HomeMy WebLinkAboutKathleen Golden - 08/11/1993 - (Minutes) Agenda Item VII.BSSION ME MINUTES OF SPECIAL PLANNING COMMI ETING PIXI- ?ING ?ANU _ZONING ?ffb_MMISSION ff -1 i-,.1-9-9 _3 DATE August 11, 1993 PLACE Marana Town Hall 1. CALL TO ORDER YE 6-:30 P-.M.-by Chairperson Wheeler Abbett 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE L-e-d By -Chai-rperson-Wh-eeler Abbett 3. INVOCATION /MOMENT OF SILENCE .5eli vered by Chairperson eler Abbett 4. ROLL CALL Wheeler Abbett Chairperson K. T. Berry Commissioner David Brewer Commissioner Kathleen Golden commissioner Viola Golden Commissioner Anton Krapek Commissioner Dorothy Sharnetsky commissioner Staf f Hu-rvie Davis Town Manager Sandra L. Groseclose Town Manager Mick Mathieu Town Engineer/GIHN Dan Hochuli Town Attorney Vick Charnis Building Official Keith Utter Police Officer Twenty-eight members of the public. 5. STUDY SESSION A. QuestionsZinformation on Agenda Items/Commission Procedures Dorothy Sharnetsky stated that there is a Commission Workshop August 31, 1993 in Paradise Valley and since it only cost $15.00 per person the Town should be able to foot the bill. Wheeler Abbett addressed a flyer that was circulating around Town and reminded everyone that the Commission can only address specifics of items that are on the Agenda. 6. APPROVAL OF AGENDA !?_mo:Ellon was made by Dorothy Sharndtsky, seconded by Dave Brewer and carried unanimously to approve the agenda as submitted. 1 MINUTES OF SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MARANA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AUGUST 11, 1993 7. PUBLIC HEARING A. Proposal to consider Granting A Conditional Use Permit For A livesto&k -Auct-lon And A-e-lated FacT1I-1ties,-!E_dA Ro-ideo Arena A motion was made by Dorothy Sharnetsky, seconded by Kathleen Golden and carried unanimously to go into public hearings. Time: 6:46 P.M. Carl Winters, 270 N. Church, Tucson, AZ Addressed the Commission stating that he is working for Joe Parsons and their request is for a conditional Use Permit which will allow him to construct a livestock auction, rodeo arena, snack bar and offices. This facility will employee five full time people. The auction will take place once a week and the rodeo arena will used only for practice at this time and it will also be available for use by 4-H and FFA. Carl Winters stated they do object to putting in a curb and gutter and sidewalks but is willing to comply with the remaining conditions recommended by the Manager. Dorothy Sharnetsky has concerns about the control of dust. Joe Parsons, 13580 Kirby Hughes Rd., Marana, AZ Stated that this is a family venture. Anton Krapek asked where the livestock would come from. Joe Parsons stated they are also in the livestock business and would be supplying the events. Hurvie Davis stated that the Town Staff would concur with elimi- nation of the curbs and gutters along Kirby Hughes Road but would like to see some walkway from the parking lot. Joe Parson added that the front of the lot will be used for parking by cars and trucks not truck and trailers for those visiting and not participating. Bill Schisler 12561 N. White, Marana Stated that he is in favor of this facility likes the involvement of youth. Bill Schisler also asked if the Conditional Use Permit is for a set period of time. Carl Winters stated that the Conditional Use Permit is permanent until it goes away. Dorothy Sharnetsky asked if all of Kirby Hughes would be paved. Carl Winters stated only from Luckett on Kirby Hughes Rd to the entrance to the property. 2 MINUTES OF SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MARANA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AUGUST 11, 1993 Recess Y.ime: 7:06 P.M. Back in Session T-i-me:-7:16 P.M. B. Proposal To Amend Tangerine Hills Specific Plan Requested Change: Regional Mall To Single Family Residential Propoged Development: Resi-dential Uses Kathleen Golden declared a conflict of interest because her property boarders Tangerine Hills. Kathleen Golden left the Council Chambers during this item. Linda Polito of WLB Group 4444 E. Broadway, representing Rob- erts Sharp and Associates. Linda Polito stated they are asking to down zone the property and reduce the density and land use intensities from a Regional Mall to a Residential Community. Dorothy Sharnetsky stated her concern regarding septic systems in the area. Bob Sharp, 4817Pantano Ridge Place, Tucson Stated that due to the slope of the land, sewage would need to be pump?_d from a pumping station and Pima County is not encouraging pumping stations. Anton Krapek Page 4 - last paragraph to add "unless the Development Code is more stringent". Page 18 2-a concerned about size of lot. Page 19 C-1 would not like to automotive repair garage in a subdivision. Page 23 - 2-e should state that all events should be concluded by 11:00 P.M. Page 38 - C-1 when does the maintenance of the roads start - possible after the entire project is complete. Page 49 - 3-a salvaged trees have a hard time surviving and asked that if any reference is made to salvaged trees and if the trees were to die in a twelve month period they would be replaced at no charge. Mick Mathieu Page 5 B Section B, 2nd paragraph, 2nd sentence: Please explain how a major transportation corridor impacts residential uses, namely, higher density. Will these residential units be less desirable than the rest of the subdivision? Why not provide a buffer zone between Tortolita Parkway and the subdivision. 3 MINUTES OF SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MARANA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AUGUST 11, 1993 Exhibit 3 Miggitty Lane is mislabeled. Right-of-way widths for Tortolita Parkway, Camino de Oeste and Camino de Manana are not shown. Page 10 Table 1: The total under "Target" is incorrect. Exhibit 5 Miggity Lane is mislabeled. Page 37 Exhibit 12a, Local Street, Rural Area: This is not an acceptable street cross-section, per the Town of Marana's Roadway Development Guideline, January 1990. Bill Schisler, 12561 N. White Ave, Marana Addressed concerns with drainage; street width; easement for utilities underground; Sewage pump station; school site and parks. Herman Van der Matten, Director of Financial service for the Marana School District 11279 W. Grier Rd., Marana. Concerned about the growing number of children in the new devel- opment and the need for 13 to 15 acres of land for an elementary school. The school would like the land donated by the developer as the developer could recoup the cost of land through the sale of the homes and the school does not have that luxury. A motion was made by Dorothy Sharnetsky, seconded by K.T. Berry and carried unanimously to come out of the public hearings. Time: 8:05 P.M. Kathleen Golden returned to the Dais. 8. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - JUNE 20, 1993 A motion was made by Kathleen Golden, seconded by K.T. Berry and carried unanimously to approve the minutes of June 20, 1993. 9. PETITIONS - COMMENTS - ANNOUNCEMENTS Dorothy Sharnetsky asked that when any developer or anyone presents any program to the Commissioners do not call the Commis- sioners at their home in the evening. K.T. Berry stated that she attended a convention at a Tucson resort for Communities and that a Team of seven decided that they would put on a Safety Fair at the Marana Park for Children and Adults. Hurvie Davis stated that he will be interviewing applicants for the position of Planning Administrator and hopes to have that person on board by September 30, 1993 4 MINUTES OF SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MARANA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AUGUST 11, 1993 Sandy Groseclose stated that Founders Day is November 13, 1993 and the theme is Good old Country Fair. Ora Harn 11971 W. Grier Rd. stated that Congressmen Kolbe will be holding a Town Hall September 2, 1993 at the Marana Town Hall at 7:00 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. All Commission members will be invit- ed to attend a dinner at 5:30 P.M. at the Pinal Air Park. 10. REPORT FROM TOWN COUNCIL - MINUTES OF MAY 25, 1993; JINE 1, 1993; JUNE 16, 1993 None 11. NEW BUSINESS Approval Of Development Plan For Community Treatment Facility - Management alld-Tra-l-ning Corp. Hurvie Davis gave a brief overview of the process that MTC had gone through and that no formal protests were received. Mr. Davis then introduced Mr. Bernie Diamond! Vice President of Special Services and on of the founders of (MTC) Management and Training Corporation. Mr. Diamond introduced consultants: Ray Love, Charlie Dean, Dennis Weiss, Michael May and Ron Russell. Mr. Diamond gave an overview of MTC and stated how pleased they were to be in Marana. He also stated that MTC provide a Grant Writer, at the request of Mayor Harn, to assist in requesting funds for the paving of Silverbell Road. A motion was made by Dorothy Sharnetsky, seconded by Anton Krapek to recommend favorable approval of the Development Plan for the Community Treatment Facility to the Marana Town Council subject to meeting all requirements of the Town Engineer. B. Proposal To Consider Granting A Conditional Use Permit For A Livestock Auction And Related Facilities, And A Ro--deo Arena A motion was made by K.T. Berry, seconded by Dave Brewer to approve granting a Conditional Use Permit for-a Livestock Auction and Related Facilities, and a Rodeo Arena. Dorothy Sharnetsky amended the motion, seconded by Kathleen Golden adding "to follow all the Town Engineers recommendations". The motion carried unanimously. A motion was made by Dorothy Sharnetsky, seconded by K.T. Berry and carried unanimously to also require the following: 5 MINUTES OF SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MARANA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AUGUST 11, 1993 That the use: 1. is appropriate to the specific location; 2. is not detrimental to the health , safety and general welfare of the town; 3. will not adversely affect the orderly development of property within the town; 4. will not adversely affect the preservation of property values and the protection of the tax base and other substantial revenue sources within the town; 5. is consistent with the objectives, policies general land uses and programs specified in the general plan and applicable specif- ic plan, if any; 6. will not create a nuisance or enforcement; problem in the neighborhood; 7. will not encourage marginal development within the neighbor- hood; 8. will not create a demand for public services within the town beyond that of the ability of the town to meet in the light of taxation and spending restraints imposed by law; 9. is consistent with the town's approved funding priorities; and, 10. that the proposed site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the intended use and that all requirements for the zone district, included but not limited to, setbacks, walls, landscaping and buffer yards will be met. C. Proposal To Amend Tangerine Hills Specific Plan Requested Change : Regional Mali to ff-ingle Family Residential Piopose Development: ResldenEilalUses A motion was made by Dorothy Sharnetsky, seconded by K.T. Berry and carried unanimously to table this until next month. 12. OLD BUSINESS None - 13. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 1-. T-angerinii -Hills 2. Add "Day Care" to Code and Update Definitions 3. Church not operating as a church in Marana Vista area 14. ADJOURNMENT X-mo n was made by Kathleen Golden, seconded by K.T. Berry and carried unanimously to adjourn. 6 MINUTES OF SPECIAL PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MARANA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AUGUST 11, 1993 AUDIO TAPES OF THE MEETING ARE AVAILABLE AT THE MARANA TOWN HALL CLERK'S OFFICE CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Special Planning Meeting of the Marana Planning and Zoning Commission held on August 11, 1993. :?,further certify that a quorum was present. er 7