HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 92-009 repealing resolution 91-25 and designating april 7, 1992 a special election relating to the ironwood specific planNOTICE OF ELECTION RESOLUTION 92-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF MARANA, ARIZONA, REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 91-25; DESIGNATING A SPECIAL ELECTION AND THE PURPOSE OF THE ELECTION; ESTABLISHING POLLING PLACES AND VOTING AREAS AND THE TIMES THAT SUCH POLLS WILL BE OPEN; DESIGNATING THE DEADLINE FOR VOTER REGISTRATION; DESIGNATING ABSENTEE VOTING PROCEDURES; ESTABLISHING A PUBLICITY PAMPHLET PUBLICATION FEE; AND APPOINTING ELECTION OFFICIALS AND FIXING THEIR COMPENSATION. WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Marana, on December 3, 1991, designated a special election submitting to the voters a referendum on whether to adopt a specific plan entitled "Ironwood Specific Plan" to be held on April 7, 1992, in Resolution No. 91- 25; and WHEREAS, it is provided by law for the holding of a special referendum election; and WHEREAS, it is provided by law that the Town shall establish polling places and voting areas; provide notice of the times that such polls will be open, the deadline for voter registration, and procedures for absentee balloting in said election; may impose a fee for the publication of the publicity pamphlet and may appoint election officials and fix their compensation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Town council of the Town of Mararia, Arizona, as follows: Section 1. Desiqnation of Special Election Date That Tuesday, April 7, 1992, is designated as the date for holding the special election of the Town of Marana for the purpose of referring to the qualified voters of the Town of Marana Referendum Petition No. 91-01 of the Town of Marana, for their approval or rejection. Section 2. Desiqnated Pollin~ Places and Votin~ Areas That the polling places and voting areas by precinct as established by the Pima County Division of Elections shall be: a) Voting Area 1 shall consist of Precincts 6, 222 and 262 and voters registered in said precincts shall vote at Marana Town Hall, 13251 North Lon Adams Road, Marana, Arizona; b) Voting Area 2 shall consist of Precincts 14, 223 and 275, and voters registered in said precincts shall vote at Continental Ranch Community Center, 8881 Coachline Boulevard, Tucson, Arizona. Section 3. Deadline for Voter Registration. That Pima County registration and voting lists will be used for the April 7, 1992, referendum election and, in order to be qualified to vote, voters must be registered by Monday, March 9, 1992. Section 4. Absentee Voting Procedures That absentee ballots for this special election will be available for distribution to qualified voters beginning March 4, 1992; that the deadline for obtaining absentee ballots will be 5:00 p.m., Friday, April 3, 1992, and that absentee ballots will b9 available from the Marana Town Clerk at Marana Town Hall, 13251 ~North Lon Adams Road. Section 5. Publicity Pamphlet That arguments for and against this referendum must be filed with the Marana Town Clerk no later than Friday, March 6, 1992; that said arguments may not exceed 300 words; and that at the time of filing said arguments a fee of $200 to pay for the costs of paper, printing and postage shall be paid to the Town of Marana by the proponent of the argument. Section 6. Election Officials That the Town Council of the Town of Marana hereby approves the hiring of those board workers and officers to conduct this special election as are on file with the Pima County Division of Elections on the morning of April 7, 1992, and to be compensated at an hourly or daily rate as established by the Pima County Division of Elections. Section 7. Repeal of Resolution 91-25 Resolution 91-25 is hereby repealed. PASSEDAND ADOPTED by the Mayor and Town council this 18th day of February, 1992. MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: AV~SO D~ ~LECCION RESOLUCION 92-09 UNA R~SOLUCION DEL ALCALDE Y DEL GONCEJO DEL PUEBLO DE MARANA, ARIZONA, REVOCANDO LA RP~0LUCION NUN. 91-25; DF~IGNANDO UNA ELECCION ESPECIAL Y EL PBOPOSIT0 DE LA EL~¢CION; ~TAELECIENDO LUOARF.~ DE VOTACION Y DISTRITOS DE V0TACION Y LAS HORA$ DU~ANTB LAE CUALES F, STARAN ABIERTOS TALES LUGARF.~ DE VOTAClON; DESIGNAND0 EL T~INO PAPA LA IN$CIPGION DE VOTANTES; DE$IGNANDO PROCEDIMIENTO$ DE VOTACION EN AUiENCIA; EiTABLECIEND0 UNA CUOTA DE PUBLICACION DEL FOLL~TO DE PUBLICIDAD; Y NOMBRANDO 0FICIALES ELeCTORALES Y PIJAND0 SU COMP~NiACION, VISTO QUE. el ConcmJo Municipal de1 Pueblo de Marsha. el d{e 3 de diciembue de 1991 design6 une elecci6n especial sometiendo e los rotantea un referendum tooante ala cuest~6n ~e adoptmr un plan espec{rico ti~ulado "Plan Eipecffico Ironwood" pare celebrarse el d~a 7 de abril de 1992. en la Resoluci6n N~m. 91-25; VISTO ~UE, ee proyea pot le~ pare le celeb~eci6n de una elecci6n especial de =efer~ndum; ¥ VISTO ~U~. se provue pot lay qua el Pueblo ha de establece~ lunares de Votaci6n ~ d~st~i~os de vo~eci6n; p=oveer aviso de lea ho~as durante 1as cuelea ~star~n &biertoe tales lunares de votaci6n. el t~rmino pare l& inscripci6n de voteabes, ~ proced£mie~%to~ pare voter en musenote en tel elecci6n; puede imponet tm& cuota pe~& la publlca¢i6n del lollarc de publicidad y puede nombrer oficieles electorales ~ FtJaF su compensacion. AHORA, POR LO TANTO, $E RESUELV~ pot el Alcalde y el ConceJo Municipal del Pueblo de Marsha, Arizona, como aigue: Secci6n l, Designaci6n de una Fecha pare la Elecci6n Especial Qua se deei.g~.e el mattes, d{e 7 de abcil de 1992, como la fecha pare ce~ebra~ la eleccion especial del Pueblo de MarSha pare el prop$sito de referir a los electores cali~icado$ del Pueblo de Marsha la Petici6n de Ro~e~6ndum N~m. 91-01 del Pueblo de Marena~ pare su aprobaci6n o rechazamiento. $ecci6n 2. Lugares de Votaci~n y Distritos de Votacl6n Designados Qua los lugares de votmci6n ~ distritos de votaci6n pot p~ecinto como eateblecidos pot le Divisi6n de Elecciones del Condado de Pima seen: e) Dietrito de Votaci6n 1 consistir~ en los Precintoa 6, 222 ¥ 262 y los insc~itoa en dichoa precintoa voteran en la Casa de Ayuntamiento del Pueblo de Malaria, 13251 North Lon Adams Road, Marsha, A~izona; b) Dietfifo de Votaci~n Z consisti~ en los P~ecintos 1~. 223 y 275 ¥ los voterites inscritoa en dichoa precintos votar~n en el Contac Comunita~io de 2ontinental Ranch, 8881 Coachline Boulevard. Tucson. Arizona. Saccite 3. Tgrmino de lnscripci~n de Vetantes. Qua lea inscripcion®a Y las lista~ de vetantes de Condado de Pima seen utilizedes papa la elecci6n da re~er&ndum del 7 de abril de 1992, y pare set cali~icadae a voter, los vetantes hen de lnscribirse papa el lunea, dfa 9 de marzo de 1992. Saccite q, ~cocedimieu~os de Vo~aci~n en Ausenci$ Qua lme boletam de vota¢i6n en ausencia pare esta elecciSn especial seen disponibles pare distribuci6n a los vetantes cali£icados empezando el d~a ~ de merzo de 19~2; qua el tgrmino de obtener boletea de votaci6n en ausencia sea ~:00 p.m., vie~xem, d~a ~ de abril de 1~2, Y que las boletea de votaciSn en eusencia mean dimponibles con la Archiveca del Pueblo de Marans. en la Case de AMuntamiento del Pueblo de Marsha, 132~1No~th Lee Adams Road. Secci~n 5. Fellere de P~blicidad Qua argUmentos a favor ~ en Oontra de este referendum seen archivedos con la Archirata de1 Pueblo de Marana no despu6s del vieyeas, el 6 de marzo de 1992; qua dichom argumentos no exceden de 300 palabram; ¥ qua al memento de archivat dichos a~,gumentoe una cuota de $200 pare pager el costo de papal, impresi6n y co~reo se pagua al Pueblo de Marsha per ®1 p~oponente del ar~umento. $ecci6n 6. O~tctalem Electo~alem Qua el Conesic Municipal del Pueblo de Marsha per la presents apruebe el use de aquellos funcionacio~ y oficiales electorales papa administ~ar esta elecci~n especial como mtotado en los a~chivos de la DivisiOn de Elecciones del Condado de Pima en la ma~ena del d[a 7 de abril de 1992 2 de set compensados a una cuota de per hera o po~ d~a como eetabl®cida per la Divisi6n de Elecciones del Condado de Pima. Sacci~n 7. Rovececile de la Raselucian N~m. 91-25 La Resoluci6n N~m. 91-2~ po~ la presents se revoca. APROBADA Y ADOPTADA per el Alcalde y el ConceJo Municipal este dfa 18 de febrare de 1992, CERTIFICA: ARCHIVERA MUNICIPAL ALCALDE ~echa Firmads: APROBADA EN FORMA: ABO~ADO DEL PUEBLO