily redu
projects. Hawever, Mr. Kmiec did indreate that staff is sti�l evalus
mechanisms to hopefully minimize any capital burden on the To�n':
' Kmiec concluded his presentation and requested direction from Counci
full financial model far the acqulsition of the Saguaro Bloom developm
Mayor onea commented that at the Council's Strategic Plan meetin
for additional infrastructure to attract the development needed fo� gro�
he would like to see additional financial models regarding this praject.
he also would like to see additional financial infarmation to clarify r€
project. Councxl ember Kai asked if staff have evaluated the
partzcipation as an additional funding source for the infrastructure dt
affirmed that staff has started cornmunicating with property o�
partnerships. Council ernber Bowen cautioned the Council to mov
the numerous long-term projects t�n the Town's horizon. Council Mem
need to balance Iong-term infrastructure for future development ver�
citizens. Council ernber Ziegler wanted to know the timeline r�
indicated there is a sense of urgency as Saguaro Bloom continues ta �
those potential capture feesa
Meeting Minutes —10J15/2013 7
Gilbert avidson responded that t�me is' of the essence, and s
Council chooses a fi�ancing meehanism. Only after that
conversations with Pima County officials. He indicated the as
system to the Town's system could only occur once the infrast�
that the Town's facility can adequately treat the sewer flow. �
r. avidson �ow many houses have sold. Mr. Kmiec st�
houses were under contract.
C'ouncil ember� owen moved to direct staff to cnrztinue f°esE
bulccnces thzs praject with othe�° Tawn projects and obligations.
�notzon. Passed unanzmously.
' D 2: Relating to Legislation and Ga��rnment Actions; Discussi
al1 pending state; federal, and local legislation/government actla
rneetings of other governrn�ntal badies. Gilbert` avidson had �
E l: Executive Session purs��nt ta A.R.S. �38-431.03 (A)(3); C
consultation for legal advice with the Town Attorney conce;
' Notwithstanding the rnayor's drscretion regarding the items to �
or more �ouncil members request that an item be placed on the
agenda for the second regular Town Council meeting after the
Marana Town Code Section 2-4-2(B).
A J U ENT. otion to adjourn by Council Nfember �
Bowera. Pa�sed unanimausly.
� CE ���� TIFICATr` N ��
I hereby certify that the foregoing are the true and correct rninu'
meeting held on October 15, 2013. I further certify that a quorurr
`� �
Hilary H. His , Records Administrator for Jocelyn C. Bronson, Town
Meeting Minutes —10/15/2013 $