HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977Town of Marana Mayor W.H. "Pat" Garrctt Vice Mayor E. Lorraine Price Clerk P.O. Box 157 COUNCIL MEMBERS Harry A. Hansen Clifford Ray Honea Buck Sam Chu Olin F. Waples Marana, Arizona 85~88 NOTICE OF SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING CCD CENTER - St. Christophers Church May 16, 1977 AT 7 P.M. COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA I. Public hearing on InLerim Budget for Lhe fiscal year ending June 30, 1977. Public hearing on Interim Budget for 77/78 fiscal year. II. Ordinance on issuance of warrants. III. Valley Bank status. IV. Discussion regarding-Application for StaLe Land Commercial Lease. V. Uniform Bldg. Code. VI. Correspondence from the StaLe TransporLaLion Dept., and Recreation DepL. Date of Incorporation March 7, 1977 MARANA COUNCIL MEETING Marana Town Hall. June 6, 1977 AT 7, P.M. COUNC.ZL MEETiNo CALL ~0 ORDER ~LL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES.MAY 16. 1977 ~E~I~I0%$ A~D C0~,N'fS BY CITIZE~ ~RF, SE~T a. I~. George Loaming will prosent planning and zoning proposals for the incor~orated Town of Marana. b. Final plans for the Valley National Rank. Co Valley National Bank opening tentatively scheduled for Labo~ Day. 5. REPOI~S F~_ROM Ol~IC~_ AND CQ~ITTF~ a. Inquiry concerning the official map of the town site. b, Report from Mr. W. H. 'Pat' Garrett-regarding the county wide sewer authority. 6. U~FINI$~D ~SINESS a. Setting up bookkeeping procedtu-es, b. Insurance and bond coverage. c. Associates for Youth Development Inc. d. Acquisition of state land. e. Arizona Department of Revenue. f. Itemized statement of time spent by Whitehill, Rerger, West, P.C. in representing the Tom of Marana. e. Social Services Plan (Title XX) 7. pus.z. ss Karp & To~n Meeting of Arizona. W.I.N. & C.E.T.A. Co PAG d. Travel claims for Town business. la~ana Sheriff. Pima Alcholism Consortium. CLAIMS a. Installation of cooler. b. " "of locks. c. Purchase of office supplies. d. " "printed material. 9. MISCELLANEOUS a. MPc WePner GoePing-Annexation 10. ADJOURNMENT NAP. iNA COUNCIL I, IEETINO Narana Town Hall June 13, 1977 APPROVAL OF MI~,~UNE6. 1977 cz rzzmm a. ~r. ~(ax ~reen-~oh of ~h~tat trailer Oeor~e Leaming-Intarim Zonin~ Omil~anee. ~a.' To~ Luohow (land surveyor)'OPfiaial aa~ fo~ ~he ~ Of ~arana. b, a. l~. ~ank Ziph (Lawyer)-Legal counsel. b' ~naz~e meeting place on ordinance #77-1. o. Receded tapes for Town Council meetin~a. d. Refuse removal franchise for ~he Town of Narana, e. RuA-al Plre protection. £. after 7-1-~/. Cortaro'Water Users Assoc.-Loan of 3M copier & usage of asei~ed freque~cies for two way radio. Day Care Center. Scheduling of pay period for staff. a. Bill for wai-~a~ts. XIS~LLAI~O~8 , MAHANA COUNCIL MEET1NJ Marana Town Hall June 27, 1977 AT ? P.M. COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA 1. C$LL TO ORDER 2. ROLE CALL 3. SpPROVAL.~F.M~NUTES-JUNE 13, 1977 PETITIONS AND, COMMEN~S BY CITIZENS PRESENT 5. REPORTS FRO~ OFFICES AND COMMITTEES 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a. Basic Zoning Ordinance. 7. NEW BUSINESS ac b. d. e. f. g. h. 8. CLAIMS 9. MISCELLANEOUS Executive Session-Hiring of Town Marshall. Hiring of Town Lawyer. 10. ADJOU~NMENT Uniform Building Code. Resignation of Council member. Subdivision regulations. Election Ordinance regarding financ]sl disclosure. Election conducted by County Election Bureau. List of registered voters. 77-78 Municipal Budget discussion. Insurance for office property. MARANA COUNCIL MEETING Marana Town Hall July 5, 1977 AT ?: P.M. COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA CALL TO ORDER ROLL CAL~ APPROVAL OF AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTEST$~NE 27, 19~ R_EPORTS FROM OFFICES AND COMMITTEES ~NFIN!SHED BUSINESS a. Certifica~on Census Figure (1470) b. Zoning Ordinance '~ c. 77/78 Municipal Budget d. Uniform Bldg. Code study session. 7. N~EW BUSINESS e 0 10. 11. a. Workmens Compensation. b. Liability for Police Protection. c. Pima Association of Governments. d. Federal Revenue Sharing. e. Write-In candidates. gfl Gilin~ of dirt streets. · nsur~nce for Staff. 9LAIM,S a. Surplus purchase (furniture). b. Purchase of "71" Ford. ~TITIONS AND ~OMMSNTS BY CITIZENS PRESENT MISCELLANEOUS ~DJOURNMENT 1. CALL TO ORDER z. ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF AGF, ND$ ~. A~PROYAL OF,MINUTES MARANA COUNCIL MEETING Marana Town }{all July 18, 1977 AT 7 P.M. COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA ,_R~PORTB FROM OFFICES AND COMMITTE.F.S a. Street Maintenance 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a. Unified building code. b. Additional zoning covering transportation corridors. c. Insurance proposals. 7. N.EW BUSINESS ' 10. 11. a. Ordinance regarding-Magistrate Court. b. " "-Marshal's Office c. Revenue from the State of Arizona. d. Intergovernmental Agreement between Pima County and the Town of Marana regarding construction and maintenance of sewer facilities. aarana Messenger TIONS ,oR CO m N?S MISCELLANEOUS, ADJOURNMENT BY CITIZENS PRESENT ?0~ OF MARANA COUNCIL MEETING 7 P.M. Town Hall 8/1/1977 A,,GENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL A PROVAL OF A,PPa..OVAL OF s m o u lr 1977 a. Street Mainten~oe-~. Po~te~ ' b~ Report ~rom Marshal Senf. ~. ~ P~ITIONS A~ COUNTS BY OITI~N~ 10. a. LeCal opinion on Zoning Ox-dinance. . Inte~goverraaental agrej, m~nt~,const~uction and mainten~oe of sewe~ ~aa~lities. ~ ~~- 2~tus ~i' V'~le~btlor:~i ?ank building . a. Intergovernmental agreement on town elections, b. Amendment on ordinance 77-5. c. Required statement speoifing locations for posting public meeting notices. d~ Required publication of all ordinances. _~. e. Acquisition of second vehicle. f. Lt~ta for p~king area. a. See a~Zache~. ?0~I~ OF ~ARANA COUNCIL ? Town Hall 8/1/1977 AOEN, D,A Z. ~.J., TO ORDER 2. tOLL CALL 3. A~PROYAL OF ~e~I~DA ~. APPROVAL OF ~YJ~Pl~-July 18. 1977 PORTS FRO O ICES b. Report f~om Marshal 3°nfl. a. ~ep~eae~;ativea from (PPEP) Portable Practical F~epa~a~xon b. ~. Roasow-~exation. Educational a. Legal opinion on Zoning Ordinance. b. Intergovernmental agreement on construction and maintenance sever facilities. o. Status of Valley N~ticnal Eank building . a. Intergovernmental agreement on town elections. b. ~mendment on ordinance 77-5. c. Requi~ed statement specifing locations for postin~ public meeting notices. d. Requi~ed publication of all o~dinances. e. Acquisition of second vehicle. f. Lights for parking a~ea. a~ ~ee attacha~o 11 . A~_ JOURI~ENT · Town of Marana P.O. Box 157 Marana, Arizona 85:888 SPECIAL MEETING Aug. 29, 1977 M~rans Town Hall ?:00 p.m. AGENDA 1. Meeting called order. ~. Unified Building Code. Zoning Ordinance. Subdivision Plat. C~ass of election ~otes, ~' 8. Adjournment of Special meetin~ into Executive Adjourr~.ent of Executive session, special meeting resumed. 10. Adjournment. Town of Marana P.O. Box 1157 Marana, Arizona 85~88 ~PECIAL MEETING Aug. 29, 1977 at Marana Town Hall 7:00 p.m. AGENDA 1. Meeting called order. 2. Approval of agenda. 3. Mr. Tom Luckow-Official map for the Town of Marana. [~. Unified Building Code. ~. Zoning Ordinance. 6, Subdivision Plat. 7. Canvass of election votes. 8. Adjournment of Special meeting, into Executive session. 9. Adjournment of Executive, session, special meeting restnned. 10. Adjournment. Date ofhacorporation March 7, 1977 ~OU~CIL A_G E N~,DA 2. ROLL CALL 5. REPORTS FROM OFFICES ~ND COMMITTEES a. Report f~om Marshal Don Senf. 6. ~TITIONS AND CO~ENT~ BY CITIZENS P~E~EN~ ~. Mr. Clyde Berry. 7. ~FINISHED B~SINESS a. Building Code. b. ~ubdl¥ision. 8. ~3~W BUSINESS s.. Adoption of Ordinance 77-8, providing for the regulation of burinig trash and other a~ticlea b. Adoption of Ordinance 77-9, providing for the licensing and regulation of massage parlors and bathhouses. 9. C~AIMS AND F!NANC/AL.~PORT. See mttached. 10o Adj~u~n~e~tl~q~egular meeting into executive 11~- Adjournment of executive session, ~2. Adjournment. sessio~. ~egular meeting resumed. Town of Marana P.O. Box 1157 CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF AGENDA Marana, Arizona 85288 TOWN COUNCIL MEETING Marana Town Hell 7 P.M. 9/21/1977 AGENDA REPORTS FROM OFFICES AND COMMITTEES a. Marshall's report PETITIONS AND COMMENTS BY CITIZENS PRESENT a. Ms. Pat Bally-Request for building permit. b. Mr. Leroy Rossow c. Richard Insalaco-Sign plumbing Shop 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a. Tom Luckow-Official Map for Town of Marana 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Funds requested from CETA for Road and Equipment Maintenance Program. b. Funds requested from Programming of Safer Off-System Roads (SOS) Projects. c. Neighborhood Youth Corp., high school youths for future employment with the Town of Marana. d. Printing of building permits. e. Federal Home Administration. f. Affirmative Action Program. g. Pima Association of Governments. h. Retirement Plan for Employees. i. Info. on the Valley National Bank for the TQwn of Marana. j. Resolution for Health Services. k. Signs for the Town of Marana. 8. CLAIMS a. Request to attend Judicial Conference-Town Magistrate. 9. MISCELLANEOUS 10. ADJOURNMENT Date of Incorporation March 7, 1977 MARANA COUNCIL MEETING Marana Town Hall Oct. 3, 1977 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA '1. ~AL~ TO 9RDER 2. ~OLL CA~L &PPR0VA O{I DA APPROVAL OF $INUTES ~T,{TIpNS AND COMMENTS BY CITIZENS PRESENT a. Acting Marshal,s report. b. Correspondence from Ms. Pat Bailey. c. Ms. ~helly Guillaume, representative, Hughes and d. Mr. Joseph Jones-Garbage Collection franchise. Calihan Corp. 6. UN. FINISHED BUSINESS a. LEAA funds. b. CETA funds. c. Mr. Go.ring-Annexation d. Resolution for Health Services. B~SINESS Appointment of Mayor and Vice-Mayor for office. Purchase of signs from Correctional Industries. Discuesion on Engineering Firm.~ Acquisition of road grader, water truck, and 550 gal. diesel stores.. Acquisition of ambulance for the Town of Marana. 8. ~LAIMS a. Monthly financial report. 9. ISC LLA OUS a. Executive Session-CETA personnel. Io. ADJOURNMENT Town of Marana P.O. Box 157 Marana, Arizona 85238 MARANA COUNCIL MEETING Marana Town Hall Oct. 17, 1977 At 7: P.M. SPECIAL, MEETING AG, E ,N~.,,.A CALL TO ORDER ~OLL CALL ..~FRO~AL OF A~,.,~A. REPORTS FROM OFFICES AND COMMITT.E.,F~, PETITIONS AND CO~.ENTS BY, C.ITIZENS PRESENT. a. Liquor license application transfers. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a. Presentation of Hospitilization Plans. Oran Cochran 7:00 P.M. Mars Burnell 7:30 P.M. b. C.E.T.A. Road Program c. Building permit--Hinton 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Oath of Office for Elected terms b. Resolution for equal employment opportunity c. Ethnic and unemployment survey, as reco~aended by Roberto Ruiz. 8.CLAIMS AND FINANC~A.L REPORT a. Travel claim 9. M ,I SC ~J.T.~EOUS lo. ,AW. OURme3m. Town of Marana P.O. Box 157 Marana, Arizona 85288 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MARANA COUNCIL P~Y~ETING Mar~u~ Town Hall Oct. 17, i977 At 7: P.M. ~ECIAL MF~TING AGENDA P~.,PORTS FROM OFFICES AND COMMITTE~S PETITIONS AND?O~ENTS BY CITIZENS PRESENT. a. Liquor license application transfers. 6. qNFINIS_HED. BUSINESS e ® ae Presentation of HospitilJzation Plans. Oran Cochran 7:00 P.M. c. Building permit--Hinton N_~E~' BUSINESS C.E.T.A. Road Program a. Oath of Office for Elected terms b. Resolution for equal employment opportunity c. Ethnic and unemployment survey~ as recomsaended by Roberto Ruiz. CLAIMS AND FINANCIAL REPORT a. Travel cladm ADJOURnmENT. Town of Marana P.O. Box 157 Mai'aaa, Arizona 85238 MARANA COUNCIL MEETING Marana Town Hall Nov. 7, 1977 AT ?: P.M. RE.gULAR.MEETING AGENDA CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF AGENDA ~EPORTS FROM OFFICES AND COMMITTEES a. Report from the Marshal's Office. b. Report from Town Engineer, Roberto Nuiz. PETITIONS AND COMMENTS BY CITIZENS PRESEN~z a. Petition of complaint from~sidents of Berry Acres. b. UNFINISHED BUSINES~ a. Mr. Glen Gittner/Mr. W. Goer~nE- Annexation. b. M~. To~ Luckc~-~urv~y:r c. Dr. George Leaming-Zoning Code. d. Resolution for Health Services. e. Status of Valley National Bank building. f. LEAA grant approval. 7. N~W BUSINESS a. Resolution 77-1I- a resolution providing Social Security Coverage for the employees of the Town of Marana. b. Compensation for time off. c. Renovation of office. d. Transportation Action Plan & Traffic Count. e. Acquisition of teletype. f. Pre application for loan. 8. CLAIMS ~ND FINANCIAL REPORT. a. Mileage claims. b. Revenue disbursement statement. 9. MISCELLANEOUS a. Pitney Bowes Co.-renting of postage meter. b, Master Communications Dat~ oflnco~oration M~ch ?, 1977 c. LDS Church. 10. ADJOURNMENT 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION R. Personnel Town of Marana P.O. Box 157 Marana, Arizona 85288 MARANA COUNCIL MEETING Marana Town Hall Nov. 7, 1977 AT 7: P.M. ~EOULAR MEETING AGENDA 1. ~ALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA ~. RSPO~TS,.FROM OFFICES AND COMMITTEES ~'~ b. Report from Town Engineer, Roberto Ruiz. ~--'~'~. 5. PETITIONB AND COMMENTS BY O~TIZENS PRES~NT~ a. Petition of complaint from ~esidents of Berry b. 6. UN. FINISHED BUS!NES~ / . Mr. Glen Gittne_r/Mr. W. Goer~n~- Annexation. Dr. George Leaming-Zoning 06~e. ~ e. Status of Valley National B~ building. ~ a. Resolution providing Social Security Coverage for of the Town of Marana. b. Compensation for time off. c. Renovation of office.~V~--I _. d. Transportation Action Pla~'&~raffic Oount.~e~'~. ~ ~4~e. Acquisition of teletype. ~ ~.~.~f. Pre a~ication for lo~ ~f 8. C~I~ AND ~IN~OIAL ~EPO~T. a. Mileage claims. b. Revenue disbursement statement. 9. MISCELLANEOUS a. Pitney Bowes Co.-renting of postage meter. b. Master C?.m~unications REGULAR AGE~DA 11~7-77 Page 2. COUNCIL MEETING c. LDS Church. 10. 6DJOURNMENT ~. ~c~v~ SESSION a. Personnel