HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2013-097 MOU for marana bluegrass festival in 2014r� < A ES LUTI N'. 2 l�
� �oYY1V v� ���1V� �ljli �LI.JL�1 �$.��l�ivl�'$1.�� ��������:
WHEREAS in March 2012,!the Town Council of the Town
' af Marana Strategic Plan II ;(the "Plan"), and under the Commu
Initiative 8 is to increase participation by residents and visrtors i�
with a strategy of recruiting community partners to plan and staff si€
WHEREAS the Desert Bluegrass Association is a non-pra
' developing and promoting bluegrass music for the diverse audiencE
WHEREAS the Arizona Bluegrass Association is a non-
mission of promoting and encauraging the uniquely American rnu
time, gospei, and traditional instrumental and vocal music of tl
Arizona and the Desert Southwest, and
WHEREAS the Town and the Associations desire for tfie �
' and;present the Marana Bluegrass Festival at Ora Mae Harn Park or
in-kind support and assistance from`the Town; and
WHEREAS the Town Council finds that approval of a Me
related to the plann�ng development and presentation of the Mar�
forth in this resolution is in the best interests of the Town of Marana
�. �V V� ��Ll\A.'i'�fOI'�9 �li 11 1W�OL V Li� 13 j:��� �.Vg���
T�WN �F Mf� A; ��ZONf�; 2S �0�10WS:
SECTION 1. The Memorandum of Understanding betwe€
D�sert Bluegrass Association and the Arizona' Bluegrass Associa
development and presentation of the Marana Bluegrass Festival, att
this = reference in this resolutzon as Exhibit A,; is hereby approv�
authorized to execute it for and on behalf of the T'own of Marana.
MaranaResolution 2013097 - 1 -
undertake al
objectives o
this 5 day'
lovember, 2013.
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MaranaResolution 2013097 - � °
the TowN oF 1VIARA1vA, an Arizona municrpal ca�po�°ation {thE
BLU�GRASS ASSOCIA2toN, an Arizona non-profit corporation a:
GRASS ASSOCi��'TO1v, an Arizona non-profit corporation. The De
tion and the Arizana Bluegrass` Association are co�lectively refe�
tions." The Ta�vn and the Associations are sometimes collecti
MOU as' the "Parties," a�y of which is sometimes individually re
A. In March 2012, the Town Council of the Town ' af Maran;
Marana Strategrc Plan II (the "Plan"): The Plan identifies Comn
focus areas. Under the Community focus area, the Plan i�clu
crease participation by reside�t� and visito�°s in Marana's signati
egy to recruit comm�nity pa�tne�s to plan and staff signature ev�
B. The Desert Bluegrass Association is a non-profit' organizat
oping and promoting bluegrass music for the diverse a�dience
C. The Arizona Bluegrass Associat�an is a non-profit organit
af promoting and encouragrng the uniquely American music
old-time, gospel, and traditional instrumental and vocal musi
throughout Arizona and the Desert Sout�west.
I�. The Town amd the Associatians desire far the Associatior
present the Marana Bluegrass Festival (the °'Festival°') with' in-�
tance from the' Town as described in this MOtT.
E. The Town finds that the` benefits to the Town resulting
procluctian and presentation of the ' Marana Bluegrass Festiva]
equal to the fair market val�e of the` in-kind support and assist
the Associations by the Town pursuant to this MOLT.
NoW; TI iEREFORE, based on the foregoing recitals, which are i�
intent of the Parties in entering into this MOU, and in considera
MOU, the Parties hereby agree as follows:
Exliibit A Resolution 2013-097 2014 MARANA BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL MC)U
Regul�r Gouncil Meating - November 5, 2013 - Page 13 of 110
� e joint and several liability and responsibility. 'The Desert' Bl�e
the Arizorta Bluegrass Associatio�t shall each be jointly and sever�
sible for all obligations of the Associations under this M�U.
2. Services to be perfo�med by the Assocaations. The Associatio�
and present the Marana Bluegrass Festival at CJra Mae Ha�~n Park;
Road, as set forth �n this pa�agraph 2. The Festival will be held �
ing the times mutually agreed upon by the Parties. The Festiv�
m�nces by bluegrass bands and musicians, food and craft vend
a: The Associations shall recruit, select, approve and contra
vendors for the Festival. T�e vendors may incl�de food and
other exhibrtors consistent with the theme of the FestiVal'and t'
The Associa�ions shall ensure tha� all Marana Bluegrass �'esti
current Town of`Marana business license as of the date of the �'
tions shall also ensure that all food vendo�s possess a c�rrent
mit from the Pima County Health Department as of the date of
b: The Associations shall ens�re that all Festival vendors e�
indemnification agreement in a forrn approved by the Town.
c.' AlI marketing and promotional materials prod�ced by tr
Festival must be approved by the Town prior to their use' and r
dr The A�sociations shall provide stxfficient staffing to prec
val ort both days.
e. The Associations shall p�ovide secux�ty for the Festi�al �
plan appraved by the Town.
3. Support and assistance to be pravided by the 7'own, The Tawn
SUp�'JOPt s111t� 1SS18t�11Ce� 1t 110 Ct3St tO �IlC' ASSOC11t10T1S, c15 SE'.� fOrt�l
hereto and incorporated herein by this reference.
4. Expenses'and caanpensation: Except as provided in Exhibit A,'
be responsible for all of their operating expenses. The Associatic
and retain ad�nissic�n and other activity fees from parties wh� wis'
ipate in the Mara�a Blueg�ass Festival. The Town makes no gut
garding the arnount af compensation the Assocrat�ons will rece
and other acti�iity fees.
a. The Associations shall make avarlable to the Tawn far
ledgers or statements kept by the Associations reg�rding acti
su�nt to this MOU.
b.` The Assaci�tir�ns sharl be liable for �ny and all taxes app:
received by the Associations under this MOU:
Exhibit A— Resolutioi� 2Q13-097 2014 MARANA BLUEGRASS �'ESTIVAL MO�.T
_-� _
Regular Counc9l Meeting - November 5, 2013 - Page 14 of 110
5. Effe
date of t1
Parties m
wrltten a
tions. I£
second �
falls d�ri
agree up
b. Reli
pressed or im
er 'and elnplo;
the T'own and
use, at no cosi
described in �
and seal for a:
the Town's Ia
' 8. Insu�ant
MOU from c�
erages and lin
a. The ':
cove�age �
and p�°ior
shall also '
All certific
b. The ,
liability an
the Town
forrned in
shall deliv
ance requ�
icate of i
` dorsemen
c. 'The
tions shal
Exhibit A Resolutioi
Regular Council Meeting -
xte, r�uration and rent
Party to sign this
ew this MOU for u�
nent �etting forth t�
�rties renew this N
� of April ea�h yea
second weekend of
�er c�ates for the Fe
�o ancl s
�wn`s 1c
ph 2 of
riers acceptable
nercial Gener�l I
�ssociatio�ts shall
described in thi
o cornmencing �
- -' -�
nsurance ancl the applicable palicy' nur.
certificate(s) sha11 also sti� � �
1 `be primary insurance an
� 2013-097 2�14 MARANA B'
November 5, 2013 - Page 15 of 110-
xl. This MOU �
�LT and shall �
� shall be construed t+
�rincipal and age�t, �
The Town gra�ts t�
� shall maintain ' im
� the Town with th
iability: U:S. $1,OOC
U:S. $2,OOt
agents, officials or employee _ __ _ _
prov�ded by the As�ociation
mary insurance with respect
d, The �nsurance requirer
or rnodifi�d ex�ept by writte�
e; The Associatians shall
prior to a planned cancellati�
graph 8, The Assaciations sh
latian or reduction of any cc
reduction of any co�erage rec
this MOU by the Town.
9. Indernnification. The Asso<
dernnify the Town, its officials,
against any and all manner of cl
of -action, liabilities, damages, a7
lcind, in law or in equity, in tort
the Associations' errors, omissi
pursuant to this MOU.
10. Regulatory cd�nplianc� cznd
with all applicable federal, stat+
wzth its 'ob�igations urtder this I�
abtain any and all permits req�.
other app�op�late regulatory ag�
of `the services to be performed k
5. Coverage provided
�o all other available so
lents specified in this �
L agreement signed by
;sve the Town at least
�n or reductron of any
all give the Town imm
sve�°age required by th
�uired by this paragra�
iatians agrees to defe�
employees, agents, sr
�ims, suits, lawsuits, as
id other claims artd d�
�r in contract, ar other;
�ns, or negligent acts
approvals. Each Party
� and 1oca1 laws, rule<
ZOU': As part of this (
i�ed by the Town, thE
�cy for its activzties ux
extent legally perm�ssible, the Tawn agrees to waive �
permft fees that the Associations v�ould normally be i
t10T1S �C�lU1f1E'S pUrSU111t �O ��115' Mo�.
21. Notices.' All notrces, requests, dernands, and ot
MOU sha11 be in writing and sh �� LL � _
certified' rnail, return receipt reqt
If to the Town, ta,
If to the Associations, ta:
Exhibit A -12esolutioi12013-097 20141V
Regular Council Meeting � November 5, 2013 - Page 1 E
_ G�. ..
Attn; Warren Ned Robbin;
208�i W Peni�sula Circle
Chandler, Arizona 85248 '`
12. Entire agreement. T�s MOU constitutes the entire agr
of the Parties pertairting to the subject matter of the MOU
neg�tiations, and other agreements of any kind.` A11 prior ar
me�ts, rep�esentations and understandings of the Parties, o�
ed and rnerged in this MOU.
13. Authority to execute agreement. The indlviduals execut�
sent that they have full �ight, power, and authority to exec
their respective Parties.
14. Force ma�eure. Notwithstanding any other term, cor
MOU to the contrary, �f any Party fo this MOV is precluded
any duty or obligation imposed upon it due to labor strik€
civil disturbances, weather ct�ndltions, �afural disasters, ac
beyo�d fhe control'of such Party, the time period provided
by such Party of such diuty or obligation! shall be extenc�eC
delay occasioned by such eVents,
15. Immigration laws. The Associations warrant that the
with a11 federal immigration la�nrs and regulations that reli
with Arizona Revised Statutes sect�on (A.R.S. �) 23 �
acknowledge that pursuant to A.R:S. � 41-4401 and effect
breach of this warranty is a material breach of this MOC1 su
including termination of this Mt�U, and that the Town retai:
the papers of'any employee vvho performs work or service
ensure compllance with this v�r�rranty.
16, Conflict of i�terest. Th�s MUU is subject to the provisroi
provides fn�° terrnination in certain instances involving confll�
' 17. Attorneys' fees. The prev�iling Pariy in a civil action tz
entifled `to recover from the other Party, in addition to any r+
�ng Party �n�y be entitled, all costs, expenses and reasonable
CC7T111EC�'lOTt Wlt�t ��t�t C7V11 1Ct1OT1.
18. Governing law. This MOLT sha11 be constr�ed in accox
State of Arizona.
19. Terrnination. Either Party may terminate its particlp�
reason upon at le�st 15 �ays' prior written notice to the other
Exhibit A— Resolution 2013-097 2014 MARANA BLUEGRA.S5 �'`ESTIUAL MOL)
Regular Gouncil Meeting - November 5, 2d13 - Page;17 of 110
20. Mi�cellaneous.
a. This MQU may not be modified except in a writing
b. The captions and section numbers appe�ring in this
' a matte�° of ct�nvenience, and do not defi�e, lirnit, `consfrt
intent af s�zch sections or articles of this' MOU.
c: Thxs MOU may be exec�xted i� rnultiple counterpar
all purposes, be deemed an original and a11 of �which, tak�
one and the same agreement.
IN wzTN�ss wxElzEOF, the Parties have d�ly executed th
�'�le �'ToW11": �1e " ASSOCId�
TOWN OF MARANA, an Arizona munlci- DESERT $LUEG
pal corporatian Arizona non-�
Ecl Hanea, Mayor John Da�id, P
Date: Date
ATT�ST: Arizona non-j
Town Clexk ' D�te
Warren Ned I
A�n�zov�ti as �o FonM.
Town Attorney Date
Exhibit A Resolution 2013-097 20141VIARANA BLUEGRAS5 �ESTIVAL MC7U
RPn>>Iar Gnsinr.i) Mar tinn - Nnvamhar , 7(11.'� _ Pana`9R nf 11f1