HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2013-116 MOU for the sale of 911 dispatch consoles to NWFMARANA RESOLUTION NO. 2013-116 RELATING TO ADMINISTRATION; APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE TOWN OF MARANA AND NORTHWEST FIRE DISTRICT REGARDING THE SALE OF 911 DISPATCH CONSOLES WHEREAS the Town of Marana Police Department previously used Motorola Model 5500 series 911 Dispatch Consoles in its Communications Center, but recently upgraded its console equipment and no longer has a need for this equipment; and WHEREAS Northwest Fire District uses this model of Motorola console equipment and has a need for the equipment owned by the Town; and WHEREAS The Town and the Fire District desire to enter into an agreement by which the Town will sell the equipment to the Fire District for use in its dispatch center; and WHEREAS the Town Council finds that the sale of the equipment to Northwest Fire District is in the best interests of the Town. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF MARANA, ARIZONA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The memorandum of understanding between the Town of Marana and Northwest Fire District, attached to and incorporated by this reference in this resolution as Exhibit A, is hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute it for and on behalf of the Town. SECTION 2. The Town's Manager and staff are hereby directed and authorized to undertake all other and further tasks required to carry out the terms, obligations, and objectives of the memorandum of understanding. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF MARANA, ARIZONA, this 17 day of December, 2013. f ' l� c---�, Mayor Ed Honea ATTEST: �:.� _ ` � .i�/� �..« � << �i - �: � � • • J APPROVED AS TO FORM: � F a Cassi y, Town Attorney Mazana Resolution 2013-116 MEM�RANDIJM �F �JNDERSTANDI�I� T��IS N.�EM�RANDUM �F UN�ERSTAND�N� �"M�U" �s made a�ld �ntered �nto by and be�we�n the Taw�r oF MA��rrA, an Arizana municipal corparat�on �the "Tawn") and No�tTH�vEST F�� ��STR�CT, an Ar�2ana fire d�stri�� �the "��re D�s�r�ct"}. The �'�v�n and the F�re D�s�r��� are somet�mes referred �o �n �h�s MDU as the "Par�ie�." RECIT�..�►�' .�. The Tovvn of Marana Pol�ce 1)epar�mer�t previous�y used Motorfl�a Mode� 5 S�D ser��s 9�� r3ispa.�ch Ca�.soies �the "Equrpmen�") in i�s �o��nmun�ca���ns Center. The �qu�pn�ent �s rnare pa���cu�arly defned �� ��.h�bit A, attac�ed hereto and �n��rpora�ed herein by th�s reference. The Marana �'a�ice Depar�ment rece�.t�y up�raded its conso�e equxpment and no Ianger has a need f�r the Equipme�t defned in E�hib�t A. B. The Fire I]istr�ct us�s �h�s model of Mntorola conso�e equ�pment and has a need for �h� �qu�pme�t ov�rzzed by �he Tawn. C. T�e Tovvn and the Fire D�str�c� des�re to en�er into a� ag�•ee�nent by which �he Town v�r��� sell the Equipme�� to the Fire I�istrxct for use �n ��s dxspatch center. � GR.�'.�1I�IENT No�, THER.�FQRE in canszderat�on of �he fore�oxng promises and the mutua� c���nants se� farth in this M�U, the �'ar�ies hereby agree as fo��ows: I. Sale of Equipmen�. The Tovvn sha�� sel� the Equipment defined �n Exh�bit A�o the Ti�•e Dis�r�ct far the su�n of $� �,�D�. 2. .�V�a T�rx��anties. The T�wr� makes na �varran��e�, express or implied, i�.ciudin� any �mp��ed �varranties as �o n�erchantabili�y or f�ness fo�• a pa� pur�ose re�ardrng the �qu�pment. The F�re Distr�ct hereby acknowled�es �ha� the F�r� Dist�•zc� has e�a��.�ned the �qu�pment and has agreed to buy the Equipmen� "as is" and "where �s." The F�re ��s�rict acknowledges that �he purchase �f th� �qu�p�r�ent �s at �he �ire I�istrict's o�rn ��isk and he�•eby agr•ees t� make no ciarms agai��st �he Tow�l bas�d upon alleged represe�.�ations, warran�ies or c� � � ateral agreem ents. 3. .�'ayment by �"i�^e Dist�zct. The Fire Dis�rxc� shall pay the $��,D�� owed to the Town as set for�h in paragraph � above w��hin 30 days af the effecti�e date of �hxs M�U. 4. T��nsfe� of .�quipmen�: The Par�ies shal� schedu�� a da�e �th� "Transfer Date"�, after �he effectx�e date of �his N��]U, for �he Ta�vn to t�•ansfer �he �qu�prr�en� �o �he F�re District. 5. .�ffe�tiue Dat�e. This M�U� sha�i be effec�ive as of the sxgnature da�e of the las� Par�� �o s�gn this M�U. {aoo.��33s. �ac �.z} .��_ �. Installation and l�lainte�anc� of .�qui�ment�. The Fire i7�stric� shall be so�e�y � for �:he z��sta��ation and maintena��ce of ���e Equxp��z�nt a� �he Fire Dis�r��� s�te. 7. Indemnificatian and' Release r�f �`lain�s. T'he �ir� I��st� ag�ees to def�nd, s�.�ve, ho�d harm�ess and indem.n�fy the To�v�rn of Marana, �he Marana Pa�ice I�epar��nent, �ts successors and ass�gns f�•om and against ar�y and al� manr�er of cla�ms, su��s, �awsu��s, ac��on or ac��flns, causes �r causes of ac��on, �iabil�ties, dama�es, and o�her claxms and demands of �vha�sae�er na�ure ar k�nd agains� the To�vn due �o the Equ�pmer�t o�• �he F�re �istrict's use of the Equ�p��nent frnm the Transfer Date fo�•�va� The �xre Dist�•ic� a�so hereby �vai�es and re�eases any and a�� r�gh�s and clax�ns for daznag�s �t ��nay ha�re agains� the Town af Marana, the Marana Po�ice Depar�z�.�nt, its officers employees, agen�s, rep�•esen�at��ves ar voiunt�ers fa�• an� and a�� injuries, damages o�• ��abi��t�es suffered or incurred by i� a� a result of its own�rship and use o� �h� � ui ment. q � S. Insu�ance. The Fire Dis�rict shall be sole�y respons�bie for ma�n�axning insurance for �he �quxpment f.rom the Transfer Date fo�~ward. 90 .�ITa��ces. A�I not�c�s, req��ests and ather c��nmun��a��on� under �h�s N��U shal� b� g�ven in writ�ng and e��h�r (�} personal�y s�r�ed on the par�y to whom xt �s gi�en, o�• �ii� rna�ied by registered ar cer�if�ed maz�, postage prepa�d, return receipt requested, or (�ii) sen� by pri�a�e o�rern�ght courier su�h as Federa� E�press or A��•borne, or (�v} transmitted by facsim��e �provid�d that a confirming copy of the fa�s�m�le �ransm�ss�on is ma��ed �n �he date of such �ran�miss�on), add�•essed as fo��o�rs: �f to t�� To�vn: To�v or MA�NA ATTN: TD�VN MANAGER � � SSS �]L�. ��v�c �enter Drive Marana, Arizona 55653 [5�0� 3 S�-1 ��0 Fa� �5��� 3 52-- � 9� � If to the F�re Dis�r�c�: NURTH'L�'EST F�RE I71STR�CT ADM��NISTRATIUN ��'FICES A�v: F�� C�-����� , 52�5 W. Massinga�e Road T`u�son, Ar�zana S 5 743 �5��� 857�-���� A�� nat�ces shall be d�emed giv�er� when delxve�•ed. or transm���ed �by facsim��e �r, if mai�ed as prov�ded above, on the secand day after the day af ma�ling, and �f sent by overnight caur•ier, �n the ne�t day after the da�e of deposi� with �he cau��er. Any par�y may change its add�•e�s for the �•e�eipt o�' not��es at any time by g��ing w� no��ce ther�of �o the o�her par��es in accorda.nce with the terms of. �his sec��on, �`he ina.bi���y �� deli�er notice because of a changed address af �vh��h no not�c� was given, or rejec�ion oz• aiher x•efusa� �o ac�ept any not�ce, shall be dee�r�ed �� be the effec���e rec�ipt of �he notice as of the da�e af such inabi�xty to de��ver or rejection o�~ refusal ta accept. {00o��3�s.�o� � �} w � .� � �. 1Vlisc�el.laneaus. �A) T�xs M�U may not be mod�f�ed ��cept �.n a writin� s�gned by bo�h of the Par���s. �B} Time is of the essence of �his M�U. ��) This M�U shai� be go�erned by and in�erpreted in accordance wi�h �he �aws of �he S�ate of Arizona, and any �awsui� to enforce any p�•ov�s�on of th�s N��U or ta ob�ain any remedy with resp�ct �o this M�U shall be brough� xn the Pima �ounty Su��r�a�• �ourt, and for th�s pu� the Parties �xp�•essly and i�•x•e�ocab�y cons�nt to �he jur�sdi�tion of the P�ma �oun�y Supe�•ior Cflu� �D} If eithe�• �f the Pa.r�ies fails �o perf.orm any of its obi�ga�ians under �his M�U or if a dispu�e arises �oncez�.�ng tk�e meaning or in�e��pretat�on of any p�•ov���a�l o#` this M�U, �he defau�ting par�y �r the par�y not pre�a�l�ng in the dispute, as the case may be, shall pay any and all cos�s and expenses incurred by the other par�y in enforc�ng or estab��shing �ts r�gh�s under �h�s M�IJ, �nc�uding, w��hout Iimi�a��on, caur� cos�s and reasonable . at�:orneys' fees. (E} T�e captions and sec�ion nun�bers appear�ng in th�s �VI�U ar� xnser�ed only as a �na��er of conven�ence, and do n�t defne, I�n1��, �onstrue or descri�e the scope flr inten� of such sec��ar�s or ar�icles �f th�s MC]U. �I'� Thxs M�U may be e�ecuted �n rnultip�e c�unterpar�s, e��h of wh�ch sha11, �ar �.�I purposes, be deemed an or�g�na� a.nd aI� �f whxch, ta�en �o�e�her, sha�� cons�i�ute �ne ar�d �he same agreement. �G} Th�s M�U sha�� be binding upon and �nure �o ��e b�neft of the Parties and t��e��� respec�i�e successors in �nteres� and ass�gns; prov�ded, h�we�er, that no ass�gnm�nt of this M��.J shall in any way re�ieve �he assignor of �ts oblxgatzons und�r tk�xs �VI�U. �I�� T�is MC�U is subject to A.R.S. � 3S�S 1 I, wh�ch pro��d�s for can�e��ati�n of contracts in cer�ain ��.s�ance� invo�v�n� coni��cts of in�erest. REMA�ND�R �F THIS PAGF I�NT�NTIC�NALLY L�F� �LANI� �aoo����s.�ac � z� � 3 m I� �v����vESS �r'����+�r, ���� �"a� he�°�ta ��a�r� ��ecu��d ��is �O�U as �f th�e �a�t da.�e se� fort� �ela�r t�.�ir �•e�pe�c�i�re sigr�a�u�'e�. T�� T��� �� M���.�, an �r���na m�� c��•;�+�� ;� � r � • '���� B: , � Y - Eel ne�., h��.y�r I��.��: A'�r�z�t���r: . � � � , .r � � :....��.�I� _ :.... - _ / ` �` � � �1 .Appr�v�d �.s �c� f�rr�.: � ��.- ,� � J r .a �, .� �, . . � . �� � .. .� . � � r � �"•i� � - - .��a. � F�.��•all, L7ep�ut� Tc�wn Attarn�y ������--�'��s�` F�� I��s�`�.�+�`�, �tl Ar���na �re a����*��� � �..�__ �. - -- - �; _�..�i��._ �" r 1��� �•���� ��a-��� �r�ac� Br�dleY � ,A���s��.n� C���f ��.te: �� � �Trr�s�r; s � Ti� Clay���, B��.rd �C1�er� Ap�ra�ved as �� or�r�: � �hc�mas Ben�.v�de�, F`ire �is�ric� Att�rney �a������s�r��c � �} � 4 - Exhi��t A ��st and Serial �Vumbers of Console Equ�pment 1x HP Procurv� Z524 �- 24 p�rt switch mode� J4813A SN = 5�42fiNV7.FD 5x HP xv�r41�}U workstations 5N� USlJ43�aDB� U�U43UDDB111! US�J43�DD9Z USU43��D�6 USiJ43��D�S 4x GVision tou�h scr�en monit�r �P17BH} SN = V7NP1�6C�D397 v�n�x���oo��o V7CV P12��038� V7NJ744�3�394 Zx �.x 4x 4x 4x Sx 4x 8x EEZ� FlexScan fiat panel monitar 4L557} SN= T4344�94 HP Pro�iant ML11� ser��r SN- �DKVL�GRE31 Motorala I1f���55D� �onsale� �L�358A} SN� 32ZCEU��77 ��ZCElJ��79 Motorola Cabs �L3359A} SIV = 3�2CElJ���1 3�2CEU�flS3 3Z�CEUDU84 3���FPDU11 Dual foot contr�l peda�s M�torafa dua� h�adset p�ugs �81�13A} Motorola goaseneck microphones �81914A} Motar�la radio speakers �B191ZA} 32��EU��78 3z2�EU��3�� Not listed but �ncluded to camplete each system: A1I Keybvards, cables, Mice requ�red to mak� each station fu nction a f �xhibit A- Marana Resolu�ion 2�13�11fi